John B

New member
May 15, 2022
A Fordson Major and 3 kids

A couple of pics of our farm, about 1964. The property was Caterick, 10 miles out from Greenbushes in WA
They are almost the same. The 1st shows my Sister on the fuel Tank, Little bother on the wheel and Yours truly behind the wheel.
Both Grandmothers and my Mum.
Hard times for Mum and Dad, but us kids could not of wanted for a better place to to be brought up.


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A couple of pics of our farm, about 1964. The property was Caterick, 10 miles out from Greenbushes in WA
They are almost the same. The 1st shows my Sister on the fuel Tank, Little bother on the wheel and Yours truly behind the wheel.
Both Grandmothers and my Mum.
Hard times for Mum and Dad, but us kids could not of wanted for a better place to to be brought up.
Woah! Thank you for sharing this with us. I love being reminded of how useful and cool cameras are... It really is the closest thing we have to a time machine.
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