Aussie shopper slammed for her ‘inappropriate’ attire in supermarket - do you agree?

An Aussie woman’s video of her shopping in her gym clothes has gone viral on TikTok, sparking a heated debate about whether her attire was ‘appropriate’ or not.


A woman said she received ‘uncomfortable’ looks when she wore her gym clothes to the supermarket. Credit: TikTok/@sopheallen.

Sophie Allen, a fitness influencer and a certified personal trainer from Sydney, shared her video on TikTok, showing her grocery shopping at Woolies in her workout clothes.

“The hate you get being a female wearing a crop top in the supermarket just hits different,” she wrote, expressing that women still have to endure judgment from people because of their clothing choices.

In the clip, Sophie can be seen wearing a tight-fitting black sports top paired with purple workout leggings. She said she regularly gets ‘disapproving’ looks from fellow shoppers by merely walking down the grocery aisles.

“It happens anytime I go into a supermarket after a training session in my crop top. It’s so disappointing that in 2022 women are still being judged for their choice in clothing,” said the 31-year-old gym goer.

“It feels frustrating that we’re still expected to look, behave and present ourselves in a certain way to be deemed ‘acceptable’ by society.”

The TikTok video, now with over 1.8M views on the platform, sparked a heated debate among its viewers, arguing whether Sophie was in the wrong or not.

“Just throw on a damn shirt when going in public. The gym is one place, but going into a grocery store like that is another,” one person wrote.

Another person who is against the idea of wearing something so revealing in public said: “It’s like wearing a bathing suit to the movies. The outfit just doesn’t match the location.”

A third person agreed, saying, “It might be because you’re treating a public space like a private space. Have respect for other people when you’re out. It’s not all about you.”

Others also pointed out the difference between a ‘crop top’ and a ‘sports bra’, and Sophie might have been mistaking which is which.

However, many other TikTok users, mostly women, defended Sophie from the backlash.

“If wearing a sports bra makes someone uncomfortable, they are the problem,” wrote one person. Another chimed in and said, “She’s just hot – that’s why you have a problem.”

One woman commented and shared her similar experience, saying: “Omg YES! I feel so uncomfortable, but at the same time, what can I do? If I have to do groceries after the gym, I won’t change just for it.”

Sophie also responded to another woman’s comment and said, “If a man did this, it would be fine.”

Do you agree with Sophie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Amazing in this day and age this lovely young lady looks absolutely beautiful, yes I would have loved to have dressed so freely in my youth during. The 50’s 60’s and 70’s.
enjoy your time and life we get old enough quickly enough. Smile, laugh and be happy.
as for everyone else that disagree I say “ Get a life”.
Aussie shopper slammed for her ‘inappropriate’ attire in supermarket - do you agree?

An Aussie woman’s video of her shopping in her gym clothes has gone viral on TikTok, sparking a heated debate about whether her attire was ‘appropriate’ or not.


A woman said she received ‘uncomfortable’ looks when she wore her gym clothes to the supermarket. Credit: TikTok/@sopheallen.

Sophie Allen, a fitness influencer and a certified personal trainer from Sydney, shared her video on TikTok, showing her grocery shopping at Woolies in her workout clothes.

“The hate you get being a female wearing a crop top in the supermarket just hits different,” she wrote, expressing that women still have to endure judgment from people because of their clothing choices.

In the clip, Sophie can be seen wearing a tight-fitting black sports top paired with purple workout leggings. She said she regularly gets ‘disapproving’ looks from fellow shoppers by merely walking down the grocery aisles.

“It happens anytime I go into a supermarket after a training session in my crop top. It’s so disappointing that in 2022 women are still being judged for their choice in clothing,” said the 31-year-old gym goer.

“It feels frustrating that we’re still expected to look, behave and present ourselves in a certain way to be deemed ‘acceptable’ by society.”

The TikTok video, now with over 1.8M views on the platform, sparked a heated debate among its viewers, arguing whether Sophie was in the wrong or not.

“Just throw on a damn shirt when going in public. The gym is one place, but going into a grocery store like that is another,” one person wrote.

Another person who is against the idea of wearing something so revealing in public said: “It’s like wearing a bathing suit to the movies. The outfit just doesn’t match the location.”

A third person agreed, saying, “It might be because you’re treating a public space like a private space. Have respect for other people when you’re out. It’s not all about you.”

Others also pointed out the difference between a ‘crop top’ and a ‘sports bra’, and Sophie might have been mistaking which is which.

However, many other TikTok users, mostly women, defended Sophie from the backlash.

“If wearing a sports bra makes someone uncomfortable, they are the problem,” wrote one person. Another chimed in and said, “She’s just hot – that’s why you have a problem.”

One woman commented and shared her similar experience, saying: “Omg YES! I feel so uncomfortable, but at the same time, what can I do? If I have to do groceries after the gym, I won’t change just for it.”

Sophie also responded to another woman’s comment and said, “If a man did this, it would be fine.”

Do you agree with Sophie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

I wouldn't be offended but think she should just put a Tshirt over the top. That way no one is uncomfortable with her clothes choice - problem solved easy peasy.
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I find her claims of “dirty looks” hard to believe in a country as tolerant as Aussie. But, if I may say so, given her rather generous proportions emphasised by her clothing choice, she can do with a bit more exercise.
"generous proportions"????
Aussie shopper slammed for her ‘inappropriate’ attire in supermarket - do you agree?

An Aussie woman’s video of her shopping in her gym clothes has gone viral on TikTok, sparking a heated debate about whether her attire was ‘appropriate’ or not.


A woman said she received ‘uncomfortable’ looks when she wore her gym clothes to the supermarket. Credit: TikTok/@sopheallen.

Sophie Allen, a fitness influencer and a certified personal trainer from Sydney, shared her video on TikTok, showing her grocery shopping at Woolies in her workout clothes.

“The hate you get being a female wearing a crop top in the supermarket just hits different,” she wrote, expressing that women still have to endure judgment from people because of their clothing choices.

In the clip, Sophie can be seen wearing a tight-fitting black sports top paired with purple workout leggings. She said she regularly gets ‘disapproving’ looks from fellow shoppers by merely walking down the grocery aisles.

“It happens anytime I go into a supermarket after a training session in my crop top. It’s so disappointing that in 2022 women are still being judged for their choice in clothing,” said the 31-year-old gym goer.

“It feels frustrating that we’re still expected to look, behave and present ourselves in a certain way to be deemed ‘acceptable’ by society.”

The TikTok video, now with over 1.8M views on the platform, sparked a heated debate among its viewers, arguing whether Sophie was in the wrong or not.

“Just throw on a damn shirt when going in public. The gym is one place, but going into a grocery store like that is another,” one person wrote.

Another person who is against the idea of wearing something so revealing in public said: “It’s like wearing a bathing suit to the movies. The outfit just doesn’t match the location.”

A third person agreed, saying, “It might be because you’re treating a public space like a private space. Have respect for other people when you’re out. It’s not all about you.”

Others also pointed out the difference between a ‘crop top’ and a ‘sports bra’, and Sophie might have been mistaking which is which.

However, many other TikTok users, mostly women, defended Sophie from the backlash.

“If wearing a sports bra makes someone uncomfortable, they are the problem,” wrote one person. Another chimed in and said, “She’s just hot – that’s why you have a problem.”

One woman commented and shared her similar experience, saying: “Omg YES! I feel so uncomfortable, but at the same time, what can I do? If I have to do groceries after the gym, I won’t change just for it.”

Sophie also responded to another woman’s comment and said, “If a man did this, it would be fine.”

Do you agree with Sophie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

I do not see anything wrong with how she is dressed, to be honest if I still looked like that, as I did 40 years ago, I too would be dressed like that, however apparently at my current age of 66 I would receive the same amount of critical comments for not dressing in non fitted pants and a twinnset, complete with fake pearls. Come on everyone have we not got enough too concern ourselves with at the moment instead of making critical comments on the way a young women is dressed in public.
Aussie shopper slammed for her ‘inappropriate’ attire in supermarket - do you agree?

An Aussie woman’s video of her shopping in her gym clothes has gone viral on TikTok, sparking a heated debate about whether her attire was ‘appropriate’ or not.


A woman said she received ‘uncomfortable’ looks when she wore her gym clothes to the supermarket. Credit: TikTok/@sopheallen.

Sophie Allen, a fitness influencer and a certified personal trainer from Sydney, shared her video on TikTok, showing her grocery shopping at Woolies in her workout clothes.

“The hate you get being a female wearing a crop top in the supermarket just hits different,” she wrote, expressing that women still have to endure judgment from people because of their clothing choices.

In the clip, Sophie can be seen wearing a tight-fitting black sports top paired with purple workout leggings. She said she regularly gets ‘disapproving’ looks from fellow shoppers by merely walking down the grocery aisles.

“It happens anytime I go into a supermarket after a training session in my crop top. It’s so disappointing that in 2022 women are still being judged for their choice in clothing,” said the 31-year-old gym goer.

“It feels frustrating that we’re still expected to look, behave and present ourselves in a certain way to be deemed ‘acceptable’ by society.”

The TikTok video, now with over 1.8M views on the platform, sparked a heated debate among its viewers, arguing whether Sophie was in the wrong or not.

“Just throw on a damn shirt when going in public. The gym is one place, but going into a grocery store like that is another,” one person wrote.

Another person who is against the idea of wearing something so revealing in public said: “It’s like wearing a bathing suit to the movies. The outfit just doesn’t match the location.”

A third person agreed, saying, “It might be because you’re treating a public space like a private space. Have respect for other people when you’re out. It’s not all about you.”

Others also pointed out the difference between a ‘crop top’ and a ‘sports bra’, and Sophie might have been mistaking which is which.

However, many other TikTok users, mostly women, defended Sophie from the backlash.

“If wearing a sports bra makes someone uncomfortable, they are the problem,” wrote one person. Another chimed in and said, “She’s just hot – that’s why you have a problem.”

One woman commented and shared her similar experience, saying: “Omg YES! I feel so uncomfortable, but at the same time, what can I do? If I have to do groceries after the gym, I won’t change just for it.”

Sophie also responded to another woman’s comment and said, “If a man did this, it would be fine.”

Do you agree with Sophie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

A heck of a lot better than the scruffs in Wagga who wear old PJ's and UGG boots to a local shopping centre and that's at 2.00pm.
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Aussie shopper slammed for her ‘inappropriate’ attire in supermarket - do you agree?

An Aussie woman’s video of her shopping in her gym clothes has gone viral on TikTok, sparking a heated debate about whether her attire was ‘appropriate’ or not.


A woman said she received ‘uncomfortable’ looks when she wore her gym clothes to the supermarket. Credit: TikTok/@sopheallen.

Sophie Allen, a fitness influencer and a certified personal trainer from Sydney, shared her video on TikTok, showing her grocery shopping at Woolies in her workout clothes.

“The hate you get being a female wearing a crop top in the supermarket just hits different,” she wrote, expressing that women still have to endure judgment from people because of their clothing choices.

In the clip, Sophie can be seen wearing a tight-fitting black sports top paired with purple workout leggings. She said she regularly gets ‘disapproving’ looks from fellow shoppers by merely walking down the grocery aisles.

“It happens anytime I go into a supermarket after a training session in my crop top. It’s so disappointing that in 2022 women are still being judged for their choice in clothing,” said the 31-year-old gym goer.

“It feels frustrating that we’re still expected to look, behave and present ourselves in a certain way to be deemed ‘acceptable’ by society.”

The TikTok video, now with over 1.8M views on the platform, sparked a heated debate among its viewers, arguing whether Sophie was in the wrong or not.

“Just throw on a damn shirt when going in public. The gym is one place, but going into a grocery store like that is another,” one person wrote.

Another person who is against the idea of wearing something so revealing in public said: “It’s like wearing a bathing suit to the movies. The outfit just doesn’t match the location.”

A third person agreed, saying, “It might be because you’re treating a public space like a private space. Have respect for other people when you’re out. It’s not all about you.”

Others also pointed out the difference between a ‘crop top’ and a ‘sports bra’, and Sophie might have been mistaking which is which.

However, many other TikTok users, mostly women, defended Sophie from the backlash.

“If wearing a sports bra makes someone uncomfortable, they are the problem,” wrote one person. Another chimed in and said, “She’s just hot – that’s why you have a problem.”

One woman commented and shared her similar experience, saying: “Omg YES! I feel so uncomfortable, but at the same time, what can I do? If I have to do groceries after the gym, I won’t change just for it.”

Sophie also responded to another woman’s comment and said, “If a man did this, it would be fine.”

Do you agree with Sophie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

I agree with throw on a shirt and make it a long one.
I wish I looked that good when I go shopping. I lived for many years on the Gold Coast, and there was nothing wrong with it, when women went shopping in bikini tops and shorts on a very hot and 100% humid day. People have become nasty and can't leave other people alone. Jealousy makes you nasty.
I have seen worse
Me too
Amazing in this day and age this lovely young lady looks absolutely beautiful, yes I would have loved to have dressed so freely in my youth during. The 50’s 60’s and 70’s.
enjoy your time and life we get old enough quickly enough. Smile, laugh and be happy.
as for everyone else that disagree I say “ Get a life”.
Aussie shopper slammed for her ‘inappropriate’ attire in supermarket - do you agree?

An Aussie woman’s video of her shopping in her gym clothes has gone viral on TikTok, sparking a heated debate about whether her attire was ‘appropriate’ or not.


A woman said she received ‘uncomfortable’ looks when she wore her gym clothes to the supermarket. Credit: TikTok/@sopheallen.

Sophie Allen, a fitness influencer and a certified personal trainer from Sydney, shared her video on TikTok, showing her grocery shopping at Woolies in her workout clothes.

“The hate you get being a female wearing a crop top in the supermarket just hits different,” she wrote, expressing that women still have to endure judgment from people because of their clothing choices.

In the clip, Sophie can be seen wearing a tight-fitting black sports top paired with purple workout leggings. She said she regularly gets ‘disapproving’ looks from fellow shoppers by merely walking down the grocery aisles.

“It happens anytime I go into a supermarket after a training session in my crop top. It’s so disappointing that in 2022 women are still being judged for their choice in clothing,” said the 31-year-old gym goer.

“It feels frustrating that we’re still expected to look, behave and present ourselves in a certain way to be deemed ‘acceptable’ by society.”

The TikTok video, now with over 1.8M views on the platform, sparked a heated debate among its viewers, arguing whether Sophie was in the wrong or not.

“Just throw on a damn shirt when going in public. The gym is one place, but going into a grocery store like that is another,” one person wrote.

Another person who is against the idea of wearing something so revealing in public said: “It’s like wearing a bathing suit to the movies. The outfit just doesn’t match the location.”

A third person agreed, saying, “It might be because you’re treating a public space like a private space. Have respect for other people when you’re out. It’s not all about you.”

Others also pointed out the difference between a ‘crop top’ and a ‘sports bra’, and Sophie might have been mistaking which is which.

However, many other TikTok users, mostly women, defended Sophie from the backlash.

“If wearing a sports bra makes someone uncomfortable, they are the problem,” wrote one person. Another chimed in and said, “She’s just hot – that’s why you have a problem.”

One woman commented and shared her similar experience, saying: “Omg YES! I feel so uncomfortable, but at the same time, what can I do? If I have to do groceries after the gym, I won’t change just for it.”

Sophie also responded to another woman’s comment and said, “If a man did this, it would be fine.”

Do you agree with Sophie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Aussie shopper slammed for her ‘inappropriate’ attire in supermarket - do you agree?

An Aussie woman’s video of her shopping in her gym clothes has gone viral on TikTok, sparking a heated debate about whether her attire was ‘appropriate’ or not.


A woman said she received ‘uncomfortable’ looks when she wore her gym clothes to the supermarket. Credit: TikTok/@sopheallen.

Sophie Allen, a fitness influencer and a certified personal trainer from Sydney, shared her video on TikTok, showing her grocery shopping at Woolies in her workout clothes.

“The hate you get being a female wearing a crop top in the supermarket just hits different,” she wrote, expressing that women still have to endure judgment from people because of their clothing choices.

In the clip, Sophie can be seen wearing a tight-fitting black sports top paired with purple workout leggings. She said she regularly gets ‘disapproving’ looks from fellow shoppers by merely walking down the grocery aisles.

“It happens anytime I go into a supermarket after a training session in my crop top. It’s so disappointing that in 2022 women are still being judged for their choice in clothing,” said the 31-year-old gym goer.

“It feels frustrating that we’re still expected to look, behave and present ourselves in a certain way to be deemed ‘acceptable’ by society.”

The TikTok video, now with over 1.8M views on the platform, sparked a heated debate among its viewers, arguing whether Sophie was in the wrong or not.

“Just throw on a damn shirt when going in public. The gym is one place, but going into a grocery store like that is another,” one person wrote.

Another person who is against the idea of wearing something so revealing in public said: “It’s like wearing a bathing suit to the movies. The outfit just doesn’t match the location.”

A third person agreed, saying, “It might be because you’re treating a public space like a private space. Have respect for other people when you’re out. It’s not all about you.”

Others also pointed out the difference between a ‘crop top’ and a ‘sports bra’, and Sophie might have been mistaking which is which.

However, many other TikTok users, mostly women, defended Sophie from the backlash.

“If wearing a sports bra makes someone uncomfortable, they are the problem,” wrote one person. Another chimed in and said, “She’s just hot – that’s why you have a problem.”

One woman commented and shared her similar experience, saying: “Omg YES! I feel so uncomfortable, but at the same time, what can I do? If I have to do groceries after the gym, I won’t change just for it.”

Sophie also responded to another woman’s comment and said, “If a man did this, it would be fine.”

Do you agree with Sophie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Go look fine, anyway those looks were probably more about envy than disgust!!!

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