Heart-warming story of generosity at ALDI sparks emotions in shoppers - Here’s what happened

We've all been there, staring at the empty wallet and counting coins just to make sure we have enough to get by. The cost of living has reached astronomical heights, and every dollar we earn or save seems to disappear in rent, bills, and groceries.

It's no surprise that many of us are feeling the pinch and are unable to indulge in exciting experiences, let alone go out for dinner with friends. It's essential to pause and remember the little things we’re grateful for.

Grocery shopping may be a stressful experience these days, but for one ALDI customer, it was a heart-warming reminder that kindness still exists.

A shopper recently took to a local community Facebook page to share an incredible story of a selfless gesture she witnessed at the check-out.

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The heart-warming act at an ALDI store in NSW caught the attention of many shoppers. Credit: Shutterstock.

The customer from New South Wales said that the kindness of a stranger towards an elderly woman in front of her completely stunned onlookers.

The woman wrote: ‘Shout out to the beautiful lady at ALDI today at lunchtime when an older lady before her couldn't get her card to work.’

'She swiped her card to pay for her goods!’

The customer who witnessed the whole thing said the older lady was overwhelmed to such a point that she couldn't even find words to express gratitude.

‘She obviously has never had such an awesome act happen to her,’ she continued.

With the rising cost of living, the generous woman's selfless act really made the shopper’s day.

'It warmed my heart, brought tears to my eyes and made my day,' she said.

Many people agreed that the simple but selfless act was a lovely gesture.

In an amazing turn of events, the generous woman who paid for the groceries saw the post and commented.

'It's the least I could do,' she wrote.

She went on to thank the kind commenters but then went on to say it was something she was happy to do.

'I appreciate it, but you would've done the same,' she wrote in her reply to the post.


The friends of the shopper vouched for her kindness and generosity. Credit: Pexels/RODNAE Productions.

The shopper's friends weren't surprised when they saw the post about her selfless gesture towards the elderly shopper.

They knew that she would always go out of her way to help others.

'Not surprised this was you. You are a beautiful person,' one of her friends commented.

And it seems that generous acts of kindness at ALDI aren’t uncommon either.

A couple of weeks ago, someone else on the post also revealed they had experienced a similar situation.

'This happened to me not so long ago at ALDI! My card was not working on my phone, nice lady paid for my groceries - $180,' they said.

Another shared: ‘I had that done for me a couple of weeks ago in Nowra for no reason. It does make you feel grateful that there are still nice people in our midst.’

Key Takeaways
  • A New South Wales shopper recently witnessed a kind stranger pay for another shopper's groceries at an ALDI store.
  • The act of kindness received a positive reaction on the local community Facebook page.
  • The generous shopper saw the post and commented, noting it was something she was happy to do.
  • Other commenters revealed similar acts had happened to them recently, demonstrating the spirit of generosity is alive in many shoppers.

Members, this story is truly inspiring. It just goes to show that one small act of kindness can make a world of difference for someone else.

Have you ever witnessed an act of kindness like this? Better yet, have you experienced being aided by a good samaritan unexpectedly? Share your stories with us in the comment below!
I’m so sorry you’ve never witnessed anything like this happen- I think it’s usually in food stores not other shops so much. I have seen this happen at Aldi and it happened to me once at a Woolworths store when the card scanner malfunctioned and I had no cash- a very kind man who was waiting at the front of the store walked up with cash to help me out - it was just the best feeling of being surrounded by a beautiful community. I had the money to pay him back and got his details, but I had to really press him for this as he saw I was older and just wanted to give it to me. I said to him that one day I might need to do that- but not today!
I think of him often when I hear of so much evil in the world and it warms my heart.
Why should you be sorry I haven't witnessed it? Sounds like you want me to see it happen?

I don't see why someone would pay for you just because the card scanner malfunctioned? Surely thats just a fault with the scanner? Nobody there to fix it? How does that imply someone hasnt got money to pay?
Reckon this GRINCH bloke goes to pub with mates?? when it comes to his round, he buggers off home!
Hilarious........not!!! :rolleyes: I don't even drink so don't go to pubs. Are you so generous giving away your money?🤔
Why should you be sorry I haven't witnessed it? Sounds like you want me to see it happen?

I don't see why someone would pay for you just because the card scanner malfunctioned? Surely thats just a fault with the scanner? Nobody there to fix it? How does that imply someone hasnt got money to pay?
I wouldn't do this for just anyone as cards sometimes don't work but if I had the money and saw someone truly in need or a vulnerable person then I would help
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In the many shops I've been in I've the years I've never seen anyone do that. Personally I wouldn't spend my own money on a stranger. I'm not a bank and want to use my money on me.

Why don't these people know how much they've got to spend before they go shopping? And what happened to all the "old people" that supposedly don't know how to use a debit card for paying and can only use cash? Are there some people that purposely do this? Maybe they go to different shops trying to get something for nothing? 🤔
If you pay with cash then you now how much you have left when you are on a budget. At least paying with cash and not having a credit/debit card you won't get scammed I had someone ring me up telling me I was about to be paying $40k and to give them my credit card number so they could stop it when I said I didn't have a credit card they hung up
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If you pay with cash then you now how much you have left when you are on a budget. At least paying with cash and not having a credit/debit card you won't get scammed I had someone ring me up telling me I was about to be paying $40k and to give them my credit card number so they could stop it when I said I didn't have a credit card they hung up
I'm on a budget like anyone else, but I certainly wouldn't get rid of my debit card and my bank account is on my phone so I know how much I have straight away.

And if someone phoned me up to tell me I'm supposed to be paying an amount I don't know about then I'd just laugh at them, say something like Ok then, then hang up. Although any unknown numbers get blocked on my phone anyway.
The only time I didn't have enough money was the one time I had to decide what I could do without. No fairy godmother for me, unfortunately. Now I make sure on pension days that I pay all bills first using online banking. Then once a month on a pension day I go to the doctor after that shopping while I still have money in the bank. Anything left over in the bank goes to pay for milk my funeral fund & mobile calls. Hopefully, there is enough left for those things.
The only time I didn't have enough money was the one time I had to decide what I could do without. No fairy godmother for me, unfortunately. Now I make sure on pension days that I pay all bills first using online banking. Then once a month on a pension day I go to the doctor after that shopping while I still have money in the bank. Anything left over in the bank goes to pay for milk my funeral fund & mobile calls. Hopefully, there is enough left for those things.
And I bet you worked hard all of your life hoping for a reasonable retirement. 😔 It is really shocking what some pensioners are expected to live on - more like exist! 😡
Why should you be sorry I haven't witnessed it? Sounds like you want me to see it happen?

I don't see why someone would pay for you just because the card scanner malfunctioned? Surely thats just a fault with the scanner? Nobody there to fix it? How does that imply someone hasnt got money to pay?
Really? 🙄
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My mother lives in Taree and shopping at Woolworths her card wouldn't work and a lady came up and said to the teller to use her card. It was for around the same ammount and she wouldn't let my mother repay her.

It is so good to give even if it isn't money your time is just as valuable.

I look at it when you die you can't take your money with you , but by doing good for others it banks wealth for heaven .

But you should be doing these things from your heart.

The only thing that gets me with this story is how did the giver find the story online?
Or was the actual author of the story the giver ?

When I do good for others I keep it to myself
Same here.
Why should you be sorry I haven't witnessed it? Sounds like you want me to see it happen?

I don't see why someone would pay for you just because the card scanner malfunctioned? Surely thats just a fault with the scanner? Nobody there to fix it? How does that imply someone hasnt got money to pay?
Well I’m sorry for 2 reasons:
1- because if you had you might feel differently about kindness and generosity in the community, which believe it or not does happen pretty frequently.
2 - because you seem to think that because you haven’t seen it in the “many shops you have been in” that it doesn’t occur and the original poster is making it up

But you’re welcome to your opinion on this and every other topic on this site. Someone called you a Grinch, maybe that’s a bit harsh- but you certainly cling very tightly to your belief that you don’t need to show kindness to anyone. Perhaps nobody has shown kindness to you!
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Well I’m sorry for 2 reasons:
1- because if you had you might feel differently about kindness and generosity in the community, which believe it or not does happen pretty frequently.
2 - because you seem to think that because you haven’t seen it in the “many shops you have been in” that it doesn’t occur and the original poster is making it up

But you’re welcome to your opinion on this and every other topic on this site. Someone called you a Grinch, maybe that’s a bit harsh- but you certainly cling very tightly to your belief that you don’t need to show kindness to anyone. Perhaps nobody has shown kindness to you!
Kindness can be different things. I'm kind to my family, but I'm not that kind to pay for someones shopping that I don't know. And I'm not that kind to volunteer for anything that doesnt involve me or work in somewhere like a hospital or care home. I suppose that could be classed as unkind or just selfish? I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.
Well I’m sorry for 2 reasons:
1- because if you had you might feel differently about kindness and generosity in the community, which believe it or not does happen pretty frequently.
2 - because you seem to think that because you haven’t seen it in the “many shops you have been in” that it doesn’t occur and the original poster is making it up

But you’re welcome to your opinion on this and every other topic on this site. Someone called you a Grinch, maybe that’s a bit harsh- but you certainly cling very tightly to your belief that you don’t need to show kindness to anyone. Perhaps nobody has shown kindness to you!
As I said you’re entitled to your view
We've all been there, staring at the empty wallet and counting coins just to make sure we have enough to get by. The cost of living has reached astronomical heights, and every dollar we earn or save seems to disappear in rent, bills, and groceries.

It's no surprise that many of us are feeling the pinch and are unable to indulge in exciting experiences, let alone go out for dinner with friends. It's essential to pause and remember the little things we’re grateful for.

Grocery shopping may be a stressful experience these days, but for one ALDI customer, it was a heart-warming reminder that kindness still exists.

A shopper recently took to a local community Facebook page to share an incredible story of a selfless gesture she witnessed at the check-out.

View attachment 15022
The heart-warming act at an ALDI store in NSW caught the attention of many shoppers. Credit: Shutterstock.

The customer from New South Wales said that the kindness of a stranger towards an elderly woman in front of her completely stunned onlookers.

The woman wrote: ‘Shout out to the beautiful lady at ALDI today at lunchtime when an older lady before her couldn't get her card to work.’

'She swiped her card to pay for her goods!’

The customer who witnessed the whole thing said the older lady was overwhelmed to such a point that she couldn't even find words to express gratitude.

‘She obviously has never had such an awesome act happen to her,’ she continued.

With the rising cost of living, the generous woman's selfless act really made the shopper’s day.

'It warmed my heart, brought tears to my eyes and made my day,' she said.

Many people agreed that the simple but selfless act was a lovely gesture.

In an amazing turn of events, the generous woman who paid for the groceries saw the post and commented.

'It's the least I could do,' she wrote.

She went on to thank the kind commenters but then went on to say it was something she was happy to do.

'I appreciate it, but you would've done the same,' she wrote in her reply to the post.


The friends of the shopper vouched for her kindness and generosity. Credit: Pexels/RODNAE Productions.

The shopper's friends weren't surprised when they saw the post about her selfless gesture towards the elderly shopper.

They knew that she would always go out of her way to help others.

'Not surprised this was you. You are a beautiful person,' one of her friends commented.

And it seems that generous acts of kindness at ALDI aren’t uncommon either.

A couple of weeks ago, someone else on the post also revealed they had experienced a similar situation.

'This happened to me not so long ago at ALDI! My card was not working on my phone, nice lady paid for my groceries - $180,' they said.

Another shared: ‘I had that done for me a couple of weeks ago in Nowra for no reason. It does make you feel grateful that there are still nice people in our midst.’

Key Takeaways

  • A New South Wales shopper recently witnessed a kind stranger pay for another shopper's groceries at an ALDI store.
  • The act of kindness received a positive reaction on the local community Facebook page.
  • The generous shopper saw the post and commented, noting it was something she was happy to do.
  • Other commenters revealed similar acts had happened to them recently, demonstrating the spirit of generosity is alive in many shoppers.

Members, this story is truly inspiring. It just goes to show that one small act of kindness can make a world of difference for someone else.

Have you ever witnessed an act of kindness like this? Better yet, have you experienced being aided by a good samaritan unexpectedly? Share your stories with us in the comment below!
I was in the food hall in Lakeside shopping centre at Joondalup, WA today and had just bought lunch and went to buy a drink at another stall and realised I didn't have my purse. Because of my state of panic I completely forgot that I'd bought lunch and went haring off to the shoe shop where I thought I'd left it. Of course it wasn't there so back to the foodhall.
As I got to my table a young man came up and asked if I had lost a wallet. He came back to the Chinese food stall with me and told the staff that he'd found me. He had found my purse and handed it to the staff at the stall. Thanks to his honesty I got my purse back intact. There really are some lovely people out there .
My mother lives in Taree and shopping at Woolworths her card wouldn't work and a lady came up and said to the teller to use her card. It was for around the same ammount and she wouldn't let my mother repay her.

It is so good to give even if it isn't money your time is just as valuable.

I look at it when you die you can't take your money with you , but by doing good for others it banks wealth for heaven .

But you should be doing these things from your heart.

The only thing that gets me with this story is how did the giver find the story online?
Or was the actual author of the story the giver ?

When I do good for others I keep it to myself
Some people like to blow the trumpets 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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To the grinch - some people still prefer to pay with cash! And others struggle financially to the extent that there isn’t any money in the account, so it’s not as easy as “just pay with your card”. When my children were young and we struggled on one wage I had to put things back occasionally. Sometimes I had simply miscalculated the total cost.
Ivery had this happen to me three times now over the last 15 years. First time I forgot my card and my son ran home and got it, but a man behind me offered to pay, the second time my card wasn't working and the same thing a young man offered to pay and the third time was at Maccas and again an issue with my card, but my son was thete, but a young man again asked if he could help. Each time I resoved the issue and paid, but the offer each time was so generous and unexpected. I thanked them but it still felt inadequate for what they were offering to do.
In the many shops I've been in I've the years I've never seen anyone do that. Personally I wouldn't spend my own money on a stranger. I'm not a bank and want to use my money on me.

Why don't these people know how much they've got to spend before they go shopping? And what happened to all the "old people" that supposedly don't know how to use a debit card for paying and can only use cash? Are there some people that purposely do this? Maybe they go to different shops trying to get something for nothing? 🤔
There is a name for people like you...and we all know it! Continue with your mean thinking but try keeping it to yourself we don't need it here.
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