Ask Joy: Voluntary Assisted Dying
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Note from the Editor:
This article was kindly written for the SDC by retired psychologist/ member @Joy Straw.
This article has been written to draw attention to very new legislation, Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD), that has only just been passed throughout Australia. This topic is not for everyone, so please choose whether you want to read it or not. These are not my personal opinions; these are current legislative facts. This article is meant to open discussion, so that if we’re ever faced with a terminal illness or life-threatening condition, we may have some understanding of what can happen to us. Legislation was passed by individual states and territories. VAD schemes have been in effect in the following states: Victoria since 19 June 2019, Western Australia since 1 July 2021, Tasmania 23 October 2022, Queensland since 1 January 2023, South Australia since 31of January 2023 and New South Wales 28 November 2023.
For this article, we will look at the legislation related to New South Wales. Other states and territories have their legislation listed under their local government, but they are very similar.
What is Voluntary Assisted Dying?
Assisted dying (VAD) is the legal treatment option that allows people with terminal illnesses to request medical assistance to end their life legally.
To be eligible, a person must:
- Have an advanced disease or medical condition and know that this will cause their death within 6 months (or 12 months for neurodegenerative diseases)
- Be experiencing suffering that cannot be relieved in a way that’s acceptable to them
- Be an adult 18 years or over
To access VAD, a person must
- Undergo a request and assessment process
- Make three separate requests
- Be assessed by two doctors
The person can take the medication themselves or have it administered by a healthcare practitioner.
Asking for medical help to die is not considered suicide under the law.
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