Breaking: Wade Robson's impending court battle with Michael Jackson's estate

Wade Robson, a professional dancer, has been vocal about his allegations of mistreatment by the late pop sensation Michael Jackson during his childhood.

Currently, Robson is on the verge of a legal confrontation with MJJ Productions, Inc., the corporation associated with the deceased artist.

Four years ago, Robson's name made headlines when he took part in the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland, released in 2019. Source: Dance Informa

To offer a gist of the situation, TMZ reported on Monday that the proceeding instigated by Robson against Jackson's corporation over claims of molestation had been given the green light by the California Court of Appeal.

Robson alleges that the maltreatment spanned from his seventh year up to his fourteenth, taking place within the confines of Jackson's infamous Neverland Ranch.

During the preliminary hearings, the legal representatives for MJJ Productions, Inc. disassociated the corporation from the allegations, claiming they held no responsibility as they lacked the means to supervise the actions of the late superstar.

The Court of Appeal, however, has overturned an earlier dismissal of the case by a Los Angeles County trial court in April 2021. Instead, they have ushered in a tentative ruling that the case be prepared for trial.

Stepping back, Robson moved from Australia to the U.S. as a child, and it was during this phase he came into contact with Jackson.

And while their friendship appeared harmless initially, Robson maintains that it eventually led to sexual exploitation at the hands of the pop star.

Jackson was arraigned in Santa Barbara, California, in November of 2003, a mere two days after a raid on Neverland.

He was indicted on ten charges, including lewd conduct with a minor, conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment, and extortion (pertaining to a different minor).

The legal proceedings attracted international attention, with a parade of more than 130 witnesses taking the stand throughout the trial, which started in February 2005.

Among these, young Robson made an appearance, asserting that although he had shared a bed with Jackson, there were no attempts at any unwarranted advances by the singer.

Following a contentious trial, on June 14, 2005, Jackson was absolved of all charges.

Michael Jackson faced multiple charges of child molestation throughout his life, leading to a controversial and publicised legal battle. Image from flickr

Fast-forward eight years, Robson backtracked on his former claims. He sought legal recourse against the company managing Jackson's estate in 2013, stating that his preceding endorsement of Jackson was the outcome of ‘manipulation and brainwashing’.

Four years ago, Robson shot back into the limelight four years ago when he participated in Leaving Neverland, an HBO documentary produced in 2019.

Here, he opened up about the commencement of Jackson's alleged sexual abuse in 1990, when he was just seven, and the continuation of this implicit behaviour over seven years.

Another name associated with similar allegations against Jackson is James Safechuck, who participated alongside Robson in Leaving Neverland.

He, too, currently has a case inching its way through the Court of Appeal, with expectations that it will proceed to trial following the recent ruling in Robson's case.

Robson and Safechuck had earlier been unsuccessful in their attempt to litigate against Jackson's estate in 2017. The reason? The statute of limitations.

Their legal vendetta was rekindled in 2019 when California Gov. Gavin Newsom passed a law extending the statutory period for victims of child sexual assault to seek damages.

Despite the accusations against him, Michael Jackson's legacy remains a subject of debate, with people holding varying perceptions of him. Image by callmefred from unsplash

Sources close to Jackson's estate's legal team claim they appear calm and undisturbed. They have expressed confidence in winning the trial, brushing off the appellate ruling as inconsequential to the case's legal merits.

The Jackson estate continued to rebuff the accusations made by both Robson and Safechuck and initiated a legal battle with HBO over the documentary.

A representative for the Jackson Estate said in 2021, 'Wade Robson has spent the last eight years pursuing frivolous claims in different lawsuits against Michael Jackson's estate and companies associated with it.’

Jackson's impact on pop culture has proved to endure since his demise in 2009 at the age of 50 by cardiac arrest induced by an overdose of the surgical anaesthetic drug Propofol—commemorated this past Sunday on its 14th anniversary.

In his 2003 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson insisted there was nothing inappropriate with sharing a bed with children unrelated to him.

When pressed further, he described it as 'a beautiful thing' and those critical of his actions as 'ignorant'. He defended this behaviour, claiming, 'the world needs now, more love, more heart’.

See a clip of the documentary here:

Key Takeaways
  • Wade Robson, a dance professional who accuses the late singer Michael Jackson of molestation, is heading to trial with the late singer's corporation, MJJ Productions, Inc.
  • The California Court of Appeal had approved the suit Robson had brought against the late singer's corporation over the allegations of molestation—which Robson claims occurred from when he was seven to 14 at Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
  • Robson altered his account of the events in 2013 when he sued the company representing Jackson's estate, leading to his participation in Leaving Neverland, an HBO documentary released in 2019.
  • Robson and another accuser James Safechuck, previously had suits against Jackson’s estate dismissed in 2017 due to the statute of limitations. However, their case was revived after politicians allowed more time for people claiming they were sexually abused as children to litigate.
Members, what are your thoughts or opinions on the ongoing legal battle between Wade Robson and Michael Jackson's estate over allegations of molestation?

Do you think the recent ruling by the California Court of Appeal will significantly impact the public's perception of Michael Jackson and his legacy?
Many many moons ago I loved his music but when this all came out and he started going weird
eg trying to lighten his skin,
holding his baby out the window,
having his kids wearing mask when in public
Then when it was revealed of all those young boys having sleepovers and sharing his bed was straight our weird, creepy and disgusting.

I lost all admiration and respect for him.

What I don't understand though is why did this guy deny it then years later say things did happen?

Why did the boy put up with it for 7 years , it wasn't like it was his permanent home.

How did all those boys parents let them stay at his. I don't care if it was the King of England I wouldn't have let my 7 year old son have sleepovers.
I'm sure his parents would have seen a change in him !
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Many many moons ago I loved his music but when this all came out and he started going weird
eg trying to lighten his skin,
holding his baby out the window,
having his kids wearing mask when in public
Then when it was revealed of all those young boys having sleepovers and sharing his bed was straight our weird, creepy and disgusting.

I lost all admiration and respect for him.

What I don't understand though is why is the did this guy deny it then years later say things did happen?

Why did the boy put up with it for 7 years , it wasn't like it was his permanent home.

How did all those boys parents let them stay at his. I don't care if it was the Kung if England I wouldn't have let my 7 year old son have sleepovers.
I'm sure his parents would have seen a change in him !
agree! Where were his parents, the boy was 7, absolutely disgraceful.
These poor boys, allegedly abused by Jackson, need to heal. I dont believe making headlines again is doing this for them. It is just keeping their wounds open. Perhaps it is compensation they are after, but I believe it is closure rather than money that will do the most for them.
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Never liked MJ and all his weird goings on! I comment as I was not there or involved in any way.
Many many moons ago I loved his music but when this all came out and he started going weird
eg trying to lighten his skin,
holding his baby out the window,
having his kids wearing mask when in public
Then when it was revealed of all those young boys having sleepovers and sharing his bed was straight our weird, creepy and disgusting.

I lost all admiration and respect for him.

What I don't understand though is why did this guy deny it then years later say things did happen?

Why did the boy put up with it for 7 years , it wasn't like it was his permanent home.

How did all those boys parents let them stay at his. I don't care if it was the King of England I wouldn't have let my 7 year old son have sleepovers.
I'm sure his parents would have seen a change in him !
I think he's just after money
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I never believed that Michael Jackson was guilty, all the charges were proven to be false, the kids and parents said it didn't happen, life went on, I love Michael Jackson and his music, it was sad however that he became obsessed with looking like Diana Ross. He went to far with the surgery's, it was also mentioned that he had a skin disorder that was changing the colour of his skin, I don't know anything about that except what I read briefly. I also believe could be mistaken some money was given to the family of James Safechuck. There have been several celebrates accused and they have been falsely accused and it has ruined their lives or made things harder for quite some time.
Wade Robson, a professional dancer, has been vocal about his allegations of mistreatment by the late pop sensation Michael Jackson during his childhood.

Currently, Robson is on the verge of a legal confrontation with MJJ Productions, Inc., the corporation associated with the deceased artist.

View attachment 23564
Four years ago, Robson's name made headlines when he took part in the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland, released in 2019. Source: Dance Informa

To offer a gist of the situation, TMZ reported on Monday that the proceeding instigated by Robson against Jackson's corporation over claims of molestation had been given the green light by the California Court of Appeal.

Robson alleges that the maltreatment spanned from his seventh year up to his fourteenth, taking place within the confines of Jackson's infamous Neverland Ranch.

During the preliminary hearings, the legal representatives for MJJ Productions, Inc. disassociated the corporation from the allegations, claiming they held no responsibility as they lacked the means to supervise the actions of the late superstar.

The Court of Appeal, however, has overturned an earlier dismissal of the case by a Los Angeles County trial court in April 2021. Instead, they have ushered in a tentative ruling that the case be prepared for trial.

Stepping back, Robson moved from Australia to the U.S. as a child, and it was during this phase he came into contact with Jackson.

And while their friendship appeared harmless initially, Robson maintains that it eventually led to sexual exploitation at the hands of the pop star.

Jackson was arraigned in Santa Barbara, California, in November of 2003, a mere two days after a raid on Neverland.

He was indicted on ten charges, including lewd conduct with a minor, conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment, and extortion (pertaining to a different minor).

The legal proceedings attracted international attention, with a parade of more than 130 witnesses taking the stand throughout the trial, which started in February 2005.

Among these, young Robson made an appearance, asserting that although he had shared a bed with Jackson, there were no attempts at any unwarranted advances by the singer.

Following a contentious trial, on June 14, 2005, Jackson was absolved of all charges.

View attachment 23565
Michael Jackson faced multiple charges of child molestation throughout his life, leading to a controversial and publicised legal battle. Image from flickr

Fast-forward eight years, Robson backtracked on his former claims. He sought legal recourse against the company managing Jackson's estate in 2013, stating that his preceding endorsement of Jackson was the outcome of ‘manipulation and brainwashing’.

Four years ago, Robson shot back into the limelight four years ago when he participated in Leaving Neverland, an HBO documentary produced in 2019.

Here, he opened up about the commencement of Jackson's alleged sexual abuse in 1990, when he was just seven, and the continuation of this implicit behaviour over seven years.

Another name associated with similar allegations against Jackson is James Safechuck, who participated alongside Robson in Leaving Neverland.

He, too, currently has a case inching its way through the Court of Appeal, with expectations that it will proceed to trial following the recent ruling in Robson's case.

Robson and Safechuck had earlier been unsuccessful in their attempt to litigate against Jackson's estate in 2017. The reason? The statute of limitations.

Their legal vendetta was rekindled in 2019 when California Gov. Gavin Newsom passed a law extending the statutory period for victims of child sexual assault to seek damages.

View attachment 23566
Despite the accusations against him, Michael Jackson's legacy remains a subject of debate, with people holding varying perceptions of him. Image by callmefred from unsplash

Sources close to Jackson's estate's legal team claim they appear calm and undisturbed. They have expressed confidence in winning the trial, brushing off the appellate ruling as inconsequential to the case's legal merits.

The Jackson estate continued to rebuff the accusations made by both Robson and Safechuck and initiated a legal battle with HBO over the documentary.

A representative for the Jackson Estate said in 2021, 'Wade Robson has spent the last eight years pursuing frivolous claims in different lawsuits against Michael Jackson's estate and companies associated with it.’

Jackson's impact on pop culture has proved to endure since his demise in 2009 at the age of 50 by cardiac arrest induced by an overdose of the surgical anaesthetic drug Propofol—commemorated this past Sunday on its 14th anniversary.

In his 2003 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson insisted there was nothing inappropriate with sharing a bed with children unrelated to him.

When pressed further, he described it as 'a beautiful thing' and those critical of his actions as 'ignorant'. He defended this behaviour, claiming, 'the world needs now, more love, more heart’.

See a clip of the documentary here:

Key Takeaways

  • Wade Robson, a dance professional who accuses the late singer Michael Jackson of molestation, is heading to trial with the late singer's corporation, MJJ Productions, Inc.
  • The California Court of Appeal had approved the suit Robson had brought against the late singer's corporation over the allegations of molestation—which Robson claims occurred from when he was seven to 14 at Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
  • Robson altered his account of the events in 2013 when he sued the company representing Jackson's estate, leading to his participation in Leaving Neverland, an HBO documentary released in 2019.
  • Robson and another accuser James Safechuck, previously had suits against Jackson’s estate dismissed in 2017 due to the statute of limitations. However, their case was revived after politicians allowed more time for people claiming they were sexually abused as children to litigate.
Members, what are your thoughts or opinions on the ongoing legal battle between Wade Robson and Michael Jackson's estate over allegations of molestation?

Do you think the recent ruling by the California Court of Appeal will significantly impact the public's perception of Michael Jackson and his legacy?

I was a MJ fan until this stuff started to come out about him and (despite the fact he was putting out creepy morbid songs about how pretty kids looked lying around dead after killing them in his songs - UGH YUCK!!!! this was also a big put off from his music which just seemed to get more morbid and twisted after that).

Around that time he started losing fans like the plague and it seemed to only continue UNTIL the teenagers about ten years or more later (after MJ had gone broke and couldn't sell albums coz no one wanted them even in the music store 'cheap bins' and those who were around when he was black (before he bleached himself white) thought of him as just as has been weird sicko obsessed with looking like Diana Ross and sleeping with kids which he had freely stated in documentaries he thought it was the most beautiful thing to do (GROSS!!!!!)).

I had well lost interest in him and his music because i believed what the ones saying he had done things to them said, there were too many of them and news reports had said he had paid off ones too.

I never became a fan again of his and i still think that doctor got the raw deal as all the reports said the doctor had the medical cart/cabinet locked and MJ broke into it when the doctor was not there as he was addicted to the pain killers, so it was MJ's fault and no one elses. Far as i care MJ got what he deserved like all should who mess up kids lives with THAT sick behaviour.
I have always liked Michael Jackson’s music and still do. As for whether or not he was ever guilty of inappropriate behaviour towards young children how will we ever know. He is no longer able to defend himself. While I’m sure some of the claims made by individuals against well known people are true I also wonder how many have been fabricated in the desire to try and grab a big compensation payout. It amazes me that there are now so many of these claims coming out of the woodwork, so to speak.
Wade Robson, a professional dancer, has been vocal about his allegations of mistreatment by the late pop sensation Michael Jackson during his childhood.

Currently, Robson is on the verge of a legal confrontation with MJJ Productions, Inc., the corporation associated with the deceased artist.

View attachment 23564
Four years ago, Robson's name made headlines when he took part in the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland, released in 2019. Source: Dance Informa

To offer a gist of the situation, TMZ reported on Monday that the proceeding instigated by Robson against Jackson's corporation over claims of molestation had been given the green light by the California Court of Appeal.

Robson alleges that the maltreatment spanned from his seventh year up to his fourteenth, taking place within the confines of Jackson's infamous Neverland Ranch.

During the preliminary hearings, the legal representatives for MJJ Productions, Inc. disassociated the corporation from the allegations, claiming they held no responsibility as they lacked the means to supervise the actions of the late superstar.

The Court of Appeal, however, has overturned an earlier dismissal of the case by a Los Angeles County trial court in April 2021. Instead, they have ushered in a tentative ruling that the case be prepared for trial.

Stepping back, Robson moved from Australia to the U.S. as a child, and it was during this phase he came into contact with Jackson.

And while their friendship appeared harmless initially, Robson maintains that it eventually led to sexual exploitation at the hands of the pop star.

Jackson was arraigned in Santa Barbara, California, in November of 2003, a mere two days after a raid on Neverland.

He was indicted on ten charges, including lewd conduct with a minor, conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment, and extortion (pertaining to a different minor).

The legal proceedings attracted international attention, with a parade of more than 130 witnesses taking the stand throughout the trial, which started in February 2005.

Among these, young Robson made an appearance, asserting that although he had shared a bed with Jackson, there were no attempts at any unwarranted advances by the singer.

Following a contentious trial, on June 14, 2005, Jackson was absolved of all charges.

View attachment 23565
Michael Jackson faced multiple charges of child molestation throughout his life, leading to a controversial and publicised legal battle. Image from flickr

Fast-forward eight years, Robson backtracked on his former claims. He sought legal recourse against the company managing Jackson's estate in 2013, stating that his preceding endorsement of Jackson was the outcome of ‘manipulation and brainwashing’.

Four years ago, Robson shot back into the limelight four years ago when he participated in Leaving Neverland, an HBO documentary produced in 2019.

Here, he opened up about the commencement of Jackson's alleged sexual abuse in 1990, when he was just seven, and the continuation of this implicit behaviour over seven years.

Another name associated with similar allegations against Jackson is James Safechuck, who participated alongside Robson in Leaving Neverland.

He, too, currently has a case inching its way through the Court of Appeal, with expectations that it will proceed to trial following the recent ruling in Robson's case.

Robson and Safechuck had earlier been unsuccessful in their attempt to litigate against Jackson's estate in 2017. The reason? The statute of limitations.

Their legal vendetta was rekindled in 2019 when California Gov. Gavin Newsom passed a law extending the statutory period for victims of child sexual assault to seek damages.

View attachment 23566
Despite the accusations against him, Michael Jackson's legacy remains a subject of debate, with people holding varying perceptions of him. Image by callmefred from unsplash

Sources close to Jackson's estate's legal team claim they appear calm and undisturbed. They have expressed confidence in winning the trial, brushing off the appellate ruling as inconsequential to the case's legal merits.

The Jackson estate continued to rebuff the accusations made by both Robson and Safechuck and initiated a legal battle with HBO over the documentary.

A representative for the Jackson Estate said in 2021, 'Wade Robson has spent the last eight years pursuing frivolous claims in different lawsuits against Michael Jackson's estate and companies associated with it.’

Jackson's impact on pop culture has proved to endure since his demise in 2009 at the age of 50 by cardiac arrest induced by an overdose of the surgical anaesthetic drug Propofol—commemorated this past Sunday on its 14th anniversary.

In his 2003 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson insisted there was nothing inappropriate with sharing a bed with children unrelated to him.

When pressed further, he described it as 'a beautiful thing' and those critical of his actions as 'ignorant'. He defended this behaviour, claiming, 'the world needs now, more love, more heart’.

See a clip of the documentary here:

Key Takeaways

  • Wade Robson, a dance professional who accuses the late singer Michael Jackson of molestation, is heading to trial with the late singer's corporation, MJJ Productions, Inc.
  • The California Court of Appeal had approved the suit Robson had brought against the late singer's corporation over the allegations of molestation—which Robson claims occurred from when he was seven to 14 at Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
  • Robson altered his account of the events in 2013 when he sued the company representing Jackson's estate, leading to his participation in Leaving Neverland, an HBO documentary released in 2019.
  • Robson and another accuser James Safechuck, previously had suits against Jackson’s estate dismissed in 2017 due to the statute of limitations. However, their case was revived after politicians allowed more time for people claiming they were sexually abused as children to litigate.
Members, what are your thoughts or opinions on the ongoing legal battle between Wade Robson and Michael Jackson's estate over allegations of molestation?

Do you think the recent ruling by the California Court of Appeal will significantly impact the public's perception of Michael Jackson and his legacy?

Something was never right with Jackson self obsessed I think 🤔
I never believed that Michael Jackson was guilty, all the charges were proven to be false, the kids and parents said it didn't happen, life went on, I love Michael Jackson and his music, it was sad however that he became obsessed with looking like Diana Ross. He went to far with the surgery's, it was also mentioned that he had a skin disorder that was changing the colour of his skin, I don't know anything about that except what I read briefly. I also believe could be mistaken some money was given to the family of James Safechuck. There have been several celebrates accused and they have been falsely accused and it has ruined their lives or made things harder for quite some time.
I totally agree with you.
IF you beileve Michael Jackson was innocent - YOU ARE A BLOODY IDIOT!!!!!

Have you never seen the Corey Feldman interview or countless others? Have you never listened to that sicko Jackson in interviews the way he speaks about kids in general? Corey Haim killed himself over abuse from movie directors etc and people like if not including Michael Jackson.

Far as i am concerned, MJ is a PEADOPHILE. (Whether charged or not officially). He destroyed lives and lost most of his fans until the millienials went for the old shock factor with their parents and decided to like not only his music but him. They probably were not even alive when he did those things, he lost the respect of his fans and went broke and was relying on his family to keep spending money at an extraordinary rate of over $100,000 a day.

MJ is responsible for everything he was accused of and more. He ruined the life of that chimp he had and it still lives with horrific trauma from things MJ did to it.

I believe all his victims and i will never like MJ or his music - he is not the King of POP (self proclaimed title that the media ran with) He was a weirdo, a sicko and deserves to have his legacy banished from existance for his crimes.

Even his songs are full of sadistic sick crap - one even discribes pushing a young girl down a flight of stairs and how pretty she looks lying there dead! If that isn't completely deranged and mentally sick than i don't know what is.

MJ also admitted sleeping with children was beautiful - HELLO - PEADOPHILE!!! a grown ass man sleeping with kids - DISGUSTING UNNATURAL BEHAVIOUR ONLY SICK TWISTED MINDS WOULD DO!!!
Also the doctor is innocent and MJ killed himself with a overdose after breaking into the locked cupboard/trolley and getting it himself.

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