Birthday boy receives a scathing letter from a neighbour – ‘Be a respectful adult next time!’

No matter how much of a blast you’re having during a house party, it’s always worth considering whether or not you’ve crossed the line and are disrupting your neighbours.

One 21-year-old party host learned this lesson the hard way after receiving a brutal letter from a neighbour following his ‘rowdy’ birthday celebration.

Typed out in red ink for added effect, the disgruntled neighbour slammed the organiser of the wild party held recently at a Perth home, describing him as a ‘dismissive and disrespectful’ person.

‘Congratulations for raising a 21-year-old and teaching them not to care or give a damn about the neighbours partying out loud and being another dismissive and disrespectful human being. Great job!’ the letter read.


The 21-year-old party host was brutally slammed by a neighbour. Source: Unsplash

‘I know your parents didn’t teach you this but please consider your neighbours when partying until midnight. I truly believe this is a milestone to be celebrated and hope you will never encounter neighbours like yourself in your life.’

‘The world does not need another disrespectful human being,’ the letter went on.

‘You could have notified the neighbours so we could plan ahead of the circumstances or even take your party to a club or restaurant, but no – you chose to be abusive and disrespectful,’

‘You are 21 now so try to be a respectful adult next time!’


The neighbour wrote a shocking letter for him to see. Source:

A photo of the outraged letter was shared on Monday to The Bell Tower Times Facebook page where it amassed over 600 comments, including a man claiming to be the recipient.

‘Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Just to clear up, flyers were sent out and definitely received.’ he clarified.

‘How else would they have known it was a 21st party?’ another user questioned.

Several users came to the party host’s defence, arguing that 12 am was a reasonable finish time.

‘You mean they partied until midnight then it shut down without police intervention? They should count that as a success!’ one wrote.

‘Good grief, a 21st birthday party that lasted until midnight! I’m shocked and horrified! So inconsiderate! *insert sarcasm font*.’ another commented.

‘Some people just need to get a life. If it was loud until 4 am, fine… But it sounds like it wrapped up at midnight. Good on them! Happy 21st.’ a third chimed.

What are your thoughts about this birthday fiasco? Do you agree with the neighbour's qualms or were they being a little dramatic about the party? Let us know in the comments below.
No matter how much of a blast you’re having during a house party, it’s always worth considering whether or not you’ve crossed the line and are disrupting your neighbours.

One 21-year-old party host learned this lesson the hard way after receiving a brutal letter from a neighbour following his ‘rowdy’ birthday celebration.

Typed out in red ink for added effect, the disgruntled neighbour slammed the organiser of the wild party held recently at a Perth home, describing him as a ‘dismissive and disrespectful’ person.

‘Congratulations for raising a 21-year-old and teaching them not to care or give a damn about the neighbours partying out loud and being another dismissive and disrespectful human being. Great job!’ the letter read.


The 21-year-old party host was brutally slammed by a neighbour. Source: Unsplash

‘I know your parents didn’t teach you this but please consider your neighbours when partying until midnight. I truly believe this is a milestone to be celebrated and hope you will never encounter neighbours like yourself in your life.’

‘The world does not need another disrespectful human being,’ the letter went on.

‘You could have notified the neighbours so we could plan ahead of the circumstances or even take your party to a club or restaurant, but no – you chose to be abusive and disrespectful,’

‘You are 21 now so try to be a respectful adult next time!’


The neighbour wrote a shocking letter for him to see. Source:

A photo of the outraged letter was shared on Monday to The Bell Tower Times Facebook page where it amassed over 600 comments, including a man claiming to be the recipient.

‘Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Just to clear up, flyers were sent out and definitely received.’ he clarified.

‘How else would they have known it was a 21st party?’ another user questioned.

Several users came to the party host’s defence, arguing that 12 am was a reasonable finish time.

‘You mean they partied until midnight then it shut down without police intervention? They should count that as a success!’ one wrote.

‘Good grief, a 21st birthday party that lasted until midnight! I’m shocked and horrified! So inconsiderate! *insert sarcasm font*.’ another commented.

‘Some people just need to get a life. If it was loud until 4 am, fine… But it sounds like it wrapped up at midnight. Good on them! Happy 21st.’ a third chimed.

What are your thoughts about this birthday fiasco? Do you agree with the neighbour's qualms or were they being a little dramatic about the party? Let us know in the comments below.
I can remember it was the end of the year 1995 and as always celebrate at home a big party with family and friends (60+) when just after midnight celebration at around 1230 am the police arrive at home because one neighbour complain the party was so noisy.!!!!
It was just past midnight at new year’s and they complain.!!!! And the police went to inspect. So we turned down the music for the next half an hour to keep the neighbour happy.!!!
No matter how much of a blast you’re having during a house party, it’s always worth considering whether or not you’ve crossed the line and are disrupting your neighbours.

One 21-year-old party host learned this lesson the hard way after receiving a brutal letter from a neighbour following his ‘rowdy’ birthday celebration.

Typed out in red ink for added effect, the disgruntled neighbour slammed the organiser of the wild party held recently at a Perth home, describing him as a ‘dismissive and disrespectful’ person.

‘Congratulations for raising a 21-year-old and teaching them not to care or give a damn about the neighbours partying out loud and being another dismissive and disrespectful human being. Great job!’ the letter read.


The 21-year-old party host was brutally slammed by a neighbour. Source: Unsplash

‘I know your parents didn’t teach you this but please consider your neighbours when partying until midnight. I truly believe this is a milestone to be celebrated and hope you will never encounter neighbours like yourself in your life.’

‘The world does not need another disrespectful human being,’ the letter went on.

‘You could have notified the neighbours so we could plan ahead of the circumstances or even take your party to a club or restaurant, but no – you chose to be abusive and disrespectful,’

‘You are 21 now so try to be a respectful adult next time!’


The neighbour wrote a shocking letter for him to see. Source:

A photo of the outraged letter was shared on Monday to The Bell Tower Times Facebook page where it amassed over 600 comments, including a man claiming to be the recipient.

‘Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Just to clear up, flyers were sent out and definitely received.’ he clarified.

‘How else would they have known it was a 21st party?’ another user questioned.

Several users came to the party host’s defence, arguing that 12 am was a reasonable finish time.

‘You mean they partied until midnight then it shut down without police intervention? They should count that as a success!’ one wrote.

‘Good grief, a 21st birthday party that lasted until midnight! I’m shocked and horrified! So inconsiderate! *insert sarcasm font*.’ another commented.

‘Some people just need to get a life. If it was loud until 4 am, fine… But it sounds like it wrapped up at midnight. Good on them! Happy 21st.’ a third chimed.

What are your thoughts about this birthday fiasco? Do you agree with the neighbour's qualms or were they being a little dramatic about the party? Let us know in the comments below.
Try the 17yo birthday party of my neighbour’s selfish little sod! In a block of 12 flats, it started at 5pm and ended 2am. One request to turn music down, but her rude guests thundered up & down the internal stairs, yelling, shouting, squealing, bellowing, pounding fists on doors, kicking doors, shouting all the way out to the street where the stood squealing and roaring until their taxi arrived. No manners in any of them!
At the onset of Covid, March 2020, I had a "false" Covid, I was not +ve but had lost my sense of taste and had swollen lymph glands.
I was told to isolate for 3 weeks, as my autoimmune system was comprised.
One day, in the school holidays, my teenage neighbour started playing music in another language outside in his backyard.
The music was SO loud, my windows were rattling, the music was ear-thumping.
After several hours, I was quite distraught, so I rang the local Council.
They were shocked at the volume, and said it was not acceptable. They would come out.
A bit later they rang me to say they couldn't come, but to ring the police.
I did. They were shocked at the volume....inside my home, all windows and curtains closed.
They said they'd come out.
Long story, repeated phone calls came.
After 6.5 hours of ear-thumping, window shaking noise, it was turned off.
I was vomiting, my face was burning, and I have been left with severe central tinnitus.
I was told that the music could be heard 5 km away.
If I'd known that no-one was coming, I'd have hopped in my car and driven away.
I'd be told by the police that they would interview me, so I couldn't leave.
Loud noise has careful.
I rang the bell at their gate, but no-one came to the front door.
The Bell Tower Times is not an proper news site but a comedy page so the letter could be genuine or just something someone made up for fun. Even quote the BTT Facebook page!
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At the onset of Covid, March 2020, I had a "false" Covid, I was not +ve but had lost my sense of taste and had swollen lymph glands.
I was told to isolate for 3 weeks, as my autoimmune system was comprised.
One day, in the school holidays, my teenage neighbour started playing music in another language outside in his backyard.
The music was SO loud, my windows were rattling, the music was ear-thumping.
After several hours, I was quite distraught, so I rang the local Council.
They were shocked at the volume, and said it was not acceptable. They would come out.
A bit later they rang me to say they couldn't come, but to ring the police.
I did. They were shocked at the volume....inside my home, all windows and curtains closed.
They said they'd come out.
Long story, repeated phone calls came.
After 6.5 hours of ear-thumping, window shaking noise, it was turned off.
I was vomiting, my face was burning, and I have been left with severe central tinnitus.
I was told that the music could be heard 5 km away.
If I'd known that no-one was coming, I'd have hopped in my car and driven away.
I'd be told by the police that they would interview me, so I couldn't leave.
Loud noise has careful.
I rang the bell at their gate, but no-one came to the front door.
Definitely unacceptable whether you were unwell or not. Obviously neither the Council nor Police wanted to accept responsibility for approaching this person. Are they afraid to approach this person, is he a dignity or someone who goes armed in public? I don't think so. I do not believe you should have to get in your car & leave home because of this person's disrespectful actions.

Perhaps they were fearful of being told they were being discriminately ( given the fact this was music in a foreign language ). Either party could have sourced information from a computer to find out who was living in that residence. Either way, l believe you had a right to have this seen to.
Some people just can't stand to hear anybody else having a good time.
A good time when it can be heard 5 km away? An invasion of privacy by undue noise I'd say!
A Council Inspector once told me 'a neighbour's noise is too loud if it can be heard on your side of the fence'. A bit silly l know because blocks are smaller & we consequently live closer to each other, but then isn't this a reason to be more conscious & considerate of our neighbours? What may be music to us can be heard as boom, boom, boom to neighbours at any distance from you!
Definitely unacceptable whether you were unwell or not. Obviously neither the Council nor Police wanted to accept responsibility for approaching this person. Are they afraid to approach this person, is he a dignity or someone who goes armed in public? I don't think so. I do not believe you should have to get in your car & leave home because of this person's disrespectful actions.

Perhaps they were fearful of being told they were being discriminately ( given the fact this was music in a foreign language ). Either party could have sourced information from a computer to find out who was living in that residence. Either way, l believe you had a right to have this seen to.
He was a 17-year old boy, and I didn't know if either of his parents were at home.
Unfortunately, it has caused me to have no respect for the police....
The next week, a Council representative rang me to see how it turned out. I told him that absolutely no-one came, and that I'd ended up with severe central tinnitus.
At that time, I was told it might settle after 6 weeks or so, but I've still got it......this constant plague of cicadas chirping in the middle of my head.
The Council environmental Officer said he'd write a letter to the family, stating their noise was unlawful, give them a warning, and if it occurred again, they'd be fined.
The day after the episode, I spoke to a neighbour from up the street.
When the music started again that next day, my neighbour rang me, and I just burst into tears. She came down and rang the bell at the gate.
The mother went to the door, and I heard her say that her son had every right to do whatever he wanted to. My friend told her he is allowed to play music, just not at over 100 decibels (she had a machine to measure it).
The lad started playing the music again, and my friend came back.
The mother screamed at her, but my friend just said if it starts again, the police will come, as she'd rung them after the first time that day.
I believe the Council Officer must have written a strong letter, because there's been no trouble since. Yes, the lad plays music, but at a tolerable level.
Thank you for your support.
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He was a 17-year old boy, and I didn't know if either of his parents were at home.
Unfortunately, it has caused me to have no respect for the police....
The next week, a Council representative rang me to see how it turned out. I told him that absolutely no-one came, and that I'd ended up with severe central tinnitus.
At that time, I was told it might settle after 6 weeks or so, but I've still got it......this constant plague of cicadas chirping in the middle of my head.
The Council environmental Officer said he'd write a letter to the family, stating their noise was unlawful, give them a warning, and if it occurred again, they'd be fined.
The day after the episode, I spoke to a neighbour from up the street.
When the music started again that next day, my neighbour rang me, and I just burst into tears. She came down and rang the bell at the gate.
The mother went to the door, and I heard her say that her son had every right to do whatever he wanted to. My friend told her he is allowed to play music, just not at over 100 decibels (she had a machine to measure it).
The lad started playing the music again, and my friend came back.
The mother screamed at her, but my friend just said if it starts again, the police will come, as she'd rung them after the first time that day.
I believe the Council Officer must have written a strong letter, because there's been no trouble since. Yes, the lad plays music, but at a tolerable level.
Thank you for your support.
I am grateful that you have added this & pleased this is sorted to your satisfaction. Thankyou. It is great to hear you have a friend nearby who is prepared to step in on your behalf & support you on this issue. Goes without saying that many people would not get involved at all.
The Council erred & should not have waited so long to do something about this issue either.
Silence for you truly is golden. I hope this is the end of the matter for you.
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A good time when it can be heard 5 km away? An invasion of privacy by undue noise I'd say!
A Council Inspector once told me 'a neighbour's noise is too loud if it can be heard on your side of the fence'. A bit silly l know because blocks are smaller & we consequently live closer to each other, but then isn't this a reason to be more conscious & considerate of our neighbours? What may be music to us can be heard as boom, boom, boom to neighbours at any distance from you!
Nowhere in the original article does it say that the party could be heard 5 km away. Storm in a teacup, I think.
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Nowhere in the original article does it say that the party could be heard 5 km away. Storm in a teacup, I think.
REALLY? 5th line from the bottom. "I was told the noise could be heard 5 km away".

Not such a storm in a teacup me thinks. ( Is that your apology l hear? ).
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No apology is necessary. In my post, I specified that I was referring to the original news article. The 5 km you are referring to was mentioned in someone else's response, not the original article. The person who made that post said "I WAS TOLD that the music could be heard 5 km away"; therefore it is only hearsay. Is that your apology I hear?
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No apology is necessary. In my post, I specified that I was referring to the original news article. The 5 km you are referring to was mentioned in someone else's response, not the original article. The person who made that post said "I WAS TOLD that the music could be heard 5 km away"; therefore it is only hearsay. Is that your apology I hear?
I wrote the response about my experience of loud music and the ongoing problems it has caused to my ears.
A neighbour told me he heard the music 5 km away when he was out riding his bike.
This music was about my experience.
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No apology is necessary. In my post, I specified that I was referring to the original news article. The 5 km you are referring to was mentioned in someone else's response, not the original article. The person who made that post said "I WAS TOLD that the music could be heard 5 km away"; therefore it is only hearsay. Is that your apology I hear?
From my stance l believe some confusion existed because l made comments about both articles here. There was a crossover causing confusion in some cases.
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That person was the person who was affected by the din.
For the benefit of the obtuse, I have made it clear on all my posts that I was referring to the original story and not any subsequent post. The original incident is, I believe, a storm in a teacup since the neighbours WERE notified in advance and the party apparently broke up at a reasonable hour (midnight). Since the police were not called at the time, it is a reasonable assumption that the noise levels were not outrageous. If they were, surely at least one neighbour would have called the police. Simply being able to hear something does not constitute a noise violation. My neighbour's teenage boys frequently have parties. We can hear them but the noise is not excessive and they always finish before midnight. Personally, I like to hear kids having a good time.
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