‘Make your own’ – Find out why this shopper was berated for complaining about this popular ALDI buy

Sometimes, after we’ve had a long day, we just like to kick back, relax, and not think about anything else for the night – and definitely, the last thing we want to do is cook a big meal from scratch.

This is where microwave meals come in handy! And as one recent ALDI customer found out the hard way, there's always a catch when it comes to microwaveable food like this.

While we understand the appeal of these dishes, they’re often not as healthy as homemade meals. Not to mention, they can be pretty pricey too. So, sometimes these pre-made meals aren't always everything they're cracked up to be.

One ALDI customer took to Facebook to express her disappointment over ALDI’s World Kitchen Satay Chicken. Particularly, how the 800g meal – which is marketed to serve four people – actually contained less than 70g of chicken.

chicken aldi.JPG
The customer posted this image along with her post on Facebook. Credit: 7News

‘I’m not one to complain, but far out, there is like no chicken in this,’ she wrote in her post. The customer also attached a photo of her meal, which showed a small amount of meat and satay sauce on the side.

‘Not even 70g of chicken in the 800g packet.’

However, instead of sympathising with the woman, social media users blasted her for buying pre-made meals instead of making her own.

‘Make your own, so much more economical and tastier,’ said one.

Another agreed and also suggested that the woman make her own dish instead.

Someone else wrote: ‘It’s just so much easier to make your own.’

We’re not sure about that…

Another criticised the woman for taking the time to separate the chicken from the sauce.

‘If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Plus, who measures and does this?’

What would you do if you were the shopper? Credit: ENESFILM in Pexels

The woman responded and said: ‘I only did it because I couldn’t find any chicken when I stirred it. I actually thought they’d forgotten the chicken entirely until I put it through a sieve.’

‘I like these too, but disappointed in the amount of chicken they think would serve four people,’ she added.

But many defended the shopper, stating that there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing microwaveable meals.

Someone commented: ‘Gosh, can people stop suggesting she make her own?’

‘We don’t have time to cook every single day! Microwave meals were invented and sold for a reason,’ they added.

Another agreed and said: ‘Why is everyone commenting it’s easier to make your own? It’s not for everyone, so you do you.’

‘This is an ALDI group talking about products, not telling people to cook food themselves,’ one person said.

‘Exactly! The reason many buy ready-cooked meals is no time, unwell, etc.,’ someone else chimed in.

Others expressed their concern over the meal itself.

‘What chicken? Maybe a quail in there!’ Someone wrote.

Another added: ‘That’s meant to feed four people? As if!’

While someone else agreed and said they’d complain as well if they were in the woman’s shoes.

Any ALDI customer can return a product if they are dissatisfied with it. You can find ALDI’s return policy here.

If you like chicken satay and want to try your hand at making one, we found this video for traditional Thai chicken satay! The best part? It only takes 30 minutes to cook:

Key Takeaways

  • A shopper has come under fire after revealing that a family pack of ALDI's World Kitchen Satay Chicken – which supposedly serves a four-person household – contains less than 70g of chicken.
  • Many suggested to the woman to ‘make her own’ meals instead.
  • While other social media users have defended the shopper, arguing that there's ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing pre-made meals.
  • Shoppers can return their purchased meals to ALDI if they are dissatisfied with the product.
What are your thoughts on this, members? Was the woman being 'nit-picky' or was her complaint justified? Share your opinions with us in the comments below! If you want easy-to-make meals, you can browse our recipe forum here.
Sometimes, after we’ve had a long day, we just like to kick back, relax, and not think about anything else for the night – and definitely, the last thing we want to do is cook a big meal from scratch.

This is where microwave meals come in handy! And as one recent ALDI customer found out the hard way, there's always a catch when it comes to microwaveable food like this.

While we understand the appeal of these dishes, they’re often not as healthy as homemade meals. Not to mention, they can be pretty pricey too. So, sometimes these pre-made meals aren't always everything they're cracked up to be.

One ALDI customer took to Facebook to express her disappointment over ALDI’s World Kitchen Satay Chicken. Particularly, how the 800g meal – which is marketed to serve four people – actually contained less than 70g of chicken.

View attachment 8650
The customer posted this image along with her post on Facebook. Credit: 7News

‘I’m not one to complain, but far out, there is like no chicken in this,’ she wrote in her post. The customer also attached a photo of her meal, which showed a small amount of meat and satay sauce on the side.

‘Not even 70g of chicken in the 800g packet.’

However, instead of sympathising with the woman, social media users blasted her for buying pre-made meals instead of making her own.

‘Make your own, so much more economical and tastier,’ said one.

Another agreed and also suggested that the woman make her own dish instead.

Someone else wrote: ‘It’s just so much easier to make your own.’

We’re not sure about that…

Another criticised the woman for taking the time to separate the chicken from the sauce.

‘If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Plus, who measures and does this?’

View attachment 8652
What would you do if you were the shopper? Credit: ENESFILM in Pexels

The woman responded and said: ‘I only did it because I couldn’t find any chicken when I stirred it. I actually thought they’d forgotten the chicken entirely until I put it through a sieve.’

‘I like these too, but disappointed in the amount of chicken they think would serve four people,’ she added.

But many defended the shopper, stating that there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing microwaveable meals.

Someone commented: ‘Gosh, can people stop suggesting she make her own?’

‘We don’t have time to cook every single day! Microwave meals were invented and sold for a reason,’ they added.

Another agreed and said: ‘Why is everyone commenting it’s easier to make your own? It’s not for everyone, so you do you.’

‘This is an ALDI group talking about products, not telling people to cook food themselves,’ one person said.

‘Exactly! The reason many buy ready-cooked meals is no time, unwell, etc.,’ someone else chimed in.

Others expressed their concern over the meal itself.

‘What chicken? Maybe a quail in there!’ Someone wrote.

Another added: ‘That’s meant to feed four people? As if!’

While someone else agreed and said they’d complain as well if they were in the woman’s shoes.

Any ALDI customer can return a product if they are dissatisfied with it. You can find ALDI’s return policy here.

If you like chicken satay and want to try your hand at making one, we found this video for traditional Thai chicken satay! The best part? It only takes 30 minutes to cook:

Key Takeaways

  • A shopper has come under fire after revealing that a family pack of ALDI's World Kitchen Satay Chicken – which supposedly serves a four-person household – contains less than 70g of chicken.
  • Many suggested to the woman to ‘make her own’ meals instead.
  • While other social media users have defended the shopper, arguing that there's ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing pre-made meals.
  • Shoppers can return their purchased meals to ALDI if they are dissatisfied with the product.
What are your thoughts on this, members? Was the woman being 'nit-picky' or was her complaint justified? Share your opinions with us in the comments below! If you want easy-to-make meals, you can browse our recipe forum here.

We all know I am sure that there is not much protein in most of the frozen meals you can purchase. If people want to buy them that is their choice but after seeing the amount of chicken in that meal I have come up with an alternative that really involves little effort. Just grab a cooked chook from Coles/Woolies and a jar of Patak's chicken and cashew sauce from Coles or one from Aldi which is around $2....cheaper than Patak's unless you get on special. I have several jars I purchased. Anyway, just take off what amount of chook(I usually take off all the meat and put into a couple of containers for freezing and use at a later date. Combine some of the satay sauce with the chicken and cook in microwave/stovetop to heat through. Can add other veg to it if you want. Takes less than 15 mins I would think to do this.
Sometimes, after we’ve had a long day, we just like to kick back, relax, and not think about anything else for the night – and definitely, the last thing we want to do is cook a big meal from scratch.

This is where microwave meals come in handy! And as one recent ALDI customer found out the hard way, there's always a catch when it comes to microwaveable food like this.

While we understand the appeal of these dishes, they’re often not as healthy as homemade meals. Not to mention, they can be pretty pricey too. So, sometimes these pre-made meals aren't always everything they're cracked up to be.

One ALDI customer took to Facebook to express her disappointment over ALDI’s World Kitchen Satay Chicken. Particularly, how the 800g meal – which is marketed to serve four people – actually contained less than 70g of chicken.

View attachment 8650
The customer posted this image along with her post on Facebook. Credit: 7News

‘I’m not one to complain, but far out, there is like no chicken in this,’ she wrote in her post. The customer also attached a photo of her meal, which showed a small amount of meat and satay sauce on the side.

‘Not even 70g of chicken in the 800g packet.’

However, instead of sympathising with the woman, social media users blasted her for buying pre-made meals instead of making her own.

‘Make your own, so much more economical and tastier,’ said one.

Another agreed and also suggested that the woman make her own dish instead.

Someone else wrote: ‘It’s just so much easier to make your own.’

We’re not sure about that…

Another criticised the woman for taking the time to separate the chicken from the sauce.

‘If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Plus, who measures and does this?’

View attachment 8652
What would you do if you were the shopper? Credit: ENESFILM in Pexels

The woman responded and said: ‘I only did it because I couldn’t find any chicken when I stirred it. I actually thought they’d forgotten the chicken entirely until I put it through a sieve.’

‘I like these too, but disappointed in the amount of chicken they think would serve four people,’ she added.

But many defended the shopper, stating that there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing microwaveable meals.

Someone commented: ‘Gosh, can people stop suggesting she make her own?’

‘We don’t have time to cook every single day! Microwave meals were invented and sold for a reason,’ they added.

Another agreed and said: ‘Why is everyone commenting it’s easier to make your own? It’s not for everyone, so you do you.’

‘This is an ALDI group talking about products, not telling people to cook food themselves,’ one person said.

‘Exactly! The reason many buy ready-cooked meals is no time, unwell, etc.,’ someone else chimed in.

Others expressed their concern over the meal itself.

‘What chicken? Maybe a quail in there!’ Someone wrote.

Another added: ‘That’s meant to feed four people? As if!’

While someone else agreed and said they’d complain as well if they were in the woman’s shoes.

Any ALDI customer can return a product if they are dissatisfied with it. You can find ALDI’s return policy here.

If you like chicken satay and want to try your hand at making one, we found this video for traditional Thai chicken satay! The best part? It only takes 30 minutes to cook:

Key Takeaways

  • A shopper has come under fire after revealing that a family pack of ALDI's World Kitchen Satay Chicken – which supposedly serves a four-person household – contains less than 70g of chicken.
  • Many suggested to the woman to ‘make her own’ meals instead.
  • While other social media users have defended the shopper, arguing that there's ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing pre-made meals.
  • Shoppers can return their purchased meals to ALDI if they are dissatisfied with the product.
What are your thoughts on this, members? Was the woman being 'nit-picky' or was her complaint justified? Share your opinions with us in the comments below! If you want easy-to-make meals, you can browse our recipe forum here.
I'm not averse to the odd pre made microwave meal as it's sometimes easier than to collect all the different ingredients, especially if you're on your own. I don't kid myself that they're particularly nutritious, they're just something to put in your tummy to quell the hunger pangs.:rolleyes:
I don't even own a microwave. As for making her own meals, I agree with everybody who suggests this is the way to go. Being reliant on things that are not fully cooked just before eating just seems lazy to me. I am 85 & cook for 3 people every night So as I don't believe in microwave heating, I cook from scratch. Sometimes I get a night off when my granddaughter takes over the cooking.
The amount of protein is listed in ingredients of prepared meals. I buy lasagna as my grandchildren like it and I find it too fiddly to make.
Price is not a good indicator of quality for this, and the cheap home brand product is good.
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While I agree that is a very skimpy portion of chicken (my westies get 100-125 grams of human grade meat in their dinner), it does give the protein amount on the packet. So I suppose it's 'buyer beware', 'read the label' and 'you get what you pay for'. Personally, I like the Beerenberg sauces and put in the protein myself - really nice easy meal. I find most microwave meals a bit yuck - but each to their own. :)
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Aldi's ready meals are made to a low price, so chicken wouldn't contain as much as other ready meals that are more expensive.
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Sometimes, after we’ve had a long day, we just like to kick back, relax, and not think about anything else for the night – and definitely, the last thing we want to do is cook a big meal from scratch.

This is where microwave meals come in handy! And as one recent ALDI customer found out the hard way, there's always a catch when it comes to microwaveable food like this.

While we understand the appeal of these dishes, they’re often not as healthy as homemade meals. Not to mention, they can be pretty pricey too. So, sometimes these pre-made meals aren't always everything they're cracked up to be.

One ALDI customer took to Facebook to express her disappointment over ALDI’s World Kitchen Satay Chicken. Particularly, how the 800g meal – which is marketed to serve four people – actually contained less than 70g of chicken.

View attachment 8650
The customer posted this image along with her post on Facebook. Credit: 7News

‘I’m not one to complain, but far out, there is like no chicken in this,’ she wrote in her post. The customer also attached a photo of her meal, which showed a small amount of meat and satay sauce on the side.

‘Not even 70g of chicken in the 800g packet.’

However, instead of sympathising with the woman, social media users blasted her for buying pre-made meals instead of making her own.

‘Make your own, so much more economical and tastier,’ said one.

Another agreed and also suggested that the woman make her own dish instead.

Someone else wrote: ‘It’s just so much easier to make your own.’

We’re not sure about that…

Another criticised the woman for taking the time to separate the chicken from the sauce.

‘If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Plus, who measures and does this?’

View attachment 8652
What would you do if you were the shopper? Credit: ENESFILM in Pexels

The woman responded and said: ‘I only did it because I couldn’t find any chicken when I stirred it. I actually thought they’d forgotten the chicken entirely until I put it through a sieve.’

‘I like these too, but disappointed in the amount of chicken they think would serve four people,’ she added.

But many defended the shopper, stating that there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing microwaveable meals.

Someone commented: ‘Gosh, can people stop suggesting she make her own?’

‘We don’t have time to cook every single day! Microwave meals were invented and sold for a reason,’ they added.

Another agreed and said: ‘Why is everyone commenting it’s easier to make your own? It’s not for everyone, so you do you.’

‘This is an ALDI group talking about products, not telling people to cook food themselves,’ one person said.

‘Exactly! The reason many buy ready-cooked meals is no time, unwell, etc.,’ someone else chimed in.

Others expressed their concern over the meal itself.

‘What chicken? Maybe a quail in there!’ Someone wrote.

Another added: ‘That’s meant to feed four people? As if!’

While someone else agreed and said they’d complain as well if they were in the woman’s shoes.

Any ALDI customer can return a product if they are dissatisfied with it. You can find ALDI’s return policy here.

If you like chicken satay and want to try your hand at making one, we found this video for traditional Thai chicken satay! The best part? It only takes 30 minutes to cook:

Key Takeaways

  • A shopper has come under fire after revealing that a family pack of ALDI's World Kitchen Satay Chicken – which supposedly serves a four-person household – contains less than 70g of chicken.
  • Many suggested to the woman to ‘make her own’ meals instead.
  • While other social media users have defended the shopper, arguing that there's ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing pre-made meals.
  • Shoppers can return their purchased meals to ALDI if they are dissatisfied with the product.
What are your thoughts on this, members? Was the woman being 'nit-picky' or was her complaint justified? Share your opinions with us in the comments below! If you want easy-to-make meals, you can browse our recipe forum here.

She was totally justified in making her complaint.
We all know I am sure that there is not much protein in most of the frozen meals you can purchase. If people want to buy them that is their choice but after seeing the amount of chicken in that meal I have come up with an alternative that really involves little effort. Just grab a cooked chook from Coles/Woolies and a jar of Patak's chicken and cashew sauce from Coles or one from Aldi which is around $2....cheaper than Patak's unless you get on special. I have several jars I purchased. Anyway, just take off what amount of chook(I usually take off all the meat and put into a couple of containers for freezing and use at a later date. Combine some of the satay sauce with the chicken and cook in microwave/stovetop to heat through. Can add other veg to it if you want. Takes less than 15 mins I would think to do this.
Sounds Easy, sounds great but, is it OK to reheat Cooked then Frozen Chicken?
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Sometimes, after we’ve had a long day, we just like to kick back, relax, and not think about anything else for the night – and definitely, the last thing we want to do is cook a big meal from scratch.

This is where microwave meals come in handy! And as one recent ALDI customer found out the hard way, there's always a catch when it comes to microwaveable food like this.

While we understand the appeal of these dishes, they’re often not as healthy as homemade meals. Not to mention, they can be pretty pricey too. So, sometimes these pre-made meals aren't always everything they're cracked up to be.

One ALDI customer took to Facebook to express her disappointment over ALDI’s World Kitchen Satay Chicken. Particularly, how the 800g meal – which is marketed to serve four people – actually contained less than 70g of chicken.

View attachment 8650
The customer posted this image along with her post on Facebook. Credit: 7News

‘I’m not one to complain, but far out, there is like no chicken in this,’ she wrote in her post. The customer also attached a photo of her meal, which showed a small amount of meat and satay sauce on the side.

‘Not even 70g of chicken in the 800g packet.’

However, instead of sympathising with the woman, social media users blasted her for buying pre-made meals instead of making her own.

‘Make your own, so much more economical and tastier,’ said one.

Another agreed and also suggested that the woman make her own dish instead.

Someone else wrote: ‘It’s just so much easier to make your own.’

We’re not sure about that…

Another criticised the woman for taking the time to separate the chicken from the sauce.

‘If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Plus, who measures and does this?’

View attachment 8652
What would you do if you were the shopper? Credit: ENESFILM in Pexels

The woman responded and said: ‘I only did it because I couldn’t find any chicken when I stirred it. I actually thought they’d forgotten the chicken entirely until I put it through a sieve.’

‘I like these too, but disappointed in the amount of chicken they think would serve four people,’ she added.

But many defended the shopper, stating that there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing microwaveable meals.

Someone commented: ‘Gosh, can people stop suggesting she make her own?’

‘We don’t have time to cook every single day! Microwave meals were invented and sold for a reason,’ they added.

Another agreed and said: ‘Why is everyone commenting it’s easier to make your own? It’s not for everyone, so you do you.’

‘This is an ALDI group talking about products, not telling people to cook food themselves,’ one person said.

‘Exactly! The reason many buy ready-cooked meals is no time, unwell, etc.,’ someone else chimed in.

Others expressed their concern over the meal itself.

‘What chicken? Maybe a quail in there!’ Someone wrote.

Another added: ‘That’s meant to feed four people? As if!’

While someone else agreed and said they’d complain as well if they were in the woman’s shoes.

Any ALDI customer can return a product if they are dissatisfied with it. You can find ALDI’s return policy here.

If you like chicken satay and want to try your hand at making one, we found this video for traditional Thai chicken satay! The best part? It only takes 30 minutes to cook:

Key Takeaways

  • A shopper has come under fire after revealing that a family pack of ALDI's World Kitchen Satay Chicken – which supposedly serves a four-person household – contains less than 70g of chicken.
  • Many suggested to the woman to ‘make her own’ meals instead.
  • While other social media users have defended the shopper, arguing that there's ‘nothing wrong’ with purchasing pre-made meals.
  • Shoppers can return their purchased meals to ALDI if they are dissatisfied with the product.
What are your thoughts on this, members? Was the woman being 'nit-picky' or was her complaint justified? Share your opinions with us in the comments below! If you want easy-to-make meals, you can browse our recipe forum here.

I totally agree with this woman , 4 people hey? Are they child leprechauns or what !
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I don't even own a microwave. As for making her own meals, I agree with everybody who suggests this is the way to go. Being reliant on things that are not fully cooked just before eating just seems lazy to me. I am 85 & cook for 3 people every night So as I don't believe in microwave heating, I cook from scratch. Sometimes I get a night off when my granddaughter takes over the cooking.
I'm sorry, but "bully for you". Why judge when you don't know the circumstances. This lady may be disabled or unable to cook for a myriad of reasons.
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I don't even own a microwave. As for making her own meals, I agree with everybody who suggests this is the way to go. Being reliant on things that are not fully cooked just before eating just seems lazy to me. I am 85 & cook for 3 people every night So as I don't believe in microwave heating, I cook from scratch. Sometimes I get a night off when my granddaughter takes over the cooking.
I'm sorry but it's really not fair to judge when you don't know the circumstances. This lady may be unable to cook through any number of reasons. You are really lucky to still be able to cook for four every night. Hier than thou is not an attractive quality.

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