Ducks and Eagles: A Tale of Internet Hijacking— by Noel Whittaker
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Noel Whittaker is the author of Wills, Death & Taxes Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. Email: [email protected]
It was a quiet Friday—tasks done, tea in hand. Life was good. Then—ping—an email arrived.
‘We are sorry to see you go,’ read the message from Aussie Broadband. Go? I hadn’t gone anywhere! Aussie had been a perfect provider for years. Yet, according to this email, I was leaving. I called them urgently.
When you deal with big companies, you quickly learn there are two kinds of people: ducks and eagles. Ducks waddle around, making noise, but achieve little. Eagles soar high, spot the problem, and swoop in to fix it. Sadly, I got a duck first-up.
The explanation was both alarming and incredulous: another provider (whose name they couldn’t disclose for ‘privacy reasons’) had applied to transfer the internet service at my address to another customer (whose name they also couldn’t give me). I wasn’t allowed to know who had hijacked my internet service.
How could someone supply a false address to another provider and steal my NBN connection? This wasn’t just about losing the internet—our home security system depends on that connection.
‘We need permission from the other provider to reclaim your line,’ they quacked. When I called back, I got another bureaucratic gem: ‘The other provider is refusing to cooperate.’
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