Are you speeding? This massive change in speed cameras could cost you a fortune!

As we know, staying within the speed limit isn't just about avoiding fines—it's about safety.

However, for those who might occasionally let the speedometer creep up, there's a significant change on the horizon that could have a hefty impact on your wallets and driving records.

In a move that's set to shake up the way speed is monitored on New South Wales roads, the state is trialling a new approach to speed cameras that will affect not just the truckies who have traditionally been the focus of average-speed camera zones.

Australia’s largest jurisdiction has announced it will end its unique approach to point-to-point speed detection and its policy limiting enforcement to heavy vehicles only.

Instead, a new trial will cover all drivers along two highways where six fatalities have occurred in recent years.

NSW will be trialling average-speed cameras for all drivers, not just trucks. Credit: Shutterstock

This major shift means that the speed of every vehicle will be tracked through these zones, and while there's a grace period at first, penalties will soon follow.

For the first 60 days of the trial, drivers who exceed the speed limit will receive written warnings.

However, after that, it's time to brace for the possibility of fines and points off your licence.

Roads Minister John Graham noted that all other mainland Australian states, as well as countries such as the United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, and the Netherlands, have found average speed cameras to be effective.

‘We aim to be as rigorous as possible to be sure they will also reduce road trauma in NSW,’ he stated on Sunday, September 8.

The stretches in question include a 15-kilometre section of the Pacific Highway between Kew and Lake Innes on the mid-north coast and a similar length on the Hume Highway north of Gundagai.

These areas have not only seen deaths but also a significant number of serious injuries, with 33 people seriously hurt in the five years leading up to 2022.

Speeding has been a major issue in NSW, contributing to 44 per cent of road deaths in the state in 2023, with a staggering three-quarters of these occurring in regional areas.

It's clear that something needs to be done, and the NSW government is taking action.

To ensure that drivers are aware of the new trial, a comprehensive communications campaign will be rolled out. This is crucial, as understanding the rules is the first step to compliance.

This measure was among several recommended by a road safety forum held in Sydney in April, which included 155 experts.

The trial's outcomes will be closely monitored, and any decision to make it permanent or extend it to other average-speed zones in NSW will require parliamentary approval.

This is a cautious approach, but one that could lead to a significant change in how we drive.

Safety advocates, like Peter Frazer, the Founder of Safer Australian Roads and Highways, have long lobbied NSW to change its approach.

After his daughter Sarah's tragic death on the road on her way to university in 2012, Mr Frazer has been a vocal proponent of measures that encourage drivers to maintain safe speeds.

‘These cameras promote safer driving habits by encouraging drivers and riders to stick to the speed limit,’ he said.

Despite the changes, NSW will still stand out for its approach to road speed enforcement.

Unlike other regions, NSW drivers receive multiple warnings when approaching fixed and mobile speed cameras.

This approach, supported by both the government and motoring groups, has been criticised by the head of the Australasian College of Road Safety as being ‘completely lacking any evidence base’.

As New South Wales gears up for significant changes in speed camera enforcement, drivers are also facing new safety measures aimed at enhancing road safety.

Just as the state prepares to overhaul its approach to point-to-point speed detection, recent efforts to tackle rising road toll incidents have introduced advanced seatbelt detection cameras.

These cameras are part of a broader strategy to ensure safer driving practices and reduce road fatalities.

Together, these initiatives underscore a comprehensive push towards improving road safety across the state.
Key Takeaways
  • New South Wales is trialling an all-driver approach for average-speed camera zones, which were previously used only for tracking trucks.
  • Speeding drivers will first receive written warnings for 60 days before penalties apply to align with practices in other Australian states and countries.
  • The trial will begin along two stretches of highway where significant road trauma has been recorded.
  • Legislation will be required for the trial and any permanent implementation, with decisions to be informed by the outcomes of a recent road safety forum involving 155 experts.
What are your thoughts on this new trial? Do you think it will make a difference in road safety, or do you have concerns about its implementation? Share your views in the comments below, and let's discuss the best ways to stay safe and compliant on the roads.
I'm for whatever save lives.

I remember when I was young the sperm donor who created me would drive home drunk every night. ( glad I never lived with them)

My grandfather would also drive home after a few beers but never drunk , not long after breath test started he was stopped and was breath tested. He blew over the limit and lost his licence for 3 months. I remember telling him , bad luck , your got yourself to blame.

Hubby loss both his parents and grandmother in an accident in 1974 due to a drunk driver.

We woke up and fixed the drink driving, now it's time to fix The Speeding
I honestly don't think they have fixed the drink driving problem at all & the only way they will fix speeding is if cars are speed limited to the speed limit which car manufacturers have the capability of installing in new cars
There will be more fatalities on the roads with all the vaccines people have had.

Are you naturally an idiot or have you been brainwashed
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People should get their speedos checked because not all are accurate. I also heard that putting different size wheels on your car can change it too. I've also heard the Police no longer have their equipment calibrated like they used to either so do they stay accurate.
Where are all these dead people?
When you count all my relatives, friends, neighbours, acquaintances and THEIR friends, and acquaintances I know of ZERO deaths from the vaccine. Many have had 4 or 5 doses, many of those are elderly, NONE with problems, only some with sore arms for a couple of days.

Why aren't the funeral directors overwhelmed?

Why is the traffic worse than ever?

Why, when I go to a large shopping centre it's still very busy, still hard to find a parking spot sometimes?

Why is the small decrease in life expectancy that we saw since Covid now increasing again?

Why is the population still increasing?

Come one, I ask this of all the nutters, not one can answer me. So show us some evidence, factual evidence that can be verified, not some You Tube, Facebook, Tic Tok nutters who make up rubbish.

Also, you do realise that the report systems used to show vaccine adverse effects are not maintained to a high standard. Anyone can report, anyone can say whatever they want, no one checks them, no one verifies the statements made there are correct. Also those reports often have things like a broken leg, yeah the vaccine caused a broken leg. NO, the person may have gone to hospital with a broken leg, they were asked if they were vaccinated and so appear on the report, this was happening often.

Of course there are some adverse effects of the vaccine, ANY medicine is the same, ANY. But the numbers are extremely small, the numbers have had no material effect on the normal death numbers. Yes it's sad for those people, but for the greater good the vaccines have helped open up the world again, without them the virus would have been far, far worse and millions more would have died, instead of the very small numbers that "may" have died because of the vaccine.
The medical staff fudged the reports. Why lie and put that on the reports then? That means, you can write anything on a health report and lie about it. So they lied, and put covid instead of broken leg. You just said, the reports are not maintained, so then, they can put anything on the report and say it is covid to make people think it is worse than what it is. A cold is a cold. People get sick with a cold. Plenty of staff I work with who are vaccinated, have been so sick, they've had 4 to 6 weeks off work. I, on the other hand, have had a small cold, that lasted 1 week, and I recovered.
The medical staff fudged the reports. Why lie and put that on the reports then? That means, you can write anything on a health report and lie about it. So they lied, and put covid instead of broken leg. You just said, the reports are not maintained, so then, they can put anything on the report and say it is covid to make people think it is worse than what it is. A cold is a cold. People get sick with a cold. Plenty of staff I work with who are vaccinated, have been so sick, they've had 4 to 6 weeks off work. I, on the other hand, have had a small cold, that lasted 1 week, and I recovered.
You have definitive proof of medical staff fudging reports?

Care to name the hospitals? You can't because of lysergic acid dimethyl induced psychosis.

Those who had 4 to 6 weeks off work had a broken leg. They were lucky. I had 26 weeks off work with a broken tibia in four places in 1983 that was caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.... :ROFLMAO:

Sure thing....
Big brother creping in AGAIN agenda 21 comming your way and if these speeds are 70"s stanards then vehicles have gotten safer.Australia is a big place withlots of nothing between desternations so lowering the sped limit risks more fatiuge related crashers
Big brother creping in AGAIN agenda 21 comming your way and if these speeds are 70"s stanards then vehicles have gotten safer.Australia is a big place withlots of nothing between desternations so lowering the sped limit risks more fatiuge related crashers
It is money-grabbing, pure and simple. Local, state and feral (deliberate) governments rely on this income stream.
I'm sorry but what does "in recent years" actually mean. Any fatality is appalling. But does "recent years" mean the last 2 - 3 years or 20 - 30 years? And in that same time period, how many millions of drivers did not have an accident>
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Speed cameras have nothing to do with reducing road toll. They are there to increase revenue to raise more money to buy more cameras to raise more money. The money is not being spent on fixing roads like they claim. Just like Tax cuts are a waste of time. Just try to make people think they are better off. When the price of something goes down, something else goes up by double. Usually fines, booze, ciggarettes etc. Can anyone honestly say they are better off after the last tax cuts. The government is.
I'm sorry but what does "in recent years" actually mean. Any fatality is appalling. But does "recent years" mean the last 2 - 3 years or 20 - 30 years? And in that same time period, how many millions of drivers did not have an accident>
The police and politicians love to pull The Safety Card and NO ONE is allowed to challenge them even if the politicians and police individuals have no concept of safety. Too often The Safety Card is pulled in order to lord it over people who object to money-making measures.
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There will be more fatalities on the roads with all the vaccines people have had.
What utter nonsense. Vaccines have nothing to do with speeding or speed cameras. Please go to and stay on the web sites and forums that agree with your Whako/ignorant ramblings.
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I’ve been caught many a time. Now I use cruise control everywhere. It’s easier this way. I avoid speeding at all cost.
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Of course, actually, Correctly Teaching folk 2 drive would be just to difficult, wouldn't it? Or making lanes wider, or more space between opposite traffic directions...or any # of things that COST $$$...good lord, NO!

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