Avoid costly driving mistakes: Learn when and where double demerit points hit this Easter weekend!

Easter is a time for family gatherings, indulging in chocolate eggs, and enjoying the autumnal weather.

However, for Australian drivers, it's also a period of heightened vigilance on the roads, as double demerit points come into effect in several states and territories.

This system aims to encourage safer driving when many travel to visit loved ones or take holiday trips.

As motorists gear up to embark on their journeys and fuel their vehicles in unprecedented numbers, it's crucial to stay informed about which states and territories will enforce double demerits.

Read on to learn about the commencement dates, specific infractions under scrutiny, and other information to avoid a bad record and hefty fines.

Double demerit points will be in effect for various traffic offences during the Easter long weekend in some Australian states. Credits: Shutterstock

In New South Wales, the double demerit period will span five consecutive days, starting from Thursday, March 28, and running through to Monday, April 1.

During this time, offences such as speeding, illegal use of mobile phones, not wearing a seat belt, and riding without a motorcycle helmet will incur twice the usual number of demerit points.

The NSW government is taking a particularly strong stance against mobile phone use while driving, with Mobile Phone Detection Cameras actively monitoring for violations. If caught, drivers face a hefty $352 fine and ten demerit points.

The National Roads and Motorists' Association Limited (NRMA) also reminded drivers that school zones will be operational on Thursday, March 28, and additional penalties will apply for offences within these zones.

For instance, sending a text while driving through a school zone could result in a $469 fine.

Western Australia is also enforcing double demerits from March 28 to April 1, targeting a range of offences, including speeding, drunk or drug driving, failing to wear a seatbelt and child restraint, running a red light, and illegal use of a mobile phone.

The state is particularly focused on deterring drivers from using devices designed to evade speed cameras, with a significant 14-demerit point penalty for the offence during the Easter period.

The Australian Capital Territory also has double demerits applying from the start of Thursday to the end of Monday.

The ACT's recent road fatality involving a cyclist underscores the importance of drivers adhering to road safety laws.

Queensland is taking a different approach, with double demerits reserved for repeat offenders who commit a second road offence within a year of the first.

This system is in place all year round, not just during holiday periods.

For those in Victoria, South Australia, Northern Territory, and Tasmania, the double demerit point system does not apply.

However, police presence will be increased to ensure road safety during the busy holiday weekend.

As discussions about the implementation of double demerits and the associated penalties for driving offences intensify, it's essential to consider the broader spectrum of traffic regulations that drivers, particularly seniors, need to be mindful of.

While the focus may currently be on heightened enforcement measures during specific periods, such as holidays or long weekends, it's equally important to address the day-to-day behaviours behind the wheel that can result in significant fines and penalties.

As attention is drawn to the imminent rollout of double demerits, it serves as a timely reminder for drivers of all ages to stay informed and vigilant about their driving habits year-round.
Key Takeaways
  • Double demerit points will be in effect for various traffic offences during the Easter long weekend in New South Wales, Western Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory.
  • New South Wales, Western Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory will enforce double demerits from Thursday, March 28 up until, and including, Monday, April 1, targeting offences such as speeding, illegal mobile phone use, seat belt violations, and riding without a helmet.
  • Queensland operates a different system, where double demerits are reserved for repeat offenders throughout the year, rather than being specifically tied to public holidays or long weekends.
  • Other states and territories in Australia will operate as usual without the double demerit point system during this period.
Have you had experiences with the double demerit system? Do you have any safe driving tips to share with fellow members this Easter? Drop us a comment below.
Drive safely comply with the Mandatory Road rules example, don't speed anywhere.
All the road rules apply to all drivers all the time no exceptions.
Then you have nothing to worry about.
The road safety rules are there for a reason.
Drugs and alcohol driving offences should automatically have drivers licence suspended for a minimum of 3 months. The financial penalty should start at $1000. if the driver has been hooning and under the effects of alcohol and or drugs then the vehicle should be ceased and CRUSHED. The penalties at present are too lean and should be increased to stop these idiots driving on the road endangering themselves and more importantly endangering other innocent road users.
MMm Although I strongly agree with driver safety I do question the use of Double demerit and other points.
Now that unfortunatly I was scaught and now only have 1 point to loose. I am a much worse driver as I spend more time looking at my Speedo than consentrating on the road ahead.
Now that every extra 1 K per hour you can get Pinged. Is there an answer? I wish I could come up with it!

I will endevour to keep my driving consentratio better but hate keep looking at my speedo. Any Answers?
MMm Although I strongly agree with driver safety I do question the use of Double demerit and other points.
Now that unfortunatly I was scaught and now only have 1 point to loose. I am a much worse driver as I spend more time looking at my Speedo than consentrating on the road ahead.
Now that every extra 1 K per hour you can get Pinged. Is there an answer? I wish I could come up with it!

I will endevour to keep my driving consentratio better but hate keep looking at my speedo. Any Answers?
Good on ya Mate! Keep it going.
Revenue raising......
It's not revenue raising, in fact as well as double demerits it should also be double the fine. I'm sick of the Muppets they let behind the wheel of a vehicle these days. This double demerit and double fine should be all year round. People found driving whilst disqualified should be jailed for 5 years. We may get a bit of respect on the roads then.
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Drugs and alcohol driving offences should automatically have drivers licence suspended for a minimum of 3 months. The financial penalty should start at $1000. if the driver has been hooning and under the effects of alcohol and or drugs then the vehicle should be ceased and CRUSHED. The penalties at present are too lean and should be increased to stop these idiots driving on the road endangering themselves and more importantly endangering other innocent road users.
Totally agree, good on ya mate.
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MMm Although I strongly agree with driver safety I do question the use of Double demerit and other points.
Now that unfortunatly I was scaught and now only have 1 point to loose. I am a much worse driver as I spend more time looking at my Speedo than consentrating on the road ahead.
Now that every extra 1 K per hour you can get Pinged. Is there an answer? I wish I could come up with it!

I will endevour to keep my driving consentratio better but hate keep looking at my speedo. Any Answers?
In Victoria ( the speed camera capital) we have the ridiculous inconsistent speed limits along the same road. Also 3 and 4 freeways have an 80k limit, while some single lane roads are 100 or 110ks. Recently our top traffic cop got a speeding fine, so it happens to the best of us. There are far too many different speed limits.
Drugs and alcohol driving offences should automatically have drivers licence suspended for a minimum of 3 months. The financial penalty should start at $1000. if the driver has been hooning and under the effects of alcohol and or drugs then the vehicle should be ceased and CRUSHED. The penalties at present are too lean and should be increased to stop these idiots driving on the road endangering themselves and more importantly endangering other innocent road users.
They can't get revenu by doing that.
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Cops and Magistrate judges are nothing more than revenue raisers. Cops will have speed cameras set on exact speed limits, they will be sitting at the bottom of hills and slopes and handing out revenue tickets by the hundreds. Cops and Judges are nothing but low life scum and are the worst criminals of all, not to mention useless as tits on a bulls arse, other than to hand out revenue tickets. Good luck over easter drivers, they are out to get you.
I make it a point to avoid travelling on the roads over holiday periods.
Double demerits don't worry me. It's those people out there who think they are above the law that are a cause for pause.
If i had to choose between so called revenue raising or going to the funeral of a road accident victim, it's a no brainer.
If you obey their road rules, double demerits don't matter. Speed kills.

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