Greek Custard Pie

Have you ever been in a Greek Cafe or Bakery and seen those delicious custard slices that are wrapped in file pastry.....



4 cups of milk
3/4 cup of sugar
3/4 cup of fine semolina
3/4 cup 180g of unsalted butter
Grated rind of 1/2 lemon
Cinnamon stick
3 eggs lightly beaten
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 packet of filo pastry
1 quantity of syrup ...see below


1) Mix semolina, sugar, milk ,lemon rind ,Cinnamon stick in a saucepan

2) Heat until thickens, stirring constantly

3) let custard bubble gently over low heat for 5 minutes. Keep stirring.

4) Take from heat and remove Cinnamon stick let cool

5) Stir in vanilla essence and eggs

6) place half the filo pastry in a baking dish brushing each sheet with unsalted butter.

7 ) pour in custard and top with remaining sheets of pastry. Brushing each sheet with unsalted butter.

8) bake in a moderate oven for around 45 minutes or until just brown.

9) pour cooled syrup over hot pie . Store in fridge.


Place 1 cup of sugar in a small saucepan add 1 cup of water, 1 strip of lemon rind and 1 Cinnamon stick.
Mix then bring to the boil then simmer for 10 minutes and then cool
remove lemon strip and cinnamon stick and pour cooled syrup over hot custard pie.

Note : this syrup can be used for a number of recipes including poured over a plain cake while still in the cake pan

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Have you ever been in a Greek Cafe or Bakery and seen those delicious custard slices that are wrapped in file pastry..... well this is that


4 cups of milk
3/4 cup of sugar
3/4 cup of fine semolina
3/4 cup 180g of unsalted butter
Grated rind of 1/2 lemon
Cinnamon stick
3 eggs lightly beaten
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 packet of filo pastry
1 quantity of syrup ...see below


1) Mix semolina, sugar, milk ,lemon rind ,Cinnamon stick in a saucepan

2) Heat until thickens, stirring constantly

3) let custard bubble gently over low heat for 5 minutes. Keep stirring.

4) Take from heat and remove Cinnamon stick let cool

5) Stir in vanilla essence and eggs

6) place half the filo pastry in a baking dish brushing each sheet with unsalted butter.

7 ) pour in custard and top with remaining sheets of pastry. Brushing each sheet with unsalted butter.

8) bake in a moderate oven for around 45 minutes or until just brown.

9) pour cooled syrup over hot pie . Store in fridge.


Place 1 cup of sugar in a small saucepan add 1 cup of water, 1 strip of lemon rind and 1 Cinnamon stick.
Mix then bring to the boil then simmer for 10 minutes and then cool
remove lemon strip and cinnamon stick and pour cooled syrup over hot custard pie.

Note : this syrup can be used for a number of recipes including poured over a plain cake while still in the cake pan

View attachment 5293
That sounds delicious 😋 must give it a go 🙏🏻 Thanks for sharing
That sounds delicious 😋 must give it a go 🙏🏻 Thanks for sharing
Follow the recipe exactly and it will be perfect . Would love to see pictures when you have made it
I will - would I post the pics here? I am still very new to this group. Thank you for replying to me. 🙏🏻💖
I need phyllo pastry or I would make it today
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Thankyou Suzanne rose for all you have offered here. Definitely on the must try list because my taste buds are running rampant just now.
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Thankyou Suzanne rose for all you have offered here. Definitely on the must try list because my taste buds are running rampant just now.
Stop drooling wipe your chops ezzy
Oh dear now I’m drooling.🤣 Yum
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