Discover the staple foods a dietitian always keeps in her kitchen for quick and healthy meals

Life can get so busy that sometimes, planning every meal just isn't in the cards.

It’s in these moments that chopping and cooking seem extra tedious and grabbing takeaway food becomes way easier.

But guess what? Making a fast, healthy meal from scratch isn't a big deal; and a nutritionist says you just need the right items in your kitchen.

Dietitian Kate Hilton, known for debunking nutritional ‘myths’ on social media, recently shared a video of her kitchen must-haves for whipping up a balanced meal in minutes.

In an interview with Insider, Hilton mentioned that preparing a healthy meal, even without prior planning, can be easier if your kitchen has the essential foods.

For starters, she advised to stock up on protein, starchy carbohydrates, and vegetables in various forms—canned, frozen, fresh, or dried—in the fridge, freezer, and cupboards.

This ensures ‘there's always a way for you to obtain the main food groups, even if you haven't been to the shops in 10 days.’

So, what's always in Kate’s kitchen for quick, balanced meals? Let's break it down…

1. Various sources of carbohydrates

Hilton stores a frozen loaf of seeded or multigrain bread, known for its health benefits due to its high fibre and nutrient content.

Her cupboards also have pasta, paired with a sauce made from canned chopped tomatoes, along with basmati rice.

Poor dietary choices increase the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular issues, type 2 diabetes, cancers, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Image source: Pixabay

2. Proteins from both animal and plant sources

Hilton suggests freezing fresh meat, like chicken breast and pork mince, or Quorn for vegetarians. This is to avoid less healthy, processed options like frozen chicken nuggets, which can contain added salt, sugar, and fats linked to various health issues, including certain cancers.

In her cupboards, Hilton consistently stocks longer-lasting plant-based proteins, such as cans of beans and lentils, known for quick cooking and high fibre content.

She also includes tofu and tempeh as other plant-based options. In the fridge, she recommends having products like soy yogurt, soy milk, or eggs—ideal for creating speedy breakfasts and lunches rich in proteins.

3. Varied vegetable choices

Hilton favours fresh, seasonal produce and keeps her cupboards and freezer well-stocked for diverse nutrient options.

Her cupboards consistently hold canned tomatoes, tinned sweetcorn, and fruits such as peaches and pineapple. Her freezer features frozen peas, bananas, and berries.

Additionally, her freezer features frozen peas, bananas, and berries. Stressing flexibility, Hilton asserts, ‘Whatever fruits and vegetables you can manage are going to be a good thing.’

A healthy diet is about feeling great, gaining energy, improving health, and lifting your mood. Image source: Pixabay

4. Healthy fats

Hilton's go-to healthy fat choices include extra virgin olive oil and rapeseed oil (or its variant canola oil, which is low in erucic acid). Additionally, she suggests having your preferred nuts and seeds in the cupboard for an extra source of healthy fats.

According to her, ‘For me, it's walnuts and chia seeds for the Omega-3 they contain. And also things like pecans and nut butter, just because I like them.’

Key Takeaways
  • Registered dietitian Kate Hilton, known for debunking nutrition myths on social media, shares her go-to kitchen essentials for preparing quick and healthy meals.
  • Staples cover protein, starchy carbohydrates, and veggies, available fresh, frozen, dried, or canned.
  • Hilton stores healthy bread, pasta, basmati rice, and fresh, tinned, and frozen fruits and veggies.
  • Protein sources range from fresh meat to vegetarian options, including beans, tofu, soy yoghurt, and eggs.
  • Essential healthy fats in Hilton's kitchen include extra virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, nuts, seeds, and nut butter, providing nutrients and enhancing meal variety and flavour.
Members, are any of these healthy food items in your fridge or cupboards, too? Let us know in the comments!
Life can get so busy that sometimes, planning every meal just isn't in the cards.

It’s in these moments that chopping and cooking seem extra tedious and grabbing takeaway food becomes way easier.

But guess what? Making a fast, healthy meal from scratch isn't a big deal; and a nutritionist says you just need the right items in your kitchen.

Dietitian Kate Hilton, known for debunking nutritional ‘myths’ on social media, recently shared a video of her kitchen must-haves for whipping up a balanced meal in minutes.

In an interview with Insider, Hilton mentioned that preparing a healthy meal, even without prior planning, can be easier if your kitchen has the essential foods.

For starters, she advised to stock up on protein, starchy carbohydrates, and vegetables in various forms—canned, frozen, fresh, or dried—in the fridge, freezer, and cupboards.

This ensures ‘there's always a way for you to obtain the main food groups, even if you haven't been to the shops in 10 days.’

So, what's always in Kate’s kitchen for quick, balanced meals? Let's break it down…

1. Various sources of carbohydrates

Hilton stores a frozen loaf of seeded or multigrain bread, known for its health benefits due to its high fibre and nutrient content.

Her cupboards also have pasta, paired with a sauce made from canned chopped tomatoes, along with basmati rice.

View attachment 32643
Poor dietary choices increase the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular issues, type 2 diabetes, cancers, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Image source: Pixabay

2. Proteins from both animal and plant sources

Hilton suggests freezing fresh meat, like chicken breast and pork mince, or Quorn for vegetarians. This is to avoid less healthy, processed options like frozen chicken nuggets, which can contain added salt, sugar, and fats linked to various health issues, including certain cancers.

In her cupboards, Hilton consistently stocks longer-lasting plant-based proteins, such as cans of beans and lentils, known for quick cooking and high fibre content.

She also includes tofu and tempeh as other plant-based options. In the fridge, she recommends having products like soy yogurt, soy milk, or eggs—ideal for creating speedy breakfasts and lunches rich in proteins.

3. Varied vegetable choices

Hilton favours fresh, seasonal produce and keeps her cupboards and freezer well-stocked for diverse nutrient options.

Her cupboards consistently hold canned tomatoes, tinned sweetcorn, and fruits such as peaches and pineapple. Her freezer features frozen peas, bananas, and berries.

Additionally, her freezer features frozen peas, bananas, and berries. Stressing flexibility, Hilton asserts, ‘Whatever fruits and vegetables you can manage are going to be a good thing.’

View attachment 32644
A healthy diet is about feeling great, gaining energy, improving health, and lifting your mood. Image source: Pixabay

4. Healthy fats

Hilton's go-to healthy fat choices include extra virgin olive oil and rapeseed oil (or its variant canola oil, which is low in erucic acid). Additionally, she suggests having your preferred nuts and seeds in the cupboard for an extra source of healthy fats.

According to her, ‘For me, it's walnuts and chia seeds for the Omega-3 they contain. And also things like pecans and nut butter, just because I like them.’

Key Takeaways

  • Registered dietitian Kate Hilton, known for debunking nutrition myths on social media, shares her go-to kitchen essentials for preparing quick and healthy meals.
  • Staples cover protein, starchy carbohydrates, and veggies, available fresh, frozen, dried, or canned.
  • Hilton stores healthy bread, pasta, basmati rice, and fresh, tinned, and frozen fruits and veggies.
  • Protein sources range from fresh meat to vegetarian options, including beans, tofu, soy yoghurt, and eggs.
  • Essential healthy fats in Hilton's kitchen include extra virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, nuts, seeds, and nut butter, providing nutrients and enhancing meal variety and flavour.
Members, are any of these healthy food items in your fridge or cupboards, too? Let us know in the comments!
OMG I would not go near rape seed oil. It's where they got canola from. Part of the mustard plant, bugs won't go near it. Processed too. Can live without fruit and veg too. As for bread. Most of it is garbage from highly processed manufacturers and wheat is so inflammatory now. Nothing wrong with butter and ghee. Nothing wrong with steak and eggs, easy and good for you
OMG I would not go near rape seed oil. It's where they got canola from. Part of the mustard plant, bugs won't go near it. Processed too. Can live without fruit and veg too. As for bread. Most of it is garbage from highly processed manufacturers and wheat is so inflammatory now. Nothing wrong with butter and ghee. Nothing wrong with steak and eggs, easy and good for you
No fruit and veggies are you nuts.🤔no bread make your own it’s easy.😋just steak and eggs this post is a joke right.🤔
No fruit and veggies are you nuts.🤔no bread make your own it’s easy.😋just steak and eggs this post is a joke right.🤔
No not a joke, real. I don't eat much junk now only small amount at Christmas. I have many friends who just do carnivore, meat, eggs, fish, bit of dairy. They are surviving and thriving. Two things humans should not eat. Grains and seed oils. I know many who don't eat much in veg or fruit and no grains or seed oils. Many diabetics use this to stay healthy. What we have been told (yes told) to eat is so much garbage and makes us sick so we prop up the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.
No not a joke, real. I don't eat much junk now only small amount at Christmas. I have many friends who just do carnivore, meat, eggs, fish, bit of dairy. They are surviving and thriving. Two things humans should not eat. Grains and seed oils. I know many who don't eat much in veg or fruit and no grains or seed oils. Many diabetics use this to stay healthy. What we have been told (yes told) to eat is so much garbage and makes us sick so we prop up the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.
Well each to their own I guess I eat 🐟 and 🐓and veggies etc.I can’t afford red meat but I do like a blue t bone or scotch once in a blue 🌑 oh well stay safe in 2024.
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Well each to their own I guess I eat 🐟 and 🐓and veggies etc.I can’t afford red meat but I do like a blue t bone or scotch once in a blue 🌑 oh well stay safe in 2024.
I will certainly try. Lost a kid to alcohol so don't do much of it anymore. I survived 7 weeks eating only meat when hubby was in hospital. No issues going carnivore. I buy the cheap meats. Buy a T bone occasionally when they are cheap enough. Eggs and bone broth are pretty good too. Take care
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I will certainly try. Lost a kid to alcohol so don't do much of it anymore. I survived 7 weeks eating only meat when hubby was in hospital. No issues going carnivore. I buy the cheap meats. Buy a T bone occasionally when they are cheap enough. Eggs and bone broth are pretty good too. Take care
Yeah you too I stopped drinking a couple of years ago it’s amazing how much better you can feel and the purse also.😊funny I don’t even miss it considering I was turning into an alcoholic.🙀but there you go.😊
Yeah you too I stopped drinking a couple of years ago it’s amazing how much better you can feel and the purse also.😊funny I don’t even miss it considering I was turning into an alcoholic.🙀but there you go.😊
Yeah it can get you if you aren't careful. Glad you don't miss it. Keep up the good work on you.
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Yeah it can get you if you aren't careful. Glad you don't miss it. Keep up the good work on you.
I have family to thank they threatened to disown me if I continued and to stop supporting me and my cat bubba.🙀I went through a feel sorry for myself patch when I moved back to melb from tassie. I was so lost and confused it was awful but it’s all good now.😍what’s the saying”she’ll be right mate”😊
I will certainly try. Lost a kid to alcohol so don't do much of it anymore. I survived 7 weeks eating only meat when hubby was in hospital. No issues going carnivore. I buy the cheap meats. Buy a T bone occasionally when they are cheap enough. Eggs and bone broth are pretty good too. Take care
I have family to thank they threatened to disown me if I continued and to stop supporting me and my cat bubba.🙀I went through a feel sorry for myself patch when I moved back to melb from tassie. I was so lost and confused it was awful but it’s all good now.😍what’s the saying”she’ll be right mate”😊
Oh so glad it worked. Didn't matter what we did our son just kept going. Ended up with cirrhosis of the liver and died 16 months ago. I come from Melbourne but have been in Brisbane for years. Move to a rural area 5 years ago but now going back close to the city to be close to family we have there and friends. Nice to have the holiday home but after covid and some other stuff it's lost its appeal. Family is great to have around. One of ours is still in Melbourne so don't see much of him and his family. Stay close to the family. Keep kitty close too
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Oh so glad it worked. Didn't matter what we did our son just kept going. Ended up with cirrhosis of the liver and died 16 months ago. I come from Melbourne but have been in Brisbane for years. Move to a rural area 5 years ago but now going back close to the city to be close to family we have there and friends. Nice to have the holiday home but after covid and some other stuff it's lost its appeal. Family is great to have around. One of ours is still in Melbourne so don't see much of him and his family. Stay close to the family. Keep kitty close too
Sure will love my little buddy😍sorry about your son that’s so sad.😢one thing is my liver is 100 per cent perfect had it tested.but I’m a vitamin geek and I was also taking liver detox tablets while I was drinking vodka and water everyday. How dumbs that.😊nice to chat take care.😍
Sure will love my little buddy😍sorry about your son that’s so sad.😢one thing is my liver is 100 per cent perfect had it tested.but I’m a vitamin geek and I was also taking liver detox tablets while I was drinking vodka and water everyday. How dumbs that.😊nice to chat take care.😍
That is great. Good your health is okay now. You take care too. Hope this coming year is the best for you yet
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OMG I would not go near rape seed oil. It's where they got canola from. Part of the mustard plant, bugs won't go near it. Processed too. Can live without fruit and veg too. As for bread. Most of it is garbage from highly processed manufacturers and wheat is so inflammatory now. Nothing wrong with butter and ghee. Nothing wrong with steak and eggs, easy and good for you
Would totally agree with you Lizzie. The problem with Dieticians and Nutritionists is that they profess foods that are still part of the CSIRO food pyramid which is all rubbish now. They have not researched or explored enough, and just pass on information that they see as the normal standards of practise.
No fruit and veggies are you nuts.🤔no bread make your own it’s easy.😋just steak and eggs this post is a joke right.🤔
The post is half right. No need for fruit (unless its berries) too much sugar and fructose. No need for starchy vegetables as they are too high in carbs. No need for bread or any grains or cereals as they are too high in carbs and inflammatory to our bodies. Never, ever use vegetable oils of any type. They are not vegetable oils but seed oils which have been hydrogenated and chemicals attached which makes them inflammatory. The industry likes to call it vegetable oil because the sales pitch makes it sound healthy.

Instead use cruciferous vegetables (and there's plenty of them), plenty of meat, eggs and other animal-based protein, plenty of good fats like olive oil, butter, ghee, avocado. Become a fat burner not a sugar/carb burner.

There is now volumes of information, studies and clinical trials that show that foods that were once promoted particularly in the 70's, 80's and 90's are what has contributed to the obesity epidemic and in turn many of the diseases that are now on the rise as a result of it. Eating the wrong foods in moderation is not an option. People do not know what that means and see it as an excuse. Many Dieticians and Nutritionists still promote the CSIRO Food Pyramid and do so because they still believe it's the basic advice that should be given and forms part of an approved standard or care. Look for nutritional advice (if you need it) from those that are to date and are well researched.

The carnivore diet is now a breakthrough in what can be called an elimination diet. There is mountains of research on it and medical based evidence. The miss-information (I call it myth-information) which still exists in relation to meat being bad for you is so wrong it's not funny.

I apologise for the long-winded response, and I suppose it sounds like a bit of a rant. But I find it extremely important that people do not blindly follow advice which is outdated, ill-informed and promoted by industry which have a conflict of interest.

Hope this gets people thinking and exploring for themselves.
No not a joke, real. I don't eat much junk now only small amount at Christmas. I have many friends who just do carnivore, meat, eggs, fish, bit of dairy. They are surviving and thriving. Two things humans should not eat. Grains and seed oils. I know many who don't eat much in veg or fruit and no grains or seed oils. Many diabetics use this to stay healthy. What we have been told (yes told) to eat is so much garbage and makes us sick so we prop up the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.
Well done Lizzie. You are totally correct. You can see my response to Little Boy in respect to your information.

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