“How much did you spend on your wedding?” Social media users weigh in on the costs of wedding preparations and ceremonies

When it comes to weddings, it seems like there is a never-ending list of things to spend money on.

From the dress to the venue to the catering, it can all add up very quickly.

And while some couples are happy to splurge on their big day, others are more mindful of their spending, opting for a more low-key affair.

So, how much did you spend on your wedding? According to a recent Reddit thread, it varies widely.

One commenter said they were struggling with the idea of spending $25,000 on their wedding when they could put that money towards a honeymoon or a house deposit.

Another shared that they spent around $15-20,000 when they eloped to Mexico, while another said they spent just under $1,000 on a small ceremony with food for guests at a nearby restaurant.


A Reddit user started a thread on the social media platform, asking how much other users spent on their weddings. Credit: kkshepel/Getty Images.

Then there are those couples who go all out, spending tens of thousands of dollars on their dream wedding. One commenter said they spent $4,000 on an incredible venue by the water, while another said they spent around $25,000 on their wedding.

One user shared: "My first wedding 12 years ago cost a lot over $25k. I stopped asking at that amount. I wanted to use the money to buy our first house. Tried pointing out that the way house prices were going we could have used that money as part of a house deposit and then gotten married a year later using equity to pay for it."

"Big fight about if I really wanted to get married or not. 12 months later when buying our first place and the prices had gone up so much that I was told I was right. For all the good that was."

As for the user's second wedding, the man said that they eloped to New York City.

He added: "Spent the money we would have on a wedding, on our honeymoon instead. Then we hired a cheap venue for a party when we got home. 32 days of travelling is better than 1 night where you are too busy to enjoy."

Another confessed that they spent approximately $20,000 on their wedding.

The person wrote: "~$20k all up, got married in Wanaka in New Zealand. We had about 20 guests and spent about $3k for a helicopter on top of a mountain for photographs."

A third chimed in: "Maybe 15k including all rings and honeymoon. Did it during lockdown so the family was the only ones invited and had it on the parents farm. Photographer was $300. We were buying a house and didn’t want to waste too much money from our deposit."


Other couples spent a fortune on their wedding ceremonies, while some said that they saved the money for other things. Credit: Fg Trade/E+/Getty Images.

Others offered advice on the original poster, saying that he should use his wedding funds wisely, such as saving it for a house deposit instead and not investing much on the ceremony.

One person recommended: "You can always have a big party later in life to celebrate your relationship! Don't waste your house deposit on a party."

"If I could go back i'd spend 80% of the total on ourselves/honeymoon and just 20% on a small ceremony, at the end of the day, it's your day - no one will remember it, except you," another suggested before revealing that he spent about $30,000 for his wedding."

One of the users claimed that she is a boomer so her wedding was "relatively cheap".

The user said: "Well I’m clearly a boomer so we did the cheap wedding and used our wedding fund for our house deposit. Had the reception at my parents big fancy house so the family did the cooking. Husbands parents brought the booze. Had about 30 guests but that was everyone we wanted to invite."

"Used the wedding gift money to furnish the house; back then, furniture stores did bundle deals of a bed, dining table and chairs, fridge and couch for pretty cheap. Found out once we had kids that you definitely don’t want expensive furniture when you have kids."


From the dress to the venue to the catering, all of the costs for the wedding can all add up very quickly. Credit: Maxim Kabb/Getty Images.

So, what is the right amount to spend on a wedding? Ultimately, it is up to the couple to decide what is important to them and what they are willing to splurge on. For some, a lavish affair is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, while others prefer to keep things more low-key.

How about you? Do you remember how much money you spent on your own wedding? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!
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As I was/am painfully shy the thoughts of being the centre of attention made my blood run cold, so there were never any thoughts of a big wedding. I would have been happy with just the two of us and two witnesses but the parents wanted a bit of a do. I shook visibly throughout the service I was so conscious of all eyes on us. It was not an enjoyable experience and I'm eternally grateful we didn't splash out. The wedding itself might not have been great but married life sure has been!!:)
We had sixty guests to our church wedding. Our reception was held at the local tennis club and my mother made all the food including the cake as she was a professional decorator. She also made mine and my sister's dresses. My husband paid for the venue hire and drinks. I bought my dress fabric and an expensive pair of shoes.
We received one of everything we needed to set up housekeeping, including an electric frypan and a pressure cooker, and I still have a lot of those gifts after more than forty years.
A good time was had by all.
So much emphasis is put on the wedding day now that it simply sets most people up for disappointment ! - especially all the pressure to keep up with the Joneses/follow current trends/do something really different etc....... plus all for show weddings really miss the point so it's no coincidence most of those marriages don't last, I am certain ! It was good to see the pandemic introduce a different dynamic - which, funnily enough, is so much like what many of us used to do in 'the olden days' - something small & meaningful with those who matter most to us !!
My hubby has left this life now but I have such beautiful memories of our special day - a simple wedding on his parent's property, my parents did all the catering & we only had close family and friends there. Our marriage lasted 34 years through some incredibly tough times.
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Our wedding: Tuesday in Easter week with authority given by the Pope because I was on leave from El Adem in Cyrenaica and had to be back on duty there the following week. The full cost was Twelve pounds five shillings ($25.00) Our marriage only lasted 65 years .
There came a knock, on the front door. I looked at my Best Man with fear.
Roger laid Reg on a rug on the floor, and then went to see who was there.
Alice our bridesmaid there on the step, in new blouse and skirt looking smart.
Asked if the Best man and Groom had left, ‘cause the Priest was waiting to start.

Roger and I were still waiting there, for Dennis to come with the car.
The lady making the cake lives quite near, and the garage is not very far.
He has been gone for an hour or more We pray that everything’s right.
Tell Mary to wait inside the Church door. Or we won’t get married tonight.

Well Alice ran off the message to give. How she skipped and danced to the kirk.
And I will remember as long as I live. As she watched at the swirl of her skirt
In a shop window and then in a bar, reflected as she spun round and round.
She danced along like a young ballet star. Her feet hardly touching the ground.

Dennis turned up with the cake and the car. With five minutes to get to the church
It was just as well that the church wasn’t far, or Mary would be left in the lurch.
Father Spiteri, our ominous priest, said the wedding must start sharp at six
By car it would take four minutes at least. Time for Dennis to change was the fix.

Her uncle Tom, standing in for the day, said to Mary let’s wait in the nave.
We’ll be there in the church before six anyway. And think of the time it will save.
Then off they went with one minute to spare then entered the church and then sat
Father Spiteri gave them a grim glare Saying “Your groom girl. Where is he at”?

Then exactly at six, he looked at his clock. Then went up to lock the church door.
The Priest turned the key there came a loud knock. And he shuffled his feet on the floor.
“You’re late” he bellowed “I said don’t be late For I won’t wait all day not for you”
‘Well, we’re here now. So, let’s get on with it mate,” said Roger. “Without more ado”.

Then Father Spiteri for once at a loss. Led the group to a room past the altar.
There on the table lay a bible and cross. And in Latin he spoke without falter.
Then in English he asked, “Who gives the bride?” Uncle Tom said that it was he.
Then mumbles again, like he’d something to hide, the Priest looks up and glowers at me.

“You say I do if you want to be wed” he growled as I stood there and shook.
And then to Mary the same words he said as he picked up the ring from the Book.
He blessed the ring and passed it over to me, and then with a wave of his hand.
He looked up made a sign like a T as on her finger I pushed the gold band.

Then out from the church as husband and wife we walked hand in hand full of joy
No crowd to greet us as we start our new life. Just a grumpy old Priest and a boy.
1953 March 24th

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