Don't say this word if you're in Australia: 'I thought that was fine'

Navigating the cultural nuances of language can be a minefield, especially in a diverse and multicultural society like Australia.

In our interactions with others, it's not rare to unintentionally cause offence, whether through words, actions, or gestures. While intentions may be harmless, the impact of our behaviour can sometimes be misunderstood.

One expat recently discovered this the hard way when she used a seemingly innocent term that turned out to be offensive to Australians.

Emily Tollefson, an American expat living in Sydney for almost two years, was taken aback when she found out that the term 'champ' is considered offensive in Australia.

Her revelation came about during a conversation with her Australian best friend about words that are offensive in one country but not in the other.

‘She told me that the word "champ" is wildly offensive in Australia—and I thought she was taking the p***.’

She explained that in her mind, the term is a casual way to address people, similar to 'buddy', 'pal', or 'mate'.

However, in Australia, it carries a different connotation.

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Emily Tollefson, an American expat living in Sydney, shared her story about how she unknowingly offended an Aussie man she was dating. Credits: Instagram / Emily Tollefson

The incident that sparked this discussion was a text message Emily sent to a man she was seeing.

‘He'd been out drinking the night before, so I sent him a message in the morning saying, "How are you feeling, champ?".’

His response was: 'Please don't call me that'.

Emily continued, ‘In my American brain, I thought that was fine. Some guys don't like to be called "champ", "mate", or "buddy" by girls they're seeing.’

'I told my best friend this story, and she told me that “champ” was very offensive in Australia—but that's not how I meant it.'

Several Australians chimed in on the matter.

One Australian man explained, 'Try being a bloke calling another bloke “champ” at a pub. It’s a term used for kids, and when you use it on another adult, you're undermining them.'

Another added, 'If you call a little kid “champ” it's fine. If you call an adult “champ”, you are being super patronising and picking a fight.'

‘“Champ”, “chief”, “captain”, “pal”, “sport”, and “tiger” are all seen as derogatory,’ one wrote.

However, not everyone agreed with this sentiment.

One man said, 'It's not offensive. Some people are just offended by everything. Toughen up, cupcake.'

Another added, 'I'm Aussie and today's year old, when I learn “champ” is an offensive word!! I've been living under a rock, it appears.'

The difference in connotation can lead to misunderstandings and even offence when people from different cultures interact.

Just like how one Canadian got confused about a very common phrase that Aussies say. You can read the full story here.

Key Takeaways
  • An American expat in Australia was surprised to learn that the term 'champ' can be considered offensive when used in certain contexts among Australians.
  • The word 'champ' was seen by some as patronising and can be interpreted as an insult, especially when used between adults.
  • The expat shared her story after mistakenly using the term 'champ' with the man she was dating, who was not pleased with the nickname.
  • While some Australians believed 'champ' to be derogatory and others were indifferent, the expat has learned it's best to understand local nuances when using certain terms.

Have you ever experienced a cultural misunderstanding due to language differences? Share your stories in the comments below.
I've lived here the majority of my life and that's the first time I've heard of champ being a derogatory or offensive word. I think people are getting to be a bit 'precious' in my eyes and take offence at everything. It's getting to the stage where it would be best if we just don't speak at all then we can't offend anyone. It's time to grow up people and get a life.
I've lived here the majority of my life and that's the first time I've heard of champ being a derogatory or offensive word. I think people are getting to be a bit 'precious' in my eyes and take offence at everything. It's getting to the stage where it would be best if we just don't speak at all then we can't offend anyone. It's time to grow up people and get a life.
If peple say things like "That's offensive" I respond with "Sorry, but I didn't offend you, you chose to be offended."
Some guys just need to grow up and stop being snowflakes. Champ is not offensive or derogatory unless it is used when picking a fight. In normal pleasant company, there is nothing wrong with it. It appears that there are those that are never happy until they can get offended at the slightest thing and then they have a childish tantrum about it.
What a load of excreta. This has to be an eastern state thing. Never in my life have I heard of this.
not Eastern States in my book....born in NSW, son from same, son from Tassie daughter from Vic grandkids from same. I'm 82 next week, live in Qld and have NEVER heard of such crap. Where the hell is this country going??? Looks like we are being run by total idiots. So much garbage coming from the good 'ol USA
What a load of codswallop. Whomever said it was offensive was talking through their a**. I am Aussie born and bred, 63 years of age and have never heard that in my life.. Are we breeding a mob of p***ies these days ? Well then half of the things I say must be offensive however I have no intention of changing what I say or how I speak for any one.
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