Controversial airport development prepares to demolish this man’s home

Building infrastructures are a way to showcase progress in a certain area.

However, what happens if the promise of progress can also trample on the residents’ rights?

As the Western Sydney Airport development forges ahead, the landscape is undergoing a transformation, as are the lives of local residents.

Among the affected is 80-year-old Galliano Callegari, who dedicated decades to constructing his unique, Venetian-style castle.

The home, constructed purely by hand, stands on his property in Kemps Creek, which he purchased in 1975.

Galliano Callegari's Venetian home was endangered due to recent airport developments in West Sydney. Image Credit: Facebook/9News

Mr Callegari's story is a testament to the power of hard work and vision.

He spent countless hours, often working 20-hour days, to provide for his family and to build his dream home, complete with a bridge, windmill, and an impressive 300-metre stone fence.

'The main house, all the stone came from Richmond quarry. I ordered 200 tonnes,' he shared, reflecting on the labour of love that has been his life's work.

'I have never seen anyone build what I've built with my hands. I invented everything.'

As construction for the new airport continued, infrastructure associated with the development threatened to dismantle parts of his creation.

Penrith Council planned to widen the rural roads surrounding the airport site to four lanes, which means land acquisition is an option.

With land acquisition, the potential demolition of Mr Callegari's beloved fence and bridge is also possible.

'Existing rural roads will be widened to facilitate the precinct's development, which will involve land acquisition along the current road corridor and road widening works,' a council spokesperson explained.

The council's statement highlighted the stark reality of progress versus preservation.

'The existing fence is located on the property's boundary, where the road is proposed to be widened, and will be impacted by future road works,' the spokesperson added.

The proceeding left Mr Callegari fighting to save his home—a physical manifestation of his dreams and sacrifices.

'Of course, if you build with your own hands and thought with your mind, it's very important,' he said.

'I want them to understand this is my life's sacrifice, my dream, my everything.'

This situation also raised broader questions about the cost of development.

As we witness the expansion of infrastructure to accommodate growing populations and economic opportunities, we must also consider the individual lives and histories overwritten in the process.

Mr Callegari's story is just one example of the personal toll that can accompany public progress.

Watch Mr Callegari's story here:

Source: 9News Sydney/Facebook

We must understand the importance of community and the deep connection to one's home, especially one built with dedication and care.

For those facing similar challenges, remember that there are often avenues for voicing concerns and seeking compensation or support through local councils and legal channels.

Key Takeaways

  • An 80-year-old man’s Venetian castle-style home in Kemps Creek was threatened by a local council’s road widening plans near Western Sydney Airport.
  • Galliano Callegari’s property featured a home with stones from Richmond quarry, a bridge, a windmill, and a 300-metre stone fence, which were all handmade.
  • Penrith Council's plan to widen surrounding rural roads to four lanes for the airport precinct development required land acquisition, impacting Mr Callegari's fence and bridge.
  • Mr Callegari continues to fight to save his handmade structures, as they represent his life's work and sacrifice.
Have you or someone you know been affected by the recent airport development? What are your thoughts on Mr Callegari’s situation? Join the conversation and share your thoughts in the comments below.
Galliano; and his building, his home; IS part of our Heritage… a migrant grateful for the opportunities afforded him, made this country his home! HIS castle, HIS craftsmanship, HIS home is UNIQUE and a salutation to the struggles and consequent achievements of migrants of his time. Pise buildings have been Heritage listed and applauded as should Galianos’ incredibly beautiful labour of Love. Do NOT discriminate Penrith Council, show some Leadership rather than brutal singleminded authoritarianism; display some investment in generational and multicultural heritage; work with this amazing Australian to preserve his unique contribution to your councils history and heritage. Future generations need identifiable reminders of our multicultural heritage and Mr Calligeris’ structures are a rare gift to be preserved.
Thank goodness l have never been in the position of this hard working gentleman. My heart breaks for him. It's really devastating to think at any time government can come along and say. Sorry we are going to take your home away for progress. My husband has lived in our house all his life. When his parents retired we decided, well we are ready to purchase our first home l loved the house and had all the ideas of updating the old girl to our taste. After 43 years we are still updating 🤣🤣. As much as l love my home l wish l could take it put it on a very small block of land with no steps. As l struggle with the stairs and can't look after my garden anymore because of my body falling apart. A nice little unit would be ideal, but my husband is so attached to the house he won't leave. God help me if the government wanted the house.
I truly feel the heart break for anyone who has been told you have to go for progress. No matter what size or style our houses are they are our place of safety, memories and love our castle. In saying that for most of us. You have worked hard for the home you have built its not right to think someone in power can say. Sorry your house is on the chopping block.
Good luck to this hard working man and his family.
Kind regards to all Vicki
I feel so sad for this man. I hope the council can find a way to let this man stay in his castle. The amount of blood sweat and tears that he’s put into his home should count for something. No amount of money they offer him would ever be enough to make up for loosing this icon
There is no doubt that Galliano's home should be "Heritage Listed". I have seen shitholes all over this country heritage listed just because of their age. As a child I witnessed some lovely buildings in Melbourne's centre around Collins and Swanston Streets to make way for the ugly thing called the Town Square. There was no Heritage Listing then! If for no other reason, Galliano's work of art which has taken him almost 50 years to accomplish should be left alone for future generations to admire. I'd love to have a home like that rather than live in a box which looks like every other box. Good luck Galliano and I really hope that common sense prevails but I won't hold my breath.
No amount of money can compensate this gentleman for all the love and care he has put into his home.
Bloody minded councils!!!
Surely there is a compromise.
Vote the Council fools out in September might be a brilliant option as long as it isn't too late!
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Galliano; and his building, his home; IS part of our Heritage… a migrant grateful for the opportunities afforded him, made this country his home! HIS castle, HIS craftsmanship, HIS home is UNIQUE and a salutation to the struggles and consequent achievements of migrants of his time. Pise buildings have been Heritage listed and applauded as should Galianos’ incredibly beautiful labour of Love. Do NOT discriminate Penrith Council, show some Leadership rather than brutal singleminded authoritarianism; display some investment in generational and multicultural heritage; work with this amazing Australian to preserve his unique contribution to your councils history and heritage. Future generations need identifiable reminders of our multicultural heritage and Mr Calligeris’ structures are a rare gift to be preserved.
Nicely Said!!
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Shades of "The Castle", maybe some highflying lawyer would make history by taking up as a pro bono case vs the council..
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Councils and governments really stink, these days more than ever. The government does not seem to care about the many people finding it very hard to live in these uncertain times, never mind having any kind of decent life…..I think they see most of us as being in the too hard basket, exisiting for them only as numbers whilst the better off can rest on their laurels because they don’t need to worry, they’re being looked after very well……and the constant use of taxpayers money being apportioned to MP’s by way of pay increases and trips and entertainment when they don’t care what they spend because they are not paying for it out of their pockets………And the councils riding roughshod over their constituants , eager to play their part in the name of progress without any kind of a conscience about how their actions will affect the regular Joe Blogs like this poor man who’s spent years of his life building his beautiful home……..he wouldn’t ever be able to build it again and no amount of any kind of compensation would ever soften the blow. How dare the council have the right to just take what they want, when they want it……how dare they have the authority to tell a home owner that they will have to leave their home, so that they Can commandeer the land for their own purposes……..Government and Council will never come up smelling roses ….because they stink so very badly…:poop::poop::poop::mad::(
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Vote the Council fools out in September might be a brilliant option as long as it isn't too late!
It’s usually not the councillors that make such decisions. It could be the council planners whom you don’t vote for.
Some years ago the Roads Department took land from an elderly farmer for the new Pacific Highway development. The farmer then built a new house on another property he owned. Low & behold the government took this land including the new house for the new Grafton Gaol. He never slept one night in his new house. He was 84 years old.

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