Australia declares first human 'bird flu' case—here's what we know so far

As the cooler months sweep the region, health concerns loom around, threatening the community's health.

A recent declaration has caused some citizens and farmers to panic, as it may affect their livelihoods and everyone's safety.

Australia just recorded its first human case of the avian influenza A (H5N1) infection, marking a concerning development in the spread of 'bird flu'.

A child from Victoria—whose identity remains confidential—contracted the virus while in India and fell ill in March of this year.

This announcement follows a bird flu outbreak detected on a Victorian farm, which raised questions about the potential public risks.

Poultry farmers were alarmed as a human case for H5N1 and cases of H7N7 affected several farms in Melbourne. Image Credit: Pexels/Alexas Fotos

'Contact tracing has not identified any further cases of avian influenza connected to this case,' Victoria Health wrote in a statement.

The child reportedly suffered a severe infection but has since recovered.

'The avian influenza virus was detected through further testing of positive influenza samples that take place to detect novel or concerning flu virus strains, as part of Victoria's enhanced surveillance system,' their officials added.

While the news may be alarming, health officials reassured the public that the risk of transmission is low/

'Rarely, avian influenza infection in humans can pass to another person with prolonged contact,' Victoria Health said.

'However, there is no evidence that the H5N1 strains of avian influenza can be spread easily from human to human.'

Despite this reassurance, it's essential to be aware of the symptoms of bird flu:
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • muscle aches
  • respiratory symptoms
  • Conjunctivitis, and;
  • Gastrointestinal issues
Infections can progress rapidly in severe cases, leading to respiratory illness and neurological changes.

A different strain of bird flu, H7N7, was detected on a Victorian egg farm following several poultry deaths.

Agriculture Victoria confirmed the virus's presence on the farm west of Melbourne and ruled out the H5 strain as the cause of the poultry outbreak.

Avian influenza is categorised in two ways—low pathogenicity (LPAI) or high pathogenicity (HPAI).

In 2020, Victoria faced an HPAI bird flu outbreak that affected three egg farms. By February 2021, they were declared disease-free.

According to Agriculture Victoria, the current risk from highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses remains low.

However, poultry and bird owners are urged to practise stringent biosecurity measures, such as:
  • maintaining clean sheds, yards, aviaries, and equipment
  • limiting contact between domestic poultry and wild birds
  • ensuring clean footwear
  • washing hands before and after handling birds or eggs, and;
  • quarantining new birds.
In light of the outbreak, Agriculture Victoria assured consumers that poultry farm products are safe to consume.

However, any suspicion of an emergency animal disease should be reported immediately to the 24-hour Emergency Animal Disease Hotline at 1800 675 888 or a local veterinarian.
Key Takeaways

  • A child in Victoria was confirmed to have the first case of bird flu in Australia after acquiring an H5N1 infection in India.
  • Health officials emphasised that human transmission of avian influenza was rare, and there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission for the H5N1 strains.
  • A different strain of bird flu, H7N7, was detected on a Victorian egg farm, prompting bird owners to take strict biosecurity measures.
  • Agriculture Victoria assured the public that poultry and eggs in supermarkets are safe to consume and stressed the importance of immediately reporting any suspected emergency animal diseases.
How do you feel about the recent bird flu case and farm outbreak? Have you taken any additional precautions? We invite you to share your thoughts and concerns in the comments below.
Good grief , always a problem, what precautions are we taking is the question? Well what precautions can we take? I managed to survive through Covid, luckily didn’t touch me.
All these conspiracy theories raise their ugly head sgain.


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Well if you believe in the existance of viruses then you will believe it. I don't. It is all so much smoke and mirrors and lies. They want to destroy the animal farming industry so they can dictate what we eat. These people need to be pushed to sit down, shut up and stop the fear campaign. Problem is many have no idea it is all orchestrated and believe it. The lockdowns proved we as a population can be manipulated and controlled so now they will up the anti
I think you have the American disease, everything is a fake news conspiracy.
“The child reportedly suffered a severe infection but has since recovered.”.
Survivable. Just ensure you have sufficient Vit. C, zinc and Omega-3
Don’t let fearmongering get a chance to stage another lockdown.
I totally agree with you. I think that people are so scared that a cough will put them in a panic. 😢
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If there is indeed a God, why did it ensure that educated Australians are so stupid; I assume the above conspiracy theorists have had an education.?

1) There are such things as viruses.
2) If you have no natural immunity to them they will make you very ill and maybe dead.
3) Vaccines against viruses (a) mitigate their damage; or (b) stop them dead rather than them stopping you dead.
4) Why do you conspiracy theorists think that 1/3rd of Australians don't carry scars from smallpox whilst the other 1/3rd is not dead from smallpox. Vaccination for the last 200 years.
5) So "bird flu has jumped to a human, just as did " Spanish" flu and Covid-19. And what will be our national strategy to deal with it; to judge by our response to C-19, sweet FA of nothing at all bar crass stupidity and whingeing and street-fighting about essential measures to control its spread. No wonder Australia celebrates Gallipolli and the "best fighting men" in the world.
"No wonder Australia celebrates Gallipolli and the "best fighting men" in the world"... I thought it was a "commemoration"
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“The child reportedly suffered a severe infection but has since recovered.”.
Survivable. Just ensure you have sufficient Vit. C, zinc and Omega-3
Don’t let fearmongering get a chance to stage another lockdown.
Why those particular 3. More info please
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Why those particular 3. More info please
I read that omega-3 supports heart health and is anti-inflammatory. You can search more articles on it. Given our age and the different medication prescribed, our health immunity isn’t getting stronger through medication - that is for sure. And the food we consume isn’t really providing sufficient nutrients.
I totally agree with you. I think that people are so scared that a cough will put them in a panic. 😢
Having caught Covid-19 and ended up coughing up blood because my Covid-19 infected wife coughed over my breakfast and I when she decided to leave her 'quarantine' room' my permanently damaged lungs get into a right tizz when someone coughs in my direction.
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Why those particular 3. More info please
Very good question.
My study of supplements puts these three, plus Vit D3 at the top of the list.
D3 needs to be taken with Vit K2 to ensure the Calcium goes to the bones, and not to form atherosclerosis.

Most Australian grown foods have quite low levels of Magnesium too.
Magnesium is used in Intensive Care and Cardiac Units to assist with cardiac rhythm management, sleep and relaxation for patients, and cramps.

Mg can be sourced from vegetables as well (have a chat with your doctor, chemist, Google, Naturopath for best advice).

During Covid, Vit D levels were checked against fatality.
It was found that near zero deaths occurred in people whose Vit D levels were >50ngm/ml.
Sources of Vit D include sunlight and foods like eggs, milk (contains Vit A-D-E-K) oily fish, mushrooms which have had some UV Light exposure as well.

I don't recommend anyone go nuts over supplements. Most of them are washed out in the urine.
However this may not be a bad thing, provided improved blood levers are the result. The human body will absorb supplements much better, when taken with a fatty meal. Please do some reading on this, and have a chat with your doctor, or a qualified nutritionist.

Not all of the above is taught by mainstream educators, but if you remember back when eggs were a no-no because of cholesterol, then the flip by medical science to tell us that eggs are ok afterall. So read widely, consult widely, and you will understand all you need to know.

At the moment, I am unsure what role Vit D3 can play in the prevention or mitigation of Respiratory Syncitial Virus.

Here is one person I have followed for three years.
He deserves to be heard.

This file shows the correlation between Vit D3 levels and Mortality Risk from Covid-19:



  • VitD3 and Mortality.PNG
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Very good question.
My study of supplements puts these three, plus Vit D3 at the top of the list.
D3 needs to be taken with Vit K2 to ensure the Calcium goes to the bones, and not to form atherosclerosis.

Most Australian grown foods have quite low levels of Magnesium too.
Magnesium is used in Intensive Care and Cardiac Units to assist with cardiac rhythm management, sleep and relaxation for patients, and cramps.

Mg can be sourced from vegetables as well (have a chat with your doctor, chemist, Google, Naturopath for best advice).

During Covid, Vit D levels were checked against fatality.
It was found that near zero deaths occurred in people whose Vit D levels were >50ngm/ml.
Sources of Vit D include sunlight and foods like eggs, milk (contains Vit A-D-E-K) oily fish, mushrooms which have had some UV Light exposure as well.

I don't recommend anyone go nuts over supplements. Most of them are washed out in the urine.
However this may not be a bad thing, provided improved blood levers are the result. The human body will absorb supplements much better, when taken with a fatty meal. Please do some reading on this, and have a chat with your doctor, or a qualified nutritionist.

Not all of the above is taught by mainstream educators, but if you remember back when eggs were a no-no because of cholesterol, then the flip by medical science to tell us that eggs are ok afterall. So read widely, consult widely, and you will understand all you need to know.

At the moment, I am unsure what role Vit D3 can play in the prevention or mitigation of Respiratory Syncitial Virus.

Here is one person I have followed for three years.
He deserves to be heard.

This file shows the correlation between Vit D3 levels and Mortality Risk from Covid-19:

Campbell makes a persuasive argument for VitD3. I have taken this for many years now, mainly to offset a night time job that saw reduced sunshine opportunities. Stayed with me out of habit. With much sunshine available to me nowadays, I recently halved the supplement intake following a blood test that revealed exceptionally high levels.

Also take Magnesium supplements, but that was cramp related. Vitamin K2 is new information for me and warrants further investigation on my part.

With fish becoming really expensive and not much opportunity to go fishing at the moment, I also take Omega3.

Funny that by simple dumb luck I may have inadvertently provided some levels of protection against the plethora of viruses that are able to move around the globe in much easier fashion these days.

However, and not solely for the purpose of having 2 bob each way, I do and will continue to have vaccinations of my choosing.
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Campbell makes a persuasive argument for VitD3. I have taken this for many years now, mainly to offset a night time job that saw reduced sunshine opportunities. Stayed with me out of habit. With much sunshine available to me nowadays, I recently halved the supplement intake following a blood test that revealed exceptionally high levels.

Also take Magnesium supplements, but that was cramp related. Vitamin K2 is new information for me and warrants further investigation on my part.

With fish becoming really expensive and not much opportunity to go fishing at the moment, I also take Omega3.

Funny that by simple dumb luck I may have inadvertently provided some levels of protection against the plethora of viruses that are able to move around the globe in much easier fashion these days.

However, and not solely for the purpose of having 2 bob each way, I do and will continue to have vaccinations of my choosing.
Me too.
I always weigh up the risk/benefit, and like you "I makes me choices and takes me chances."
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Pretty sad that all of those hens had to be destroyed.

FEAR is the greatest incentive there is.
It over-rides common sense every time.
However, sometimes we do have to shoot from the hip, and stop these things before they become uncontrollable.

The latest destruction of our food poultry occurred in the Hawkesbury River area.
As far as we know, mass destruction of poultry is the only way to limit the spread of H5N1 Bird Flu. Sad, but has to be done.

Can't do much about wild birds bringing it in via their migratory patterns.

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Well if you believe in the existance of viruses then you will believe it. I don't. It is all so much smoke and mirrors and lies. They want to destroy the animal farming industry so they can dictate what we eat. These people need to be pushed to sit down, shut up and stop the fear campaign. Problem is many have no idea it is all orchestrated and believe it. The lockdowns proved we as a population can be manipulated and controlled so now they will up the anti
Well if you believe in the existance of viruses then you will believe it. I don't. It is all so much smoke and mirrors and lies. They want to destroy the animal farming industry so they can dictate what we eat. These people need to be pushed to sit down, shut up and stop the fear campaign. Problem is many have no idea it is all orchestrated and believe it. The lockdowns proved we as a population can be manipulated and controlled so now they will up the anti
Viruses do exist, unlike god. Ask the ghosts of those who died from smallpox, poliomyelitis, rabies, and the Kansas (Spanish) pig flue of 1917-22 (among other diseases). Or are those viral diseases caused by mysterious miasmas floating in on the wind or perhaps the lack of certain herbs and small bags of posies that we should hold under our noses?

Below I quote the result of some some recent scientific research, or would you prefer it to be called a world-wide conspiracy by the WHO to rule us through microchips implanted in our brains by vaccination?

"The study found that people with a milder infection—including those who were vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 and those who were infected with an Omicron variant—were more likely to recover quickly.

"Recovery time was similar for subsequent infections".

“Our study underscores the important role that vaccination against COVID has played, not just in reducing the severity of an infection but also in reducing the risk of long COVID,” says Elizabeth C. Oelsner, the study’s lead author and the Herbert Irving Associate Professor of Medicine."

1 in 10 suffer long-Covid, which is a debilitating and protracted energy-sapping illness for which our Australian government seems to care about less than a rat's arse.

This is part of a longer article summarising the research into a cohort of around 4700 people (sorry, victims of the WHO's Covid conspiracy). It is from SciTech Daily of a few days ago, a free e-zine available on request and written in easy-to-read intelligible English for the lay person. SciTech Daily covers a wide range of topics of interest to all, if of course all are interested in scientific research. Most would seem to prefer to watch young men kicking their balls around in that game called 'footie" run by the AFL, a charitable institution being funded unnecessarily by government to the tune of $750 000 000 of taxpayers' money rather than seeing it spent on either health-care or scientific research into Australian health issues such as macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease.

You may imagine that I have no time for idiots.
This is too funny. Russell Brand predicted a couple of months ago the next 'fear-mongering' COVID-like scare would be bird flu. How does he know this? Is there a hidden agenda? Are we going back into lockdown? I wonder how many people will comply next time around...
This is too funny. Russell Brand predicted a couple of months ago the next 'fear-mongering' COVID-like scare would be bird flu. How does he know this? Is there a hidden agenda? Are we going back into lockdown? I wonder how many people will comply next time around...
This is too funny. Russell Brand predicted a couple of months ago the next 'fear-mongering' COVID-like scare would be bird flu. How does he know this? Is there a hidden agenda? Are we going back into lockdown? I wonder how many people will comply next time around...
I predict that one day the last surviving smallpox virus will escape from one of those military laboratories such as Porton Down in the UK and which exists in all "developed" nations' military laboratories. Would you accept quarantine and vaccination for smallpox, a virus which once periodically raged through assorted places including the UK and Europe.
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Well if you believe in the existance of viruses then you will believe it. I don't. It is all so much smoke and mirrors and lies. They want to destroy the animal farming industry so they can dictate what we eat. These people need to be pushed to sit down, shut up and stop the fear campaign. Problem is many have no idea it is all orchestrated and believe it. The lockdowns proved we as a population can be manipulated and controlled so now they will up the anti
There definitely is some sort of push from the UN and WHO through the unelected people at the WEF.

The NWO is indeed a thing - eg the 2030 agenda, smart cities, National ID Number, restrictions on how much money can be wirhdrawn from a bank account, and how it may be spent, even though it is YOUR money.

All of these are undeniably true occurrences, and people do not seem to mind.

What's coming next?
Are our governments complicit?
If you look at these things I listed, it is not possible to introduce them without govt involvement.

I do believe in Viruses.
I do believe in God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
The current state of world affairs is all in Biblical Prophecy, but most are deluded to the truth of that.
That's my business.
Each to their own.
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There definitely is some sort of push from the UN and WHO through the unelected people at the WEF.

The NWO is indeed a thing - eg the 2030 agenda, smart cities, National ID Number, restrictions on how much money can be wirhtdrawn from a bank account, and how it may be spent, even though it is YOUR money.

All of these are undeniably true occurrences, and people do not seem to mind.

What's coming next?
Are our governments complicit?
If you look at these things I listed, it is not possible to introduce therm without govt imnvolvement.

I do believe in Viruses.
I do believe in God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
The current state of world affairs is all in Biblical Prophecy, but most are deluded to the truth of that.
That's my business.
Each to their own.
"Well if you believe in the existance of viruses then you will believe it. I don't." Lizzie's words.

As for the other stuff. The use of the Holy Trinity is certainly an international brainwashing conspiracy that has spent 2000 years scamming people out of their money and torturing and burning not a few who have disagreed with minor aspects of that political philosophy.

ID cards/numbers and modern issues to do with the banking industry, yes. My reply was to Lizzie. I don't know how it got to your comment.
"Well if you believe in the existance of viruses then you will believe it. I don't." Lizzie's words.

As for the other stuff. The use of the Holy Trinity is certainly an international brainwashing conspiracy that has spent 2000 years scamming people out of their money and torturing and burning not a few who have disagreed with minor aspects of that political philosophy.

ID cards/numbers and modern issues to do with the banking industry, yes. My reply was to Lizzie. I don't know how it got to your comment.
Then open communication with her p-r-i-v-a-t-e-l-y Sir Rob44 ... and do NOT post private stuff on a public forum.
Facile, n'est ce pas?
It's a free forum - why are you replying to something I wrote, in that case?
Double standards, dear Sir?
And when I am ready to take orders from a contrary and recalcitrant stranger - one of whom you may or may not be - depending on how you choose to respond - I will let you know.
Until then. mind your own business.

No one asked you to critique this forum.

As for your comment on the Holy Trinity - I don't recall anyone here mentioning such.
And while I find your comments off-topic, I would also caution blaspheming against the Holy Spirit - the unpardonable sin.
This is not a matter for any creature to approach with levity.
Then open communication with her p-r-i-v-a-t-e-l-y Sir Rob44 ... and do NOT post private stuff on a public forum.
Facile, n'est ce pas?
It's a free forum - why are you replying to something I wrote, in that case?
Double standards, dear Sir?
And when I am ready to take orders from a contrary and recalcitrant stranger - one of whom you may or may not be - depending on how you choose to respond - I will let you know.
Until then. mind your own business.

No one asked you to critique this forum.

As for your comment on the Holy Trinity - I don't recall anyone here mentioning such.
And while I find your comments off-topic, I would also caution blaspheming against the Holy Spirit - the unpardonable sin.
This is not a matter for any creature to approach with levity.
"Well if you believe in the existance of viruses then you will believe it. I don't." Lizzie's words.

As for the other stuff. The use of the Holy Trinity is certainly an international brainwashing conspiracy that has spent 2000 years scamming people out of their money and torturing and burning not a few who have disagreed with minor aspects of that political philosophy.

ID cards/numbers and modern issues to do with the banking industry, yes. My reply was to Lizzie. I don't know how it got to your comment.

Strewth, what happened here. What's going on fellas. The old passions are inflamed sounds like. The need for strong words is upon us.

Fine entertaining session reading the last few posts. Not sure who wins the crown of off-topic King after some really solid on-topic contributions by both.

Still, I have no right to be judgemental, on most matters, including religion. I maybe went the wrong way when taking the penny or maybe a throopny-bit given by Mum and instructions to place in the church tray, I found an ice-cream and the Port Augusta swimming wharf a less scarier place for a young boy, after that first and only, frightening and confusing event.

But, now, while still not quite understanding what all the fuss of religion is about, I think I may find it easier than some to mentally place my feet in the shoes of another. Still a heck of a challenge though.

Is any time a good time for an open mind, as described by one, scientific or otherwise. Or is there a limit on that, if an imaginary line in the sand is crossed.

Does it then mean that we resort to the use of tribal language and what follows, as described by one.

The temporary use of the 3rd party was interesting.

Still learning I see, Flatrock, as civilisation marches on and forever on an uphill trend.

Time for a good lie down and a Bex powder, I reckon.
Then open communication with her p-r-i-v-a-t-e-l-y Sir Rob44 ... and do NOT post private stuff on a public forum.
Facile, n'est ce pas?
It's a free forum - why are you replying to something I wrote, in that case?
Double standards, dear Sir?
And when I am ready to take orders from a contrary and recalcitrant stranger - one of whom you may or may not be - depending on how you choose to respond - I will let you know.
Until then. mind your own business.

No one asked you to critique this forum.

As for your comment on the Holy Trinity - I don't recall anyone here mentioning such.
And while I find your comments off-topic, I would also caution blaspheming against the Holy Spirit - the unpardonable sin.
This is not a matter for any creature to approach with levity.
Actually, realising that I had placed my comment in the wrong spot, yours, I deleted it and then found the correct spot. Alas that it ended up in the wrong spot again. Perhaps you had better ask SDC about it. Mea culpa, mea culpa and mea culpa once again.

As for the holy trinity; religion and the religious fundamentalists of this world have caused far more misery to people than they have resolved by propagating their assorted mythologies and power structures across the globe. That goes for all religions. Sin? Religious bigotry is the Sin. I would suppose that had we been alive in Mediaeval England, you would have howled with joy as the then Christian Church burnt me at the stake for questioning its teachings; it happened to many others brave enough to do precisely that. One Jan Hus of the early 1400s comes to mind. And no, I don't claim you are or call you a religious bigot; I merely make a remark based on a long life of observing members of H sapiens finding trivial and unjustifiable excuses to condemn and commonly to kill each other in horrible ways, as has happened throughout at least the last 5000 years and continues relentlessly in the Middle East.

As for no-one asking me to comment in this forum, no-one has asked anyone to make a comment or comment about a comment about a comment. That's life and the delight of living in a free and multi-cultural county such as Australia.
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Actually, realising that I had placed my comment in the wrong spot, yours, I deleted it and then found the correct spot. Alas that it ended up in the wrong spot again. Perhaps you had better ask SDC about it.
I've been having a few issues with this site of late, seems to be when I'm working the phone rather than the PC.
Actually, realising that I had placed my comment in the wrong spot, yours, I deleted it and then found the correct spot. Alas that it ended up in the wrong spot again. Perhaps you had better ask SDC about it. Mea culpa, mea culpa and mea culpa once again.

As for the holy trinity; religion and the religious fundamentalists of this world have caused far more misery to people than they have resolved by propagating their assorted mythologies and power structures across the globe. That goes for all religions. Sin? Religious bigotry is the Sin. I would suppose that had we been alive in Mediaeval England, you would have howled with joy as the then Christian Church burnt me at the stake for questioning its teachings; it happened to many others brave enough to do precisely that. One Jan Hus of the early 1400s comes to mind. And no, I don't claim you are or call you a religious bigot; I merely make a remark based on a long life of observing members of H sapiens finding trivial and unjustifiable excuses to condemn and commonly to kill each other in horrible ways, as has happened throughout at least the last 5000 years and continues relentlessly in the Middle East.

As for no-one asking me to comment in this forum, no-one has asked anyone to make a comment or comment about a comment about a comment. That's life and the delight of living in a free and multi-cultural county such as Australia.
Just be more careful, in the future.

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