Did your favourite lolly vanish from the supermarket aisles? See what happened to the Life Savers Hard lolly

Just when you thought all your beloved treats were safe, another icon quietly stepped off the sugar-lined aisles of our local supermarkets.

The Life Savers Five Flavours Hard lolly, a nostalgic treat that many Aussies associate with cheeky childhood memories, has been vanished.

If you've strolled down the supermarket sweet aisle recently and frowned, noticing an empty spot where your favoured fruity lollies usually perch, you aren’t the only one.

The absence of this crowd-favourite treat has ruffled more than a few nostalgic feathers, leading to whispers among the sugary treat lovers' community.

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Life Savers Five Flavors Hard Candy is a popular confectionery known for its iconic ring shape and assortment of fruit flavours, providing a sweet and nostalgic treat for lolly lovers. Source: Amazon

One faithful Life Savers enthusiast ignited a heated discussion on social media after noticing that this iconic Australian lolly had 'quietly' faded off the map over the years.

This revelation aroused a fierce reaction from loyalists pleading for its return.

'They were the best, Haven't seen them around in years,' lamented one passionate lolly lover.

Another said, 'It's hard to find any boiled lollies anymore. They're all gummy rubbish that I just don't buy.'

Some fans were taken aback, struggling to grasp that their treasured Five Flavours Hard lolly's production had concluded years ago.

Jodi Teasdale, the brand's Senior Marketing Manager, confirmed the sobering news.

She stated, 'The Life Savers Five Flavours Hard lolly Roll is an absolute classic! We are not producing them at the moment…’

However, all was not lost! ‘We do have plans to bring this nostalgic classic back on shelves one day,' Teasdale added.

Keen lolly connoisseurs also revealed that the beloved Life Savers Five Flavours still linger on the shelves in the United States.

Whilst we eagerly anticipate the return of our favourite multi-flavoured hard lolly rings, Teasdale has a consolation for those craving a nostalgic binge. The original Fruit Tingle and Musk roll are still available.

Life Savers Fruit Tingles is a tangy and effervescent lolly known for its unique fizzing sensation, offering a delightful burst of fruity flavour that tingles on the taste buds. Source: JB Mart

Teasdale said, ‘For those who want to take a walk down memory lane, the original Fruit Tingle and Musk roll that many Aussies know and love are available in grocery and convenience stores nationwide.’

Seemingly updated with the goings on among its loyal customers, Life Savers cheekily teased their followers on social media, asking in a post: 'So what, should we bring back Five Flavours?'

This was quickly followed by a very cheeky disclaimer: We may or may not bring back your suggestions. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please enjoy our current flavours.'

Key Takeaways
  • Life Savers' Five Flavours Hard lolly, have disappeared from supermarket shelves as production ceased.
  • A loyal fan voiced her observation of the missing lolly on social media, causing a stir amongst other Life Savers lovers.
  • Life Savers' Senior Marketing Manager confirmed plans to bring back this nostalgic classic sometime in the future.
  • While fans wait for the re-emergence of Life Savers’ five flavours hard lolly, the original Fruit Tingle and Musk roll remains in grocery stores nationwide.

When discussing the recent disappearance and subsequent availability of Life Savers in the American market, it is essential to acknowledge the impact of local productions on our economy.

While importing products may offer a broader range of choices, supporting local businesses plays a crucial role in preserving the distinctiveness of our marketplace and fostering economic growth.

Members, we invite you to share your favourite nostalgic lollies in the comments below!
Lifesavers , last longer as you savour the flavour of yesteryear, tanking so much from the yesterdays generations is not a good sign.
Giving them the jellies is not an option.
Not all towns have conveniences stores any more .also golden rough and mint Pattie’s have shrunk . And are softer , which do not have the same flavours of yesteryear, companies are getting stingier now more than ever. And Dearer.
Wow! Talk about emotive language ... "ruffled feathers", "heated discussion", "fierce reaction", "pleading for its return", "struggling to grasp", "sobering news", "eagerly anticipate", "craving a nostalgic binge". Think you might just about have hit a new high there. All we need now is more screamers in your headlines a la the No Idea or the Woman's Daze magazines.
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isn't it interesting the sheep mentality of the current bunch of shoppers, no one even noticed this "fan" favourite was gone from shelfs, UNTIL the internet told them so, now they all want a company to bring them back although 99% of them never eat them in the modern era?
Wow! Talk about emotive language ... "ruffled feathers", "heated discussion", "fierce reaction", "pleading for its return", "struggling to grasp", "sobering news", "eagerly anticipate", "craving a nostalgic binge". Think you might just about have hit a new high there. All we need now is more screamers in your headlines a la the No Idea or the Woman's Daze magazines.
I hate these sort of descriptions especially when they say “Aussies flock to” or“Kmart customers in a frenzy” etc etc and have said so many times but they still do it!!!
Back in the old days, this style of writing appeared in what used to be called "yellow journalism". I hope it's not coming back in fashion, but, given the short attention span of a lot of people these days, I fear it is.
Talking about hard lollies to suck on, I used to like the hard boiled ones and lately I have tried to find butterscotch ones to no avail at the supermarket. Where have they gone? so may soft jelly ones and chocolates in the aisle.
isn't it interesting the sheep mentality of the current bunch of shoppers, no one even noticed this "fan" favourite was gone from shelfs, UNTIL the internet told them so, now they all want a company to bring them back although 99% of them never eat them in the modern era?
spot on ShannyN
Just when you thought all your beloved treats were safe, another icon quietly stepped off the sugar-lined aisles of our local supermarkets.

The Life Savers Five Flavours Hard lolly, a nostalgic treat that many Aussies associate with cheeky childhood memories, has been vanished.

If you've strolled down the supermarket sweet aisle recently and frowned, noticing an empty spot where your favoured fruity lollies usually perch, you aren’t the only one.

The absence of this crowd-favourite treat has ruffled more than a few nostalgic feathers, leading to whispers among the sugary treat lovers' community.

View attachment 25372
Life Savers Five Flavors Hard Candy is a popular confectionery known for its iconic ring shape and assortment of fruit flavours, providing a sweet and nostalgic treat for lolly lovers. Source: Amazon

One faithful Life Savers enthusiast ignited a heated discussion on social media after noticing that this iconic Australian lolly had 'quietly' faded off the map over the years.

This revelation aroused a fierce reaction from loyalists pleading for its return.

'They were the best, Haven't seen them around in years,' lamented one passionate lolly lover.

Another said, 'It's hard to find any boiled lollies anymore. They're all gummy rubbish that I just don't buy.'

Some fans were taken aback, struggling to grasp that their treasured Five Flavours Hard lolly's production had concluded years ago.

Jodi Teasdale, the brand's Senior Marketing Manager, confirmed the sobering news.

She stated, 'The Life Savers Five Flavours Hard lolly Roll is an absolute classic! We are not producing them at the moment…’

However, all was not lost! ‘We do have plans to bring this nostalgic classic back on shelves one day,' Teasdale added.

Keen lolly connoisseurs also revealed that the beloved Life Savers Five Flavours still linger on the shelves in the United States.

Whilst we eagerly anticipate the return of our favourite multi-flavoured hard lolly rings, Teasdale has a consolation for those craving a nostalgic binge. The original Fruit Tingle and Musk roll are still available.

View attachment 25373
Life Savers Fruit Tingles is a tangy and effervescent lolly known for its unique fizzing sensation, offering a delightful burst of fruity flavour that tingles on the taste buds. Source: JB Mart

Teasdale said, ‘For those who want to take a walk down memory lane, the original Fruit Tingle and Musk roll that many Aussies know and love are available in grocery and convenience stores nationwide.’

Seemingly updated with the goings on among its loyal customers, Life Savers cheekily teased their followers on social media, asking in a post: 'So what, should we bring back Five Flavours?'

This was quickly followed by a very cheeky disclaimer: We may or may not bring back your suggestions. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please enjoy our current flavours.'

Key Takeaways

  • Life Savers' Five Flavours Hard lolly, have disappeared from supermarket shelves as production ceased.
  • A loyal fan voiced her observation of the missing lolly on social media, causing a stir amongst other Life Savers lovers.
  • Life Savers' Senior Marketing Manager confirmed plans to bring back this nostalgic classic sometime in the future.
  • While fans wait for the re-emergence of Life Savers’ five flavours hard lolly, the original Fruit Tingle and Musk roll remains in grocery stores nationwide.

When discussing the recent disappearance and subsequent availability of Life Savers in the American market, it is essential to acknowledge the impact of local productions on our economy.

While importing products may offer a broader range of choices, supporting local businesses plays a crucial role in preserving the distinctiveness of our marketplace and fostering economic growth.

Members, we invite you to share your favourite nostalgic lollies in the comments below!
Humbugs have just disappeared from shelves and staff cannot give a reason for it.
OMG, as they say in the modern classics where too many letters get in the way ... now the TwitFace/SDC audience is bemoaning the fact that a confectionery line has gone from the shelves.
I used to love the old black balls,,they lasted for ages and then the crunch to finish it off,,yummy,,,,haven't seen them in years nor lots more but I just moved on ,,nothing will change the fact they have gone ,,no point having a tanty about it
OMG, as they say in the modern classics where too many letters get in the way ... now the TwitFace/SDC audience is bemoaning the fact that a confectionery line has gone from the shelves.
Just checking you are OK 👍 through your post it shows your not happy.
If you are not liking some post just skip it.
Which is what I do. Some people like updates even on things we might feel is a time waster .
I think much more interesting stuff is posted on here than FB / Twitter you can't compare SDC to those.
I hope you are ok
I do like boiled lollies I always buy a jar when I go to markets here in Tasmania we do have a lot of markets
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