Airline passenger enraged by a traveller’s ‘rude’ act on the plane – do YOU agree?

There are several unwritten rules for passengers aboard a plane that may upset fellow flyers sitting near you if you break them. Among the list are hogging armrests, reclining the seat too far back, talking loudly, and being unprepared to travel with a child (we know it’s usually NOT the parents’ fault but it’s undeniably frustrating).

However, this airline passenger’s rant left users divided. Several sympathised with her while the other half deemed her issue unreasonable. Which side are you on?

One disgruntled flyer shamed the person sitting behind her after discovering that their feet were sticking out beneath her seat. She took a picture of the pair of shoes in question after the passenger had stretched their feet far under her seat and shared her dilemma on Reddit.

‘Mildly frustrating that this kept happening every 15 minutes throughout the flight.’ she wrote in a Reddit thread.

‘I actually started very lightly knocking the person’s feet with mine. A very gentle knock like, “Whoops, not sure what my feet just hit” kind of way.’


The lady was infuriated by the passenger behind her. Source: 7News

Despite the attempts, the passenger’s feet didn’t move an inch.

‘Then, I pushed their feet a few times, very gently... But it didn’t seem to work.’ she said.

Feeling more irritated with the situation, she added: ‘Idiot kept doing this.’

The internet had mixed feelings about the way she reacted, arguing that she should’ve ‘politely’ asked the passenger to ‘mind their space’.

‘I have long legs and have difficulty fitting in aeroplane seats in general. I’ve probably done this a few times without realising it. If you ever see me doing this, just politely tell me and I’ll apologise and stop.’ a user explained.

‘As a long-legged person, yes it’s terrible. I really don’t want to be a problem either, so if my toes are in your way and you just really need all that space just politely ask. Don’t be passive-aggressive and wipe boogers on my shoes.’ another chimed.

A third wrote: ‘Maybe you should politely ask them to stop doing it. Maybe a wee bit of person-to-person communication would fix 90 per cent of the world’s problems.’

‘I thought you were mad about the lady's bag so I was gonna comment like that’s where it goes - then I noticed four feet.’ a fourth added.

This isn’t the only airline-related fiasco that made the rounds online. Previously, another passenger left his fellow flyers reeling from shock. He shamelessly used the plane’s overhead air conditioner to dry his sneaker mid-flight, prompting hundreds to call him out online for displaying such ‘gross’ behaviour.

The traveller was pictured holding his sneaker up, presumably wet from sweat.

‘My dad sent me this picture from his plane ride today. The passenger was drying their sweaty shoe with the aeroplane’s air conditioner.’ the person captioned their post on Reddit.


Well… That’s certainly one way to dry your shoe. Source: 7News

‘Wow I’ve officially seen it all.’ one user commented.

Another teased: ‘Okay, today’s news: Pilot decides to land the plane due to the overwhelming scent of feet in the cockpit.’

‘You are not supposed to dry your shoes with the overhead vents for everyone to smell.’ a third said, while another wrote: ‘What an egocentric shoe drying nuthead.’

Another traveller who was exposed for their ‘rude’ act was pictured covering half the screen of the passenger behind them with what appeared to be a seat cover.

‘I guess no entertainment for my wife on this flight…’ the man sitting behind her wrote on a Reddit thread.


No watching movies on this flight! Source: 7News

Plenty of users were quick to criticise the woman for being inconsiderate, with one suggesting: ‘Flip it back over the lady’s head!’

‘That’s the problem, they didn’t think about it, all they thought about was themselves and their own personal comfort.’ another sneered.

‘If they don’t give a s**t about you, then they won’t give a s**t even when you say something.’ a third shared.

But many defended the passenger, explaining that they could’ve defused the situation easily if they had asked nicely.

‘She probably had no idea. Just explain the situation nicely and if the lady is an entitled a**hole... Then escalate.’ a woman advised.

‘People don’t have situational awareness all the time but it doesn’t mean they are rude. About 99 per cent of these types of cases are solved if you just ask politely.’ another added.

One person shared encountering a ‘similar scenario’ after they asked a passenger to move their hair away from their screen during a previous trip.

‘I asked the person politely if they minded removing their hair from covering the screen. I was ignored.’ she said.

‘I brought my concern up to the flight attendant. She went and spoke to the senior attendant who then dealt with the issue. Not long after, the same issue occurred again and they bumped me up to business class.’ she continued.

What are your thoughts about these airline behaviours? What was the most shocking act you’ve seen (or experienced) while on a flight? Share your stories with us in the comments! We’d love to hear them.
There are several unwritten rules for passengers aboard a plane that may upset fellow flyers sitting near you if you break them. Among the list are hogging armrests, reclining the seat too far back, talking loudly, and being unprepared to travel with a child (we know it’s usually NOT the parents’ fault but it’s undeniably frustrating).

However, this airline passenger’s rant left users divided. Several sympathised with her while the other half deemed her issue unreasonable. Which side are you on?

One disgruntled flyer shamed the person sitting behind her after discovering that their feet were sticking out beneath her seat. She took a picture of the pair of shoes in question after the passenger had stretched their feet far under her seat and shared her dilemma on Reddit.

‘Mildly frustrating that this kept happening every 15 minutes throughout the flight.’ she wrote in a Reddit thread.

‘I actually started very lightly knocking the person’s feet with mine. A very gentle knock like, “Whoops, not sure what my feet just hit” kind of way.’


The lady was infuriated by the passenger behind her. Source: 7News

Despite the attempts, the passenger’s feet didn’t move an inch.

‘Then, I pushed their feet a few times, very gently... But it didn’t seem to work.’ she said.

Feeling more irritated with the situation, she added: ‘Idiot kept doing this.’

The internet had mixed feelings about the way she reacted, arguing that she should’ve ‘politely’ asked the passenger to ‘mind their space’.

‘I have long legs and have difficulty fitting in aeroplane seats in general. I’ve probably done this a few times without realising it. If you ever see me doing this, just politely tell me and I’ll apologise and stop.’ a user explained.

‘As a long-legged person, yes it’s terrible. I really don’t want to be a problem either, so if my toes are in your way and you just really need all that space just politely ask. Don’t be passive-aggressive and wipe boogers on my shoes.’ another chimed.

A third wrote: ‘Maybe you should politely ask them to stop doing it. Maybe a wee bit of person-to-person communication would fix 90 per cent of the world’s problems.’

‘I thought you were mad about the lady's bag so I was gonna comment like that’s where it goes - then I noticed four feet.’ a fourth added.

This isn’t the only airline-related fiasco that made the rounds online. Previously, another passenger left his fellow flyers reeling from shock. He shamelessly used the plane’s overhead air conditioner to dry his sneaker mid-flight, prompting hundreds to call him out online for displaying such ‘gross’ behaviour.

The traveller was pictured holding his sneaker up, presumably wet from sweat.

‘My dad sent me this picture from his plane ride today. The passenger was drying their sweaty shoe with the aeroplane’s air conditioner.’ the person captioned their post on Reddit.


Well… That’s certainly one way to dry your shoe. Source: 7News

‘Wow I’ve officially seen it all.’ one user commented.

Another teased: ‘Okay, today’s news: Pilot decides to land the plane due to the overwhelming scent of feet in the cockpit.’

‘You are not supposed to dry your shoes with the overhead vents for everyone to smell.’ a third said, while another wrote: ‘What an egocentric shoe drying nuthead.’

Another traveller who was exposed for their ‘rude’ act was pictured covering half the screen of the passenger behind them with what appeared to be a seat cover.

‘I guess no entertainment for my wife on this flight…’ the man sitting behind her wrote on a Reddit thread.


No watching movies on this flight! Source: 7News

Plenty of users were quick to criticise the woman for being inconsiderate, with one suggesting: ‘Flip it back over the lady’s head!’

‘That’s the problem, they didn’t think about it, all they thought about was themselves and their own personal comfort.’ another sneered.

‘If they don’t give a s**t about you, then they won’t give a s**t even when you say something.’ a third shared.

But many defended the passenger, explaining that they could’ve defused the situation easily if they had asked nicely.

‘She probably had no idea. Just explain the situation nicely and if the lady is an entitled a**hole... Then escalate.’ a woman advised.

‘People don’t have situational awareness all the time but it doesn’t mean they are rude. About 99 per cent of these types of cases are solved if you just ask politely.’ another added.

One person shared encountering a ‘similar scenario’ after they asked a passenger to move their hair away from their screen during a previous trip.

‘I asked the person politely if they minded removing their hair from covering the screen. I was ignored.’ she said.

‘I brought my concern up to the flight attendant. She went and spoke to the senior attendant who then dealt with the issue. Not long after, the same issue occurred again and they bumped me up to business class.’ she continued.

What are your thoughts about these airline behaviours? What was the most shocking act you’ve seen (or experienced) while on a flight? Share your stories with us in the comments! We’d love to hear them.
The forgotten process in this age - talking to people. Surely, you'd be able to ask them politely to move their feet? That would be the first step, if that fails escalate to the cabin crew. Too easy using old fashioned methods of communication.
There are several unwritten rules for passengers aboard a plane that may upset fellow flyers sitting near you if you break them. Among the list are hogging armrests, reclining the seat too far back, talking loudly, and being unprepared to travel with a child (we know it’s usually NOT the parents’ fault but it’s undeniably frustrating).

However, this airline passenger’s rant left users divided. Several sympathised with her while the other half deemed her issue unreasonable. Which side are you on?

One disgruntled flyer shamed the person sitting behind her after discovering that their feet were sticking out beneath her seat. She took a picture of the pair of shoes in question after the passenger had stretched their feet far under her seat and shared her dilemma on Reddit.

‘Mildly frustrating that this kept happening every 15 minutes throughout the flight.’ she wrote in a Reddit thread.

‘I actually started very lightly knocking the person’s feet with mine. A very gentle knock like, “Whoops, not sure what my feet just hit” kind of way.’


The lady was infuriated by the passenger behind her. Source: 7News

Despite the attempts, the passenger’s feet didn’t move an inch.

‘Then, I pushed their feet a few times, very gently... But it didn’t seem to work.’ she said.

Feeling more irritated with the situation, she added: ‘Idiot kept doing this.’

The internet had mixed feelings about the way she reacted, arguing that she should’ve ‘politely’ asked the passenger to ‘mind their space’.

‘I have long legs and have difficulty fitting in aeroplane seats in general. I’ve probably done this a few times without realising it. If you ever see me doing this, just politely tell me and I’ll apologise and stop.’ a user explained.

‘As a long-legged person, yes it’s terrible. I really don’t want to be a problem either, so if my toes are in your way and you just really need all that space just politely ask. Don’t be passive-aggressive and wipe boogers on my shoes.’ another chimed.

A third wrote: ‘Maybe you should politely ask them to stop doing it. Maybe a wee bit of person-to-person communication would fix 90 per cent of the world’s problems.’

‘I thought you were mad about the lady's bag so I was gonna comment like that’s where it goes - then I noticed four feet.’ a fourth added.

This isn’t the only airline-related fiasco that made the rounds online. Previously, another passenger left his fellow flyers reeling from shock. He shamelessly used the plane’s overhead air conditioner to dry his sneaker mid-flight, prompting hundreds to call him out online for displaying such ‘gross’ behaviour.

The traveller was pictured holding his sneaker up, presumably wet from sweat.

‘My dad sent me this picture from his plane ride today. The passenger was drying their sweaty shoe with the aeroplane’s air conditioner.’ the person captioned their post on Reddit.


Well… That’s certainly one way to dry your shoe. Source: 7News

‘Wow I’ve officially seen it all.’ one user commented.

Another teased: ‘Okay, today’s news: Pilot decides to land the plane due to the overwhelming scent of feet in the cockpit.’

‘You are not supposed to dry your shoes with the overhead vents for everyone to smell.’ a third said, while another wrote: ‘What an egocentric shoe drying nuthead.’

Another traveller who was exposed for their ‘rude’ act was pictured covering half the screen of the passenger behind them with what appeared to be a seat cover.

‘I guess no entertainment for my wife on this flight…’ the man sitting behind her wrote on a Reddit thread.


No watching movies on this flight! Source: 7News

Plenty of users were quick to criticise the woman for being inconsiderate, with one suggesting: ‘Flip it back over the lady’s head!’

‘That’s the problem, they didn’t think about it, all they thought about was themselves and their own personal comfort.’ another sneered.

‘If they don’t give a s**t about you, then they won’t give a s**t even when you say something.’ a third shared.

But many defended the passenger, explaining that they could’ve defused the situation easily if they had asked nicely.

‘She probably had no idea. Just explain the situation nicely and if the lady is an entitled a**hole... Then escalate.’ a woman advised.

‘People don’t have situational awareness all the time but it doesn’t mean they are rude. About 99 per cent of these types of cases are solved if you just ask politely.’ another added.

One person shared encountering a ‘similar scenario’ after they asked a passenger to move their hair away from their screen during a previous trip.

‘I asked the person politely if they minded removing their hair from covering the screen. I was ignored.’ she said.

‘I brought my concern up to the flight attendant. She went and spoke to the senior attendant who then dealt with the issue. Not long after, the same issue occurred again and they bumped me up to business class.’ she continued.

What are your thoughts about these airline behaviours? What was the most shocking act you’ve seen (or experienced) while on a flight? Share your stories with us in the comments! We’d love to hear them.
Yes ask first & then if that doesn't work go to the stewardess. Most people are reasonable while others just like to be offensive, like the lady with her hair. If all else fails, like the feet under the seat, spilling a drink accidentally ( on purpose ) would get a reaction, one way or the other.
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I know, it s old fashioned, but I much prefer to talk to people instead of texting/emailing etc. Instead of going back and forth for 30 min you can just talk for 5 and achieve the same! What I really hate is when I call my office to talk to a certain staff member, am told "she s on the phone right now" "can she please call me back?" "I ll send her an e mail." Mind you: BOTH staff members are not only in the same office, but in the same room!!!
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I know, it s old fashioned, but I much prefer to talk to people instead of texting/emailing etc. Instead of going back and forth for 30 min you can just talk for 5 and achieve the same! What I really hate is when I call my office to talk to a certain staff member, am told "she s on the phone right now" "can she please call me back?" "I ll send her an e mail." Mind you: BOTH staff members are not only in the same office, but in the same room!!!
Yes. I once rang a company to make a complaint, asked to speak to a certain person & was told she had gone home. When l asked to be transferred to a manager the reply from the gent was, 'hang on, she was down behind the desk. I'll transfer you'. What a lot of b.s.

An email takes longer than the simple act of walking to the person & telling them to contact someone, even if they need to excuse themselves ( because the other party is on the phone ). Good exercise too.

Once heard of a young lady who broke off a relationship via an SMS. Sad to think this is the way the world is going.
Ah! The lost art of communication. Why can't people politely ask first and then escalate to the airline steward. Hopefully, that resolves the situation. Others have suggested the same thing in the above responses. I am unsure what would be effective if the situation isn't resolved after the above steps. Perhaps, pointing out the issue to the person firmly not rudely. :) I haven't encountered problems like these and I have flow a lot over the past 2 decades.
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