Foul-mouthed Aussie throws a tantrum after staff ask one thing - Is she in the right?

We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
There are rules in place for a reason. The staff don't make them so this person (I won't call her a lady) decides rules aren't there for her. It's this behaviour that ruin holidays for everyone. That person is in the wrong and she should apoligse to the management and staff for being a total jerk. Glass is never allowed around pool areas. That is everywhere you go. People think that rules don't apply to them. Well Guess What RULES DO APPLY TO EVERYONE
We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
The resort is right. Broken glass in water or ice is invisible and dangerous.
We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
Very bad behaviour. Even a drunken yobbo should know that drinking alcohol and water do not mix. Was the drink in a glass? Broken glass would destroy the use of the pool without being completely emptied and cleaned from a safety aspect. What a Bogan act! The resort were within their rights to remove the woman. If it had been me in charge, she would not have stayed that night.
What a rude twit. All resorts, Caravan parks & holiday destinations have signs up regarding rules whilst staying at their premises. These rules include : No drinking, eating or peeing in pool, No excessive music or noise. No foul language and be respectful to other guests & staff. If you don't wish to follow the rules then don't stay there ,It's as easy as that. Did she think she was someone special ? She should of been given her marching orders ASAP while the police were still there. Individuals like that make my blood boil .
We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
Yes I believe the resort had every right to kick her out. The other guests should not have to put up with her behaving badly. Once holidaying on a 5 star island resort we were subjected to disgusting behaviour from a woman being abusive swearing & obviously drunk The management had them removed from the Island immediately It also served to warn others that behaviour will not be tolerated.
Yes I believe the resort had every right to kick her out. The other guests should not have to put up with her behaving badly. Once holidaying on a 5 star island resort we were subjected to disgusting behaviour from a woman being abusive swearing & obviously drunk The management had them removed from the Island immediately It also served to warn others that behaviour will not be tolerated.
The 'guest?' was lucky to still have accommodation for that evening she should have spent that evening in the nick.
Yes, definitely kick her out!
There are too many entitled people in society today and they need to be more considerate of others.
The resort has rules for the safety and comfort of their guests.
It only takes one to spoil it for everybody and she is that one!
Good onya Resort staff!
Who hasn't had to put up with noisy, loud, obnoxious drunks when we are on holiday? They seem to think it is their right to be loud and foul mouthed. Especially around young families and teenaged girls.
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We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
The management had every right to kick this bogun out. Break the rules and there are consequences for your actions.
I'd have not put up with that woman for even a minute. Rules are rules & should be obeyed by everyone who are guests. I cannot believe she got extra time. What about the Police? They are supposed to be strict when called. Why wasn't she arrested? Spoiling holidays for others who have likely saved all year to take their children to such a beautiful place is not very nice. I shudder @ the thought of being glassed a second time. Whilst waiting to have my engagement ring to be resized, my fiancee & I went for a swim @ the beach. I walked on a beer bottle & at 97 I still have the scar shape of the bottle on my foot. Why didn't someone draw the attention to one of the Staff about her having a glass in her hand? I wish I had been in on the incident. I'd have dived in & pulled her under, making sure I'd conviscated her glass first. What a pity that someone never had a bar of soap to wash her mouth out!
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We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
They were right to kick her out
We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
ABSOLUTELY......morons like this spoil other peoples enjoyment...she would be a good example for her children, if she had any
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We all want to enjoy our holidays and get the most out of the resort experience. But sometimes, people take things too far.

We've all seen it happen. Someone gets a little too drunk, a little too rowdy, and suddenly there's a scene. It's unpleasant for everyone involved, and it can ruin the whole holiday mood.

Such has been the case for one 45-year-old Aussie who was kicked out of a resort for yelling at service members. Why? They requested she exit the pool as she waddled around with a drink.

In an online video circulating last week, the woman was seen screaming at a service member at the Oaks Port Douglas Resort in far-northern Queensland.

She refused to leave and challenged the female employee to 'make me get out' of the resort's pool before launching into an expletive-filled rant in front of shocked resort guests and children.

The woman was heard saying: 'I'm a 45-year-old woman on holiday having a drink. You're f***ing joking, right?'


A 45-year-old holiday goer was furious after a staff member politely asked her to get out of the pool as she was holding a glass. Credit: The Daily Mail Australia.

A hotel employee then confronted the woman and made an effort to calm her before asking her to leave.

'I'm on a f***ing holiday. You're making a f***ing scene, not me,' she screamed.

'Get me out, get me out, I'll make a f***ing scene.'

The woman danced around the pool, holding up her drink as she became more and more enraged, while the other hotel guests were laughing and gasping in the background.

The woman repeated: 'Make me, make me, make me. I'm a 45-year-old woman on a f***ing holiday.'

Police were called to pull the woman out of the pool and she was kicked out of the resort the following day, a hotel employee revealed to the Daily Mail Australia.

The staff shared: 'We called the police, and everything was sorted.'

'She was kicked out of the hotel. She spent one more night, then she left.'

The video has since been removed.

While we all want to enjoy ourselves on a holiday, it is important to remember that we are all guests in these resorts and should respect the rules and regulations that are in place. It is unfair to the staff and the other guests when we do not follow the rules and regulations.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the management had the right to kick the woman out? Or is it reasonable for the holiday goer to enjoy her time in the resort?
It depends a lot on the bit 'the woman was having a drink'.

Ever seen how difficult it is to clear a swimming pool of broken glass??
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