‘Selfish’ parents criticised for child’s cheeky in-flight act

Every parent wants the best for their child and will do whatever it takes to make them happy.

However, there is a time and a place for everything–and for these parents, a crowded plane cabin may not be one of them.

Recently, footage surfaced on social media of an unfortunate incident on board a packed plane, showing a young child dressed in an illuminated costume that was sending out strobe-like lights through the cabin.

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A child was seen wearing an illuminated costume that sent out strobe-like lights in an evening flight. Image source: Instagram/@sarcasm_only.

This resulted in all the other passengers–who were most probably trying to rest as the flight seemed to be at night due to the lights being dimmed–being subjected to the brightly lit display.

People worldwide are reacted to the post and accused the parents of being 'selfish'.

'What's worse than kids? Parents,' said one user.

While another commented: 'Sick of people who don't control their children in public spaces.'

'This is so rude and disrespectful,' a third said.

'It’s selfish and in very poor taste. Shame on those parents,' a fourth added.

Others focused on the dramatic and somewhat intrusive lighting, with one user even savagely remarking 'If the parent refuses to take that off the child, then the child is going to learn the truth about Santa, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy all in under six minutes'.

The incident also initiated the airing of many people's grievances with fellow passengers on planes–with several of them calling for child-free flights.

'This is why we need adult-only flights. I'd happily pay more for one,' one said.

'This is why we need the option for a no kids flight when booking,' another said.

Seeing as there were also potential health hazards for people with epilepsy and other conditions, another user spoke up to protect their rights, saying: 'Absolutely not. While the parents might think this is cute what about people with medical issues?'

While another added: 'I’m epileptic, and this could trigger a seizure. But to be honest, it’s just flat-out rude and inconsiderate of those on the plane, with a medical condition or not.'

And a third warned: 'That is an epilepsy hazard... Educate yourself and your child, please.'

According to Epilepsy Action Australia, for some people, flashing or flickering lights and certain geometric shapes and patterns can trigger seizures. This is called photosensitive epilepsy and is seen in up to 5 per cent of people with epilepsy. While others may have other seizure types and photosensitive seizures, some diagnosed with epilepsy will only have photosensitive seizures.

This discussion comes after a thread, which became popular in 2019, asked users to list down the gripes they have about fellow passengers on planes on social media.

The list of things that irritated passengers was lengthy. Some examples were seats being reclined, children being allowed to play video games in-flight with the volume up, passengers seated at the back trying to get off first, and more!

You can watch the entire video below:

Key Takeaways
  • Video footage of a young girl wearing a light-up costume on a plane has led to calls for child-free flights.
  • The girl's outfit emitted strobe-like lights, which people pointed out may have disrupted other passengers on an overnight flight.
  • The video sparked significant backlash on social media, with thousands of comments criticising the girl's parents for being 'selfish' and 'inconsiderate.'
  • This incident has led to broader discussions about appropriate behaviour and rules on flights, with some advocating for adult-only flights and others expressing concern about the potential health risks of such outfits for passengers with conditions like epilepsy.
Members, have you experienced something similar on a flight before? What are some of the things that really irk you when flying with other passengers? Let us know in the comments below!
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Another gripe I have is people who are seated at the rear of the plane, getting onboard first, then put their carryon bag in the first overhead locker they get to. The passengers getting on last, sitting at the front, find that their overhead locker is full, therefore they have to place their bags at the rear. The rear seated passengers bolt to the front, get their bag and are off in no time. Has happened to me several times.
Two points not made clear in the article . First the young girl was so proud of her costume she wanted everybody to see it. The photograph validates that. Secon who approached the parents to explain that though the costume is pretty on the young girl their could be health ramifications . Did any one report the potential health ramifications to the stewards or stewardesses, It seems negative in both cases.
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Reactions: Ricki and Marilynne
Who is in charge?
The child .... no
The staff .... certainly, by pointing out the issue to the parents.
The parents .... absolutely. I would say this is something picked up whilst on holiday, and, a novelty for the child. They are on a plane, not Luna Park. Common sense from mummy & daddy should prevail.

I make two suggestions.
First, if I was sitting anywhere near this, I would not waste my time filming it, I would complain, either to the parent or the steward/ess, or on a loudspeaker.
Second suggestion. Airlines should put parents with kids all in the same section of the plane. I believe the rear is the least popular. Most times you will find parents wont tolerate this kind of thing for long when it is all around them.
Yet another reason I don't travel.
How long did it go on for? Should We All be happy for the Girl so long as it only went on for a reasonable time? Is it possible to have so many people in a small space like a commercial airliner and have people behave differently without a fair amount of give and take. If it went on for 20 minutes or more, or was mid flight when many people were resting/sleeping, then it would not, in My view, be fair or reasonable. Parents do need to consider the People around Them & how Their Kids behave but We Aĺl need to beware of not becoming a fun Nazi.
Every parent wants the best for their child and will do whatever it takes to make them happy.

However, there is a time and a place for everything–and for these parents, a crowded plane cabin may not be one of them.

Recently, footage surfaced on social media of an unfortunate incident on board a packed plane, showing a young child dressed in an illuminated costume that was sending out strobe-like lights through the cabin.

View attachment 28659
A child was seen wearing an illuminated costume that sent out strobe-like lights in an evening flight. Image source: Instagram/@sarcasm_only.

This resulted in all the other passengers–who were most probably trying to rest as the flight seemed to be at night due to the lights being dimmed–being subjected to the brightly lit display.

People worldwide are reacted to the post and accused the parents of being 'selfish'.

'What's worse than kids? Parents,' said one user.

While another commented: 'Sick of people who don't control their children in public spaces.'

'This is so rude and disrespectful,' a third said.

'It’s selfish and in very poor taste. Shame on those parents,' a fourth added.

Others focused on the dramatic and somewhat intrusive lighting, with one user even savagely remarking 'If the parent refuses to take that off the child, then the child is going to learn the truth about Santa, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy all in under six minutes'.

The incident also initiated the airing of many people's grievances with fellow passengers on planes–with several of them calling for child-free flights.

'This is why we need adult-only flights. I'd happily pay more for one,' one said.

'This is why we need the option for a no kids flight when booking,' another said.

Seeing as there were also potential health hazards for people with epilepsy and other conditions, another user spoke up to protect their rights, saying: 'Absolutely not. While the parents might think this is cute what about people with medical issues?'

While another added: 'I’m epileptic, and this could trigger a seizure. But to be honest, it’s just flat-out rude and inconsiderate of those on the plane, with a medical condition or not.'

And a third warned: 'That is an epilepsy hazard... Educate yourself and your child, please.'

According to Epilepsy Action Australia, for some people, flashing or flickering lights and certain geometric shapes and patterns can trigger seizures. This is called photosensitive epilepsy and is seen in up to 5 per cent of people with epilepsy. While others may have other seizure types and photosensitive seizures, some diagnosed with epilepsy will only have photosensitive seizures.

This discussion comes after a thread, which became popular in 2019, asked users to list down the gripes they have about fellow passengers on planes on social media.

The list of things that irritated passengers was lengthy. Some examples were seats being reclined, children being allowed to play video games in-flight with the volume up, passengers seated at the back trying to get off first, and more!

You can watch the entire video below:

Key Takeaways

  • Video footage of a young girl wearing a light-up costume on a plane has led to calls for child-free flights.
  • The girl's outfit emitted strobe-like lights, which people pointed out may have disrupted other passengers on an overnight flight.
  • The video sparked significant backlash on social media, with thousands of comments criticising the girl's parents for being 'selfish' and 'inconsiderate.'
  • This incident has led to broader discussions about appropriate behaviour and rules on flights, with some advocating for adult-only flights and others expressing concern about the potential health risks of such outfits for passengers with conditions like epilepsy.
Members, have you experienced something similar on a flight before? What are some of the things that really irk you when flying with other passengers? Let us know in the comments below!

Chikd free flights. Yes please. An aeroplane cabin is not a playground. Control your kids. Let's not forget the health & safety issue with strobes potentially causing seizures
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Reactions: Ricki
Every parent wants the best for their child and will do whatever it takes to make them happy.

However, there is a time and a place for everything–and for these parents, a crowded plane cabin may not be one of them.

Recently, footage surfaced on social media of an unfortunate incident on board a packed plane, showing a young child dressed in an illuminated costume that was sending out strobe-like lights through the cabin.

View attachment 28659
A child was seen wearing an illuminated costume that sent out strobe-like lights in an evening flight. Image source: Instagram/@sarcasm_only.

This resulted in all the other passengers–who were most probably trying to rest as the flight seemed to be at night due to the lights being dimmed–being subjected to the brightly lit display.

People worldwide are reacted to the post and accused the parents of being 'selfish'.

'What's worse than kids? Parents,' said one user.

While another commented: 'Sick of people who don't control their children in public spaces.'

'This is so rude and disrespectful,' a third said.

'It’s selfish and in very poor taste. Shame on those parents,' a fourth added.

Others focused on the dramatic and somewhat intrusive lighting, with one user even savagely remarking 'If the parent refuses to take that off the child, then the child is going to learn the truth about Santa, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy all in under six minutes'.

The incident also initiated the airing of many people's grievances with fellow passengers on planes–with several of them calling for child-free flights.

'This is why we need adult-only flights. I'd happily pay more for one,' one said.

'This is why we need the option for a no kids flight when booking,' another said.

Seeing as there were also potential health hazards for people with epilepsy and other conditions, another user spoke up to protect their rights, saying: 'Absolutely not. While the parents might think this is cute what about people with medical issues?'

While another added: 'I’m epileptic, and this could trigger a seizure. But to be honest, it’s just flat-out rude and inconsiderate of those on the plane, with a medical condition or not.'

And a third warned: 'That is an epilepsy hazard... Educate yourself and your child, please.'

According to Epilepsy Action Australia, for some people, flashing or flickering lights and certain geometric shapes and patterns can trigger seizures. This is called photosensitive epilepsy and is seen in up to 5 per cent of people with epilepsy. While others may have other seizure types and photosensitive seizures, some diagnosed with epilepsy will only have photosensitive seizures.

This discussion comes after a thread, which became popular in 2019, asked users to list down the gripes they have about fellow passengers on planes on social media.

The list of things that irritated passengers was lengthy. Some examples were seats being reclined, children being allowed to play video games in-flight with the volume up, passengers seated at the back trying to get off first, and more!

You can watch the entire video below:

Key Takeaways

  • Video footage of a young girl wearing a light-up costume on a plane has led to calls for child-free flights.
  • The girl's outfit emitted strobe-like lights, which people pointed out may have disrupted other passengers on an overnight flight.
  • The video sparked significant backlash on social media, with thousands of comments criticising the girl's parents for being 'selfish' and 'inconsiderate.'
  • This incident has led to broader discussions about appropriate behaviour and rules on flights, with some advocating for adult-only flights and others expressing concern about the potential health risks of such outfits for passengers with conditions like epilepsy.
Members, have you experienced something similar on a flight before? What are some of the things that really irk you when flying with other passengers? Let us know in the comments below!

Why didn’t the flight crew do something about it?
I have to agree with those who feel there should be adult only flights. I have to travel to Brisbane every month for treatments. There's nothing worse than unruly noisy kids even on a 2 hr flight. In my mind the parents are to blame for undisciplined children.
On a flight from Sydney to Denpasar in 1981, a young tacker was using the exit door handle like it was a set of monkey bars. Sitting right at the exit, my girlfriend and I looked at each other with "oh...oh" on our faces.

The air stewardess assured us that the door can't be opened during the flight. Whew!
Another gripe I have is people who are seated at the rear of the plane, getting onboard first, then put their carryon bag in the first overhead locker they get to. The passengers getting on last, sitting at the front, find that their overhead locker is full, therefore they have to place their bags at the rear. The rear seated passengers bolt to the front, get their bag and are off in no time. Has happened to me several times.
Selfish, inconsiderate creatures with rude behaviour they are. Their parents couldn't have taught them much at all.
On a flight from Sydney to Denpasar in 1981, a young tacker was using the exit door handle like it was a set of monkey bars. Sitting right at the exit, my girlfriend and I looked at each other with "oh...oh" on our faces.

The air stewardess assured us that the door can't be opened during the flight. Whew!
I don't know if I'd take what the stewardess said as gospel. Anything can happen, especially if the kid was swinging off the handle like a monkey. Anything is possible. The parent needs a slap, but then he or she probably told the child to go and play. I would have told the child to stop doing that and asked the stewardess to speak to the parent and make the child be seated. It wouldn't happen on my watch. Most parents today don't know what parenting is. Most are kids raising kids.
Why didn’t the flight crew do something about it?
I would have made them do something about it. I would have complained loud enough for the parent to hear it and ensured the flight crew ushered the child back to their seat. What if an adult did that, hmmm? No not cute so why would it be cute or sanctioned if a child did it?
I have to agree with those who feel there should be adult only flights. I have to travel to Brisbane every month for treatments. There's nothing worse than unruly noisy kids even on a 2 hr flight. In my mind the parents are to blame for undisciplined children.
You've got that right. Parents should dare to discipline. Try it, I did. Read your children the riot act and remind them of the consequences if they don't listen to what you advise them to do. They'll learn real quick, I can guarantee that. It's called tough love...
Who is in charge?
The child .... no
The staff .... certainly, by pointing out the issue to the parents.
The parents .... absolutely. I would say this is something picked up whilst on holiday, and, a novelty for the child. They are on a plane, not Luna Park. Common sense from mummy & daddy should prevail.

I make two suggestions.
First, if I was sitting anywhere near this, I would not waste my time filming it, I would complain, either to the parent or the steward/ess, or on a loudspeaker.
Second suggestion. Airlines should put parents with kids all in the same section of the plane. I believe the rear is the least popular. Most times you will find parents wont tolerate this kind of thing for long when it is all around them.
Yet another reason I don't travel.
You're a person after my own heart. I totally agree.
I once had a Rabbi sitting right in front of me, in an EXIT row. As soon as the seatbelt sign was switched off he proceeded to recline his seat ALL the way back. That was as a meal was being served. My meal could have jumped down my throat, automatically! The stewardess did nothing. I have vowed, ever since (& have done so on more than one occasion) to very pointedly ask the offender to put their seat upright during meals. Try eating your meal in ‘cattle class’ with your meal almost automatically getting into your mouth. If I could afford a Business or First Class ticket I would opt for one even on a relatively short 5+ hour flight across Australia.

Be reasonable parents with kids throwing tantrums (because you have not brought them up to have respect for others) and consider those around you with medical conditions.
Two points not made clear in the article . First the young girl was so proud of her costume she wanted everybody to see it. The photograph validates that. Secon who approached the parents to explain that though the costume is pretty on the young girl their could be health ramifications . Did any one report the potential health ramifications to the stewards or stewardesses, It seems negative in both cases.
Nobody should have had to approach the parents to explain anything.
This is just sheer stupidity and vad manners on the part of the parents.
Totally inconsiderate if anyone but themselves.
The stewardesses should have spoken to her themselves without having to be promoted by other passengers.
Nobody should have had to approach the parents to explain anything.
This is just sheer stupidity and vad manners on the part of the parents.
Totally inconsiderate if anyone but themselves.
The stewardesses should have spoken to her themselves without having to be promoted by other passengers.
Whoops sorry about the typos, should have read it through before posting, lol
Every parent wants the best for their child and will do whatever it takes to make them happy.

However, there is a time and a place for everything–and for these parents, a crowded plane cabin may not be one of them.

Recently, footage surfaced on social media of an unfortunate incident on board a packed plane, showing a young child dressed in an illuminated costume that was sending out strobe-like lights through the cabin.

View attachment 28659
A child was seen wearing an illuminated costume that sent out strobe-like lights in an evening flight. Image source: Instagram/@sarcasm_only.

This resulted in all the other passengers–who were most probably trying to rest as the flight seemed to be at night due to the lights being dimmed–being subjected to the brightly lit display.

People worldwide are reacted to the post and accused the parents of being 'selfish'.

'What's worse than kids? Parents,' said one user.

While another commented: 'Sick of people who don't control their children in public spaces.'

'This is so rude and disrespectful,' a third said.

'It’s selfish and in very poor taste. Shame on those parents,' a fourth added.

Others focused on the dramatic and somewhat intrusive lighting, with one user even savagely remarking 'If the parent refuses to take that off the child, then the child is going to learn the truth about Santa, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy all in under six minutes'.

The incident also initiated the airing of many people's grievances with fellow passengers on planes–with several of them calling for child-free flights.

'This is why we need adult-only flights. I'd happily pay more for one,' one said.

'This is why we need the option for a no kids flight when booking,' another said.

Seeing as there were also potential health hazards for people with epilepsy and other conditions, another user spoke up to protect their rights, saying: 'Absolutely not. While the parents might think this is cute what about people with medical issues?'

While another added: 'I’m epileptic, and this could trigger a seizure. But to be honest, it’s just flat-out rude and inconsiderate of those on the plane, with a medical condition or not.'

And a third warned: 'That is an epilepsy hazard... Educate yourself and your child, please.'

According to Epilepsy Action Australia, for some people, flashing or flickering lights and certain geometric shapes and patterns can trigger seizures. This is called photosensitive epilepsy and is seen in up to 5 per cent of people with epilepsy. While others may have other seizure types and photosensitive seizures, some diagnosed with epilepsy will only have photosensitive seizures.

This discussion comes after a thread, which became popular in 2019, asked users to list down the gripes they have about fellow passengers on planes on social media.

The list of things that irritated passengers was lengthy. Some examples were seats being reclined, children being allowed to play video games in-flight with the volume up, passengers seated at the back trying to get off first, and more!

You can watch the entire video below:

Key Takeaways

  • Video footage of a young girl wearing a light-up costume on a plane has led to calls for child-free flights.
  • The girl's outfit emitted strobe-like lights, which people pointed out may have disrupted other passengers on an overnight flight.
  • The video sparked significant backlash on social media, with thousands of comments criticising the girl's parents for being 'selfish' and 'inconsiderate.'
  • This incident has led to broader discussions about appropriate behaviour and rules on flights, with some advocating for adult-only flights and others expressing concern about the potential health risks of such outfits for passengers with conditions like epilepsy.
Members, have you experienced something similar on a flight before? What are some of the things that really irk you when flying with other passengers? Let us know in the comments below!

the air hostess is supposed to control people on flights.

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