Can Centrelink payment hikes boost music festival participation?

In a world where the cost of living seems to be perpetually on the rise, it's no surprise that discretionary spending, especially among the younger demographic, is taking a hit.

The pinch is being felt all the way to the music festival scene, a cultural staple for many young Australians.

But could increasing Centrelink payments be the solution to reviving this industry? This question has sparked a heated debate across the nation.

A bar owner's call to raise Youth Allowance and JobSeeker payments to enable young Aussies to afford nights out and attend music festivals has stirred controversy.

Hugh Scobie, co-owner of Ancient World, pointed to the cost-of-living crisis and rising rents as culprits preventing many from engaging in social activities and thereby crushing the entertainment industry.

A bar owner called to raise Youth Allowance and JobSeeker payments so young Aussies can attend music festivals. Credit: Shutterstock

Music festivals, once seen as a rite of passage for the youth, are experiencing a significant drop in ticket sales.

‘Most people can't afford to spend $50 on a night out,' Scobie said.

'Raising JobSeeker and Youth Allowance to the amount recommended by the Australian Council of Social Service would help a lot.'

High-profile events like Splendour in the Grass have even been cancelled, with a report from Creative Australia’s Soundcheck revealing a 24 per cent drop in ticket sales. Among the key demographic of 18 to 24-year-olds from 2018/19 to 2022/23.

The National Arts Participation Survey echoed these findings, citing the cost of tickets as the most common barrier to attendance, impacting 55 per cent of respondents.

The most pronounced issue among party-goers under 35 was money issues, with nine out of 10 experiencing financial difficulty in 2023.

'We lost a huge amount of our audience–young people and students whose main income is from Centrelink–almost immediately after interest rates, rents, groceries, and petrol prices went up,' Scobie said.

'Seeing bands and socialising with their friends doesn't seem to be affordable for them in the current economic climate.'

JobSeeker recipients who are single and do not have children receive a fortnightly payment of $762.70, and those on Youth Allowance receive between $395.30 to $806, depending on their age, living arrangements, relationship status, and whether they have children.

Scobie suggested raising Centrelink payments per the Australian Council of Social Service's recommendation.

It is understood that the most extensive set of permanent Centrelink payment increases, particularly a $40 increase on JobSeeker and Youth Allowance, started on 20 September.

JobSeeker recipients, currently receiving an average of $55 a day, should have their payments increased to match the pension rate of $80 a day.

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has weighed in, suggesting that more taxpayer funds should support festivals while also attributing festival cancellations to climate change and extreme weather events.

'Festivals are an important part of the arts and live music ecosystem. 'Festivals support jobs not only for artists but also in hospitality, tourism and trades as well,' Senator Hanson-Young said.

'It is not a surprise to hear festival organisers say that extreme weather and insurance are among their biggest challenges.’

'We have known for some time that extreme weather events and climate change are making it harder and more unpredictable to put on large-scale events.'
Key Takeaways
  • Festival ticket sales among young Australians aged 18 to 24 have significantly dropped, attributed to the cost-of-living crisis and ticket prices.
  • A bar owner, Hugh Scobie, has suggested raising Youth Allowance and JobSeeker payments to enable young people to participate in social activities like music festivals, which would support the entertainment industry.
  • The Soundcheck report revealed a 24 per cent drop in ticket sales within the key demographic for festivals and pointed to the financial pressures on young adults, with costs like rent and groceries limiting their ability to afford event tickets.
  • There have been several cancellations of major music festivals in Australia, with reasons ranging from economic pressures on consumers to challenges posed by extreme weather and the unpredictable nature of hosting large-scale events due to climate change.
Do you think Centrelink payments should be increased to support young people's participation in cultural events like music festivals? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
This has got to be one of the most rediculous ideas I have ever heard. If young people want to go to these events then they should save up for them like everyone else. It's not surprising that Greens senator SH-Y is using this for political reasons. If the government has money to give away like this how about they raise the aged pension so that seniors can afford to eat properly? The youth of today need to learn that if you want something you earn it. It shouldn't be given to them without having to work for it.
Other government benefits are LESS than the aged pension. Age has nothing to do with how much money you need for food, etc.
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Just an FYI, not all people on Job Seeker are young, and not all young people are lazy and don't want a job, not all young people can live at home, they struggle to buy food and pay rent, not all young people take drugs, it is so easy to criticize others, be careful when you point a finger at someone you are pointing three back at yourself.
Excellent, could not have said it better. The entitled and well off blame everyone but themselves
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Easy fix, drop the ticket prices and the food etc. I'd love to go to a festival, though it may be frowned upon as I'm over 60. I want my Centrelink to rise too. Can't get a decent job. Too old to employ, too young for pension. What are gonna do?
My daughter loves these festivals and attends with a bunch of friends, who are all employed. There you go that's how to do it. Have a job.
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The modern entertainment industry is rubbish. Taxpayers are having to fork out $750 000 000 for the entertainment industry called the AFL, which wishes to build a new stadium at our expense on prime public waterfront land in Hobart. The ALP is too gutless to stop that sort of rort and the LNP loves the idea so that the great unwashed masses can enjoy the sight of their "footie" heroes running around in tight shorts kicking an oval ball into the air and periodically thumping each other to prove their manliness.

I would rather watch Taylor Swift; her gyrations and contortions and continuous screamings on stage demand the peak fitness of an Olympic athlete. But I can't stand the noise, which will become another feature of the AFL's Hobartian money-making venture at our expense.
If anything the jobseeker payment should be reduced for anyone under the age of 18.. then after 18.. increased marginally to help them go to work, pay for a car and fuel etc, make them genuinely look for work. why should someone who drops out of school at the age of 15/16 get exactly the same as someone who lost a job at the age of 40/50, after paying taxes all those years… does this person think the older people on the pension wouldn’t like to also go out to socialize and be able to afford a meal out !!
Using that rationale, those with degrees, PhDs etc should get paid more than those who worked at a grocery store, where does it stop?
When I was younger, I earned over $100,000/yr, does that mean I should get a higher pension now that I need one?
I had a good job then, but circumstances change, injuries occur, and WorkCover does nothing for the worker. So we end up on a pension, with no money because we have spent all our savings. The government can't have too many variations, they do pay those over 55 a slightly higher rate. It isn't much higher though.
Just an FYI, not all people on Job Seeker are young, and not all young people are lazy and don't want a job, not all young people can live at home, they struggle to buy food and pay rent, not all young people take drugs, it is so easy to criticize others, be careful when you point a finger at someone you are pointing three back at yourself.
Those who are not lazy and not taking drugs etc are usually not the ones who are struggling with their finances as much. When they can't live at home, there is rent assistance (if they can find a rental).
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Raising Centrelink Payments

No I don't think that is wise.
What I want to know is why, those who are elderly and have come to this country years ago, but have not contributed tax wise are now on full pensions. That's my issue with Centrelink payments.
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If anything the jobseeker payment should be reduced for anyone under the age of 18.. then after 18.. increased marginally to help them go to work, pay for a car and fuel etc, make them genuinely look for work. why should someone who drops out of school at the age of 15/16 get exactly the same as someone who lost a job at the age of 40/50, after paying taxes all those years… does this person think the older people on the pension wouldn’t like to also go out to socialize and be able to afford a meal out !!
Cost of living does not depend on age. By that rationale, older people are more established and should get less. Perhaps some think the younger people deserve less than what they had.
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How terribly sad.
The unemployed Young people cannot afford to go to a music festival 😥
so the answer is to give this already “self entitled” generation, who want everything handed to them, an increase in job seeker allowance so they can attend these festivals!
The Job seeker allowance is just that, NOT a ticket to entertainment!
The answer is to reduce the payment and get them off their lazy backsides and get a job.

There are thousands of senior people on pitiful pensions that are struggling to feed themselves and they don’t deter a chance to out to enjoy themselves!
Sounds more like some older people feel self entitled
Those who are not lazy and not taking drugs etc are usually not the ones who are struggling with their finances as much. When they can't live at home, there is rent assistance (if they can find a rental).
Have you compared the amount of rent assistance to the cost of renting? Suggest a reality check
Wat more do unemployed people want wat about the aged who worked all their lives or disabled wen you Can’t even get by with paying off insurance, rates and water and medical scripts, power bills medical trips because we live in the country it’s all costly ,,,,,, wat about upping their pensions
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No the squander a lot as most live at home the seniors are suffering because of the high rents some have resorted to 1 meal a day and not a Nutrional one either.

A pay increase to the younger generation who will not even work a casual Job is appalling just because it does not suit them or its not want, they would like.

No way get a job there are plenty around.
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What a ridiculous idea. Raise the rate so they can live would be more appropriate. $50 on a night out as opposed to $50 in food for the week. Get a grip.
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Maybe put a hold on music festivals for a few years and let the entertainers also retrain for something more affordable that earns them an income - they can play a few gigs in the evenings and weekends to keep their music alive. Worked for us in the last century!
Festivals are just drug fuelled opportunities to create mayhem and make the promoters rich! We don’t need them 😡
Wat more do unemployed people want wat about the aged who worked all their lives or disabled wen you Can’t even get by with paying off insurance, rates and water and medical scripts, power bills medical trips because we live in the country it’s all costly ,,,,,, wat about upping their pensions
We did get an increase - all $10 a week! That will go a long way to paying the bills and getting us to a concert!
You have all fallen for the mainstream media spin and garbage, and SDC is perpetuating that by trying to get you all riled up over it! Use your brains, please! The TRUE reason the payments need to be raised is so that people on unemployment benefits can actually look for work (they need to be clean and presentable and have fares to interviews) as well as pay rent and household bills and food. We all expect people to understand when we say we pensioners need a raise because of the cost of living, so how about extending some of that empathy you want to others as well? They are being paid a LOT less than us and they have the costs of having to seek work on top of the same sort of expenses we have. The media is trying to turn us all against different sectors of the community ... be smarter than that and don't fall for it.

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