Federal government announced $250 one-off cash payment for pensioners, advocacy groups slam the government for “insufficient” financial aid

The federal government unveiled its mid-year budget on Tuesday, just a few weeks from the upcoming federal election.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg reported the government's financial priorities, which include relief for the rising cost of living, a long-term economic plan that creates more jobs, investments in essential services, and stronger defence and national security.

The government also announced a one-off cash payment of $250 to about six million Australians who are pensioners and concession cardholders in a bid to aid them with the ongoing price hikes on essentials.


The federal government announced the one-off cash payment of $250 to Centrelink recipients, including pensioners and self-funded retirees. Credit: Mick Tsikas/AAP Images.

Other eligible recipients of the payment include carers, veterans, job seekers, and eligible self-funded retirees.

It was said that the federal government allocated a budget of $1.5 billion for the one-time payment, highlighting that the funds will automatically be paid out to recipients in April.

Additionally, disability support pension and carer payment rates were reported to increase by about $20 a fortnight for singles and $30 for couples.

It is expected that a similar increase will be observed again in September.

While some people consider the news a "win" for them, advocacy groups called out the government for the "insufficient" financial support.

Advocacy organisations National Seniors Australia and The Anti-Poverty Centre pointed out that the payments will "not have much long-term impact".

The Anti-Poverty Centre spokesperson Kristin O'Connell said: "People are talking about it being a week's rent, or a few weeks of groceries."

"It will do practically nothing."

Ms O'Connell also questioned the timing of the payment, saying that it is suspicious that the recipients will receive the payments by next month, just a few weeks ahead of the upcoming election.

"This payment is going into the pockets of six million people right before an election. It's very little money, but it's coming just before they go to the ballot box," she said.


Advocacy groups slammed the federal government for its “insufficient” financial support to pensioners and other Centrelink recipients. Credit: AAP.

Meanwhile, National Seniors chief advocate Ian Henschke said that while pensioners would accept the cash payment, the amount is not enough to cover their needs.

"However, if a landlord increases rent by as little as $5 a week, this money is gone — and rent is only one example," he quipped.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the amount is enough to cover a pensioner's needs, especially with the ongoing price hikes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Seniors Discount Club

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No it it a vote buying con this isn't an investment in the elderly people pay taxes all their life to retire a lass the pension is a pittance compared to the cost of living
The leader of the opposition told it right when he said the $250.00 handout should have been stapled to how to vote cards at the coming federal election, The entire budget handed down yesterday is just a grab for votes. we all know what sugar hits do to children, adults are no different I hope that is not borne out at the polling booths. If only the pension allocated to retiring politicians could be the same as the average citizen gets at the end of their working life, watch the sudden increases to it mount up then as the pollies become more and more terrified that their "Gravy train"ride is coming to an end . We can only dream!!
So depressing to read this forum today, with all the whingers and moaners having their say, Maybe some of you should be grateful for small mercies.
Get on with your life as unhappy as some seem to be on here. You are lucky to get a pension, as so many of you planned for just that during your work life. Look around and see how many others are hungry and homeless in this country, let alone the rest of the world.
If you think another political party will do good for you then vote with your pencil and see how bad it can be, I bet you will still be whinging and moaning :(
Federal government announced $250 one-off cash payment for pensioners, advocacy groups slam the government for “insufficient” financial aid

The federal government unveiled its mid-year budget on Tuesday, just a few weeks from the upcoming federal election.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg reported the government's financial priorities, which include relief for the rising cost of living, a long-term economic plan that creates more jobs, investments in essential services, and stronger defence and national security.

The government also announced a one-off cash payment of $250 to about six million Australians who are pensioners and concession cardholders in a bid to aid them with the ongoing price hikes on essentials.


The federal government announced the one-off cash payment of $250 to Centrelink recipients, including pensioners and self-funded retirees. Credit: Mick Tsikas/AAP Images.

Other eligible recipients of the payment include carers, veterans, job seekers, and eligible self-funded retirees.

It was said that the federal government allocated a budget of $1.5 billion for the one-time payment, highlighting that the funds will automatically be paid out to recipients in April.

Additionally, disability support pension and carer payment rates were reported to increase by about $20 a fortnight for singles and $30 for couples.

It is expected that a similar increase will be observed again in September.

While some people consider the news a "win" for them, advocacy groups called out the government for the "insufficient" financial support.

Advocacy organisations National Seniors Australia and The Anti-Poverty Centre pointed out that the payments will "not have much long-term impact".

The Anti-Poverty Centre spokesperson Kristin O'Connell said: "People are talking about it being a week's rent, or a few weeks of groceries."

"It will do practically nothing."

Ms O'Connell also questioned the timing of the payment, saying that it is suspicious that the recipients will receive the payments by next month, just a few weeks ahead of the upcoming election.

"This payment is going into the pockets of six million people right before an election. It's very little money, but it's coming just before they go to the ballot box," she said.


Advocacy groups slammed the federal government for its “insufficient” financial support to pensioners and other Centrelink recipients. Credit: AAP.

Meanwhile, National Seniors chief advocate Ian Henschke said that while pensioners would accept the cash payment, the amount is not enough to cover their needs.

"However, if a landlord increases rent by as little as $5 a week, this money is gone — and rent is only one example," he quipped.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the amount is enough to cover a pensioner's needs, especially with the ongoing price hikes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
I am a pensioner and find that with all the rises in electricity, gas, water ,petrol that I am now using my savings. I am lucky that I have a "bit" put by for a rainy day as my mum would say. I reckon a lot of pensioners are staying home to save money and their pride will not let them ask for help in a few cases which is very sad in this day and age. I get a pension from England which is taken off my pension here depending on the exchange rate but many people are of the opinion that we get two pensions, as had been said to me in the past. It would be better to increase the fortnightly pension as not enough to live on now if that's all you have coming in.
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Just wondering when this one off payment will be paid. I am awaiting my age pension application to be reviewed by 27 April. Thanks
Federal government announced $250 one-off cash payment for pensioners, advocacy groups slam the government for “insufficient” financial aid

The federal government unveiled its mid-year budget on Tuesday, just a few weeks from the upcoming federal election.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg reported the government's financial priorities, which include relief for the rising cost of living, a long-term economic plan that creates more jobs, investments in essential services, and stronger defence and national security.

The government also announced a one-off cash payment of $250 to about six million Australians who are pensioners and concession cardholders in a bid to aid them with the ongoing price hikes on essentials.


The federal government announced the one-off cash payment of $250 to Centrelink recipients, including pensioners and self-funded retirees. Credit: Mick Tsikas/AAP Images.

Other eligible recipients of the payment include carers, veterans, job seekers, and eligible self-funded retirees.

It was said that the federal government allocated a budget of $1.5 billion for the one-time payment, highlighting that the funds will automatically be paid out to recipients in April.

Additionally, disability support pension and carer payment rates were reported to increase by about $20 a fortnight for singles and $30 for couples.

It is expected that a similar increase will be observed again in September.

While some people consider the news a "win" for them, advocacy groups called out the government for the "insufficient" financial support.

Advocacy organisations National Seniors Australia and The Anti-Poverty Centre pointed out that the payments will "not have much long-term impact".

The Anti-Poverty Centre spokesperson Kristin O'Connell said: "People are talking about it being a week's rent, or a few weeks of groceries."

"It will do practically nothing."

Ms O'Connell also questioned the timing of the payment, saying that it is suspicious that the recipients will receive the payments by next month, just a few weeks ahead of the upcoming election.

"This payment is going into the pockets of six million people right before an election. It's very little money, but it's coming just before they go to the ballot box," she said.


Advocacy groups slammed the federal government for its “insufficient” financial support to pensioners and other Centrelink recipients. Credit: AAP.

Meanwhile, National Seniors chief advocate Ian Henschke said that while pensioners would accept the cash payment, the amount is not enough to cover their needs.

"However, if a landlord increases rent by as little as $5 a week, this money is gone — and rent is only one example," he quipped.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the amount is enough to cover a pensioner's needs, especially with the ongoing price hikes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
I don't think it is nearly enough a one of payment for a full year of high prices
both on fuel and groceries and increase in health insurance and household insurance and everything else is pretty pathetic. Pensioners on a sole or even a couple trying to live off solely the pension are truly struggling. They say it is a livable payment but I would like to see them live of the money that they deem livable. Most of the pensioners that live off the pension and have for many years have not had enough time to accumulate super or much savings.
Cost of living is so high so much so living is becoming unbearable. Please help all pensioners to sustain their lives in a dignified manner for with all the various viruses that are looming we would not be living too long. With our current pension and even with our meagre bonus we are unable to contribute towards private health cover.
How is$250 going to help. I’ve cut back on meals for tea as vegetable prices are disgusting and to make it worse they don’t last as they are half rotten when we buy them. Can’t go out anymore not even to visit the grandkids because petrol Prices have sky rocketed . You give workers $420 each so husband and wife $840 plus they earn double what we get in a fortnight and double what your giving us . We got in-house and car insurances rates , water bills,electricity, and other expenses. I worked up to 3 jobs all my life to look after my family and a single mother . I’ve paid my taxes and shouldn’t have to suffer for it now . The anxiety of trying to pay bills not being able to go out and visit people or go for a drive or have a meal out.Get all these lazy young ones who don’t want to work because they don’t like that job or don’t want to get up early or don’t want to work weekends . In my young days we had no choice you took the job or no benefits
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$250.00 insignificant, went to Aldi yesterday, bought 27 items and each one had increased in price by 10 cents in the past week. I guess that Coles and Woolies will be the same .
What chance getting on top of the cost of living
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I fully agree with many pensioners regarding the $250 payment. It is ridiculous to think that it will cover ALL the rising costs of living for us. Most pensioners have worked all their lives, and this is the result of those years of devotion to the country. We grew up with those standards that working for the money you get is an honest day's work. We didn't look for handouts, we worked, but the politicians do not seem to appreciate those who put in the time and honesty and muscle power to accomplish all these jobs, they have simply given us a darn good slap in the face with such an insult. We would rather have an extra $50 a fortnight for singles and a relative amount for doubles on a fortnightly basis. Then we just might see a bit of sunlight in our lives. The pollies need to exchange positions for about 3 months with we pensioners, not getting any benefits from their positions in government, but living identically to us all. They are fat cats living lives of luxury and thinking they are hard done by. They have had better chances in life than most people and have access to investments the likes than none of we little people ever will, that fattens their wallets exponentially yearly, then on top of that, when THEY retire, they are given big fat pensions for the rest of their lives. Where is the fairness in that?!!!!
How is$250 going to help. I’ve cut back on meals for tea as vegetable prices are disgusting and to make it worse they don’t last as they are half rotten when we buy them. Can’t go out anymore not even to visit the grandkids because petrol Prices have sky rocketed . You give workers $420 each so husband and wife $840 plus they earn double what we get in a fortnight and double what your giving us . We got in-house and car insurances rates , water bills,electricity, and other expenses. I worked up to 3 jobs all my life to look after my family and a single mother . I’ve paid my taxes and shouldn’t have to suffer for it now . The anxiety of trying to pay bills not being able to go out and visit people or go for a drive or have a meal out.Get all these lazy young ones who don’t want to work because they don’t like that job or don’t want to get up early or don’t want to work weekends . In my young days we had no choice you took the job or no benefits
You are so right Brendon. I too worked two jobs a day (which ran into 14 - 17 hours a day) and was rarely out of work because as you say, we had no benefits if we didn't work. We now, all suffer from the aches, pains and often damage done from working and the government doesn't feel we have been worthy enough to have the bare necessities in life, let alone have a comfortable retirement. Some young ones, if they have a job, complain if they must work six and a half hours a day for four days a week. I worked six days and many, many times, seven days a week, plus running a home and taking care of the family. Personally, it made better people of us.
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I know a pensioner whose rent has increased by $40 per week.
Our last increase in August was $50 as we had been in the unit for 9 years otherwise we were told it would have been $100. Really worried what the next increase will be.
Federal government announced $250 one-off cash payment for pensioners, advocacy groups slam the government for “insufficient” financial aid

The federal government unveiled its mid-year budget on Tuesday, just a few weeks from the upcoming federal election.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg reported the government's financial priorities, which include relief for the rising cost of living, a long-term economic plan that creates more jobs, investments in essential services, and stronger defence and national security.

The government also announced a one-off cash payment of $250 to about six million Australians who are pensioners and concession cardholders in a bid to aid them with the ongoing price hikes on essentials.


The federal government announced the one-off cash payment of $250 to Centrelink recipients, including pensioners and self-funded retirees. Credit: Mick Tsikas/AAP Images.

Other eligible recipients of the payment include carers, veterans, job seekers, and eligible self-funded retirees.

It was said that the federal government allocated a budget of $1.5 billion for the one-time payment, highlighting that the funds will automatically be paid out to recipients in April.

Additionally, disability support pension and carer payment rates were reported to increase by about $20 a fortnight for singles and $30 for couples.

It is expected that a similar increase will be observed again in September.

While some people consider the news a "win" for them, advocacy groups called out the government for the "insufficient" financial support.

Advocacy organisations National Seniors Australia and The Anti-Poverty Centre pointed out that the payments will "not have much long-term impact".

The Anti-Poverty Centre spokesperson Kristin O'Connell said: "People are talking about it being a week's rent, or a few weeks of groceries."

"It will do practically nothing."

Ms O'Connell also questioned the timing of the payment, saying that it is suspicious that the recipients will receive the payments by next month, just a few weeks ahead of the upcoming election.

"This payment is going into the pockets of six million people right before an election. It's very little money, but it's coming just before they go to the ballot box," she said.


Advocacy groups slammed the federal government for its “insufficient” financial support to pensioners and other Centrelink recipients. Credit: AAP.

Meanwhile, National Seniors chief advocate Ian Henschke said that while pensioners would accept the cash payment, the amount is not enough to cover their needs.

"However, if a landlord increases rent by as little as $5 a week, this money is gone — and rent is only one example," he quipped.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the amount is enough to cover a pensioner's needs, especially with the ongoing price hikes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
I'm a disability pensioner and the $250 payment , while welcome does not even cover food and prescriptions for 2 mths for most of my friends and I . The $20 pay rise on the 20th March actually worked out to be between $16 - $17 . This is because a few dollars were taken from our rent assistance and also from the pension supplement . We all eat frugally and buy generic brand groceries if possible . We pray that somehow we will one day have someone in power that we can vote for knowing this person has the best interest of the people all of the time . Not just before an election . Also do any polititions have family members who rely solely on a pension ? If so do you supplement them yourself or do you let them struggle like the majority of pensioners .
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I am amazed that they(The Government) value my vote so slightly but we pensioner's will not be fooled by this pathetic vote buying exercise. The Greens are pushing for the pension to be paid at $88 a day which would make a real difference to pensioners and other on Centrelink payments.
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While i welcome the money, sadly it will only last a few weeks. Looking forward to be able to buy some meat for a change, and visit my GP.
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$250 is better than nothing. It will buy a tankful of petrol, a couple of weeks of groceries. I am thankful for anything the government hands out after all it’s the taxpayer and not the government’s money that we’re lucky enough to receive. So thank you and it is much appreciated. People who say it’s a payment for their vote should be aware that the Labor Party would do exactly the same thing. After all we all know that Labor are the biggest spenders of taxpayer’s money!

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