Australian Couple Slammed for Living on Centrelink Payments

For many people living off a fixed income, the rising cost of living can be an almost impossible challenge to overcome.

Many are trying to stretch their budgets in ways they never imagined, whether it be finding discounts on everyday items or cutting down on life's little luxuries.

For those who receive Centrelink benefits, the pressure to manage household finances can be even more daunting.

So, when an Australian couple recently detailed their life on Centrelink payments on ABC’s 7:30 program, anger echoed throughout the country.

Jennifer Searson and Mark Goodrick, currently living in Queensland's Sunshine Coast with their 15-year-old daughter, have experienced relentless criticism following their shared accounts of financial struggles while living primarily off Centrelink benefits.

Ms Searson is a lab technician who holds certifications in education support and business administration. She receives a carer's payment for her daughter, who has autism.

Their daughter's carer payment, according to Services Australia, amounts to a maximum basic rate of $971.50 every two weeks.

Meanwhile, Mr Goodrick, a qualified chef, works casually at a service station and earns approximately $1,300 a fortnight.

In addition to his casual work, he receives $250 from Centrelink, bringing his fortnightly salary to almost $1,600.

He admitted he prefers to work casually so he can collect Centrelink payments, sparking the fury of many who saw the couple's story.

However, the couple insists they have viable reasons for their financial choices. They claim that they are underemployed, not by choice but as a result of age discrimination and unsuccessful job hunts.

Backlash ensues as a Queensland couple with an autistic daughter discusses Centrelink living on ABC's 7.30 program. Credit: Shutterstock.

'We are poor, and we are on low income,' Mr Goodrick shared.

Meanwhile, Ms Searson said: 'There has been a proliferation of calling people on income support payments, particularly JobSeeker, dole bludgers.’

'Anyone can end up in this situation.'

Despite their plight, some viewers of their segment on ABC's 7:30 program took issue with the couple's choices, pointing out that they own two cars, their daughter appears to attend a private school, they spend around $350 a week on groceries, and they seem to have no plans to find full-time work.

One viewer wrote: 'These people are not doing it nearly as tough as many people I know. Sure, they're battlers, but many single-parent families exist, so in times of financial challenge such as this, the father could opt for the temporary sacrifice of full-time work with a long commute.’

'I saw this and I thought this family seem to be doing ok actually. Is this what welfare looks like?' another questioned.

A third chimed in: ‘There are plenty of people on JobSeeker who are in terribly desperate situations, bordering on poverty, that you could have featured in this story… This family is not in that situation. Perplexing as to why you chose them.’

'This is not genuine need. This is two people of working age making a decision to limit how much they work and seeking taxpayer funds to supplement their lifestyle choices,’ another added.

‘You don't get to refuse to work full time just because you get the difference from the public purse.’

ABC has yet to comment on the backlash.

Last year, in an opinion piece for The Guardian, the couple expressed that ‘survival is a daily challenge’.

They shared their concern that their child may be affected by the poverty they have experienced and the mentality that comes with it.

The couple went on to describe the difficulty they faced in trying to find affordable produce and bread for their daughter's school lunches.

The constant pressure of making these essential survival decisions took a toll on their mental health, making it hard to focus on job applications or present themselves positively to potential employers.

The couple also noted that they couldn't afford dental check-ups, and their physical health suffered as a result.

They refuted the idea that living on JobSeeker was a ‘lifestyle choice’ and emphasised that it only takes one unexpected circumstance to end up in their situation.

Key Takeaways
  • A couple receiving welfare payments while raising a daughter has faced criticism for detailing their struggles to stay afloat despite not working full-time in five years.
  • Many viewers took issue with the couple taking taxpayers' money when they have two cars, their daughter appears to attend a private school, and they spend about $350 a week on groceries.
  • The couple argued that income support payments should be increased for Australians.
  • The couple claims their age and their daughter's autism are factors in their difficulty finding full-time work.

The couple's story sheds light on the harsh realities of living on a low income and facing constant financial struggles.

It's important to acknowledge that many households are facing similar challenges and might be silently battling to make ends meet.

While there may be differing opinions on how to manage finances, it's crucial to remember that there are government benefits available to help those in need.

If you're experiencing financial hardship, reach out and seek support.

Remember, you're not alone in this and it's important to regularly review your budget to ensure you're making the most of your entitlements and cutting unnecessary expenses wherever possible.

Have you or anyone you know ever had to struggle with a fixed income? Tell us about it in the comments below.
I don’t like people that abuse the system either. But as I’ve got older and have more health issues I’ve seen a different side. I cannot retire till I’m 67. Jobseeker requires me to work 15 hours minimum a week with sore hips and knees. A lot of jobs require standing or sitting most of the time. Employers aren’t going to give you a half hour off to put your feet up. So I’ve had to have medical leave and rely on Centrelink payments a lot. It would be a fairer system if f one could go on the pension younger if they have health issues. Having to work when you’re in pain is really hard.
From Judy HB
There are genuine people who should get support, but others who seem to know all the roads to “rip off”. They get tattoos, expensive clothes and complain because the government is not giving them enough.
If she gets the maximum basic rate for carer payment, than she also gets all supplements plus the carer allowance that is almost $1300 a fortnight taxfree. He gets another $250 taxfree plus parttime $1300. there is still other payments in relation to the child to be addet. Why do you want to work fulltime and look after a family without any extras.
Makes me wonder how he qualifies for any government assistance, I would have thought earning $1300 a fortnight would have been above the income threshold for any Centrelink benefit unless you were an aged pensioner.
For many people living off a fixed income, the rising cost of living can be an almost impossible challenge to overcome.

Many are trying to stretch their budgets in ways they never imagined, whether it be finding discounts on everyday items or cutting down on life's little luxuries.

For those who receive Centrelink benefits, the pressure to manage household finances can be even more daunting.

So, when an Australian couple recently detailed their life on Centrelink payments on ABC’s 7:30 program, anger echoed throughout the country.

Jennifer Searson and Mark Goodrick, currently living in Queensland's Sunshine Coast with their 15-year-old daughter, have experienced relentless criticism following their shared accounts of financial struggles while living primarily off Centrelink benefits.

Ms Searson is a lab technician who holds certifications in education support and business administration. She receives a carer's payment for her daughter, who has autism.

Their daughter's carer payment, according to Services Australia, amounts to a maximum basic rate of $971.50 every two weeks.

Meanwhile, Mr Goodrick, a qualified chef, works casually at a service station and earns approximately $1,300 a fortnight.

In addition to his casual work, he receives $250 from Centrelink, bringing his fortnightly salary to almost $1,600.

He admitted he prefers to work casually so he can collect Centrelink payments, sparking the fury of many who saw the couple's story.

However, the couple insists they have viable reasons for their financial choices. They claim that they are underemployed, not by choice but as a result of age discrimination and unsuccessful job hunts.

View attachment 19503
Backlash ensues as a Queensland couple with an autistic daughter discusses Centrelink living on ABC's 7.30 program. Credit: Shutterstock.

'We are poor, and we are on low income,' Mr Goodrick shared.

Meanwhile, Ms Searson said: 'There has been a proliferation of calling people on income support payments, particularly JobSeeker, dole bludgers.’

'Anyone can end up in this situation.'

Despite their plight, some viewers of their segment on ABC's 7:30 program took issue with the couple's choices, pointing out that they own two cars, their daughter appears to attend a private school, they spend around $350 a week on groceries, and they seem to have no plans to find full-time work.

One viewer wrote: 'These people are not doing it nearly as tough as many people I know. Sure, they're battlers, but many single-parent families exist, so in times of financial challenge such as this, the father could opt for the temporary sacrifice of full-time work with a long commute.’

'I saw this and I thought this family seem to be doing ok actually. Is this what welfare looks like?' another questioned.

A third chimed in: ‘There are plenty of people on JobSeeker who are in terribly desperate situations, bordering on poverty, that you could have featured in this story… This family is not in that situation. Perplexing as to why you chose them.’

'This is not genuine need. This is two people of working age making a decision to limit how much they work and seeking taxpayer funds to supplement their lifestyle choices,’ another added.

‘You don't get to refuse to work full time just because you get the difference from the public purse.’

ABC has yet to comment on the backlash.

Last year, in an opinion piece for The Guardian, the couple expressed that ‘survival is a daily challenge’.

They shared their concern that their child may be affected by the poverty they have experienced and the mentality that comes with it.

The couple went on to describe the difficulty they faced in trying to find affordable produce and bread for their daughter's school lunches.

The constant pressure of making these essential survival decisions took a toll on their mental health, making it hard to focus on job applications or present themselves positively to potential employers.

The couple also noted that they couldn't afford dental check-ups, and their physical health suffered as a result.

They refuted the idea that living on JobSeeker was a ‘lifestyle choice’ and emphasised that it only takes one unexpected circumstance to end up in their situation.

Key Takeaways

  • A couple receiving welfare payments while raising a daughter has faced criticism for detailing their struggles to stay afloat despite not working full-time in five years.
  • Many viewers took issue with the couple taking taxpayers' money when they have two cars, their daughter appears to attend a private school, and they spend about $350 a week on groceries.
  • The couple argued that income support payments should be increased for Australians.
  • The couple claims their age and their daughter's autism are factors in their difficulty finding full-time work.

The couple's story sheds light on the harsh realities of living on a low income and facing constant financial struggles.

It's important to acknowledge that many households are facing similar challenges and might be silently battling to make ends meet.

While there may be differing opinions on how to manage finances, it's crucial to remember that there are government benefits available to help those in need.

If you're experiencing financial hardship, reach out and seek support.

Remember, you're not alone in this and it's important to regularly review your budget to ensure you're making the most of your entitlements and cutting unnecessary expenses wherever possible.

Have you or anyone you know ever had to struggle with a fixed income? Tell us about it in the comments below.

WOW! I would love to have their income!
I applaud ABC for doing this article & exposing this disgraceful family. They obviously have no conscience if they invited ABC into their home. They certainly cannot complain about doing life with hardships. Are they therefore boasting about their scheme where they are Ripping off the Taxpayers? Shame on the couple. Take away their benefits & make them earn an honest living!!!

A gent we knew had children who were diabetic & used this as an excuse for not working. He carried a pager for the (highly unlikely) phone call from the school because one of the children was unwell & needed to be picked up. He also bought, fixed up & sold cars for a profit. The 'highlife' went when the children were of age to receive benefits themselves from Centrelink & he was required to look for work. I do not know what happened at this time because we lost contact.

People who deliberately wrought the system like the couple & this gent need to be exposed & thoroughly investigated. At the same and for as long as the investigation takes benefits should be withheld. Their cheating, l can beat the system attitude needs to be nipped in the bud. I personally, would take as long as possible with any investigation & concentrate on the needy people in the system & l am sure they would be more appreciative of the attention than those who are doing a shonky & don't want to be exposed while living the high life.
We are on the age pension, I am now 82years old, I am a crossing supervisor been doing it for 32 years, it gets me out and meeting all sorts of people, and of cause the children, it supplements the age pension, I have to report to Centrelink every fortnight to let them know how much I am earning, its well worth it, you don't loose much of the pension, and we are crying out for crossing supervisors, nobody wants to work, some are just to lazy to work, and prefer to be on the dole. Jan Purcell
why do We all expect to get a pension at a certain age? Our children won't get that luxury, they are contributing towards their old age as soon as they start working now! Thats what have done in the UK for over 60 years. I know this will upset some people, we are very lucky in Australia that we had had a government funded pension scheme.
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Makes me wonder how he qualifies for any government assistance, I would have thought earning $1300 a fortnight would have been above the income threshold for any Centrelink benefit unless you were an aged pensioner.
probably getting some cash in hand in that $1300 and not declaring it all, hopefully he will get caught out and lose any benefits he gets and get a hefty fine and have to repay money. My husband and I are pensioners plus I work 40 hours a fortnight and we don’t get anywhere near what these people are raking in with both.
We’re not qualified to be judge and jury.
Of course they shouldn’t have done so but I’m not for these inflammatory topics coming up for public review!
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If she gets the maximum basic rate for carer payment, than she also gets all supplements plus the carer allowance that is almost $1300 a fortnight taxfree. He gets another $250 taxfree plus parttime $1300. there is still other payments in relation to the child to be addet. Why do you want to work fulltime and look after a family without any extras.
You do not get both the carer payment and the carer allowance, it's only one or the other.
The only time you receive both is if you reach retirement age and you are entitled to the age pension (which is the same amount) therefore you then receive the allowance as well as the payment, otherwise you would be receiving nothing for caring and believe me, the carer allowance is a pittance. It is $144.80 a fortnight.I know because I am 76 and have been caring for my daughter for 45 years,so if anybody thinks that they would like to take on 24 hour a day care for 14 days a fortnight for that amount (43 cents an hour).
Carers save the government a fortune by keeping people out of care facilities where it can cost thousands a day.
It is not an easy matter to qualify for the carer payment, so this lady obviously qualified and would only be getting the basic carer payment and how many people would work full time ( and yes caring is full time, plus, plus, plus).
Maybe the husband could work more hours, but maybe he helps to provide respite for his wife

Unless you have had to be a full time carer from the day your child was born, you have no right to criticise.
The old saying "walk a mile in my shoes"
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why do We all expect to get a pension at a certain age? Our children won't get that luxury, they are contributing towards their old age as soon as they start working now! Thats what have done in the UK for over 60 years. I know this will upset some people, we are very lucky in Australia that we had had a government funded pension scheme.
Most people will already be aware that Australia is about 20 years behind the rest of the world which is possibly why the U.K. has had it for so long.

Self Funded Retirement is relatively new to Australia, possibly just over 30 or 40 years l think. Superannuation where the employer also makes a large weekly input wasn't an option for me when l worked (retired through illness @ age 47), & paying into a Super Fund wasn't an option because l couldn't afford this on one household wage. Many of those now on a Pension l would suggest may have been in a similar situation as me.

Young people are better paid than many of us when we started work & who can now find work after school for some 'pin money'. Not available prior to me leaving school in 1967 to start an apprenticeship in 1968. As noted recently on this forum, an apprentice received a pittance for a wage whereas today they are paid a % of a tradesman's rate of pay. Adults are paid a good wage too. People will say everything was cheaper then too but l believe, in comparison wages have risen quicker than the price of everyday items on a % basis.

When we bought our first home, a weatherboard Homes West home we needed to borrow the deposit & the 1st Home Buyer's Grant was $1,500. The amount set to be saved had to be done over a 3 year period to get the full $1,500. We didn't have the full amount needed & bought our home in under 3 years & were penalized with receipt of less than half the amount. Today homes are dearer but the Home Buyer's Grant is way in excess of that $1,500 too. Chid Allowance was a very basic amount when compared to today's payments.

I feel the younger generation are much better off than we ever were at their age when we first started work. Families are better off with benefits. Unemployed have much to be thankful for, though there are more slackers now who receive money for scamming the system.

Self Retirement for the "Now Generation" means that people must work for their retirement income & overall l believe the country will benefit because there will be less reliance on Government Coffers. There will still be some who need a Pension because working is not an option due to health or physical problems.
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They can't be doing it too hard if their daughter is going to a private school.
My God, you people, did anybody consider this may be a special needs school. The child is autistic, there are many types of autism, from high functioning to extremely low functioning.
So many people saying they get less money and manage, but most of you are single or a couple. This is a family, don't know if they had any other children, but the extra expenses having a special needs child are endless, just the petrol taking them back and forth to endless medical appointments, physio, special classes to help them cope as best they can.
Some say they have 2 cars, I wonder why, probably has something to do with how do they get their child to appointments and the husband get to work with one car. Some people don't live near public transport (like me) maybe the child has mobility issues, there can be many issues that unless you live with these issues you have no idea.
Last month alone I had to spend in excess of $500 on petrol. Yes we do get pharmaceutical benefits, and a good thing too, otherwise how would we afford the required medications.
Whoever said we get free car rego, I don't know where you live, but here in WA we certainly don't, we do get a discount but it's certainly not free, and you don't get any discount on a second car.
As I said previously, think of the song " before you accuse, criticise and abuse, walk a mile in my shoes".
REALLY these people are not doing it hard they choose to use the system 🙄 ,I have no time for these unaustralian budgets. What say you
I say, try being a full time carer for a special needs child, with all the expenses that come along with it and then make these stupid statements, you have no idea!!
This couple should be taken off "Life Support" and made to work full-time. They do not know what it is like to survive on a pension or the like. A couple of hundred dollars a week to live on is nowhere near their wages and they claim they or poor. Get a Fulltime JOB and stop bludging on the people and Government.
Perhaps she would be happy to work full time, as you say, instead of 24 hours a day. Even if her child goes to school, you need to be on call when you have a child with a disability .. I tried that when my daughter was a child but it didn't work because there are not too many employers out there who are happy for you to constantly be having to disappear.
And then there's the other problem, of the people who then make comments "oh yes, I know her, she gads off to work every day and dumps her problem child with somebody else to look after, instead of looking after her herself"
Been there done that.
I wish all you people, who obviously have no idea what you are talking about, would stop saying she needs to work full time. Try working her "full time". Really???
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
You do not get both the carer payment and the carer allowance, it's only one or the other.
The only time you receive both is if you reach retirement age and you are entitled to the age pension (which is the same amount) therefore you then receive the allowance as well as the payment, otherwise you would be receiving nothing for caring and believe me, the carer allowance is a pittance. It is $144.80 a fortnight.I know because I am 76 and have been caring for my daughter for 45 years,so if anybody thinks that they would like to take on 24 hour a day care for 14 days a fortnight for that amount (43 cents an hour).
Carers save the government a fortune by keeping people out of care facilities where it can cost thousands a day.
It is not an easy matter to qualify for the carer payment, so this lady obviously qualified and would only be getting the basic carer payment and how many people would work full time ( and yes caring is full time, plus, plus, plus).
Maybe the husband could work more hours, but maybe he helps to provide respite for his wife

Unless you have had to be a full time carer from the day your child was born, you have no right to criticise.
The old saying "walk a mile in my shoes"
I disagree.
I have been a carer for my now late partner. First I received the carer allowance while still working. This allowance is for extra cost for may have to go to appointments or therapies. It is not a supplement of lost wages.
After I had to give up work all together I received both payments. The allowance and the carer payment. The carer payment is like the pension and a supplement for you not working.
Prior to her being sick we had child with special needs. My partner received the carer allowance and not more, while I was working full time.
The child with special needs or without is in school until pm3.30. Plenty of time to make some money like is this case.. My partner did.
Yes there is some extra activities after school, like physio, speech therapy, but this is also not every day. This is what the carer allowance is for. Obviously there are some children who can't go to school and need full time care. This is not the case in this scenario.
For many people living off a fixed income, the rising cost of living can be an almost impossible challenge to overcome.

Many are trying to stretch their budgets in ways they never imagined, whether it be finding discounts on everyday items or cutting down on life's little luxuries.

For those who receive Centrelink benefits, the pressure to manage household finances can be even more daunting.

So, when an Australian couple recently detailed their life on Centrelink payments on ABC’s 7:30 program, anger echoed throughout the country.

Jennifer Searson and Mark Goodrick, currently living in Queensland's Sunshine Coast with their 15-year-old daughter, have experienced relentless criticism following their shared accounts of financial struggles while living primarily off Centrelink benefits.

Ms Searson is a lab technician who holds certifications in education support and business administration. She receives a carer's payment for her daughter, who has autism.

Their daughter's carer payment, according to Services Australia, amounts to a maximum basic rate of $971.50 every two weeks.

Meanwhile, Mr Goodrick, a qualified chef, works casually at a service station and earns approximately $1,300 a fortnight.

In addition to his casual work, he receives $250 from Centrelink, bringing his fortnightly salary to almost $1,600.

He admitted he prefers to work casually so he can collect Centrelink payments, sparking the fury of many who saw the couple's story.

However, the couple insists they have viable reasons for their financial choices. They claim that they are underemployed, not by choice but as a result of age discrimination and unsuccessful job hunts.

View attachment 19503
Backlash ensues as a Queensland couple with an autistic daughter discusses Centrelink living on ABC's 7.30 program. Credit: Shutterstock.

'We are poor, and we are on low income,' Mr Goodrick shared.

Meanwhile, Ms Searson said: 'There has been a proliferation of calling people on income support payments, particularly JobSeeker, dole bludgers.’

'Anyone can end up in this situation.'

Despite their plight, some viewers of their segment on ABC's 7:30 program took issue with the couple's choices, pointing out that they own two cars, their daughter appears to attend a private school, they spend around $350 a week on groceries, and they seem to have no plans to find full-time work.

One viewer wrote: 'These people are not doing it nearly as tough as many people I know. Sure, they're battlers, but many single-parent families exist, so in times of financial challenge such as this, the father could opt for the temporary sacrifice of full-time work with a long commute.’

'I saw this and I thought this family seem to be doing ok actually. Is this what welfare looks like?' another questioned.

A third chimed in: ‘There are plenty of people on JobSeeker who are in terribly desperate situations, bordering on poverty, that you could have featured in this story… This family is not in that situation. Perplexing as to why you chose them.’

'This is not genuine need. This is two people of working age making a decision to limit how much they work and seeking taxpayer funds to supplement their lifestyle choices,’ another added.

‘You don't get to refuse to work full time just because you get the difference from the public purse.’

ABC has yet to comment on the backlash.

Last year, in an opinion piece for The Guardian, the couple expressed that ‘survival is a daily challenge’.

They shared their concern that their child may be affected by the poverty they have experienced and the mentality that comes with it.

The couple went on to describe the difficulty they faced in trying to find affordable produce and bread for their daughter's school lunches.

The constant pressure of making these essential survival decisions took a toll on their mental health, making it hard to focus on job applications or present themselves positively to potential employers.

The couple also noted that they couldn't afford dental check-ups, and their physical health suffered as a result.

They refuted the idea that living on JobSeeker was a ‘lifestyle choice’ and emphasised that it only takes one unexpected circumstance to end up in their situation.

Key Takeaways

  • A couple receiving welfare payments while raising a daughter has faced criticism for detailing their struggles to stay afloat despite not working full-time in five years.
  • Many viewers took issue with the couple taking taxpayers' money when they have two cars, their daughter appears to attend a private school, and they spend about $350 a week on groceries.
  • The couple argued that income support payments should be increased for Australians.
  • The couple claims their age and their daughter's autism are factors in their difficulty finding full-time work.

The couple's story sheds light on the harsh realities of living on a low income and facing constant financial struggles.

It's important to acknowledge that many households are facing similar challenges and might be silently battling to make ends meet.

While there may be differing opinions on how to manage finances, it's crucial to remember that there are government benefits available to help those in need.

If you're experiencing financial hardship, reach out and seek support.

Remember, you're not alone in this and it's important to regularly review your budget to ensure you're making the most of your entitlements and cutting unnecessary expenses wherever possible.

Have you or anyone you know ever had to struggle with a fixed income? Tell us about it in the comments below.

The very people that advocate lifting the pension to 70 would probably baulk at giving a senior a job. Whilst the couple in mention may be criticised for making a "lifestyle choice", how feasible is it that older folks can get a job. I returned to Australia, aged 60, after working overseas for more than a decade where I was a respected, valued member of a University teaching faculty. I had received Provincial Awards for my efforts. After the first 160 job applications here I came to the sickening realisation that I was on the scrap heap. I did, however, get the opportunity of having a couple of interviews, but when I arrived I could clearly see that the interviewer had not done the math on my years of experience and I was confronted with that disdainful look of "She's OLD". So, I, too, had a "lifestyle choice" of being a welfare recipient.
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