Handy tips
Hi, I believe that things that we have found in our lives to be valuable should be shared if it has proven to make our own life better.
This one is about toothache. I have had five instances of having to wait up to five weeks, from the time of the tooth ache starting, till the time when a dentist removed teeth from my mouth. I was in pain and each time I was told that THEY MUST come out.
Five teeth out in 69 years is a very good run, however my point of posting about this, is that in four years, I have not had a toothache "at all," even though my last dentist said one tooth especially, that he tapped, was very bad and it MUST come out.
I had a bad toothache a while later, with two weeks to wait for my dental appointment. Everything changed for me that day, when I read on google that according to science evidence, the reason that Polynesian people have very good teeth is because coconut oil kills the bacteria that causes teeth decay.
I thought ok let's give that a test and so I went and spent less than $10.00 at Woolworths and purchased Cold Compressed coconut oil.
I recall that I brushed my aching tooth gingerly with it, spat it out hoping I could now get to sleep nd all teeth pain not only stopped, but it also never returned! My last toothache was actually over four years ago! I brush intermittently with it now and use toothpaste as well afterwards.
I post this based upon my having no toothache at all since, that that it is my experience, that should either yourself or others be in pain and needing help?
I suggest giving Coconut oil, a go..
I do need to go to a dentist for fillings are required, but no tooth pain means no teeth extraction and I really wish I had known about this little trick years ago.