Embarrassing Oversight in Perth's Female-Only Car Park Exposed: See Why Women are Outraged!

In a world where safety and equality are at the forefront of societal concerns, the City of Perth's attempt to create a safer environment for female shoppers has sparked a heated debate. The introduction of female-only parking spaces, designed to offer protection, has led to an outcry over what some call a sexist approach to a legitimate issue.

The controversy was brought to light by a popular comedian, Choccy Dan, who highlighted the awkward detail in a viral TikTok video. The female-only parking bays, marked by bright pink signs, are not only designated for women but are also noticeably wider than the standard parking spaces. Choccy Dan's video, which has garnered over 300,000 views, shows him lying on the ground to measure the spaces, finding them to be at least 20 per cent wider. His reaction was one of disbelief, as he called out Perth for being a 'sexist city' and demanded accountability from the City of Perth for their actions.

Comedian criticised Perth car park for more expansive female-only spaces. Credit: choccydan / TikTok

The car park in question, located on Pier Street, Perth, has 28 parking bays reserved for women out of a total of 700 spaces. These bays were introduced in 2016 with the intention of enhancing the safety of female shoppers. They are equipped with brighter lights, emergency help buttons, and are strategically placed near exits to minimize the risk of anti-social behavior.

However, the execution of this well-intentioned plan has been met with mixed reactions. Some social media users defended the move, suggesting that the extra space is necessary for mothers with baby strollers and that the proximity to the entrance provides added safety. On the other hand, many have criticized the decision, arguing that it discriminates against other drivers, including the elderly, disabled, or parents with prams. There's also the concern that by labelling these spaces, potential threats are now aware of where women are likely to park, potentially undermining the very purpose of these spots.

The debate has opened up a larger conversation about how to balance the need for safety with the pursuit of equality. It raises questions about whether there are better ways to protect vulnerable shoppers without inadvertently perpetuating stereotypes or creating division. Could there be a more inclusive approach that addresses the safety of all individuals, regardless of gender?

As members of the Seniors Discount Club, many of you have seen society evolve over the years and understand the importance of feeling safe in public spaces. We invite you to share your thoughts on this matter. Have you encountered similar initiatives in your local areas? Do you believe that female-only parking spaces are a step forward for safety, or do they miss the mark on addressing broader societal issues?

Key Takeaways
  • A comedian criticised a Perth car park for having female-only parking spaces that were noticeably wider than standard spaces.
  • Female-only parking spaces were introduced as a safety measure, but some argue that it discriminates against other drivers and could lead to potential security issues.
  • The City of Perth has 28 parking bays reserved for women, equipped with brighter lights and emergency help buttons, among a total of 700 parking spaces.
  • The move has sparked a debate on social media over whether the female-only parking is necessary or sexist, with some referencing 'female privilege' and questioning the impact on other groups needing convenient parking.
The City of Perth has yet to respond to the recent uproar, but it is clear that the conversation around safety, equality, and the best way to accommodate the needs of all citizens is far from over. Let's continue this discussion in the comments below and explore how we can advocate for solutions that make everyone feel secure and respected.
I don’t believe women need exclusive parking spaces for their safety. It pays to be aware of your surroundings wherever you are. There are ways to stay safe, shop during busy times when there are other people around, if you shop when it is quieter park as close to shopping centre entrance as you can to avoid walking through the car park alone, always carry a personal alarm and use it if you feel threatened, just the noise it makes can deter a would be assailant. Even having a travel size bottle of spray perfume or deodorant you can use to protect yourself by spraying it into an assailants eyes, face, is a good tactic. Take someone with you if you can if you have to park somewhere you don’t feel safe. Just because you can park in a designated women only spot won’t guarantee your safety and could give women a false sense of security.
I don’t believe women need exclusive parking spaces for their safety. It pays to be aware of your surroundings wherever you are. There are ways to stay safe, shop during busy times when there are other people around, if you shop when it is quieter park as close to shopping centre entrance as you can to avoid walking through the car park alone, always carry a personal alarm and use it if you feel threatened, just the noise it makes can deter a would be assailant. Even having a travel size bottle of spray perfume or deodorant you can use to protect yourself by spraying it into an assailants eyes, face, is a good tactic. Take someone with you if you can if you have to park somewhere you don’t feel safe. Just because you can park in a designated women only spot won’t guarantee your safety and could give women a false sense of security.
I used to take my dogs with me whenever I went anywhere in my car even when I did home help. Lucky I did as I got abused by some psycho in Myers underground car park in frankston many moons ago, should have seen the prick run when I let my dog out.🤣🤣
Can't see his issue he could park there easily with that hairdo. It was a nice thought but like someone said it could also be just advertising that only women are parking there. As for the size of the bays I think they should all be that big obviously he doesn't park in Perth a lot. If he did he would see how close some of these wankers park next to you. So close in fact that you have to hop in your car from the other side. I couldn't even open my side mirrors the other day to reverse out that's so close some dick was next to me.
Why the flip do the parking bays have to be wider for females, or is it because when I look around most females are very wide in the beam. If you can't park in s normal spot you shouldn't be driving. I am female, and 78, but starting to feel ashamed of the way a lot of women expect the world to revolve around them. Why not learn some self defence then you can park anywhere.
“…brighter lights and emergency help buttons…” are a great idea for all people who park in darkish car parks.

I feel it’s somewhat degrading that there should be special wider parking for women only. That’s absurd as far as I’m concerned. There are already “parents with prams” allocated spots.
These bays were introduced in 2016 with the intention of enhancing the safety of female shoppers.

So they've already been there 8 years and only now someone is making a fuss about it for some reason? 🙄
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So, the're going to have female parking persons to watch the pink parking spots all day so they don't get used by the wrong drivers for parking there. Hmmm, wonders will never cease.
No need to worry. These "female only" parking spots are BS maximum and are not enforceable in any shape of form. The only concern is the car park is run by Wilson Parking and anything to do with Wilson reeks of corrupt practices. From personal experience.
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as a female i am disgusted with this. at my shopping centre they change disabled to parents with prams which are closer . if a parent can't push a pram too bad. we had to and parks were not even thought about. lazy females.
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“…brighter lights and emergency help buttons…” are a great idea for all people who park in darkish car parks.

I feel it’s somewhat degrading that there should be special wider parking for women only. That’s absurd as far as I’m concerned. There are already “parents with prams” allocated spots.
i would just park with my disability sticker as i do with mothers and prams. up the lot.

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