'Cookie Monster' killer begs for mercy after poisoning husband with deadly drug-infused biscuits

Content warning: This article mentions vivid descriptions of a crime scene, abuse, such as physical, mental and sexual abuse, eating disorders, and domestic and family violence. Reader discretion is advised.

It is an unimaginable story of abuse and betrayal that has shocked the residents of a tiny town in north-western Victoria.

A wife who claims to have been abused by her husband found her own horrific way of getting out of her allegedly torture-filled marriage.

In a heartbreaking and shocking case, 43-year-old Rebecca Payne has pleaded for mercy after being found guilty of the murder of her 68-year-old husband, Noel Payne.

The Supreme Court of Victoria heard that Rebecca had endured years of horrendous abuse at the hands of her husband before she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Rebecca claims she is the real victim. Credit: Martin Lopez/Pexels

Rebecca has since been dubbed as the 'Cookie Monster Killer' after she poisoned her husband with temazepam, a sleeping medication, that was mixed in the biscuits she served him before locking him up in a chest freezer.

The woman faced the court on Monday, where her barrister, Richard Edney, urged Justice Rita Incerti to consider the years of torture his client had suffered and requested mercy for her.

According to Mr Edney, Rebecca was pushed to her limits by a controlling and depraved man, who turned their home into a house of horrors where he allegedly treated her and another woman like objects for his twisted sexual desires.

‘In this extreme and unique case, any term of imprisonment should be proportionately lower than would ordinarily be the case for murder,’ Mr Edney explained.

Rebecca has pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter. However, in March, a jury found her guilty of murdering her husband despite her claims that she did not actually mean to kill him.

Noel Payne's remains were stuffed inside a freezer. Credit: Facebook

According to the facts of the case collected by investigators and witness testimonies, Rebecca and Noel had a strained relationship due to Noel’s abusive behaviour.

‘He always controlled the money, and he took me down the gravel road, down near the graveyard. He dragged me out of the car by my hair,’ Rebecca told the court.

She continued: ‘He just started physically hitting me and pulling my hair and kicking me in the ribs and spitting on me. It felt like forever, but I reckon I would have been there for about five [or] 10 minutes.’

The court heard that Noel verbally abused Rebecca ‘every day’ and would hit her three to four times a week.

‘He'd punch me in the mouth, and he would hit me in the face. He would punch me in the head. There were multiple times that I got punches in the back as I tried to walk away, and he would physically grab my hair and pull me back if I tried to walk away,’ she claimed.

‘And there was the spitting. The spitting was nearly an everyday occurrence.’

In a particularly intense incident, Rebecca said Noel wanted his name tattooed ‘all over her body’.

‘Because who would want someone who had someone else's name tattooed all over me and that they would not love me,’ she said.

There are 18 tattoos in total. Rebecca said the tattoos could be found on both sides of her neck, her wrist, on each breast, her sternum, back, shoulder blades, tailbone, bum, hip, pelvis bone, and in between her legs.

The court also heard that Noel had taken another lover who also lived within the family home during the course of his marriage to Rebecca. For legal reasons, the other woman will not be named.

Mr Edney alleged that Noel had ‘savagely’ abused both women leading up to his death.

The court heard that Noel wanted Rebecca to weigh 55 kilograms and the other woman to weigh 45 kilograms.

‘He said that he wanted photos so he could keep progress on our weight,’ she said.

‘That's how it started off, and then the photos become more frequent. Me and [the second live-in partner] were scared of him, so it was easier just to do what he wanted, so then that way we wouldn't be physically or verbally abused.’

‘I actually had an eating disorder because of how he was. When I would eat, he’d call me nothing but a pig,’ Rebecca told the court.

‘The conduct against both Rebecca and (the woman) was reprehensible, obscene. He raped them, sexually assaulted them and let's be clear (the woman) was a young woman with an acquired brain injury,’ said Mr Edney.

During the trial, the jury was shown disturbing footage of the abuse at the hands of Noel.

One victim impact statement from the other woman in the relationship seemed to hint at relief. She said: ‘He wanted to keep me all for himself. If Noel wasn’t dead, my life would still be worse. I hate Bec (Rebecca) for what she’s done, but life is now better than it was.’

Much like Rebecca, the other woman claimed he branded tattoos of his name on the most intimate parts of her body.

‘Places you can only see if I’m naked. He made me get these because he wouldn’t let me find someone else. These can’t be removed; they’re very dark and in thick writing,’ she told the court.

According to forensic investigators, Rebecca had knocked Noel out cold by serving him biscuits and a cup of Milo laced with sleeping pills.

Forensic doctors were unable to determine if he had died from an overdose or suffocation after Rebecca stuffed his body in a chest freezer and locked it shut.

Many who knew Rebecca, including her sons, said she had ‘done her time’ after living with Noel’s behaviour for years.

‘She lived for 14 years in hell with a monster,’ her son Jamie told reporters.

A neighbour of the couple also claimed that there was ‘not a doubt in the world’ that Noel had plans to kill Rebecca, her two sons, and the other woman.

‘She saved at least four lives. She didn't know whether she was going to go to bed and wake up the next morning. Or whether her boys were going to go to bed and wake up the next morning,’ he stated.

However, Prosecutor David Glynn said Rebecca was a ‘cold-blooded killer’.

He said that after Noel passed out, she wrapped his body in a blanket and stashed him away in an empty freezer before tying the lid down with straps to ensure he could not escape.

‘It must have been ghastly. I mean to just do that, to do what she did to him. That is something that anyone I think who wasn't a psychopath – I’m not suggesting she is one – would recoil from,’ he shared.

Mr Glynn further argued: ‘It would require a significant degree of determination and grit to do what she did...She had that grit, she had that foresight, she had the determination, but she applied it to this purpose, and that is murder, rather than a different way that she could have extracted herself, namely working out a way to leave that marriage.’

Justice Incerti will sentence Rebecca next week.

Key Takeaways
  • Rebecca Payne, 43, has been found guilty of the sadistic murder of her abusive husband, Noel Payne, 68, after drugging and stuffing him into a chest freezer.
  • During her trial, Rebecca claimed that she had suffered years of abuse and torture at the hands of her husband, including being branded with 18 tattoos and being raped multiple times.
  • Both Rebecca and her husband's other lover, who lived with them in the family home, have come forward alleging to have been savagely abused by Noel.
  • The court is expected to sentence Rebecca next week, with her barrister urging the judge to show mercy in light of the victim's sufferings.
Should you or someone you know face a similar situation, please remember to call 000 in an emergency. If you or someone you know is feeling unsafe, help is available. Please contact the Domestic Violence Line on 1800 737 732.

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There is no doubt that the offender was a malicious, cowardly and twisted Sexual deviate. A proper Arch Bastard. I do not question whether this poor Woman did/could not leave but I do question how on Earth did She allow herself to become involved with such a Deviate.
when you met men like this, they are charming until they are not. My abusive ex was very nice at the start. Slowly thing change. and got worst and worst. 1st it is controlling, then verbal abuse then physical and psychology and include sexual abuse. Most men give you no way out (and that what they want), as they take over your finances and who you see. It like the frog and hot water. Put a frog in hot water he jumps out, but you put him in cold water and turn the heat up he doesn't' notice and dies.
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Good for her. he deserves to be dead. Anybody, male or female who thinks it is okay to physically, sexually, mentally and emotionally violate their partners are in my opinion a waste of space and oxygen thieves.
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There is no doubt that the offender was a malicious, cowardly and twisted Sexual deviate. A proper Arch Bastard. I do not question whether this poor Woman did/could not leave but I do question how on Earth did She allow herself to become involved with such a Deviate.
Simple Betrayal he would have been a great husband in the beginning and some time it’s called grooming and so he gets sick of nice boy and it all changes so in the beginning all is good until and it starts
It is easy to ask, why didn’t she just leave. I can imagine after so many years of abuse you can understand that she was in so much pain and rage that she did what she did. In my opinion, she deserves to get free.
I don’t know if she mentally and emotionally will ever be free and I hope she will get free of jail sentence and find good support team
I think only those who have not experienced such cruel abuse cannot expect these poor women to just leave or ask for help. Their situation is very barbaric and controlled and our social or police services are not as yet successful in helping the innocent battered wife and children. It is registered that in Australia, one woman dies each week resulting from spousal abuse. I feel for this and all who are driven to take charge of the situation in desperation for it to stop. Also, victims of other commonly abused customs are increasing here.
If she left and he came after her and the children who is going to protect them. Three children and mother die after ex set alight in the family car, boy bashed to death with cricket bat, little girl thrown off of bridge. We've seen this all before, and she snapped, the prosecution should of at least looked at the hell she had been through. Get a grip people, when the abused do finally stand up for themselves everyone says, oh why didn't they just leave?
This is something we cannot understand unless we live it.
I grew up in an abusive household. My father did a lot of bad things, to all of us. Many years of alcohol fuelled violence, (not sexual), too upsetting to go into detail.
I asked my mother when I was about 10 years old, why don't we go away? Her answer was go where?
Back then, there was no understanding, or support, for families in this situation. To magnify my feeling of helplessness, I went to my parish priest and begged for help. He listened to me, nodded his head as I spoke then said "he is your father". "Honour your father and your mother". That was that.

I don't know what did, or did not, go on in that household. All I know, I am not willing to hand down any judgment without having all the details.

This is an area that encompasses a huge amount of mind control. What looks simple to fix in one person's mind, is like a pit of quicksand to the person who is suffering. I just hope all concerned get the treatment and help they need to, at least, gain some element of sanity.
Unless you been in that situation, you cannot just say just leave. It is not easy, I used to think that until it happen to me. It wasn't easy. They manipulate you beyond your control. And look at so of the murders of women and children after they leave. You are so fearful they will find you and kill you.
I've seen my mother go through it and had brooms broken over her back and untol broken noses then she had him arrested and moved on and away from him
This is something we cannot understand unless we live it.
I grew up in an abusive household. My father did a lot of bad things, to all of us. Many years of alcohol fuelled violence, (not sexual), too upsetting to go into detail.
I asked my mother when I was about 10 years old, why don't we go away? Her answer was go where?
Back then, there was no understanding, or support, for families in this situation. To magnify my feeling of helplessness, I went to my parish priest and begged for help. He listened to me, nodded his head as I spoke then said "he is your father". "Honour your father and your mother". That was that.

I don't know what did, or did not, go on in that household. All I know, I am not willing to hand down any judgment without having all the details.

This is an area that encompasses a huge amount of mind control. What looks simple to fix in one person's mind, is like a pit of quicksand to the person who is suffering. I just hope all concerned get the treatment and help they need to, at least, gain some element of sanity.
Back then there wasn't support but in today's society there is so much support
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A horrible and sad situation.
I would say taking a life for any reason isn't ok but I can't judge as we don't know what her circumstances were.

My questions are ...Why didn't she leave?
Why didn't she seek help ?

There is so much help out there for abused people.

getting those tattoos she had the chance to tell someone what was happening.

Didn't the tattooist think it was strange ?
Why didn't she just sedate him and leave.
A very sad situation for this woman unless we know the full story we can't judge.

I'm feeling death was the easy way for this man, he should have suffered in jail
like my life exactly, I was bashed on a daily basis until after one particular savage beating and my son being bashed I ran away to some people down the street, they asked if I had been in a car smash!
like my life exactly, I was bashed on a daily basis until after one particular savage beating and my son being bashed I ran away to some people down the street, they asked if I had been in a car smash!
You sound like a strong person to have take your son and yourself and got out of there.
I hope your life had turned around and you found happiness.
Everyone deserves to be safe and happy and away from abusers
Content warning: This article mentions vivid descriptions of a crime scene, abuse, such as physical, mental and sexual abuse, eating disorders, and domestic and family violence. Reader discretion is advised.

It is an unimaginable story of abuse and betrayal that has shocked the residents of a tiny town in north-western Victoria.

A wife who claims to have been abused by her husband found her own horrific way of getting out of her allegedly torture-filled marriage.

In a heartbreaking and shocking case, 43-year-old Rebecca Payne has pleaded for mercy after being found guilty of the murder of her 68-year-old husband, Noel Payne.

The Supreme Court of Victoria heard that Rebecca had endured years of horrendous abuse at the hands of her husband before she decided to take matters into her own hands.

View attachment 20443
Rebecca claims she is the real victim. Credit: Martin Lopez/Pexels

Rebecca has since been dubbed as the 'Cookie Monster Killer' after she poisoned her husband with temazepam, a sleeping medication, that was mixed in the biscuits she served him before locking him up in a chest freezer.

The woman faced the court on Monday, where her barrister, Richard Edney, urged Justice Rita Incerti to consider the years of torture his client had suffered and requested mercy for her.

According to Mr Edney, Rebecca was pushed to her limits by a controlling and depraved man, who turned their home into a house of horrors where he allegedly treated her and another woman like objects for his twisted sexual desires.

‘In this extreme and unique case, any term of imprisonment should be proportionately lower than would ordinarily be the case for murder,’ Mr Edney explained.

Rebecca has pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter. However, in March, a jury found her guilty of murdering her husband despite her claims that she did not actually mean to kill him.

View attachment 20444
Noel Payne's remains were stuffed inside a freezer. Credit: Facebook

According to the facts of the case collected by investigators and witness testimonies, Rebecca and Noel had a strained relationship due to Noel’s abusive behaviour.

‘He always controlled the money, and he took me down the gravel road, down near the graveyard. He dragged me out of the car by my hair,’ Rebecca told the court.

She continued: ‘He just started physically hitting me and pulling my hair and kicking me in the ribs and spitting on me. It felt like forever, but I reckon I would have been there for about five [or] 10 minutes.’

The court heard that Noel verbally abused Rebecca ‘every day’ and would hit her three to four times a week.

‘He'd punch me in the mouth, and he would hit me in the face. He would punch me in the head. There were multiple times that I got punches in the back as I tried to walk away, and he would physically grab my hair and pull me back if I tried to walk away,’ she claimed.

‘And there was the spitting. The spitting was nearly an everyday occurrence.’

In a particularly intense incident, Rebecca said Noel wanted his name tattooed ‘all over her body’.

‘Because who would want someone who had someone else's name tattooed all over me and that they would not love me,’ she said.

There are 18 tattoos in total. Rebecca said the tattoos could be found on both sides of her neck, her wrist, on each breast, her sternum, back, shoulder blades, tailbone, bum, hip, pelvis bone, and in between her legs.

The court also heard that Noel had taken another lover who also lived within the family home during the course of his marriage to Rebecca. For legal reasons, the other woman will not be named.

Mr Edney alleged that Noel had ‘savagely’ abused both women leading up to his death.

The court heard that Noel wanted Rebecca to weigh 55 kilograms and the other woman to weigh 45 kilograms.

‘He said that he wanted photos so he could keep progress on our weight,’ she said.

‘That's how it started off, and then the photos become more frequent. Me and [the second live-in partner] were scared of him, so it was easier just to do what he wanted, so then that way we wouldn't be physically or verbally abused.’

‘I actually had an eating disorder because of how he was. When I would eat, he’d call me nothing but a pig,’ Rebecca told the court.

‘The conduct against both Rebecca and (the woman) was reprehensible, obscene. He raped them, sexually assaulted them and let's be clear (the woman) was a young woman with an acquired brain injury,’ said Mr Edney.

During the trial, the jury was shown disturbing footage of the abuse at the hands of Noel.

One victim impact statement from the other woman in the relationship seemed to hint at relief. She said: ‘He wanted to keep me all for himself. If Noel wasn’t dead, my life would still be worse. I hate Bec (Rebecca) for what she’s done, but life is now better than it was.’

Much like Rebecca, the other woman claimed he branded tattoos of his name on the most intimate parts of her body.

‘Places you can only see if I’m naked. He made me get these because he wouldn’t let me find someone else. These can’t be removed; they’re very dark and in thick writing,’ she told the court.

According to forensic investigators, Rebecca had knocked Noel out cold by serving him biscuits and a cup of Milo laced with sleeping pills.

Forensic doctors were unable to determine if he had died from an overdose or suffocation after Rebecca stuffed his body in a chest freezer and locked it shut.

Many who knew Rebecca, including her sons, said she had ‘done her time’ after living with Noel’s behaviour for years.

‘She lived for 14 years in hell with a monster,’ her son Jamie told reporters.

A neighbour of the couple also claimed that there was ‘not a doubt in the world’ that Noel had plans to kill Rebecca, her two sons, and the other woman.

‘She saved at least four lives. She didn't know whether she was going to go to bed and wake up the next morning. Or whether her boys were going to go to bed and wake up the next morning,’ he stated.

However, Prosecutor David Glynn said Rebecca was a ‘cold-blooded killer’.

He said that after Noel passed out, she wrapped his body in a blanket and stashed him away in an empty freezer before tying the lid down with straps to ensure he could not escape.

‘It must have been ghastly. I mean to just do that, to do what she did to him. That is something that anyone I think who wasn't a psychopath – I’m not suggesting she is one – would recoil from,’ he shared.

Mr Glynn further argued: ‘It would require a significant degree of determination and grit to do what she did...She had that grit, she had that foresight, she had the determination, but she applied it to this purpose, and that is murder, rather than a different way that she could have extracted herself, namely working out a way to leave that marriage.’

Justice Incerti will sentence Rebecca next week.

Key Takeaways

  • Rebecca Payne, 43, has been found guilty of the sadistic murder of her abusive husband, Noel Payne, 68, after drugging and stuffing him into a chest freezer.
  • During her trial, Rebecca claimed that she had suffered years of abuse and torture at the hands of her husband, including being branded with 18 tattoos and being raped multiple times.
  • Both Rebecca and her husband's other lover, who lived with them in the family home, have come forward alleging to have been savagely abused by Noel.
  • The court is expected to sentence Rebecca next week, with her barrister urging the judge to show mercy in light of the victim's sufferings.
Should you or someone you know face a similar situation, please remember to call 000 in an emergency. If you or someone you know is feeling unsafe, help is available. Please contact the Domestic Violence Line on 1800 737 732.
I bet the jury was made up mainly men.... I think she is a hero as well
Content warning: This article mentions vivid descriptions of a crime scene, abuse, such as physical, mental and sexual abuse, eating disorders, and domestic and family violence. Reader discretion is advised.

It is an unimaginable story of abuse and betrayal that has shocked the residents of a tiny town in north-western Victoria.

A wife who claims to have been abused by her husband found her own horrific way of getting out of her allegedly torture-filled marriage.

In a heartbreaking and shocking case, 43-year-old Rebecca Payne has pleaded for mercy after being found guilty of the murder of her 68-year-old husband, Noel Payne.

The Supreme Court of Victoria heard that Rebecca had endured years of horrendous abuse at the hands of her husband before she decided to take matters into her own hands.

View attachment 20443
Rebecca claims she is the real victim. Credit: Martin Lopez/Pexels

Rebecca has since been dubbed as the 'Cookie Monster Killer' after she poisoned her husband with temazepam, a sleeping medication, that was mixed in the biscuits she served him before locking him up in a chest freezer.

The woman faced the court on Monday, where her barrister, Richard Edney, urged Justice Rita Incerti to consider the years of torture his client had suffered and requested mercy for her.

According to Mr Edney, Rebecca was pushed to her limits by a controlling and depraved man, who turned their home into a house of horrors where he allegedly treated her and another woman like objects for his twisted sexual desires.

‘In this extreme and unique case, any term of imprisonment should be proportionately lower than would ordinarily be the case for murder,’ Mr Edney explained.

Rebecca has pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter. However, in March, a jury found her guilty of murdering her husband despite her claims that she did not actually mean to kill him.

View attachment 20444
Noel Payne's remains were stuffed inside a freezer. Credit: Facebook

According to the facts of the case collected by investigators and witness testimonies, Rebecca and Noel had a strained relationship due to Noel’s abusive behaviour.

‘He always controlled the money, and he took me down the gravel road, down near the graveyard. He dragged me out of the car by my hair,’ Rebecca told the court.

She continued: ‘He just started physically hitting me and pulling my hair and kicking me in the ribs and spitting on me. It felt like forever, but I reckon I would have been there for about five [or] 10 minutes.’

The court heard that Noel verbally abused Rebecca ‘every day’ and would hit her three to four times a week.

‘He'd punch me in the mouth, and he would hit me in the face. He would punch me in the head. There were multiple times that I got punches in the back as I tried to walk away, and he would physically grab my hair and pull me back if I tried to walk away,’ she claimed.

‘And there was the spitting. The spitting was nearly an everyday occurrence.’

In a particularly intense incident, Rebecca said Noel wanted his name tattooed ‘all over her body’.

‘Because who would want someone who had someone else's name tattooed all over me and that they would not love me,’ she said.

There are 18 tattoos in total. Rebecca said the tattoos could be found on both sides of her neck, her wrist, on each breast, her sternum, back, shoulder blades, tailbone, bum, hip, pelvis bone, and in between her legs.

The court also heard that Noel had taken another lover who also lived within the family home during the course of his marriage to Rebecca. For legal reasons, the other woman will not be named.

Mr Edney alleged that Noel had ‘savagely’ abused both women leading up to his death.

The court heard that Noel wanted Rebecca to weigh 55 kilograms and the other woman to weigh 45 kilograms.

‘He said that he wanted photos so he could keep progress on our weight,’ she said.

‘That's how it started off, and then the photos become more frequent. Me and [the second live-in partner] were scared of him, so it was easier just to do what he wanted, so then that way we wouldn't be physically or verbally abused.’

‘I actually had an eating disorder because of how he was. When I would eat, he’d call me nothing but a pig,’ Rebecca told the court.

‘The conduct against both Rebecca and (the woman) was reprehensible, obscene. He raped them, sexually assaulted them and let's be clear (the woman) was a young woman with an acquired brain injury,’ said Mr Edney.

During the trial, the jury was shown disturbing footage of the abuse at the hands of Noel.

One victim impact statement from the other woman in the relationship seemed to hint at relief. She said: ‘He wanted to keep me all for himself. If Noel wasn’t dead, my life would still be worse. I hate Bec (Rebecca) for what she’s done, but life is now better than it was.’

Much like Rebecca, the other woman claimed he branded tattoos of his name on the most intimate parts of her body.

‘Places you can only see if I’m naked. He made me get these because he wouldn’t let me find someone else. These can’t be removed; they’re very dark and in thick writing,’ she told the court.

According to forensic investigators, Rebecca had knocked Noel out cold by serving him biscuits and a cup of Milo laced with sleeping pills.

Forensic doctors were unable to determine if he had died from an overdose or suffocation after Rebecca stuffed his body in a chest freezer and locked it shut.

Many who knew Rebecca, including her sons, said she had ‘done her time’ after living with Noel’s behaviour for years.

‘She lived for 14 years in hell with a monster,’ her son Jamie told reporters.

A neighbour of the couple also claimed that there was ‘not a doubt in the world’ that Noel had plans to kill Rebecca, her two sons, and the other woman.

‘She saved at least four lives. She didn't know whether she was going to go to bed and wake up the next morning. Or whether her boys were going to go to bed and wake up the next morning,’ he stated.

However, Prosecutor David Glynn said Rebecca was a ‘cold-blooded killer’.

He said that after Noel passed out, she wrapped his body in a blanket and stashed him away in an empty freezer before tying the lid down with straps to ensure he could not escape.

‘It must have been ghastly. I mean to just do that, to do what she did to him. That is something that anyone I think who wasn't a psychopath – I’m not suggesting she is one – would recoil from,’ he shared.

Mr Glynn further argued: ‘It would require a significant degree of determination and grit to do what she did...She had that grit, she had that foresight, she had the determination, but she applied it to this purpose, and that is murder, rather than a different way that she could have extracted herself, namely working out a way to leave that marriage.’

Justice Incerti will sentence Rebecca next week.

Key Takeaways

  • Rebecca Payne, 43, has been found guilty of the sadistic murder of her abusive husband, Noel Payne, 68, after drugging and stuffing him into a chest freezer.
  • During her trial, Rebecca claimed that she had suffered years of abuse and torture at the hands of her husband, including being branded with 18 tattoos and being raped multiple times.
  • Both Rebecca and her husband's other lover, who lived with them in the family home, have come forward alleging to have been savagely abused by Noel.
  • The court is expected to sentence Rebecca next week, with her barrister urging the judge to show mercy in light of the victim's sufferings.
Should you or someone you know face a similar situation, please remember to call 000 in an emergency. If you or someone you know is feeling unsafe, help is available. Please contact the Domestic Violence Line on 1800 737 732.
You know murder is murder no matter how you try and justify it. Should she go to jail…… in my opinion no, but then if you don’t send her to jail everyone out there is gonna start killing their husbands or wives. I think she’s put up with a lot. She suffered a lot of abuse in the time that she’s been with him so she should serve a bit of time, but I wouldn’t say 15 to 20years, but something 😢
Having lived with a mental abuser & control freak I can understand her angst against him but it is wrong to take the law into your hands & try to kill him I eventually managed to pluck up the courage to escape & will never get myself into that situation again. After he had thrown a metal type of Javalin at me over a misdemeanour our daughter had done & punched me in the mouth & split my lips. I fought back & gave him a black eye. He didn't like that & he went to complain to all the neighbours while our daughter & I went to a rehearsal for something with our choral society. The next day I went to social services to register as a single parent I was put on a benefit straight away so was able to escape his hold. Mind you it took a lot of courage & help from friends to bring me back to the happy & content person I was before I married him. In fact, everything he said he loved about me when we met he tried to change or made me feel ashamed of. I was so much smarter than him & that created the problem I realized later. I was married for 14 years to him!

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