Court documents allege AGL on receiving $700,000 more from welfare payments

In a revelation that has sent shockwaves through the community, particularly among those who rely on welfare payments to make ends meet, energy giant AGL has been accused of serious non-compliance issues.

Court documents alleged that AGL was aware it was wrongly taking money from the welfare payments of former customers but failed to act, resulting in more than $700,000 in wrongful deductions.

The Centrepay system, designed to help people manage their bills by allowing direct deductions from welfare payments, has been at the centre of this controversy.

While the system aims to provide convenience, it has also opened the door to potential misuse, as seen in the case against AGL.

Court documents alleged that energy giant AGL received over $700,000 from overpayments. Credit: Shutterstock

An investigation into Centrepay has highlighted the system's vulnerabilities, and now, AGL was accused by the energy regulator of receiving funds from vulnerable Australians who were no longer their customers.

This has raised concerns that the issue may be more widespread, with Services Australia also confirming it is working to retrieve overpayments made to another energy company, Ergon Energy, in Queensland.

The federal court case against AGL has revealed that both AGL and Services Australia were aware of the significant risk of welfare payments being docked from former customers.

Despite this knowledge, AGL allegedly continued to receive overpayments for a six-year period, affecting approximately 575 vulnerable Australians.

The court documents also alleged that, despite being warned of 'serious non-compliance' in 2013, AGL did not take adequate steps to cancel deductions when customers stopped using AGL's services.

This included a failure to set up systems to cancel deductions or to inform customers to contact Services Australia to stop their Centrepay deductions.

Moreover, AGL had allegedly failed to implement ‘any policies instructing staff members to cancel or request the cancellation of deductions when closing or making inactive a customer’s accounts’ and did not have a system to ensure customers were notified of overcharges or refunded in a timely manner.

‘As a result of the overcharges, the affected customers did not receive welfare payments in the amounts that they were entitled to receive from Services Australia; and had less income than they were entitled to have to meet their living expenses,’ the court documents alleged.

‘[The customers] had a portion of their welfare payments diverted to the AGL entities when the AGL entities had no right or entitlement to those funds.’

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Services Australia was also aware of the overpayments from former customers. Credit: Services Australia

In response to the issue, AGL stated that it had taken immediate steps to remediate the problem and that all affected customers have been refunded.

‘From time to time, albeit not on a systematic basis, a customer was informed when they closed their account with the relevant AGL entity that they should notify Services Australia and cancel their Centrepay deductions,’ AGL said in its defence.

AGL also said it did not ‘positively assert’ that customers owed them money.

It mentioned it took steps from 2014 to review accounts for customers that had been closed and had a credit.

Furthermore, it acknowledged that the daily reports on Centrepay payments often contained inaccurate information and were ‘not labelled and were unintelligible to a human reader without reference to a separate document that identified information set out in the various data fields’.

An AGL spokesperson also said it had taken immediate steps to remedy the problem, and they received ‘no benefit from these overpayments’.

They added that all affected customers had now been refunded.

According to Services Australia spokesperson Hank Jongen, overpayments occurred when customers moved and did not ‘actively manage their Centrepay deductions’.

‘We have always supported businesses to return any overpayments facilitated through Centrepay, and we will continue to do so, he said.

‘We acknowledge there are improvements needed to Centrepay to ensure it meets the needs of our customers—this is why the agency has commenced priority work and consultation to reform Centrepay policy.’

‘We’re committed to seeing this process through and won’t be providing further comment on individual businesses regarding Centrepay policy or compliance while it’s underway.’

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Key Takeaways
  • AGL allegedly failed to stop over $700,000 in wrongful deductions from the welfare payments of former customers through the Centrepay system.
  • Despite being aware of the risks and receiving daily updates, AGL did not take adequate action to cancel the deductions when customers ceased using their services.
  • The energy regulator and Services Australia are investigating and working to retrieve overpayments, with concerns that the issue could be widespread across other companies.
  • AGL has denied the allegations, stating it had no control over the deductions and has engaged in a remediation program with Services Australia to refund affected customers and improve processes.
What do you think of this story, members? Let us know in the comments below.
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Surely the overpaid public servants from Service Australia should have been keeping an eye on the Centrepay system.
To think that the Govt wants to introduce a system under My Gov that allows access to your private info to public companies - makes me shudder.
I’m not surprised I was a loyal customer for years until 4 years ago when I moved and they messed me about not connecting power for 2 weeks not seeming to know that because the house had not been connected to gas for a number of months it needed an inspection! So I cancelled power gas and internet and got connected the very next day with the inspection needed through Alinta.
Up yours AGL your loss.
Surely the overpaid public servants from Service Australia should have been keeping an eye on the Centrepay system.
To think that the Govt wants to introduce a system under My Gov that allows access to your private info to public companies - makes me shudder.
Not their responsibility. The welfare recipient is responsible for setting up the payment. As a previous owner of a rental property that was leased to a single parent, I know first hand how quickly they cancel the centrepay arrangements and the receiver of payments gets no notification whatsoever. Will assume (like most commentary on this site) that they still had a power or gas provider and as such would then know to cancel their authorisation of the deduction.
People on benefits know they are having payments coming out of those funds to pay utilities etc - but too dumb and lazy to tell Services Aust to cancel those agreements.
Others are not responsible for cancelling your agreements YOU are - geez do they have to have their hand held too?
People on benefits know they are having payments coming out of those funds to pay utilities etc - but too dumb and lazy to tell Services Aust to cancel those agreements.
Others are not responsible for cancelling your agreements YOU are - geez do they have to have their hand held too?
there's a reason why many are totally reliant on welfare to survive and in some cases they expect everything to be done for them.
So what, we saw similar policies exposed with the Banking RC and nothing, not one charge, raid, or reference to accountability, nothing still waiting what is it now 6-7yrs.
People on benefits know they are having payments coming out of those funds to pay utilities etc - but too dumb and lazy to tell Services Aust to cancel those agreements.
Others are not responsible for cancelling your agreements YOU are - geez do they have to have their hand held too?
Perhaps, but YOU can only request the cancellation, YOU can't stop it, like any of these agreements involving direct debit, YOU can only request cancellation, it's up to the business concerned to cancel the deductions.
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AGL are just one of the many grubby companies operating in this country.

I "owed" AGL over $1700 for an gas/electricity account that was cancelled in October 2015 due to relocation. After repeated contact, AGL sold the debt to scumbags called Panthera Finance who hounded me until 2022 when the Limitation of Actions Act applied. I never paid a cent!
$700,000.00, Isn't that enough to be considered grand theft? So, their AI robots aren't programmed to stop taking payments when someone leaves? Sounds like deliberate Negligence to me. Someone call the police.
People on benefits know they are having payments coming out of those funds to pay utilities etc - but too dumb and lazy to tell Services Aust to cancel those agreements.
Others are not responsible for cancelling your agreements YOU are - geez do they have to have their hand held too?
You presume too much. How do you know the details of each person receiving benefits? Calling people dumb and lazy is so narrow minded and uncalled for when you don’t know the circumstances.
Perhaps, but YOU can only request the cancellation, YOU can't stop it, like any of these agreements involving direct debit, YOU can only request cancellation, it's up to the business concerned to cancel the deductions.
Yes but YOU should start the process by at the very least telling someone!
You presume too much. How do you know the details of each person receiving benefits? Calling people dumb and lazy is so narrow minded and uncalled for when you don’t know the circumstances.
Not presuming at all - have seen a lot of this - you have a debit in place then it is up to you to start the ball rolling - some are happy to lose their money for some reason!
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AGL own Southern Phone, a company set up by K Rudd with a taxpayer subsidy and owned initially by 32 shareholding city/county councils. I believe AGL has a roughly 15% PR China shareholding.

Ah, the beauties of privatisation of energy and telecommunications and voting LNP
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AGL own Southern Phone, a company set up by K Rudd with a taxpayer subsidy and owned initially by 32 shareholding city/county councils. I believe AGL has a roughly 15% PR China shareholding.

Ah, the beauties of privatisation of energy and telecommunications and voting LNP
the name K R Rudd puts me off.
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I find it hard to believe that you would not notice they still taking out the deduction, but it not like you see a payment slip detailing what coming out, like a pay slip. But I'm a hawk when it comes to my money. I use centrepay, for my Red energy account and when I had different car insurance it also come out. I can't remember if I stop it, or the car insurance company did? If they increase or decrease to my deduction like it done when red energy letter tells me, it will be action, and it was the same with my car insurance each year.
Perhaps, but YOU can only request the cancellation, YOU can't stop it, like any of these agreements involving direct debit, YOU can only request cancellation, it's up to the business concerned to cancel the deductions.
Sorry to disagree but if you interact with Centrelink via the phone app or the website it is a simple case of going into the 'Manage deductions' portal where you can set up, adjust or cancel deductions.
At 71 years old and on the Age Pension, I don't want to waste the time I have left waiting for a Public Servant to do something that I can do at home without fuss. 🤠

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