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Another One Bites The Dust ..Jaffas !!!

Iconic Australian chocolate Jaffas has been taken off the shelves at a major supermarket.
Woolworths quietly removed the orange flavoured chocolate coated balls from shelves across the country, due to declining sales.
The treat entered the market in Australia and New Zealand in 1931 and is currently produced by Allen's lollies.
The popular confectionery item has maintained a cult status across both countries.
In Australia, rolling Jaffas down the aisle at the movie theatre became popular, to the point where it was included in advertising in the 1970s.
Jaffas reportedly gained icon status because of the noise they made when they were dropped and rolled down the sloping wooden floors
It comes just months after an another Australian favourite, Fantales, was discontinued.
Woolworths said Jaffas were axed after a recent internal review.
"We're constantly reviewing the range of products we sell and that can mean some are replaced," the spokesperson said.
"We're always working to make sure we stock the range of products that have the broadest customer appeal."
The chocolate balls are still available at Coles and other independent supermarkets, as well as at Big W.
A 160g bag currently retails for about $5.