Discover how this amazing woman uses an $8 Kmart item to offer refuge to wild possums! - Here’s the heartwarming story

Ah, one of the greatest joys of living in Australia: our nation’s vibrant and diverse wildlife. No other country on the planet has a wildlife population of adorable creatures like kangaroos, koalas, and of course, possums.

Many Aussies find the abundance of friendly critters and birds around their cities, towns and rural properties almost overwhelming.

Sure, some people might not be too thrilled at the idea of sharing their space with animals. But many others are actually quite fond of our critters, taking it as an opportunity to protect the environment by nurturing and providing shelter to some animals who were left astray.

One inspiring story that demonstrates this is the tale of an Aussie woman who is providing refuge to wild brushtail possums in her area - with the help of just an $8 Kmart item.

Sharing her story in the Kmart Home Decor & Hacks Australia Facebook group, the woman said that it all started when she spotted a brushtail possum sitting on her garage shelves, looking 'all sad and miserable’ back in 2020.

The homeowner said that she was moved by the possum’s state so she decided to purchase an $8 Kmart cat cave to provide some shelter for the poor creature.

The woman provided refuge to wild possums in her area using the $8 Kmart cat cave. Credit: Facebook.

‘Pandy (the name the woman gave to the critter) the possum loved his comfortable bed,’ she wrote.

‘We even put CCTV in and named the camera “Pandycam”.’

Sadly, around 2021, Pandy suddenly disappeared.

Just when they thought they would surely miss him, another wild possum came along and made itself at home in the cat cave.

The woman continued: ‘Now we are pleased that the cat bed has a new tenant we named Jazz.’

‘He is free to come and go as he pleases. Jazz is also living his best possum life in Belgrave, Victoria.'

The adorable post captured the hearts of more than 1,600 group members, with many saying that the story brightened up their day.

According to the woman, since the original ‘tenant’ of the cat cave did not return to the area, a new possum, named Jazz, took over the place. Credit: Facebook.

One person wrote: ‘This is the kind of wholesome, sweet, and selfless stuff we need to see more often.’

‘Bless all your souls for being so kind to these gorgeous babies and providing beds for them. Makes me so happy!’ another praised.

Others shared their experiences with providing homes to wild possums.

One user shared: ‘We have a possum who has made a nest in between 2 snake plants in a planter on the fence outside the laundry.’

‘I didn't realise and started pulling off the bits of twigs and leaves until he popped out and ran along the fence. Needless to say he has fixed the nest, bigger and better, and I'm leaving it alone now.’

Another shared: ‘I adore our little possum, we have a gum tree that she sleeps in near our deck. My husband hates the tree because it’s lifting our pavers, but we both love Poss.’

‘I've got one as well. She made a vet visit then released back home and now is a regular visitor. My dog and her share dog biccys,’ a third wrote, along with a photo of the adorable possum perching on the user’s balcony.

Other users shared photos of the possums that seek shelter in their backyards. Credit: Facebook.

Meanwhile, many people seemed to remember Pandy, admitting that they followed the possum’s story on social media and were dejected when he went missing.

One comment read: ‘Pandy broke a lot of hearts and I watched and watched hoping he would come back.’

’I remember your posts about Pandy. I wondered what happened. I hope Jazz enjoys her new home. She looks so sweet,’ another said.

‘That's the thing about Possums, one moves out and another moves in, great spot.’

A third added: ‘Very cool! I follow you with Pandy on Instagram. I have seen some cool video footage over the years. I wonder what happened to Pandy?’

Key Takeaways
  • An Aussie woman is providing refuge to wild brushtail possums in her area with the help of a Kmart cat cave.
  • Her story has captured the hearts of many on social media.
  • People have shared their own experiences of providing homes to wild possums.
  • Many people were dejected when the woman’s previous possum, Pandy, disappeared.

Members, while Baby Jazz and Pandy are living their best possum lives all thanks to this Aussie woman, we want to encourage you to exercise caution in opting to care for wild animals.

We suggest doing research that provides comprehensive information on how to safely care for these animals, and please consult a professional if you have any concerns.

10 Ways to Protect Wildlife and the Environment in Australia.jpg
Some tips on how you can protect wildlife. Credit: Seniors Discount Club.

Have you ever encountered a wild possum in your area or have you ever had a ‘Pandy’ or ‘Jazz’ of your own? Tell us about your furry friend in the comments below!
Ah, one of the greatest joys of living in Australia: our nation’s vibrant and diverse wildlife. No other country on the planet has a wildlife population of adorable creatures like kangaroos, koalas, and of course, possums.

Many Aussies find the abundance of friendly critters and birds around their cities, towns and rural properties almost overwhelming.

Sure, some people might not be too thrilled at the idea of sharing their space with animals. But many others are actually quite fond of our critters, taking it as an opportunity to protect the environment by nurturing and providing shelter to some animals who were left astray.

One inspiring story that demonstrates this is the tale of an Aussie woman who is providing refuge to wild brushtail possums in her area - with the help of just an $8 Kmart item.

Sharing her story in the Kmart Home Decor & Hacks Australia Facebook group, the woman said that it all started when she spotted a brushtail possum sitting on her garage shelves, looking 'all sad and miserable’ back in 2020.

The homeowner said that she was moved by the possum’s state so she decided to purchase an $8 Kmart cat cave to provide some shelter for the poor creature.

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The woman provided refuge to wild possums in her area using the $8 Kmart cat cave. Credit: Facebook.

‘Pandy (the name the woman gave to the critter) the possum loved his comfortable bed,’ she wrote.

‘We even put CCTV in and named the camera “Pandycam”.’

Sadly, around 2021, Pandy suddenly disappeared.

Just when they thought they would surely miss him, another wild possum came along and made itself at home in the cat cave.

The woman continued: ‘Now we are pleased that the cat bed has a new tenant we named Jazz.’

‘He is free to come and go as he pleases. Jazz is also living his best possum life in Belgrave, Victoria.'

The adorable post captured the hearts of more than 1,600 group members, with many saying that the story brightened up their day.

View attachment 14239
According to the woman, since the original ‘tenant’ of the cat cave did not return to the area, a new possum, named Jazz, took over the place. Credit: Facebook.

One person wrote: ‘This is the kind of wholesome, sweet, and selfless stuff we need to see more often.’

‘Bless all your souls for being so kind to these gorgeous babies and providing beds for them. Makes me so happy!’ another praised.

Others shared their experiences with providing homes to wild possums.

One user shared: ‘We have a possum who has made a nest in between 2 snake plants in a planter on the fence outside the laundry.’

‘I didn't realise and started pulling off the bits of twigs and leaves until he popped out and ran along the fence. Needless to say he has fixed the nest, bigger and better, and I'm leaving it alone now.’

Another shared: ‘I adore our little possum, we have a gum tree that she sleeps in near our deck. My husband hates the tree because it’s lifting our pavers, but we both love Poss.’

‘I've got one as well. She made a vet visit then released back home and now is a regular visitor. My dog and her share dog biccys,’ a third wrote, along with a photo of the adorable possum perching on the user’s balcony.

View attachment 14238
Other users shared photos of the possums that seek shelter in their backyards. Credit: Facebook.

Meanwhile, many people seemed to remember Pandy, admitting that they followed the possum’s story on social media and were dejected when he went missing.

One comment read: ‘Pandy broke a lot of hearts and I watched and watched hoping he would come back.’

’I remember your posts about Pandy. I wondered what happened. I hope Jazz enjoys her new home. She looks so sweet,’ another said.

‘That's the thing about Possums, one moves out and another moves in, great spot.’

A third added: ‘Very cool! I follow you with Pandy on Instagram. I have seen some cool video footage over the years. I wonder what happened to Pandy?’

Key Takeaways

  • An Aussie woman is providing refuge to wild brushtail possums in her area with the help of a Kmart cat cave.
  • Her story has captured the hearts of many on social media.
  • People have shared their own experiences of providing homes to wild possums.
  • Many people were dejected when the woman’s previous possum, Pandy, disappeared.

Members, while Baby Jazz and Pandy are living their best possum lives all thanks to this Aussie woman, we want to encourage you to exercise caution in opting to care for wild animals.

We suggest doing research that provides comprehensive information on how to safely care for these animals, and please consult a professional if you have any concerns.

View attachment 14236
Some tips on how you can protect wildlife. Credit: Seniors Discount Club.

Have you ever encountered a wild possum in your area or have you ever had a ‘Pandy’ or ‘Jazz’ of your own? Tell us about your furry friend in the comments below!
You really should not encourage possums to live in your home. They are better out in the wild where they belong. I just hope these people are not feeding the Possums. People usually feed them the wrong food. They build their own drey & keep themselves warm. People feed Ri grails Apples it will end up ruining their gut. Just like where we are at the moment a lady was feeding ducks BREAD!!!!! You will end up killing them!!!!! Please stop giving any animal bread!!! Just go google the harm it does.
You really should not encourage possums to live in your home. They are better out in the wild where they belong. I just hope these people are not feeding the Possums. People usually feed them the wrong food. They build their own drey & keep themselves warm. People feed Ri grails Apples it will end up ruining their gut. Just like where we are at the moment a lady was feeding ducks BREAD!!!!! You will end up killing them!!!!! Please stop giving any animal bread!!! Just go google the harm it does.
Sorry should read RINGTAILS
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Sadly poor suburban possums are losing their natural environment due to heavy land clearing so they go looking in places they may not have considered 20 years ago but now their choices are limited. I chatted with our vet about what we could feed them and as there used to be stone fruit orchards and mangoes growing locally that's what we fed them. The local green grocer was very kind with fruit that was passed it's best. He also used to give to the animal refuges.
I had a possum up on my deck who stayed there for a week while recovering from one of our dogs playing with it. We have a sound system with speakers on poles & this is where he stayed. I took a few photos but can't transfer them to this mail as they haven't been downloaded from my phone. My dogs are far more important to me than possums as they have the run of the backyard at night as watchdogs should. If the possums were less vocal then the dogs wouldn't even notice them. We have many around us here in Brisbane they obviously breed well.
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All animals have a right to be cared for and if in need of help, I will not say no and close the door. There are no possums in our area. If they are, I've never seen one.
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I live in suburbia Sydney and we have possums in our backyard.

It puzzled us how they actually came here as we do not have bushland around us.

Although my backyard is a haven for possums , while all the other houses around us have no vegetation in their backyards except grass , our backyard is full of trees and plants.

We would see a mother and her baby on her back on the top edge of our pergola outside our back-door. We have grapes growing all the way across and the possums have eaten all the leaves.

We have these large half circle pots hanging on our fence with Grevilleas and when hubby went to cut of the dry leaves a possum jumped out and ran along the fence .

I don't feed them although they are having a feast in my garden and now that my banana's are just about ready to pick they have started helping themselves.
As well as eating my spinach .

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