Are you really saving at ALDI? Discover the hidden surcharge inflating your bargain buys!

Shoppers love a good bargain. From exciting products and half-price finds, spotting discounts and specials is always a welcome discovery.

For those of us lucky enough to live close to supermarkets like ALDI, popping in for a few items on the way home is practically routine.

And while optimising your budget is key to efficient bargain hunting, there’s one thing about ALDI that could be disrupting our attempts—and it’s easy to overlook.

ALDI charges a credit card surcharge of 0.50 per cent, which might not seem like much, but it can make a big difference if you’re buying multiple items.

For one shopper who forgot about this hidden charge, it was a costly and painful lesson!

Are you being charged more for using a specific mode of payment at ALDI? Credit: Shutterstock

The shopper, who had gone to grab a smartwatch for $29.99, was unaware that a surcharge was to be added to their total when they opted to use a credit card for the purchase.

‘I grabbed it immediately and, at $29.99, was thrilled at nabbing the bargain find.’

‘I paid for it using my debit credit card, and as I was walking out of the store, I glanced at the receipt and got a bit of a shock.’

‘Instead of being charged $29.99, I had been charged $30.14,’ claimed the shopper.

While the supermarket does accept credit cards as payment methods for customers, they also need to take into account the additional costs associated with processing these cards.

‘This allows customers who choose the lower cost method of payment to receive the direct benefit by way of lower prices,’ ALDI’s website explained.

So, they give customers the choice to either pay the marked prices with cash or a debit card or incur a small surcharge when using a credit card.

‘At first, I thought it was a mistake, but when I looked closer, I saw why I had been charged more than the marked price.

‘ALDI had added on a credit card surcharge of 0.50 per cent, which added an extra 14 cents to my total,’ the shopper concluded.
The ALDI shopper shared a photo of her receipt with the ‘hidden’ surcharge. Credit: Facebook

So to pay only the marked prices at ALDI, what do you need to do? You need to pay with cash or a debit card.

But what if you’re like the shopper above, and you have a credit card? Don’t worry—all you have to do is choose cheque or savings and enter a PIN to avoid the surcharge.

While ALDI advertises that their prices are lower than their competitors and they don’t charge any extra for credit card use, the truth is that these supermarkets likely absorb the cost with higher prices.

This one shopper’s surprise sheds light on the importance of considering how you pay at ALDI. By doing this, you’ll be able to pay the actual marked prices for your items.

Key Takeaways
  • An ALDI customer was shocked to discover a 0.50 per cent credit card surcharge after purchasing a smartwatch for $29.99, resulting in a total charge of $30.14.
  • ALDI’s policy implementing a credit card surcharge is to offset the high costs of accepting credit cards, avoiding the need to inflate prices across the board.
  • ALDI suggests customers can avoid this surcharge and pay the marked price by using cash or a debit card only.
  • The customer learned that by simply choosing the cheque or savings option and entering a PIN, they could have avoided the surcharge, a lesson they are unlikely to forget.

So, the next time you’re out getting food, be sure to factor this surcharge into your budget and take note of the payment method best for you!

Have you experienced being charged a surcharge when using your credit card? Is it fair for ALDI to charge their customers who use a credit card as their payment method? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Surely everybody knows this by now. Every Aldi shop I've been into has a sign advising you of this.
I buy 14 trays of fresh dog meat at Aldi each fortnight which is $1/tray less than Coles saving $14
This is one product. All laundry products are miles cheaper and good quality. I estimate the very least I would save per fortnight is $30 to $40, more if I do a really big shop.
I pay using cash so I don't need to worry about the surcharge, but not worth worrying about even if I had to pay it.
What a kerfuffle over a few cents when the prices are so much cheaper.
Aldi used to have signs showing that there is a surcharge for credit cards but I notice they have gone but I know the charge is still there , it is still a lot cheaper than paying the normal price. If you don't want to pay the surcharge pay cash
I noticed the exact same thing. But it doesn't worry me - I'm a cash kinda guy.
Oh wow a WHOLE 14 cents extra! We all know there is a 50c charge per $100 spent at Aldi if you use a credit card and this is not news. Just as it is hardly worth the pretend angst and rubbishing you seem to be doing of Aldi recently.
Shoppers love a good bargain. From exciting products and half-price finds, spotting discounts and specials is always a welcome discovery.

For those of us lucky enough to live close to supermarkets like ALDI, popping in for a few items on the way home is practically routine.

And while optimising your budget is key to efficient bargain hunting, there’s one thing about ALDI that could be disrupting our attempts—and it’s easy to overlook.

ALDI charges a credit card surcharge of 0.50 per cent, which might not seem like much, but it can make a big difference if you’re buying multiple items.

For one shopper who forgot about this hidden charge, it was a costly and painful lesson!

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Are you being charged more for using a specific mode of payment at ALDI? Credit: Shutterstock

The shopper, who had gone to grab a smartwatch for $29.99, was unaware that a surcharge was to be added to their total when they opted to use a credit card for the purchase.

‘I grabbed it immediately and, at $29.99, was thrilled at nabbing the bargain find.’

‘I paid for it using my debit credit card, and as I was walking out of the store, I glanced at the receipt and got a bit of a shock.’

‘Instead of being charged $29.99, I had been charged $30.14,’ claimed the shopper.

While the supermarket does accept credit cards as payment methods for customers, they also need to take into account the additional costs associated with processing these cards.

‘This allows customers who choose the lower cost method of payment to receive the direct benefit by way of lower prices,’ ALDI’s website explained.

So, they give customers the choice to either pay the marked prices with cash or a debit card or incur a small surcharge when using a credit card.

‘At first, I thought it was a mistake, but when I looked closer, I saw why I had been charged more than the marked price.

‘ALDI had added on a credit card surcharge of 0.50 per cent, which added an extra 14 cents to my total,’ the shopper concluded.

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The ALDI shopper shared a photo of her receipt with the ‘hidden’ surcharge. Credit: Facebook

So to pay only the marked prices at ALDI, what do you need to do? You need to pay with cash or a debit card.

But what if you’re like the shopper above, and you have a credit card? Don’t worry—all you have to do is choose cheque or savings and enter a PIN to avoid the surcharge.

While ALDI advertises that their prices are lower than their competitors and they don’t charge any extra for credit card use, the truth is that these supermarkets likely absorb the cost with higher prices.

This one shopper’s surprise sheds light on the importance of considering how you pay at ALDI. By doing this, you’ll be able to pay the actual marked prices for your items.

Key Takeaways

  • An ALDI customer was shocked to discover a 0.50 per cent credit card surcharge after purchasing a smartwatch for $29.99, resulting in a total charge of $30.14.
  • ALDI’s policy implementing a credit card surcharge is to offset the high costs of accepting credit cards, avoiding the need to inflate prices across the board.
  • ALDI suggests customers can avoid this surcharge and pay the marked price by using cash or a debit card only.
  • The customer learned that by simply choosing the cheque or savings option and entering a PIN, they could have avoided the surcharge, a lesson they are unlikely to forget.

So, the next time you’re out getting food, be sure to factor this surcharge into your budget and take note of the payment method best for you!

Have you experienced being charged a surcharge when using your credit card? Is it fair for ALDI to charge their customers who use a credit card as their payment method? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Before I use my credit card I always if the transaction attracts a fee. Hence I only use cash at Aldi. Although they have CARD ONLY on their self-service checkouts.
VODAPHONE is another one that charges a fee if you use a credit card for payment. Even if there is no charge for credit you ultimately pay as it is loaded to the price so you pay the charge even if you pay cash.....
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I have said it a hundred times before and I will say it again.

I NEVER pay a surcharge for using my card at Aldi and I shop there every week!

My card is linked to my savings account and all I have to do is to insert the card in the EFTPOS gadget, select CASH and key in my PIN.
I have said it a hundred times before and I will say it again.

I NEVER pay a surcharge for using my card at Aldi and I shop there every week!

My card is linked to my savings account and all I have to do is to insert the card in the EFTPOS gadget, select CASH and key in my PIN.
You must use a debit card....not a credit card
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You tend to get a fee on a credit card but when purchase at most small retailers now, they also charge a fee on std debit cards. We purchased something from a chemist recently, it was $19.30 on card, but when I paid by cash the price was $19.00. Buyer beware. And no sign on the counter to say this happening.
  • Wow
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A little off topic, but in the first time in my life I tried to withdraw money from my debit card via a Coles serve self thing. Nothing happened - no money. I asked the assistant what was going on and I was told to insert my card THEN proceed with the withdrawal.

How about some f**king instructions on how to perform this. My middle name isn't Nostradamus.

Actually, I don't have a middle name. So there!
this happened to my husband yesterday at ALDI when he decided to buy a new microwave oven and used his DEBIT card ONLY. He was not aware that he had been charged 84 cents extra until I mentioned it as we have used our debit card several times in the past when he has bought tools etc. Next time it will be cash no matter the price
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  • Haha
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It's quite amazing how some people are complaining about trivial issues.
1) Aldi has always charged 0.5% on credit card purchase, this is a charge from the bank, Aldi is merely passing it on to the customer. Other big supermarket chains are just passing it down by increasing their items prices, so people that are not using a credit card are unknowingly paying the credit card charge globally which in my opinion is very unfair.
2) By shopping at Aldi you'll be saving in some cases 5% to 10%, if not more! And yet you're still winghing about 0.5%! Laughable.

I wish we had Aldi here in Tasmania, i used to do my daily shopping at Aldi on the mainland and in the process saving myself $100's/year, grateful that Aldi entered the market here in Australia, making my grocery shopping better value for my hard earned money.

At the end of the day, vote with your feet and purse, if you're not happy change retailer, it's that simple.
Aldi used to have signs showing that there is a surcharge for credit cards but I notice they have gone but I know the charge is still there , it is still a lot cheaper than paying the normal price. If you don't want to pay the surcharge pay cash
They still do, all places that apply the surcharge have to have a sign saying what percentage is applied.
A little off topic, but in the first time in my life I tried to withdraw money from my debit card via a Coles serve self thing. Nothing happened - no money. I asked the assistant what was going on and I was told to insert my card THEN proceed with the withdrawal.

How about some f**king instructions on how to perform this. My middle name isn't Nostradamus.

Actually, I don't have a middle name. So there!
Hooray! Somebody has finally cottoned on that he has to INSERT the card in order to access cash - even if it needed some assistance from a staff member!

It's no different to approaching the service desk at Coles, Woolies, Kmart and Target to withdraw cash - you have to insert the card to access your savings account and you have to use your pin.

Same at Aldi, insert your card, select Savings, enter the amount you wish to withdraw and enter your pin. None of those transactions have any service charge.

When my younges son (33) first got his debit card (he didn't have a credit card until this year) he complained that he was charged a service fee at Aldi. Of course, he tapped the EFTPOS gadget, but after I explained to him that in order to avoid the charge he has to insert the card and select Cash, he understood.
Aldi used to have signs showing that there is a surcharge for credit cards but I notice they have gone but I know the charge is still there , it is still a lot cheaper than paying the normal price. If you don't want to pay the surcharge pay cash
The signs are still there.

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