Aussie drivers outraged with this 'selfish' parking mistake

Parking etiquette is a topic that often goes unspoken, but it's one that can cause significant frustration and inconvenience when ignored.

A recent incident on a quiet Gold Coast cul-de-sac has sparked a heated debate among Australian drivers, highlighting a common but contentious issue: the 'selfish' parking act.

Sarah Fletcher found herself unable to park her car behind a white vehicle that had left an awkward gap too small for another car, yet too large to be considered efficient use of the space.

The white car stopped at a short distance before a yellow line, which marks the area where parking or stopping is prohibited.

This seemingly subtle act of parking misjudgment has been labelled as 'selfish' and 'infuriating' by many drivers who have encountered similar situations.

A white car parked in a subtle but infuriating way, hogging a space supposedly shared with other drivers. Image Credit: TikTok

The frustration Sarah felt was palpable.

She took a video of the parked car from her window, sharing the video online to demonstrate the unnecessary space left in front of the vehicle.

'You could move up a little bit and allow extra room at the back there for a person to park. But you have decided to be selfish today,' she said, voicing a sentiment many agreed with.

The backlash was swift and widespread, with other drivers sharing their parking woes.

One frustrated driver shared, 'Some dog does this on the street I park on for work and it infuriates me!!!'

'Yeah at work they do this. I scream… why didn't you move up? Now I have to park all the way around the corner,' another lamented.

‘Some people live in their own bubble without a thought for anyone else,’ another comment read.

However, this is not an isolated incident. Another recent event involved a driver occupying three parking slots, with one allotted for disabled drivers.

The driver's actions were condemned, with many calling out the entitled attitude that seems to be behind such inconsiderate parking habits.

Parking in a way that maximises space and consideration for others is not just a matter of courtesy; it's a reflection of community spirit and respect.

Drivers have to respect signage and designated areas, such as yellow lines and disabled parking spots.

When drivers choose to park without regard for others, it can lead to a domino effect of inconvenience, potentially even affecting those with mobility issues who rely on clear access to designated spots.

We need to be mindful of our parking habits, not just for our convenience but for the entire community.
Key Takeaways

  • A parking incident on the Gold Coast was labelled as 'selfish' by Australian drivers after a vehicle left inadequate space for others to park.
  • Sarah Fletcher highlighted the issue by filming and sharing the white car's parking position, which failed to utilise the available space near a yellow line.
  • The act of poor parking etiquette sparked a backlash from social media users, with many expressing their frustration over similar experiences.
  • Another 'selfish' parking act went viral recently, with a ute occupying three parking slots—one of which was for disabled drivers.
Have you experienced similar parking frustrations? If not, do you have tips on how to be a more considerate parker? Share your advice in the comments below.
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The most annoying parking errors made by selfish people are: parking in a disabled spot and then even with granny’s permit a healthy person getting out and running into the shops. So selfish and against the law. It has to be YOUR permit, or the person in the car with you. And number two parking over the line and wasting another space. You don’t need two spaces. if you can’t park properly in one space you shouldn’t be driving at all. I’m fed up with these selfish people and their “well I won’t be long attitudes or I can’t be bothered parking properly“ attitude. Enough!
I have seen this selfish parking act many times near my own home. It does show a complete lack of consideration for others.I left a written note under the windscreen wiper on a few occasions to express my feelings on the matter.
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I've seen many times parking like this. But there is worst things to happen.

I was out with my daughter today and drove into a small carpark in Riverwood when a car came speeding straight out of a parking space. My daughter biped and swerved to the left .I saw he wasn't even looking . He was looking to his left and he smashed straight into us. I was worried my daughter was injured as he hit hard.

I got out and started yelling at him why he wasn't looking and came out so fast.
( I felt bad afterwards) he was busy looking at a lady parked in her car to the left of him and opposite him. He admitted he wasn't looking and hurried out.

If my daughter didn't swerve I'm sure she would have been injured. Both the drivers door and passenger door is smashed in.

She only just got her car back from repairs. She was at work as a gym instructor when a client came in to say she accidentally smashed into her car , while it was parked.
I said I think we need to get her car blessed 🙌 😇

Maguil ended up being a nice man but I'm thinking it's time he gave up driving. He is 78 and I not think his reflex is there or his mind. Sorry Maguil if you are on here
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One interesting selfish parking act happened to me last week. I parked in a spot with room at each end for the others to exit easily. A motor bike was then parked crosswise a couple of centimetres from my back so I couldn't exit without hitting either the car in front or the motor bike. I was sorely tempted to back to get out, knocking over the motor bike in the process, but of course didn't.
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That particular car is not blocking much parking space. Enough room for a 6 -wheel Saracen armoured personnel carrier to get in, although the squaddies in the back might have a problem opening the rear doors to get out. Given that problem, I would suggest that owner of the white car be invited to move it forward to the yellow line........
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I advised a young lady that she had parked in the Seniors parking yesterday and her partner went ballistic, I used to think Islanders were brought up to respect their elders,but not in today's world, they can be very violent for a very small reason, drugs or alcohol I'm guessing, totally uncalled for, intimidating and threatening old age pensioners, he was about 30yo and extremely violent.
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The most annoying parking errors made by selfish people are: parking in a disabled spot and then even with granny’s permit a healthy person getting out and running into the shops. So selfish and against the law. It has to be YOUR permit, or the person in the car with you. And number two parking over the line and wasting another space. You don’t need two spaces. if you can’t park properly in one space you shouldn’t be driving at all. I’m fed up with these selfish people and their “well I won’t be long attitudes or I can’t be bothered parking properly“ attitude. Enough!
I agree with you, I have a disabled permit and quite often there are tradie Ute's parked in the disabled spots. I have even seen an old guy admittedly having a disabled permit parked in the designated spot but never got out, just parked their while his teenage granddaughter did some shopping. Although entitled to the spot common sense should prevail and could have parked elsewhere. More parking offices need to police these spots.
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I advised a young lady that she had parked in the Seniors parking yesterday and her partner went ballistic, I used to think Islanders were brought up to respect their elders,but not in today's world, they can be very violent for a very small reason, drugs or alcohol I'm guessing, totally uncalled for, intimidating and threatening old age pensioners, he was about 30yo and extremely violent.
Perhaps he had a chip on his shoulder of the sort called 'reverse racism'? It happens.
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Perhaps he had a chip on his shoulder of the sort called 'reverse racism'? It happens.
His words were, " Mind Your own effin business ya white c<^t". Lovely ,in front of My Wife and his girl. Deport the pos.

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