In 2008, when I was living with my parents, getting ready to come to Australia in 2009, we took a long road trip, to see family in Kansas City, Mo, and to look at retirement homes for my parents. My dad touched my heart by insisting that I had to be able to live with them (in case things didn't work out here).
We saw sooo many family, and it was amazing to see my first cousins kids, a HUGE amount of cousins.. LOL! Mom and I got to hold the infant of one of those many cousins, and it was amazing! First time I'd held one that small in years

That baby is now 17 and growing into an incredible young woman
One of my cousins was sitting by me at a huge gathering at one of the houses. He was telling me who was who cause I was just boggled! One of the cousins has threatened to come pick Jason and I up at the airport when we get there. In a bus filled with cousins! Jason isn't used to huge families like mine
Anyway, we then took a leisurely trip stopping at friends of theirs houses. We celebrated my 49th birthday with one set of friends. They took us to an amazing Italian restaurant!
Mom was almost in stitches a few times, saying how much Daddy and I were alike

One time it was that we both dipped hash rounds in syrup. What? It's good! LOL! And then she was teasing me that I was so like Daddy in that we would talk to anyone. Yeah, no Mom, I'm shy, I said after I finished talking to a lady at a rest stop
We went by a place my Dad played in years ago. It was a nightclub under ground! Sadly it had been filled in years ago, but we had photos.
The last part of the trip was stopping first to see my brother and his family. Then the last stop was at my sister's family. It was wonderful, especially since my younger nephew finally spoke up, a bit aggravated by how his older brother always insisted on sitting with me in the car. I sat in the back seats with a boy on either side the rest of that one.. LOL! And when we left, the older one came running out with a Care Bear and hugged it tight. He gave it to me and told me when I missed him thqt i could hug the bear. Yes, I cried and yes, that bear is in our bedroom on a high shelf
Sorry for such a long ramble!