Dog owner lashes out after being hit with $806 fine for a little-known mistake

As we all cherish the companionship of our furry friends, it's essential to be aware of the local regulations that come with pet ownership.

A recent incident on the Sunshine Coast is a stark reminder that even the most well-intentioned dog owners can find themselves on the wrong side of the law, facing hefty fines for seemingly minor infractions.

Robyn, a fashion boutique owner at Moffat Beach, was enjoying a peaceful coffee break with her Blue Heeler, Violet, when she was unexpectedly approached by council workers.

Despite Violet being leashed and sitting quietly by Robyn's feet, the officers deemed the dog not under 'effective control' because the lead was resting on Robyn's foot rather than being held in her hand.

Dog owner Robyn received a huge fine over a small mistake. Credit: @whitandwatt / Instagram

This small oversight led to a staggering $806 fine, leaving Robyn in a state of shock and frustration.

‘I've got a small business and I'm struggling with that, and the council hits you with this,' she said.

'Violet was on lead, had a collar on, she was underneath my foot.'

'Dark hats, dark sunglasses, my dog is deaf and she actually got a bit frightened by them,' she added.

Robyn insisted she was on her rented property, not in a public area, and called the council the following day to check their decision.

The shop owner was initially told she wouldn't be fined, just given a warning. However, just days later, she received a fine.

The struggling retailer called the council in tears and even reached out to her local mayor.

‘I explained to her (the council worker) that we are lucky to keep our doors open in such tough times,’ she said.

When Robyn reminded them that the council workers had previously assured her it would just be a warning, she claimed the response she received was simply, ‘Sorry about that.’

Determined not to pay the fine, the shop owner says she plans to take Violet to court with her.

‘I've been going through a lot of financial stress, so it's easy for me to break down and bawl my eyes out because I'm trying to keep my shop afloat,’ she said.

Robyn believed dog owners need ‘clear clarification’ on the rules, as ‘a lot of people’ put the lead under their foot as well.

The Queensland Government has recently intensified its enforcement of these rules, with increased penalties that can even lead to imprisonment for owners of dogs that exhibit bad behaviour.

On the Sunshine Coast Council website, the updated state-wide laws are clearly outlined.

‘The Queensland Government has updated the penalty for not effectively controlling your dog in a public place,' it said.

'An on-the-spot fine will increase to $806. This includes having a dog off-leash in an on-leash area. Or, if the dog is in an off-leash area, the owner must be able to control the dog using voice command.'

Robyn's story is a cautionary tale for all dog owners. It's not just about the fine but also about understanding and adhering to local laws to ensure the safety and well-being of our pets and the community.

The incident has rallied local support for Robyn, with many calling the fine excessive and indicative of 'dog owner bullying’.

‘Had a similar experience—the council is a brick wall for these matters but happy to charge through the roof for rates,' one said.

Another added, 'Unbelievable! Will absolutely go in and complain on behalf of you.'

You can watch the video below:

Credit: @whitandwatt / Instagram

Key Takeaways
  • A Sunshine Coast boutique owner received an $806 fine for not holding her dog's leash in her hand while sitting outside her store.
  • The council workers deemed the dog, Violet, to be not under effective control, despite her calm behaviour and being leashed.
  • The shop owner, Robyn, contended that she was within her rented premises, not a public space, and had been initially told she would only receive a warning.
  • Robyn has voiced her frustration over the lack of clear rules for dog owners regarding leash control and has gained local support against what is considered an excessive fine.
Have you ever faced a similar situation with your pet? Do you believe the laws are clear enough, or is there a need for better clarification? Let us know in the comments below!
🤔 it wasn't my dog.

But I agree dogs need to be on a leash and restrained when in public. Another reason animals should not be taken into shops unless they are used for disability
All dogs should be on leash, l agree there is no need to take your dog to shops and cafes, any dog can be frightened and can bite. My little resuce dog does not like many dogs. So while walking the streets only each day on leash. If anyone is coming towards us l cross the road and always say hello, this little one is a devil she is not dog friendly. Common sense. Any dog can bite when scared. You have a dog you be responsible at all times.
Kind regards to all Vicki
I have never been aware of this rule. They could have warned the lady. I don't know if it applies in Victoria.
I totally agree with strict rules in regards to pet ownership. My council sends out news letter magazines every few months and keeps you updated on the rules of certain things. They go on about picking up after your dog sad to say not everyone is following that rule. Which is so wrong and how will they get caught council workers are not driving around around looking to see if dog walkers are picking up.
Even a letter box drop from councils would be helpful with pet rules. Then if you break the rule you pay the fine.
Kind regards to all Vicki
Every state and every council have their own rules so as with road rules you have to know all the rules for animals where ever you live
I feel for this lady and although the dog was leashed it wasn't restrained. Dogs can move so quickly that she may not have time to grab the leash and the council workers (not defending them) are not to know the digs placid nature by just looking at it. Give the lady a warning but the council also has the responsibility for informing their people of the rules concerning dogs.
Sorry I'm with the council.

I had a friend who had two white Maltese terriers , they were basically her children.

She said they would never bite ( they did) she said they were showing love.

I was with her at an outdoor Cafe , having coffee . She had just one of her dogs with her .
A woman was standing near by waiting for her coffee and the dog 🐕 bit her leg. It didn't draw blood but did leave a mark and frightened the lady.

The lady was a bit upset ( I couldn't blame her) but didn't take it any further.

I told my friend that she was very lucky. She replied that he was just saying hello.

I told her that she needed to take her dogs out to parks ect and not a Cafe. I told her she needed to keep the dogs on a leash.

I understand there are placid dogs but when out and about they need to be on a leash with owners holding onto that leash.

Rules are in place for a reason.

Maybe 20 years ago , 2 streets away from me was a house whose dog was allowed out in the front yard. It had bitten a few people and when I went for a walk I never went into that street.

A little girl 5 years old who lived a few houses up was attacked and mauled badly by that dog. She was in my daughters class and was in hospital for weeks. It was that bad it was actually on the news . She finally recovered but suffered anxiety for years

Prevent before something happens
Maltese terriers are horrible little dogs, always bite!
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That is absolutely pathetic and petty. Thes counci people are going aroun picking on the pettiest things so they can meet and pass thier quotas to get their bonuses. If that isn't revenue raising I dont what is or isn't.
It appears the only thing that gets through to stupid dog owners is fines. The bigger the better I say. Fine should have been $10,000+. I couldn't count the number of times I've been personally charged at by loose dogs while their idiot owners stand by with stupid grins on their faces doing nothing. Their dogs running at me full speed and jumping up on me. I've been on crutches or a walker with broken hip and cast on arm, trying to do my daily exercise to recover from surgeries and absolutely no consideration from the many moronic dog owners. I see their dog running at me. I can't move out of the way. I'm broken. I'm screaming at them to stop their dog while they stand there laughing and saying "oh he's fine, he just wants to say hi". HOW UNBELIEVEABLY STUPID AND UNCARING CAN YOU DOG OWNERS BE??!! I've even had a dog run at me and was only stopped by me slamming the gate in its face. It was literally centimetres from grabbing me and again the idiot owner just stood there doing nothing. Have you idiot owners not even got brains at all? The only way you'll get how serious this is, is by having YOUR dog harm some innocent person or other innocent other pet or maybe you want your furry friend shot by police. Maybe you'll get it when YOU are the target of a dog attack or when your bank account is empty or your dog is dead or you are in jail. You choose.
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That is absolutely pathetic and petty. Thes counci people are going aroun picking on the pettiest things so they can meet and pass thier quotas to get their bonuses. If that isn't revenue raising I dont what is or isn't.
Don't be so stupid. Getting attacked by a dog is a BIG deal. Anybody having to deal with YOUR dog while they simply are trying to do their job should have the right to defend themselves in any way possible.
That is absolutely pathetic and petty. Thes counci people are going aroun picking on the pettiest things so they can meet and pass thier quotas to get their bonuses. If that isn't revenue raising I dont what is or isn't.
You'd change your holier than thou tune if YOU were the target of a dog attack. You make unbelievably stupid statements.
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Sorry I'm with the council.

I had a friend who had two white Maltese terriers , they were basically her children.

She said they would never bite ( they did) she said they were showing love.

I was with her at an outdoor Cafe , having coffee . She had just one of her dogs with her .
A woman was standing near by waiting for her coffee and the dog 🐕 bit her leg. It didn't draw blood but did leave a mark and frightened the lady.

The lady was a bit upset ( I couldn't blame her) but didn't take it any further.

I told my friend that she was very lucky. She replied that he was just saying hello.

I told her that she needed to take her dogs out to parks ect and not a Cafe. I told her she needed to keep the dogs on a leash.

I understand there are placid dogs but when out and about they need to be on a leash with owners holding onto that leash.

Rules are in place for a reason.

Maybe 20 years ago , 2 streets away from me was a house whose dog was allowed out in the front yard. It had bitten a few people and when I went for a walk I never went into that street.

A little girl 5 years old who lived a few houses up was attacked and mauled badly by that dog. She was in my daughters class and was in hospital for weeks. It was that bad it was actually on the news . She finally recovered but suffered anxiety for years

Prevent before something happens
I understand that rules are necessary, but in this case the dog was on the owners property, partially restrained and one look makes it obvious that this is an older dog who is slow to move. There does not appear to be clear reasons for the fine!
I thought we got rid of the gestapo long ago I wondered where they there anything we CAN do these days councils need to be reminded that THEY are there to manage OUR county (ITS NOT THEIRS) they are servants of the comunity NOT THE LORDS of the district, by all means fine guilty parties of breaches but when it comes to preventative legislation this must be up to the GOVERNMENT to lay down the law for AUSTRALIA OR THE STATE not just a district or shire....its really about revenue as far as councils go
Your words are beyond dumb. Maybe when YOU are the target of a dog attack you'll get how serious it is to ALWAYS have full control of your pet.
I understand that rules are necessary, but in this case the dog was on the owners property, partially restrained and one look makes it obvious that this is an older dog who is slow to move. There does not appear to be clear reasons for the fine!
It was outside her shop. She was sitting on a wall having coffee. Her dogs leash was under her foot, she wasn't holding it, so the dog could have easily got away

Watch the video , it was outside her business and on public property
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I am on the side of the council in this case. Many dogs are dangerous and owners are obnoxious and irresponsible. There have been cases where dogs have killed small children, other pets and have caused serious injuries. If a dog causes injury, the dog owner should be held liable.
I find this a bit weird actually….A woman sitting outdoors, on her own property, enjoying a coffee with her dog at her feet, dog is leashed but not held in her hand and laying peacefully. So what drew the attention of the council workers that made them come up to the lady and ‘lay down the law’, because if the dog was just laying or sitting quietly there would have been no reason for the reprimand and fine, unless of course the dog WAS being unruly …however I do know that council workers wear their jobs worth hats when it suits them, often for no reason other than that they can, or just for badness. I think it’s nice sitting outside a cafe with a dog at your feet enjoying the pleasantries of a nice day….. I do think that dogs should be leashed and under control at all times outdoors though, and I think that if a dog gets unruly or aggressive then the owner should cop any consequences such as medical bills, appropriate fines or damages……and if the owner does not have absolute control then they should be banned from the premises. Dogs that are allowed the freedom of being unleashed either in parks or gardens have the potential of turning into extremely dangerous animals at the drop of a hat, even though the owner might tell you that their dog won’t harm you, their dog is very gentle etc, and that’s if the owner can be found…………. But this dog Violet seems to not have shown any aggression, that would attract attention anyway…………….As some of you have mentioned, another tactic used to line the government’s already full coffers maybe…
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I used to breed and show dogs. I’m also did Obedience trials with a Boston Terrier and a Dalmatian, also was an Instructor at a large Obedience club. Well I bet these guys wouldn’t really understand animal behaviour at all. Your dog looks old and to me wouldn’t take off and you have probably trained it over the yrs. I had boarding knls and the boarders were going crazy, so I wanted to see why. Well 2 Rangers were to pick up a Rottie that was in the paddock next to me. I said don’t worry, I had a few tabs to sedate, so put one in some food, took it near the dog and said just wait 10mins and you will be fine! No probs were able to get the dog.
But there again there are some idiots with dogs that have not a clue how to control their dogs and don’t seem to try and learn as well.
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I am on the side of the council in this case. Many dogs are dangerous and owners are obnoxious and irresponsible. There have been cases where dogs have killed small children, other pets and have caused serious injuries. If a dog causes injury, the dog owner should be held liable.
In a sense I agree with you. During Covid I would go and watch say about 20-30 dogs tearing around a soccer field. Large dogs knocking smaller dogs over, it was crazy, to see many have no control over their dogs. I’m surprised while I was there no dog fights.
I get angry when I see parents allowing their kids to pull, push, lie on dogs etc etc and many a time it’s not the dogs fault, but it gets blamed when it snaps or does bite. Don’t get me wrong I have no respect for owners whose dogs are aggressive and attacking kids or dogs. It was interesting to see some when they wanted to go home they couldn’t catch their dog. Quite a few I would go up to them and say you at some time has told your dog off or hit I for not coming, yes they say. Well that why it doesn’t want to come to you, then I said just start walking away don’t look back and if getting close to the road squat down, dog will wonder what pack leader is doing and come after you, then heaps of praise. Also I taught my dogs if they came into my kitchen or while outside I would praise and say that’s a good come!
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