Bin there, done that: Posties call out obstructive wheelie bins for mail mayhem

It's a common sight on collection day: wheelie bins lined up along the kerb, waiting to be emptied.

But did you know this seemingly innocent act could be the bane of your local postie's existence?

Many make this simple mistake without a second thought, yet it's causing frustration and delays for postal workers across the country.

The issue came to light when a Gosford postal worker took to social media to vent his frustration.

Accompanied by a photo showing three bins obstructing access to a mailbox, he expressed his annoyance at having to navigate around the bins to deliver mail.

‘I have no words,’ the postie wrote.

The mailbox slot itself wasn't blocked, but the placement of the bins meant the postie had to reach over them, which was inconvenient and time-consuming.

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An annoyed Gosford postie criticised Australians for leaving wheelie bins in front of mailboxes, obstructing mail delivery. Credit: Facebook

This postie's complaint struck a chord with many of his colleagues, who chimed in with their own experiences.

‘I [have] put mail under the windscreen wiper of the car in the way as a bit of a “hey don't park your car in front of the letterbox” protest,’ one shared.

‘I had a customer do this for the whole week,’ another reported.

Then someone else joked that those who do this ‘clearly don't want their mail’ or are fine with having their parcel delivery delayed for a few days.

However, not everyone saw it as a significant problem.

A few other postal workers criticised him for being a ‘sook’, pointing out that the mailbox in question was still technically accessible.

‘Just hold their mail until it's safe to deliver,’ one commenter said.

‘Turn and deliver on the way out,’ another suggested.

Despite the mixed reactions, Australia Post has weighed in on the matter.

‘Australia Post reminds residents to ensure letterboxes are within easy and unobstructed reach so posties can deliver letters safely and efficiently for the whole community,’ a spokesperson stated.

‘The safety of our team members is our highest priority and objects such as bins can provide a hazard for Posties.’

While the recent frustration over blocked mailboxes highlights a growing concern among postal workers, another pressing issue has emerged in the realm of home deliveries.

As we navigate these challenges, it’s crucial to address the increasing danger posties face due to a rise in dog attacks.

Understanding the full spectrum of risks postal workers encounter can help foster a safer environment for everyone involved.
Key Takeaways
  • An annoyed postie in Gosford called out Australians for leaving their wheelie bins in front of mailboxes, which can obstruct mail delivery.
  • Other postal workers shared their frustrations and echoed the sentiment that this act is irritating and can slow down their delivery rounds.
  • While some people agreed with the postie's annoyance, others commented that it was not a significant issue and suggested workarounds.
  • Australia Post commented on the issue, reminding residents to ensure that mailboxes are unobstructed for the safe and efficient delivery of letters and stating that the safety of their team members is a top priority.
Have you ever had a delivery mishap due to an obstructed mailbox? How did you address it? Share your stories and tips in the comments below, and let's help keep the path clear for our dedicated postal workers!
Once upon a time in the UK the postie used to walk to do his round, carrying his bag of letters. Problem solved, Australia. It would be nice if letters in Australia posted in the same city got to one's mail-box next day. It can be done.

As for such impediments as a bestringed new lawn around a mail-box; the mail must go through!
Yes I remember that, and he came out in all kinds of weather with his mailbag… would have to have been really dire outdoors for the postman not to deliver …My mum used to give him a tot of scotch in cold winter weather to help him on his way……….I’m quite sure others did it too…….and at Christmas as were the dustbin men….. I wonder what the woke society would make of that now :rolleyes: :LOL:🤭
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Oh tear, who cares! Not me for one, my postie is an arsehole who likes to rip up the turf leaving deep ruts in the ground by doing spinouts on a part of the footpath that retains water after it rains. Have solved the problem for now, I just haven't mowed that part of the footpath in 6mths. He now goes out on the road.
I endorse the Postie with regards to placement of the bins in the photo. The home owner should have more sense & move the bins at least one bin width further to the right giving the Postie clear access to the letterbox or alternatively place these on the other side of the driveway. One member also correctly stated that a gap is supposed to be left between each bin so that the arms to pick up the bin can pass between them.
not only posties I use a gopher and the number of times, when footpaths are right next to the road, I have had to push bins out of the way to even be able to use the footpath is, generally, like every bin day. The drivers have no consideration of footpath users.
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We had post delivered through the letterbox twice a day in W.Yorkshire
l tried being a postie in St Ives in Sydney but what a disaster that was.What with sorting out the mail before you even deliver it then the bag was so heavy so much was taken out and the bag dropped off in the street and got back to each time.Then there was the heat and vicious dogs barking and attacking you. l say postmen need a meddle .l gave it up after the second day after l dropped loads of mail in the street lucky for me another postie passing by sorted it all out for me again. Just the wrong job for me l was just a Frank Spencer LOL
l know l spelt medal wrong :D

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