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A man sees a fancy lamp for sale in an antique shop.
The shop owner assured the man that if he rubbed the lamp
a genie would appear and he would get three wishes.
So, the man purchased the lamp and spent many days
planning his three wishes and finally rubbed the lamp.
When the genie appeared, the man exclaimed in wonder.
It was true! "For my first wish---"
The Genie cut him off. "First wish! This isn't a fairy tale! First wish... You only get one first wish."
The man sighed, "Okay.. fine then only the first wish... My wife has always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I get so air sick and boats would take too long. So build me a road to Hawaii."
The genie was shocked. "Listen man, that road would be a couple of thousand miles long and roads are made of concrete, and concrete doesn't float. This road would need supports, and ocean pressure would require the support columns double in width every hundred feet. By the time they got to the ocean floor, they would be over eight kilometres wide. That would take the entire concrete production of the world for two full years and would displace ocean water and increase flooding everywhere! I mean, this is magic... but be reasonable!"
The man sighed. "Okay... wish number two. I have always wanted to understand women."
The Genie replied. "Okay... so two lanes good enough or four lanes divided?"
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