Don't make this mistake on your next flight! Ex-flight attendant reveals the one thing that drives crew 'bonkers'

Flying is such a great way to see new places, and it can be surprisingly affordable and enjoyable if you know how to find the best deals.

Now, while air travel is one of the most convenient methods of transport available to us, it also comes with its own set of rules and etiquette that we have to follow.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows or respects these unwritten rules – which can often lead to friction between passengers and flight crew members. And believe us when we say that you don’t want to get on the wrong side of a flight attendant!

One former cabin crew member has now come forward with some advice for travellers who want to make sure their next flight goes as smoothly as possible.

Kat shared one simple act that drives flight attendants crazy. Credit: TikTok/@katkamalani

Kat Kamalani, a now former flight attendant, posted a video last year on the popular content-sharing platform TikTok urging passengers to avoid making a very common mistake during the take-off and landing phases that really gets under her skin (and those of other attendants).

‘This drives flight attendants absolutely bonkers,’ she began, ‘When you hit your flight attendant call light button if we are on the tarmac, or we’re going up or down on the aircraft.’

Kat went on to explain that this really simple action poses a safety risk for everyone, flight attendants included, most likely due to the movements caused by the plane either taking off or descending.

‘If it’s not some type of emergency, we’re going straight back to our seats.’

With the text ‘Just make sure you’re all set before take-off,’ she further shared that flight attendants wouldn’t be too happy if all a passenger wanted was food, water, headphones, and other requests while the plane was unstable.

In the comments section, some users didn’t take Kat’s tip too well.

‘Honey we literally pay for our ticket and the services and the attendant must put in the work,’ said one displeased user.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

Another asked: ‘What else is (the call light button) supposed to be used for if not to ask for any of the things you mentioned?’

Others though came to Kat’s defence, pointing out a detail some may have missed.

‘She's not saying don't hit it and ask, she's saying don't hit it to ask for stuff during landing or take off,’ one user explained.

Another took the sarcastic route with a facepalm emoji: ‘You should risk your safety because I'm cold and can't wait 5 minutes.’

Kat also appears to be showing no let up with her TikTok tips for travellers, as she shared more pointers of what to do, but from the perspective of a former flight crew in a later video.

Key Takeaways

  • A former flight attendant has shared the one common thing passengers do that 'drives them bonkers'.
  • Kat Kamalani says travellers should never hit the call button, typically in the overhead console, when the aircraft is on the tarmac or during take-off and landing.
  • She urged travellers to avoid hitting the button during landing or take-off unless it’s an emergency.
‘Number one, never get on a plane without snacks,’ she started. ‘You never know what’s going to happen.’

Next — and this might sound familiar — Kat recommends not drinking the hot water available on flights. Read more here to find out why!

‘Always obey the attendants and what they say,’ she said next.

Another tip from her is to search for alternate flights and hotels wherever one wishes to travel, more as a contingency for when things go awry.

And lastly: ‘Never divulge too much personal information to someone who’s sitting next to you and asking about your life.’

Noted on that last one, Kat! No one wants a stalker.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

If you have time, please check out this story on how to travel on a budget and this one for more money-saving travel tips.

So, what do you think of Kat’s reminders, especially the simple act of not calling flight attendants while the aeroplane is landing or taking off?

Is it something that flight attendants shouldn’t get to ask of passengers? Or does it sound pretty reasonable to you?

Do let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!
OMG really. Everyone is to be seated and belted in during takeoff and landing. What is wrong with these selfish people, especially the one who says the attendant is to risk their life to get a blanket.
That one was being sarcastic! She was criticising people who press the call button while the plane was taking off or landing.
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How can the passenger be cold and asking for a blanket when they have either been sitting on the plane for 10 mins before takeoff or they have sat through whole flight not cold? when the plane is ready to land?? Idiot. Its not that they dont like their job it is just plain stupid between these times on a flight. I have a light blanket I always take with me as it does get a bit cold DURING the flight. I totally love air hostesses, never had a rude one, always very friendly.
The flight crew don't ask you to sit down and wear your seatbelt just for kicks, there is a real reason behind it, also it's the same rule for ALL and that includes the flight attendants. If you are so entitled that you can't wait five minutes for something you really need to take a real hard look at yourself!:)
Flying is such a great way to see new places, and it can be surprisingly affordable and enjoyable if you know how to find the best deals.

Now, while air travel is one of the most convenient methods of transport available to us, it also comes with its own set of rules and etiquette that we have to follow.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows or respects these unwritten rules – which can often lead to friction between passengers and flight crew members. And believe us when we say that you don’t want to get on the wrong side of a flight attendant!

One former cabin crew member has now come forward with some advice for travellers who want to make sure their next flight goes as smoothly as possible.

View attachment 7411
Kat shared one simple act that drives flight attendants crazy. Credit: TikTok/@katkamalani

Kat Kamalani, a now former flight attendant, posted a video last year on the popular content-sharing platform TikTok urging passengers to avoid making a very common mistake during the take-off and landing phases that really gets under her skin (and those of other attendants).

‘This drives flight attendants absolutely bonkers,’ she began, ‘When you hit your flight attendant call light button if we are on the tarmac, or we’re going up or down on the aircraft.’

Kat went on to explain that this really simple action poses a safety risk for everyone, flight attendants included, most likely due to the movements caused by the plane either taking off or descending.

‘If it’s not some type of emergency, we’re going straight back to our seats.’

With the text ‘Just make sure you’re all set before take-off,’ she further shared that flight attendants wouldn’t be too happy if all a passenger wanted was food, water, headphones, and other requests while the plane was unstable.

In the comments section, some users didn’t take Kat’s tip too well.

‘Honey we literally pay for our ticket and the services and the attendant must put in the work,’ said one displeased user.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

Another asked: ‘What else is (the call light button) supposed to be used for if not to ask for any of the things you mentioned?’

Others though came to Kat’s defence, pointing out a detail some may have missed.

‘She's not saying don't hit it and ask, she's saying don't hit it to ask for stuff during landing or take off,’ one user explained.

Another took the sarcastic route with a facepalm emoji: ‘You should risk your safety because I'm cold and can't wait 5 minutes.’

Kat also appears to be showing no let up with her TikTok tips for travellers, as she shared more pointers of what to do, but from the perspective of a former flight crew in a later video.

Key Takeaways

  • A former flight attendant has shared the one common thing passengers do that 'drives them bonkers'.
  • Kat Kamalani says travellers should never hit the call button, typically in the overhead console, when the aircraft is on the tarmac or during take-off and landing.
  • She urged travellers to avoid hitting the button during landing or take-off unless it’s an emergency.
‘Number one, never get on a plane without snacks,’ she started. ‘You never know what’s going to happen.’

Next — and this might sound familiar — Kat recommends not drinking the hot water available on flights. Read more here to find out why!

‘Always obey the attendants and what they say,’ she said next.

Another tip from her is to search for alternate flights and hotels wherever one wishes to travel, more as a contingency for when things go awry.

And lastly: ‘Never divulge too much personal information to someone who’s sitting next to you and asking about your life.’

Noted on that last one, Kat! No one wants a stalker.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

If you have time, please check out this story on how to travel on a budget and this one for more money-saving travel tips.

So, what do you think of Kat’s reminders, especially the simple act of not calling flight attendants while the aeroplane is landing or taking off?

Is it something that flight attendants shouldn’t get to ask of passengers? Or does it sound pretty reasonable to you?

Do let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

These are totally reasonable but there a lot of ars#$%847 out there. They only think of themselves.
I didn't read the above, the facts are it's their damn job nothing should infuriate you, if you don't like the job leave
Maybe you should read it.... Cant expect the flight attendants to risk injury becaus esomeone didnt think to ask for water, blanket or anything earlier and now doesnt want to wait.... they DO put up with drunks, emergencies, etc, mostly even smiling....
Flying is such a great way to see new places, and it can be surprisingly affordable and enjoyable if you know how to find the best deals.

Now, while air travel is one of the most convenient methods of transport available to us, it also comes with its own set of rules and etiquette that we have to follow.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows or respects these unwritten rules – which can often lead to friction between passengers and flight crew members. And believe us when we say that you don’t want to get on the wrong side of a flight attendant!

One former cabin crew member has now come forward with some advice for travellers who want to make sure their next flight goes as smoothly as possible.

View attachment 7411
Kat shared one simple act that drives flight attendants crazy. Credit: TikTok/@katkamalani

Kat Kamalani, a now former flight attendant, posted a video last year on the popular content-sharing platform TikTok urging passengers to avoid making a very common mistake during the take-off and landing phases that really gets under her skin (and those of other attendants).

‘This drives flight attendants absolutely bonkers,’ she began, ‘When you hit your flight attendant call light button if we are on the tarmac, or we’re going up or down on the aircraft.’

Kat went on to explain that this really simple action poses a safety risk for everyone, flight attendants included, most likely due to the movements caused by the plane either taking off or descending.

‘If it’s not some type of emergency, we’re going straight back to our seats.’

With the text ‘Just make sure you’re all set before take-off,’ she further shared that flight attendants wouldn’t be too happy if all a passenger wanted was food, water, headphones, and other requests while the plane was unstable.

In the comments section, some users didn’t take Kat’s tip too well.

‘Honey we literally pay for our ticket and the services and the attendant must put in the work,’ said one displeased user.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

Another asked: ‘What else is (the call light button) supposed to be used for if not to ask for any of the things you mentioned?’

Others though came to Kat’s defence, pointing out a detail some may have missed.

‘She's not saying don't hit it and ask, she's saying don't hit it to ask for stuff during landing or take off,’ one user explained.

Another took the sarcastic route with a facepalm emoji: ‘You should risk your safety because I'm cold and can't wait 5 minutes.’

Kat also appears to be showing no let up with her TikTok tips for travellers, as she shared more pointers of what to do, but from the perspective of a former flight crew in a later video.

Key Takeaways

  • A former flight attendant has shared the one common thing passengers do that 'drives them bonkers'.
  • Kat Kamalani says travellers should never hit the call button, typically in the overhead console, when the aircraft is on the tarmac or during take-off and landing.
  • She urged travellers to avoid hitting the button during landing or take-off unless it’s an emergency.
‘Number one, never get on a plane without snacks,’ she started. ‘You never know what’s going to happen.’

Next — and this might sound familiar — Kat recommends not drinking the hot water available on flights. Read more here to find out why!

‘Always obey the attendants and what they say,’ she said next.

Another tip from her is to search for alternate flights and hotels wherever one wishes to travel, more as a contingency for when things go awry.

And lastly: ‘Never divulge too much personal information to someone who’s sitting next to you and asking about your life.’

Noted on that last one, Kat! No one wants a stalker.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

If you have time, please check out this story on how to travel on a budget and this one for more money-saving travel tips.

So, what do you think of Kat’s reminders, especially the simple act of not calling flight attendants while the aeroplane is landing or taking off?

Is it something that flight attendants shouldn’t get to ask of passengers? Or does it sound pretty reasonable to you?

Do let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

I think it is a perfectly legitimate request. People who object to the request obviously have never learned the value of empathy. Put yourself in the shoes of the cabin crew, then we'll all fly calmer. Wiljoy
Flying is such a great way to see new places, and it can be surprisingly affordable and enjoyable if you know how to find the best deals.

Now, while air travel is one of the most convenient methods of transport available to us, it also comes with its own set of rules and etiquette that we have to follow.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows or respects these unwritten rules – which can often lead to friction between passengers and flight crew members. And believe us when we say that you don’t want to get on the wrong side of a flight attendant!

One former cabin crew member has now come forward with some advice for travellers who want to make sure their next flight goes as smoothly as possible.

View attachment 7411
Kat shared one simple act that drives flight attendants crazy. Credit: TikTok/@katkamalani

Kat Kamalani, a now former flight attendant, posted a video last year on the popular content-sharing platform TikTok urging passengers to avoid making a very common mistake during the take-off and landing phases that really gets under her skin (and those of other attendants).

‘This drives flight attendants absolutely bonkers,’ she began, ‘When you hit your flight attendant call light button if we are on the tarmac, or we’re going up or down on the aircraft.’

Kat went on to explain that this really simple action poses a safety risk for everyone, flight attendants included, most likely due to the movements caused by the plane either taking off or descending.

‘If it’s not some type of emergency, we’re going straight back to our seats.’

With the text ‘Just make sure you’re all set before take-off,’ she further shared that flight attendants wouldn’t be too happy if all a passenger wanted was food, water, headphones, and other requests while the plane was unstable.

In the comments section, some users didn’t take Kat’s tip too well.

‘Honey we literally pay for our ticket and the services and the attendant must put in the work,’ said one displeased user.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

Another asked: ‘What else is (the call light button) supposed to be used for if not to ask for any of the things you mentioned?’

Others though came to Kat’s defence, pointing out a detail some may have missed.

‘She's not saying don't hit it and ask, she's saying don't hit it to ask for stuff during landing or take off,’ one user explained.

Another took the sarcastic route with a facepalm emoji: ‘You should risk your safety because I'm cold and can't wait 5 minutes.’

Kat also appears to be showing no let up with her TikTok tips for travellers, as she shared more pointers of what to do, but from the perspective of a former flight crew in a later video.

Key Takeaways

  • A former flight attendant has shared the one common thing passengers do that 'drives them bonkers'.
  • Kat Kamalani says travellers should never hit the call button, typically in the overhead console, when the aircraft is on the tarmac or during take-off and landing.
  • She urged travellers to avoid hitting the button during landing or take-off unless it’s an emergency.
‘Number one, never get on a plane without snacks,’ she started. ‘You never know what’s going to happen.’

Next — and this might sound familiar — Kat recommends not drinking the hot water available on flights. Read more here to find out why!

‘Always obey the attendants and what they say,’ she said next.

Another tip from her is to search for alternate flights and hotels wherever one wishes to travel, more as a contingency for when things go awry.

And lastly: ‘Never divulge too much personal information to someone who’s sitting next to you and asking about your life.’

Noted on that last one, Kat! No one wants a stalker.

Source: TikTok/@katkamalani

If you have time, please check out this story on how to travel on a budget and this one for more money-saving travel tips.

So, what do you think of Kat’s reminders, especially the simple act of not calling flight attendants while the aeroplane is landing or taking off?

Is it something that flight attendants shouldn’t get to ask of passengers? Or does it sound pretty reasonable to you?

Do let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

In all my years flying I've never wanted their services for anything, other than to leave me alone.
You really must be kidding. I don't know anybody who doesn't have a gripe about their job at some stage.You sound like one of the entitled morons she's talking about. Maybe you should take a good look at yourself and realise not everything is about "you".
I didn't read the above, the facts are it's their damn job nothing should infuriate you, if you don't like the job leave
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