From Breaking News to Breaking Alarms: Chaos Erupts on Today Show Set

Stuff happens and it pays to be prepared for the unexpected – especially when you're on live TV.

This week, Today hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were in the middle of broadcasting when a sudden, blaring alarm filled the studio. A bit of chaos and confusion ensued as the pair tried to make sense of what was happening, with raised eyebrows and stunned silence.

Newsreader Brooke Boney also found herself caught in the middle of the confusion. 'What do we do? It's news time...' she trailed off, looking just as perplexed as her co-hosts.

As the alarm continued to loop in the background, Abo quipped, 'That's something you don't hear every day.' But Stefanovic remained calm and collected, reassuring viewers that he couldn't smell any smoke and suggesting that the alarm was likely a false alarm.

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Hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were left having to broadcast over the top of the extremely distracting - and disruptive - noise. Credit: Instagram/thetodayshow.

Despite the unexpected interruption, the hosts managed to keep their cool and even found time to make light of the situation.

'For everyone around Australia watching, I know that you're personally worried about our safety at this point. I don't want you to be concerned,' Stefanovic joked, continuing the segment on a lighthearted note.

Despite the confusion, the hosts managed to maintain their composure. 'Can everyone hear me? I'll just go along with it until someone tells me not to,' Boney stoically launched into the news bulletin while the alarm continued to go off.

Meanwhile, Stefanovic was quick to take action, telling Abo, 'I'll make some calls, you do the news, and we'll see what happens.'

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The cause of the chaos was a false fire alarm that temporarily derailed the show. Credit: Unsplash/Josephina Kolpachnikof.

As the alarm continued to blare, Abo eventually addressed the cause of the disturbance. 'Now, if you were watching earlier, there was an alarm that went off... It was just a drill,' she explained to viewers.

However, it seems that Stefanovic took the 'precaution' seriously, as Abo later revealed that he had left the studio. 'My co-host, Karl, has decided to evacuate the building anyway. Anything for an early pass, right? Where is he? We've sent our team out to look for him,' Abo laughed.

As the camera panned down the hallways of the Nine offices, it finally honed in on Stefanovic, who was hiding underneath a desk, disguised in a hat and fake foliage. 'Unlike you all, I take workplace health and safety very seriously,' he quipped back to Abo's inquiry.

Stefanovic, as the workplace health and safety officer, explained that he always advises his team to 'keep calm and carry on' and go to the nearest bunker in the event of a real threat.

But Abo wasn't having any of it, jokingly telling Stefanovic that he was the biggest threat to the newsroom. 'I think the biggest threat to the newsroom is you, Karl,' Abo joked back. 'Stay as long as you like, mate.'
Key Takeaways

  • The Today show set descended into a moment of mayhem as a fire alarm was triggered during the ads.
  • Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo worked out what to do next and broadcasted over the alarm.
  • The alarm eventually stopped and it was revealed it was a false alarm.
  • Karl Stefanovic evacuated the building and was found under a desk 'taking' workplace health and safety seriously.
Despite the initial chaos and confusion, the hosts managed to keep their cool and find humour in the situation, turning an unexpected interruption into a valuable safety drill.

And with Stefanovic's 'commitment' to workplace safety, it's clear that the Today team is well-prepared for whatever unexpected events come their way!

Check out the classic footage for yourself below, and have a chuckle at theshow's misadventure.

Credit: TODAY.

The recent workplace safety drill on the Today show, which turned an unexpected interruption into a valuable learning opportunity, also highlighted the importance of properly maintained fire alarm systems.

While the hosts found humour in the chaos, false or unwanted alarms can create complacency towards genuine alarms, which could potentially result in serious injury or loss of life. They also divert the state's Fire Services' resources that would otherwise be available for genuine emergencies.

Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA) systems are a crucial component in fire detection for buildings and are designed to alert occupants and initiate quick responses in the case of fires. These systems are required under building legislation, as prescribed by the National Construction Code, and are administered by Local Government Authorities.

Here are some tips that can help you avoid unnecessary fire alarms:
  • Be sure to stay in the kitchen while cooking so that you can monitor your food and prevent it from burning or catching on fire.
  • Never leave a toaster unattended while it is in use.
  • Avoid smoking near smoke detectors.
  • Do not use aerosol sprays near smoke detectors, as they can also trigger the alarm.
  • Manage activities that produce dust, heat, smoke, etc., to ensure that a detector is not accidentally activated.
  • Make sure to ventilate steam and fumes away from smoke detectors, especially in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Take the time to understand your fire alarm system, including the type and location of the detectors, so that you can avoid inadvertently setting it off.
What do you think of this story, members? And we have to ask, what's the most chaotic situation you've been in? Share your stories with us in the comments below!
Stuff happens and it pays to be prepared for the unexpected – especially when you're on live TV.

This week, Today hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were in the middle of broadcasting when a sudden, blaring alarm filled the studio. A bit of chaos and confusion ensued as the pair tried to make sense of what was happening, with raised eyebrows and stunned silence.

Newsreader Brooke Boney also found herself caught in the middle of the confusion. 'What do we do? It's news time...' she trailed off, looking just as perplexed as her co-hosts.

As the alarm continued to loop in the background, Abo quipped, 'That's something you don't hear every day.' But Stefanovic remained calm and collected, reassuring viewers that he couldn't smell any smoke and suggesting that the alarm was likely a false alarm.

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Hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were left having to broadcast over the top of the extremely distracting - and disruptive - noise. Credit: Instagram/thetodayshow.

Despite the unexpected interruption, the hosts managed to keep their cool and even found time to make light of the situation.

'For everyone around Australia watching, I know that you're personally worried about our safety at this point. I don't want you to be concerned,' Stefanovic joked, continuing the segment on a lighthearted note.

Despite the confusion, the hosts managed to maintain their composure. 'Can everyone hear me? I'll just go along with it until someone tells me not to,' Boney stoically launched into the news bulletin while the alarm continued to go off.

Meanwhile, Stefanovic was quick to take action, telling Abo, 'I'll make some calls, you do the news, and we'll see what happens.'

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The cause of the chaos was a false fire alarm that temporarily derailed the show. Credit: Unsplash/Josephina Kolpachnikof.

As the alarm continued to blare, Abo eventually addressed the cause of the disturbance. 'Now, if you were watching earlier, there was an alarm that went off... It was just a drill,' she explained to viewers.

However, it seems that Stefanovic took the 'precaution' seriously, as Abo later revealed that he had left the studio. 'My co-host, Karl, has decided to evacuate the building anyway. Anything for an early pass, right? Where is he? We've sent our team out to look for him,' Abo laughed.

As the camera panned down the hallways of the Nine offices, it finally honed in on Stefanovic, who was hiding underneath a desk, disguised in a hat and fake foliage. 'Unlike you all, I take workplace health and safety very seriously,' he quipped back to Abo's inquiry.

Stefanovic, as the workplace health and safety officer, explained that he always advises his team to 'keep calm and carry on' and go to the nearest bunker in the event of a real threat.

But Abo wasn't having any of it, jokingly telling Stefanovic that he was the biggest threat to the newsroom. 'I think the biggest threat to the newsroom is you, Karl,' Abo joked back. 'Stay as long as you like, mate.'
Key Takeaways

  • The Today show set descended into a moment of mayhem as a fire alarm was triggered during the ads.
  • Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo worked out what to do next and broadcasted over the alarm.
  • The alarm eventually stopped and it was revealed it was a false alarm.
  • Karl Stefanovic evacuated the building and was found under a desk 'taking' workplace health and safety seriously.
Despite the initial chaos and confusion, the hosts managed to keep their cool and find humour in the situation, turning an unexpected interruption into a valuable safety drill.

And with Stefanovic's 'commitment' to workplace safety, it's clear that the Today team is well-prepared for whatever unexpected events come their way!

Check out the classic footage for yourself below, and have a chuckle at theshow's misadventure.

Credit: TODAY.

The recent workplace safety drill on the Today show, which turned an unexpected interruption into a valuable learning opportunity, also highlighted the importance of properly maintained fire alarm systems.

While the hosts found humour in the chaos, false or unwanted alarms can create complacency towards genuine alarms, which could potentially result in serious injury or loss of life. They also divert the state's Fire Services' resources that would otherwise be available for genuine emergencies.

Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA) systems are a crucial component in fire detection for buildings and are designed to alert occupants and initiate quick responses in the case of fires. These systems are required under building legislation, as prescribed by the National Construction Code, and are administered by Local Government Authorities.

Here are some tips that can help you avoid unnecessary fire alarms:
  • Be sure to stay in the kitchen while cooking so that you can monitor your food and prevent it from burning or catching on fire.
  • Never leave a toaster unattended while it is in use.
  • Avoid smoking near smoke detectors.
  • Do not use aerosol sprays near smoke detectors, as they can also trigger the alarm.
  • Manage activities that produce dust, heat, smoke, etc., to ensure that a detector is not accidentally activated.
  • Make sure to ventilate steam and fumes away from smoke detectors, especially in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Take the time to understand your fire alarm system, including the type and location of the detectors, so that you can avoid inadvertently setting it off.
What do you think of this story, members? And we have to ask, what's the most chaotic situation you've been in? Share your stories with us in the comments below!

Karl, doing more chringe worthy stunts, why is stuff polluting this blog? Surely, we could do better.
Oh, poor little Karl, my hero! It mustn't have been written on the idiot board that there was going to be a pretend fire alarm go off to interrupt your deep and meaningful ramblings and pertinent thoughts on the world situation.
I think that the station management should have some strong words with the cast and crew of this show.
The whole purpose of running fire drills is to teach the people to evacuate calmly and quickly to their designated locations. I don't think the cast should have carried on in such a light way. Show people the correct way to act, should they be caught in a real emergency situation.
If it was a planned drill and the station wanted to let the show run, then the cast should have been informed and then they could have simply relayed this information to viewers. "Sorry for this disruption but we are holding a fire drill and things will be back to normal in a few minutes" Then they could have continued to discuss things in a free style way until all had passed.
People would have understood the stop in transmitting and would have seen both the station and people as acting in a responsible manner.
Turning this into a comedy sketch was unacceptable. It is all too easy to laugh at fire drills but they are necessary and they do save lives. I hope Karl, his co-hosts and the station take the next drill a bit more seriously.
I think that the station management should have some strong words with the cast and crew of this show.
The whole purpose of running fire drills is to teach the people to evacuate calmly and quickly to their designated locations. I don't think the cast should have carried on in such a light way. Show people the correct way to act, should they be caught in a real emergency situation.
If it was a planned drill and the station wanted to let the show run, then the cast should have been informed and then they could have simply relayed this information to viewers. "Sorry for this disruption but we are holding a fire drill and things will be back to normal in a few minutes" Then they could have continued to discuss things in a free style way until all had passed.
People would have understood the stop in transmitting and would have seen both the station and people as acting in a responsible manner.
Turning this into a comedy sketch was unacceptable. It is all too easy to laugh at fire drills but they are necessary and they do save lives. I hope Karl, his co-hosts and the station take the next drill a bit more seriously.
Unfortunately, that requires a tad more grey matter than the entire bunch involved in this pathetic morning drivel show has. One thing I will always remember was little Karl, being shown around an opal mine somewhere a few years ago, asking in all seriousness (or maybe it was just plain stupidity), "How far do you have to dig before you find any opal?" Somebody once called television "the cretiniser". Never a truer word was spoken.
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Stuff happens and it pays to be prepared for the unexpected – especially when you're on live TV.

This week, Today hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were in the middle of broadcasting when a sudden, blaring alarm filled the studio. A bit of chaos and confusion ensued as the pair tried to make sense of what was happening, with raised eyebrows and stunned silence.

Newsreader Brooke Boney also found herself caught in the middle of the confusion. 'What do we do? It's news time...' she trailed off, looking just as perplexed as her co-hosts.

As the alarm continued to loop in the background, Abo quipped, 'That's something you don't hear every day.' But Stefanovic remained calm and collected, reassuring viewers that he couldn't smell any smoke and suggesting that the alarm was likely a false alarm.

View attachment 14656
Hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were left having to broadcast over the top of the extremely distracting - and disruptive - noise. Credit: Instagram/thetodayshow.

Despite the unexpected interruption, the hosts managed to keep their cool and even found time to make light of the situation.

'For everyone around Australia watching, I know that you're personally worried about our safety at this point. I don't want you to be concerned,' Stefanovic joked, continuing the segment on a lighthearted note.

Despite the confusion, the hosts managed to maintain their composure. 'Can everyone hear me? I'll just go along with it until someone tells me not to,' Boney stoically launched into the news bulletin while the alarm continued to go off.

Meanwhile, Stefanovic was quick to take action, telling Abo, 'I'll make some calls, you do the news, and we'll see what happens.'

View attachment 14657
The cause of the chaos was a false fire alarm that temporarily derailed the show. Credit: Unsplash/Josephina Kolpachnikof.

As the alarm continued to blare, Abo eventually addressed the cause of the disturbance. 'Now, if you were watching earlier, there was an alarm that went off... It was just a drill,' she explained to viewers.

However, it seems that Stefanovic took the 'precaution' seriously, as Abo later revealed that he had left the studio. 'My co-host, Karl, has decided to evacuate the building anyway. Anything for an early pass, right? Where is he? We've sent our team out to look for him,' Abo laughed.

As the camera panned down the hallways of the Nine offices, it finally honed in on Stefanovic, who was hiding underneath a desk, disguised in a hat and fake foliage. 'Unlike you all, I take workplace health and safety very seriously,' he quipped back to Abo's inquiry.

Stefanovic, as the workplace health and safety officer, explained that he always advises his team to 'keep calm and carry on' and go to the nearest bunker in the event of a real threat.

But Abo wasn't having any of it, jokingly telling Stefanovic that he was the biggest threat to the newsroom. 'I think the biggest threat to the newsroom is you, Karl,' Abo joked back. 'Stay as long as you like, mate.'
Key Takeaways

  • The Today show set descended into a moment of mayhem as a fire alarm was triggered during the ads.
  • Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo worked out what to do next and broadcasted over the alarm.
  • The alarm eventually stopped and it was revealed it was a false alarm.
  • Karl Stefanovic evacuated the building and was found under a desk 'taking' workplace health and safety seriously.
Despite the initial chaos and confusion, the hosts managed to keep their cool and find humour in the situation, turning an unexpected interruption into a valuable safety drill.

And with Stefanovic's 'commitment' to workplace safety, it's clear that the Today team is well-prepared for whatever unexpected events come their way!

Check out the classic footage for yourself below, and have a chuckle at theshow's misadventure.

Credit: TODAY.

The recent workplace safety drill on the Today show, which turned an unexpected interruption into a valuable learning opportunity, also highlighted the importance of properly maintained fire alarm systems.

While the hosts found humour in the chaos, false or unwanted alarms can create complacency towards genuine alarms, which could potentially result in serious injury or loss of life. They also divert the state's Fire Services' resources that would otherwise be available for genuine emergencies.

Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA) systems are a crucial component in fire detection for buildings and are designed to alert occupants and initiate quick responses in the case of fires. These systems are required under building legislation, as prescribed by the National Construction Code, and are administered by Local Government Authorities.

Here are some tips that can help you avoid unnecessary fire alarms:
  • Be sure to stay in the kitchen while cooking so that you can monitor your food and prevent it from burning or catching on fire.
  • Never leave a toaster unattended while it is in use.
  • Avoid smoking near smoke detectors.
  • Do not use aerosol sprays near smoke detectors, as they can also trigger the alarm.
  • Manage activities that produce dust, heat, smoke, etc., to ensure that a detector is not accidentally activated.
  • Make sure to ventilate steam and fumes away from smoke detectors, especially in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Take the time to understand your fire alarm system, including the type and location of the detectors, so that you can avoid inadvertently setting it off.
What do you think of this story, members? And we have to ask, what's the most chaotic situation you've been in? Share your stories with us in the comments below!

They should’ve left the building, it was a fire alarm for gods sake, you don’t know if there was a fire or not that’s why the alarm was going off for to warn you. I just hope there was no children watching, they are taught if the alarm goes off you get down low and go go go get out of the building and they see this lot just sitting there that’s really teaching our children isn’t it😡😡
I think that the station management should have some strong words with the cast and crew of this show.
The whole purpose of running fire drills is to teach the people to evacuate calmly and quickly to their designated locations. I don't think the cast should have carried on in such a light way. Show people the correct way to act, should they be caught in a real emergency situation.
If it was a planned drill and the station wanted to let the show run, then the cast should have been informed and then they could have simply relayed this information to viewers. "Sorry for this disruption but we are holding a fire drill and things will be back to normal in a few minutes" Then they could have continued to discuss things in a free style way until all had passed.
People would have understood the stop in transmitting and would have seen both the station and people as acting in a responsible manner.
Turning this into a comedy sketch was unacceptable. It is all too easy to laugh at fire drills but they are necessary and they do save lives. I hope Karl, his co-hosts and the station take the next drill a bit more seriously.
"Seriousness" requires a bit more nous than that cringeworthy crowd can muster.

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