BTW, the Richard Wilkins advert we see being advertised, may be a true story, however it is being used as bait and is being cast into sites like ours, as a Phishing scam.

To enquire as I did, takes you to an Indian call center, full of people VERY GOOD at conning people to invest.

I did this a few months back, BEFORE googling if it was a scam (yeah, I know that was dumb) anyway I went to the commonwealth bank and got my card cut up.

The Indian scammers where not happy that payment was stopped and phoned me for a while after, despite being blocked each time.

Watch out for true stories on the internet, being hacked by scammers, hey guys.

just saying.
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Bouncy! Bouncy!

A new aeroplane has been developed
that cannot crash. It's made from rubber
polymers, it will just bounce!
It was invented and designed by,

Boeing! Boeing! Boeing!
Bouncy! Bouncy!

A new aeroplane has been developed
that cannot crash. It's made from rubber
polymers, it will just bounce!
It was invented and designed by,

Boeing! Boeing! Boeing!
Bouncy! Bouncy!

A new aeroplane has been developed
that cannot crash. It's made from rubber
polymers, it will just bounce!
It was invented and designed by,

Boeing! Boeing! Boeing!
Lol, I would love to be in that bouncy Plane with my girlfriend! Hahaha.
BTW, the Richard Wilkins advert we see being advertised, may be a true story, however it is being used as bait and is being cast into sites like ours, as a Phishing scam.

To enquire as I did, takes you to an Indian call center, full of people VERY GOOD at conning people to invest.

I did this a few months back, BEFORE googling if it was a scam (yeah, I know that was dumb) anyway I went to the commonwealth bank and got my card cut up.

The Indian scammers where not happy that payment was stopped and phoned me for a while after, despite being blocked each time.

Watch out for true stories on the internet, being hacked by scammers, hey guys.

just saying.
Umm . . . are you posting on the wrong thread? This doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the joke. 🤷‍♀️

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