91-year-old grandfather reveals details of a Perth road rage attack

Disclaimer: This article mentions physical assault, violence, and road rage. Reader discretion is advised.

Most of us here at the SDC are already familiar with the dangers of the road. Even though we follow road rules, there's still no guarantee that we'll stay safe on the roads.

One perilous thing that not enough drivers are warned about is road rage. It's easy to find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation caused by a frustrated, angry person.

Unfortunately, This was the case for Alan White, a 91-year-old grandfather-of-seven, who recently experienced an unusually nasty road rage incident in Perth.

White, who drove into a car park on Westview Parade last Friday, had no idea he was heading into a terrifying situation. When he stepped out of his vehicle, he was met with a motorcyclist who allegedly abused him verbally before assaulting him.

CCTV footage shows the assailant punching White. Credit: 9 News Perth/Facebook

CCTV footage of the incident showed White being punched in the face several times before being pushed to the ground and kicked.

Witnesses and emergency services personnel report that White was not severely injured.

He said he was confused at his assailant's words, stating, 'I couldn’t understand what he was saying. He wouldn’t take his helmet off, and he wouldn’t take the scarf off...so I couldn’t understand him. But he was saying something about I had cut him off.'

Despite the terror of the attack, White has still managed to thank those who helped him after the incident, saying, 'I can only say...that even the young police policemen...beautiful people and the young constables...it restores your faith.'

Whilst police have yet to confirm the reason behind the attack, they describe the attacker's behaviour as 'disgusting', with Acting Inspector Steve Jones saying, 'This type of behaviour is simply not acceptable in our community and especially with the vulnerable members of the community.'

He added, 'The injuries...it could have been catastrophic, for sure.'

Police have now charged a 70-year-old man with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage, and he is set to face Mandurah Magistrates Court in September.

Internet users expressed their sympathy towards White, with several commenting on the post that showed the attack.

‘I don’t know why people become this horrible. I hope you get better soon,’ one commenter said.

Another person wrote: ‘This poor 91-old-man didn't deserve this.’

‘Even if he did cut him off either way, no need to get physical–explain what they did wrong. He’s 91, as if you would hit someone that age,’ a third person pointed out.

You can watch 9News Perth's report on this incident here:

Key Takeaways
  • A 91-year-old man was assaulted in a suspected road rage incident in a Perth car park.
  • The incident, captured on CCTV, showed the elderly man being physically assaulted by a motorcyclist.
  • A 70-year-old man has been charged with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage over the incident. The motive for the attack has not been released yet.
  • Acting Inspector Steve Jones condemned the attack, describing it as 'disgusting' behaviour unacceptable in the community, particularly against vulnerable members.

Members, always remember to be careful on the road and to drive defensively. If you ever find yourself in a situation like Alan White's, move away from the threatening person immediately and seek help afterwards.

What do you think of this story, members? Share your thoughts in the comments!
What a hero, you would like to think that a 70 year old man would have more brains. Unfortunately many things of this nature happen in Mandurah the reason we left there.
As usual we can expect the judicial system to give him a severe talking to and send him on his way.
Even if he did cut this guy off it was probably not on purpose. I did this one day when I did not see someone because of the Blindspot in my mirror, thank goodness it wasn't this lunatic
Disclaimer: This article mentions physical assault, violence, and road rage. Reader discretion is advised.

Most of us here at the SDC are already familiar with the dangers of the road. Even though we follow road rules, there's still no guarantee that we'll stay safe on the roads.

One perilous thing that not enough drivers are warned about is road rage. It's easy to find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation caused by a frustrated, angry person.

Unfortunately, This was the case for Alan White, a 91-year-old grandfather-of-seven, who recently experienced an unusually nasty road rage incident in Perth.

White, who drove into a car park on Westview Parade last Friday, had no idea he was heading into a terrifying situation. When he stepped out of his vehicle, he was met with a motorcyclist who allegedly abused him verbally before assaulting him.

View attachment 28418
CCTV footage shows the assailant punching White. Credit: 9 News Perth/Facebook

CCTV footage of the incident showed White being punched in the face several times before being pushed to the ground and kicked.

Witnesses and emergency services personnel report that White was not severely injured.

He said he was confused at his assailant's words, stating, 'I couldn’t understand what he was saying. He wouldn’t take his helmet off, and he wouldn’t take the scarf off...so I couldn’t understand him. But he was saying something about I had cut him off.'

Despite the terror of the attack, White has still managed to thank those who helped him after the incident, saying, 'I can only say...that even the young police policemen...beautiful people and the young constables...it restores your faith.'

Whilst police have yet to confirm the reason behind the attack, they describe the attacker's behaviour as 'disgusting', with Acting Inspector Steve Jones saying, 'This type of behaviour is simply not acceptable in our community and especially with the vulnerable members of the community.'

He added, 'The injuries...it could have been catastrophic, for sure.'

Police have now charged a 70-year-old man with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage, and he is set to face Mandurah Magistrates Court in September.

Internet users expressed their sympathy towards White, with several commenting on the post that showed the attack.

‘I don’t know why people become this horrible. I hope you get better soon,’ one commenter said.

Another person wrote: ‘This poor 91-old-man didn't deserve this.’

‘Even if he did cut him off either way, no need to get physical–explain what they did wrong. He’s 91, as if you would hit someone that age,’ a third person pointed out.

You can watch 9News Perth's report on this incident here:

Key Takeaways

  • A 91-year-old man was assaulted in a suspected road rage incident in a Perth car park.
  • The incident, captured on CCTV, showed the elderly man being physically assaulted by a motorcyclist.
  • A 70-year-old man has been charged with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage over the incident. The motive for the attack has not been released yet.
  • Acting Inspector Steve Jones condemned the attack, describing it as 'disgusting' behaviour unacceptable in the community, particularly against vulnerable members.

Members, always remember to be careful on the road and to drive defensively. If you ever find yourself in a situation like Alan White's, move away from the threatening person immediately and seek help afterwards.

What do you think of this story, members? Share your thoughts in the comments!

It happened to me once and I knew nothing of the 'cutting up' because many motorcyclists ride in blind spots and think they own the road. I stopped at lights, a motorcyclist knocked on my window, I thought he might need help so wound it down (it was raining) and he starts this tirade of abuse. I apologised profusely even though I had no idea what had happened, the lights changed and he reached inside and punched me on the face, then screamed off at speed. They get emboldened by the fact they wear full-face helments, gloves and protective wear. Even biker gangs do not ride this way, they respect other road users. It's the wannabees, hoons and mid-life crisis motorcyclists and now it seems a misled Senior! Hope Mr White makes a full and quick recovery.
It happened to me once and I knew nothing of the 'cutting up' because many motorcyclists ride in blind spots and think they own the road. I stopped at lights, a motorcyclist knocked on my window, I thought he might need help so wound it down (it was raining) and he starts this tirade of abuse. I apologised profusely even though I had no idea what had happened, the lights changed and he reached inside and punched me on the face, then screamed off at speed. They get emboldened by the fact they wear full-face helments, gloves and protective wear. Even biker gangs do not ride this way, they respect other road users. It's the wannabees, hoons and mid-life crisis motorcyclists and now it seems a misled Senior! Hope Mr White makes a full and quick recovery.
We have a friend whose son was
attacked by a father and son team
They were waving to him to pull over, so thinking something was wrong, he pulled over
These two men jumped out, he still doesn't know why, and laid into him with some sort of weapon. Luckily witnesses intervened
Our friend's son was rushed to hospital. He was a good citizen, owned his own business. He can now no longer work, has had to close his business is in constant pain from the head injuries he received suffers from depression and suicidal thoughts
This ingrate has ruined a great guys life. And the judicial system did their usual great job, gave him 18 months, parole in six. And believe it or not this was not his first offence and at the time he was on bail for a similar offence.
It happened to me once and I knew nothing of the 'cutting up' because many motorcyclists ride in blind spots and think they own the road. I stopped at lights, a motorcyclist knocked on my window, I thought he might need help so wound it down (it was raining) and he starts this tirade of abuse. I apologised profusely even though I had no idea what had happened, the lights changed and he reached inside and punched me on the face, then screamed off at speed. They get emboldened by the fact they wear full-face helments, gloves and protective wear. Even biker gangs do not ride this way, they respect other road users. It's the wannabees, hoons and mid-life crisis motorcyclists and now it seems a misled Senior! Hope Mr White makes a full and quick recovery.
I'm guessing they didn't find your attacker? What a vicious thing to do! What a mongrel!
I hope the bloke in the video gets a proper custodial sentence and not just a slap on the wrist!
Disclaimer: This article mentions physical assault, violence, and road rage. Reader discretion is advised.

Most of us here at the SDC are already familiar with the dangers of the road. Even though we follow road rules, there's still no guarantee that we'll stay safe on the roads.

One perilous thing that not enough drivers are warned about is road rage. It's easy to find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation caused by a frustrated, angry person.

Unfortunately, This was the case for Alan White, a 91-year-old grandfather-of-seven, who recently experienced an unusually nasty road rage incident in Perth.

White, who drove into a car park on Westview Parade last Friday, had no idea he was heading into a terrifying situation. When he stepped out of his vehicle, he was met with a motorcyclist who allegedly abused him verbally before assaulting him.

View attachment 28418
CCTV footage shows the assailant punching White. Credit: 9 News Perth/Facebook

CCTV footage of the incident showed White being punched in the face several times before being pushed to the ground and kicked.

Witnesses and emergency services personnel report that White was not severely injured.

He said he was confused at his assailant's words, stating, 'I couldn’t understand what he was saying. He wouldn’t take his helmet off, and he wouldn’t take the scarf off...so I couldn’t understand him. But he was saying something about I had cut him off.'

Despite the terror of the attack, White has still managed to thank those who helped him after the incident, saying, 'I can only say...that even the young police policemen...beautiful people and the young constables...it restores your faith.'

Whilst police have yet to confirm the reason behind the attack, they describe the attacker's behaviour as 'disgusting', with Acting Inspector Steve Jones saying, 'This type of behaviour is simply not acceptable in our community and especially with the vulnerable members of the community.'

He added, 'The injuries...it could have been catastrophic, for sure.'

Police have now charged a 70-year-old man with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage, and he is set to face Mandurah Magistrates Court in September.

Internet users expressed their sympathy towards White, with several commenting on the post that showed the attack.

‘I don’t know why people become this horrible. I hope you get better soon,’ one commenter said.

Another person wrote: ‘This poor 91-old-man didn't deserve this.’

‘Even if he did cut him off either way, no need to get physical–explain what they did wrong. He’s 91, as if you would hit someone that age,’ a third person pointed out.

You can watch 9News Perth's report on this incident here:

Key Takeaways

  • A 91-year-old man was assaulted in a suspected road rage incident in a Perth car park.
  • The incident, captured on CCTV, showed the elderly man being physically assaulted by a motorcyclist.
  • A 70-year-old man has been charged with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage over the incident. The motive for the attack has not been released yet.
  • Acting Inspector Steve Jones condemned the attack, describing it as 'disgusting' behaviour unacceptable in the community, particularly against vulnerable members.

Members, always remember to be careful on the road and to drive defensively. If you ever find yourself in a situation like Alan White's, move away from the threatening person immediately and seek help afterwards.

What do you think of this story, members? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Both senior's. Can't blame youth's for this one. We all have to drive responsible. There comes a time when we aren't as good on the road as we like to think we are.
I put the blame fair and square on the Judiciary in these things. Time and again they fail to impose satisfactory punishments. Just last week on tele a 20yr old paedophile male who groomed and abused a 12yr old girl got a 12mth sentence when the max available was 15yrs, and the Court fought to hide his identity. Obviously, Abusers/Criminals have more rights than Victims, and why the system protects them, nothing will change imo. Sorry but, do the crime, do the time.
motor bikes in the city are very dangerous and it takes a very brave rider to negotiate the traffic and expect the motorist to be perfect, yes we all make mistakes and yes sometimes result in serious injuries or death. Agro reactions to these incidents are worse than the accidental cutting off offence.If one chooses to ride in traffic (perfectly entitled to do so) then must be aware of the occurrence of the risk of accident happening,Im sure this motor cyclist has cut someone off or similar offence at sometime I think we all have , but this reaction is much worse as its avoidable and deliberate, whereas the other is accidental and human error and is to be expected so must drive defensibly and with the knowledge that no one owns the road exclusively and to err is human but to assault is criminal.
Disclaimer: This article mentions physical assault, violence, and road rage. Reader discretion is advised.

Most of us here at the SDC are already familiar with the dangers of the road. Even though we follow road rules, there's still no guarantee that we'll stay safe on the roads.

One perilous thing that not enough drivers are warned about is road rage. It's easy to find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation caused by a frustrated, angry person.

Unfortunately, This was the case for Alan White, a 91-year-old grandfather-of-seven, who recently experienced an unusually nasty road rage incident in Perth.

White, who drove into a car park on Westview Parade last Friday, had no idea he was heading into a terrifying situation. When he stepped out of his vehicle, he was met with a motorcyclist who allegedly abused him verbally before assaulting him.

View attachment 28418
CCTV footage shows the assailant punching White. Credit: 9 News Perth/Facebook

CCTV footage of the incident showed White being punched in the face several times before being pushed to the ground and kicked.

Witnesses and emergency services personnel report that White was not severely injured.

He said he was confused at his assailant's words, stating, 'I couldn’t understand what he was saying. He wouldn’t take his helmet off, and he wouldn’t take the scarf off...so I couldn’t understand him. But he was saying something about I had cut him off.'

Despite the terror of the attack, White has still managed to thank those who helped him after the incident, saying, 'I can only say...that even the young police policemen...beautiful people and the young constables...it restores your faith.'

Whilst police have yet to confirm the reason behind the attack, they describe the attacker's behaviour as 'disgusting', with Acting Inspector Steve Jones saying, 'This type of behaviour is simply not acceptable in our community and especially with the vulnerable members of the community.'

He added, 'The injuries...it could have been catastrophic, for sure.'

Police have now charged a 70-year-old man with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage, and he is set to face Mandurah Magistrates Court in September.

Internet users expressed their sympathy towards White, with several commenting on the post that showed the attack.

‘I don’t know why people become this horrible. I hope you get better soon,’ one commenter said.

Another person wrote: ‘This poor 91-old-man didn't deserve this.’

‘Even if he did cut him off either way, no need to get physical–explain what they did wrong. He’s 91, as if you would hit someone that age,’ a third person pointed out.

You can watch 9News Perth's report on this incident here:

Key Takeaways

  • A 91-year-old man was assaulted in a suspected road rage incident in a Perth car park.
  • The incident, captured on CCTV, showed the elderly man being physically assaulted by a motorcyclist.
  • A 70-year-old man has been charged with one count of aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of criminal damage over the incident. The motive for the attack has not been released yet.
  • Acting Inspector Steve Jones condemned the attack, describing it as 'disgusting' behaviour unacceptable in the community, particularly against vulnerable members.

Members, always remember to be careful on the road and to drive defensively. If you ever find yourself in a situation like Alan White's, move away from the threatening person immediately and seek help afterwards.

What do you think of this story, members? Share your thoughts in the comments!

No one at age 91 should be driving! When I turn 80 I will definitely give up my car license as I don’t want to be responsible for wiping out a family OR even a parent of a family. NB; I’ve never ever had an accident or speeding ticket! I’ve been driving since I was around 16 yrs old, I’m 78 now. So I’m entitled to be judgmental Re older drivers.
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