Are You Making Travel Harder with This Outrageous New Gen Z Trend? TSA Pleads to Stop Now!

Travelling can be a stressful experience, with long lines, strict regulations, and the hustle and bustle of airports. However, a new trend among Gen Z is adding a layer of frustration for both travellers and TSA staff alike. The latest fad? Taking 'aesthetic' photos of TSA security trays before they pass through the X-ray detectors.

This trend, which involves meticulously arranging and styling the contents of a TSA tray, has been gaining traction on social media platforms like TikTok. Influencers like Piper Taich, a 25-year-old graphic designer from Chicago, have been at the forefront, sharing images of perfectly presented trays containing items such as sunglasses, bags, shoes, cameras, and jewellery.

Gen Z faced criticism for styling TSA trays for trendy photos at airports. Credit: TikTok

While some may see this as a harmless expression of creativity, many travellers and airport staff are less than amused. The act of pausing to snap a photo in the already high-pressure environment of a security line is being called 'obnoxious' and 'inconsiderate.' It's not hard to imagine the collective eye-rolls from those queued up behind as they watch someone fuss over the placement of their accessories instead of moving through the process efficiently.

The backlash has been swift, with commenters on social media urging those who want to participate in the trend to do so after they've cleared security, not while in line. Airport employees have voiced their annoyance too, with one worker from LAX stating, 'We're just trying to get to work, and you're in our way, lol.'

In response to the criticism, some TikTok creators have clarified that their aesthetic TSA tray photos were taken at home, using lookalike trays purchased for the purpose of staging these shots. Piper Taich herself explained that her photoshoots are conducted at home, using a fake plane ticket and a bought tray to simulate the airport setting.

Despite these clarifications, the trend has spilled over into actual airports, with travellers attempting to recreate these stylised photos in real TSA lines. This has led to concerns about the practicality and appropriateness of the trend, with some fearing reprimand from security staff for causing delays.

Hitha Palepu, author of 'How to Pack: Travel Smart for Any Trip,' has called the trend one of her 'biggest pet peeves,' labelling it as inconsiderate and stressful. She's not alone in her sentiments, as many travellers share stories of already tense experiences with airport security without the added pressure of staging a photo.

The TSA itself has weighed in, with a spokesperson stating that while they don't have an issue with 'staged glamour photos' per se, they should not cause delays or problems for other passengers. The spokesperson also reminded travellers to secure important documents and light items that could be displaced when bins enter the X-ray machines.

So, dear members of the Seniors Discount Club, while we appreciate the zest for life and creativity that younger generations bring to the table, let's remember the golden rule of travel: be considerate of your fellow passengers. Travel can be challenging enough without added obstacles. If you're keen on capturing memories or expressing your fashion sense, perhaps save the photo session for a less critical moment in your journey.

Key Takeaways
  • Gen Z individuals have been criticised for a trend involving the styling of TSA trays at airports for aesthetic photos.
  • Influencer Piper Taich, who started the trend, arranges items in a TSA tray and takes photos, though she actually does so at home and not at the airport.
  • The trend has sparked frustration among airport staff and other passengers when attempted in actual security lines.
  • A TSA spokesperson stated that as long as these activities do not cause delays or issues, they are not problematic but reminded travellers to secure their belongings.
Have you encountered any such trends making your travel experience more cumbersome? Or do you have any travel tips for navigating the airport with ease? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below – we'd love to hear how you keep your cool amidst the chaos of modern travel!
Not a bad idea. When my husband and I are separated going through security, I always make sure both trays are picked up asap. This would give proof what was on the tray
I agree. Not fussed about artistic arrangement, but would be proof of anything gone “missing” at the other end.
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Anybody else wonder what TSA stands for? Transportation Security Administration. A division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Absolutely nothing to do with Australia! Keep this Americophile garbage where it belongs. In the Northern hemisphere!!
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Every time I go through security, the metal detectors like me with them going off with my 2 "Old" new metal knees. How many others out there like myself ?
Never fails. Best to be sure than sorry with a "No Return" ticket.
Every time I go through security, the metal detectors like me with them going off with my 2 "Old" new metal knees. How many others out there like myself ?
Never fails. Best to be sure than sorry with a "No Return" ticket.
I occasionally set off the "security gates" at Kmart, Woolworths and Coles with my surgically enhanced left ankle.
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