‘It’s soul-destroying’: how people on a housing wait list of 175,000 describe their years of waiting

Nationally, about 175,000 households are on the social housing waiting list. An individual usually has to be in “greatest need” to get on the list. Even then, being listed does not mean you will be given the keys to a home any time soon.

This is especially so if an applicant is put on the general waiting list and not the priority list. In New South Wales in June 2022, for example, 57,550 were on the waiting list: 51,031 on the general waiting list and 6,519 on the priority list. The NSW government website indicates people on the general waiting list can expect to wait ten years or more in most locations.

Even people on the priority list can wait a long time, especially if they have special requirements, such as housing with no stairs.

For our research, we interviewed people on waiting lists in NSW, Queensland and Tasmania. Thirty interviewees were on the general waiting list and 49 on the priority list. The interviews covered various themes, but all of the interviewees were asked: “What words would you use to describe your wait for social housing?” This article focuses on their responses to this question.

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Chart: The Conversation Source: Housing assistance in Australia/AIHW Get the data Created with Datawrapper

Lives on hold​

Most interviewees found the endless waiting extremely challenging. It commonly left them feeling powerless, extremely stressed and unable to plan ahead.

Tania* in Queensland, who had escaped domestic violence, powerfully captured the perception of her life being put on hold:

It sucks. […] They [state government housing department] just give you no answers […] It’s stopped our whole life. Running from him [her ex-partner] was hard enough, but asking them [the housing department] for help is ten times worse […] They don’t care. It’s pure and simple. They don’t care. Yeah, as I said, it’s like jail and they’re the screws, whatever they’re called. They’re the ones that run the jail.

Zeynep, in her mid-70s, had been on the waiting list in Queensland for 13 years. Her response was particularly expansive:

Yes, I’ve got a few words. Frustration, disappointment, nerve-racking, just being beside myself sometimes. Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to keep moving and packing and finding places? It’s soul-destroying, really.

A traumatising wait​

Single parents found the waiting particularly hard. Thea was in a shelter in Tasmania with her three children. The uncertainty of waiting had shaken her confidence.

It’s been painful […] My anxiety has gone through the roof. It’s affected my mental health […] It makes me feel like I’m not good enough as a parent because I can’t provide a stable home for my children […] If it was just me, I could survive. But when I’ve got three little people that I’ve got to care for and provide for, that’s when it gets hard.

Kylie’s description was similar. She has a child with a disability and had been on the NSW general waiting list for several years.

It’s quite nerve-wracking. It’s quite depressing just for the uncertainty of everything, you know. I feel like so many thoughts that I have in my head I’m just trying to pick the best one. I would say […] it’s kind of traumatic as well, quite traumatic […] why can’t you support me to better my life in order for a child to have a better life and break that cycle, that generational cycle of poverty.

In Tasmania, Basma and her three children were living in crowded transitional housing attached to a women’s shelter. She also described the waiting as traumatic.

It’s trauma. It’s made my health go down. My children and I are always angry. […] It’s terrible.

Losing self-esteem and hope​

Interviewees said the endless waiting affected how they saw themselves. Jacqui was living in her car in regional NSW.

I think it just it robs you of your pride and your dignity, your peace of mind and it leaves you psychologically exhausted […] being on that waiting list thinking that is today the day […] and then the call doesn’t come. It is like that loss of, you know, self-esteem and loss of hope […] So I think my words [to describe the wait] is my continual shame. You feel shame every day and other than that […] you have to deal with a loss of control over […] your position on the wait list. You have no control over anything.

Many described a sense of hopelessness. Geoff in Sydney has to use a wheelchair and the house he was renting was totally unsuitable. He was despondent about ever getting suitable housing:

I think the word is hopeless. You feel hopeless because you’ve done as much as you can to get the housing [department] to expedite your application, assuming that they have approved my application for priority housing, but there’s no interpretation of that as to what they mean by the priority.

After 20 months on the priority list, Lily was blunt about the impact on her sense of self:

Yeah, you feel deficient. You feel forgotten. You feel really forgotten, yeah, and if you ring up and it’s about a number and even once they’ve got your file open I can’t remember being addressed by my name very much […] You feel a bit like an outcast.
Josie also talked about being made to feel like a second-class citizen:

Demoralising, because you’ve been trying to do the right thing and do everything that you’re asked. You try so many different approaches and you’re getting brick walls everywhere. And demeaning, because your situation is not properly recognised or catered for. So you almost start feeling like well, we can’t help you, but if you were good enough you wouldn’t be in this situation. [It’s] a nightmare, dreadful. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. Like never, ever, ever.
Clearly, the long wait for social housing is devastating for many people. Day after day of not knowing makes everyday life extremely challenging. The shocking aspect is that the huge shortage of social housing means a substantial proportion of people on the general waiting list could be waiting forever.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Alan Morris, Professor, Institute for Public Policy and Governance, University of Technology Sydney

Nationally, about 175,000 households are on the social housing waiting list. An individual usually has to be in “greatest need” to get on the list. Even then, being listed does not mean you will be given the keys to a home any time soon.

This is especially so if an applicant is put on the general waiting list and not the priority list. In New South Wales in June 2022, for example, 57,550 were on the waiting list: 51,031 on the general waiting list and 6,519 on the priority list. The NSW government website indicates people on the general waiting list can expect to wait ten years or more in most locations.

Even people on the priority list can wait a long time, especially if they have special requirements, such as housing with no stairs.

For our research, we interviewed people on waiting lists in NSW, Queensland and Tasmania. Thirty interviewees were on the general waiting list and 49 on the priority list. The interviews covered various themes, but all of the interviewees were asked: “What words would you use to describe your wait for social housing?” This article focuses on their responses to this question.

View attachment 26965
Chart: The Conversation Source: Housing assistance in Australia/AIHW Get the data Created with Datawrapper

Lives on hold​

Most interviewees found the endless waiting extremely challenging. It commonly left them feeling powerless, extremely stressed and unable to plan ahead.

Tania* in Queensland, who had escaped domestic violence, powerfully captured the perception of her life being put on hold:

Zeynep, in her mid-70s, had been on the waiting list in Queensland for 13 years. Her response was particularly expansive:

A traumatising wait​

Single parents found the waiting particularly hard. Thea was in a shelter in Tasmania with her three children. The uncertainty of waiting had shaken her confidence.

Kylie’s description was similar. She has a child with a disability and had been on the NSW general waiting list for several years.

In Tasmania, Basma and her three children were living in crowded transitional housing attached to a women’s shelter. She also described the waiting as traumatic.

Losing self-esteem and hope​

Interviewees said the endless waiting affected how they saw themselves. Jacqui was living in her car in regional NSW.

Many described a sense of hopelessness. Geoff in Sydney has to use a wheelchair and the house he was renting was totally unsuitable. He was despondent about ever getting suitable housing:

After 20 months on the priority list, Lily was blunt about the impact on her sense of self:

Josie also talked about being made to feel like a second-class citizen:

Clearly, the long wait for social housing is devastating for many people. Day after day of not knowing makes everyday life extremely challenging. The shocking aspect is that the huge shortage of social housing means a substantial proportion of people on the general waiting list could be waiting forever.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Alan Morris, Professor, Institute for Public Policy and Governance, University of Technology Sydney

Might I suggest that the Government kick the bludging children of their parents Government supplied housing, with luxury cars, boats and caravans, out and relocate the parents into 1 bedroom accommodation making their government housing available for worthy families. I am sure that if the Government had the internal fortitude to take such action they would be assisting the majority and probably upset the bludgers living off their parents good fortune.
What annoys me is the wasted housing here in my area. At least 50 houses here owned by the ministry deserted and allowed to fall in to ruin rather than repaired and used for housing. I just don’t understand that mentality. These were once lovely homes but are now mostly vandalised shells. Had they been properly maintained 50 families could have been homed. An entire estate left to rack and ruin. Disgraceful
I got into Baptist Care after only 1 year on housing list. Currently an option for singles or couples over 55 needing affordable accommodation. BC is classified as community housing but dwellings are completely separate. Mine was brand new & is gorgeous.
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Whilst I have some sympathy, what have these people been doing to help themselves over the last 10+ years? There has not always been the housing crisis we have now so why are they still on the waiting list instead of finding something else?
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Whilst I have some sympathy, what have these people been doing to help themselves over the last 10+ years? There has not always been the housing crisis we have now so why are they still on the waiting list instead of finding something else?
Good point. I worked full time for over 30 years & tried to pay off a place by myself but unfortunately illness got in the way. It annoys me when perfectly strong, healthy people abuse the safety net. If you are young & fit & stay that way for a good 25 years you can still own a home somewhere in Australia,
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I am saddened by the lack of empathy in some of these responses. Nobody is homeless by choice. Involuntary unemployment is a reality for a lot of people. Do you really want to live in a 'dog-eat-dog' world where the poor and less fortunate are left to rot? I sincerely believe we are better than that.
Nationally, about 175,000 households are on the social housing waiting list. An individual usually has to be in “greatest need” to get on the list. Even then, being listed does not mean you will be given the keys to a home any time soon.

This is especially so if an applicant is put on the general waiting list and not the priority list. In New South Wales in June 2022, for example, 57,550 were on the waiting list: 51,031 on the general waiting list and 6,519 on the priority list. The NSW government website indicates people on the general waiting list can expect to wait ten years or more in most locations.

Even people on the priority list can wait a long time, especially if they have special requirements, such as housing with no stairs.

For our research, we interviewed people on waiting lists in NSW, Queensland and Tasmania. Thirty interviewees were on the general waiting list and 49 on the priority list. The interviews covered various themes, but all of the interviewees were asked: “What words would you use to describe your wait for social housing?” This article focuses on their responses to this question.

View attachment 26965
Chart: The Conversation Source: Housing assistance in Australia/AIHW Get the data Created with Datawrapper

Lives on hold​

Most interviewees found the endless waiting extremely challenging. It commonly left them feeling powerless, extremely stressed and unable to plan ahead.

Tania* in Queensland, who had escaped domestic violence, powerfully captured the perception of her life being put on hold:

Zeynep, in her mid-70s, had been on the waiting list in Queensland for 13 years. Her response was particularly expansive:

A traumatising wait​

Single parents found the waiting particularly hard. Thea was in a shelter in Tasmania with her three children. The uncertainty of waiting had shaken her confidence.

Kylie’s description was similar. She has a child with a disability and had been on the NSW general waiting list for several years.

In Tasmania, Basma and her three children were living in crowded transitional housing attached to a women’s shelter. She also described the waiting as traumatic.

Losing self-esteem and hope​

Interviewees said the endless waiting affected how they saw themselves. Jacqui was living in her car in regional NSW.

Many described a sense of hopelessness. Geoff in Sydney has to use a wheelchair and the house he was renting was totally unsuitable. He was despondent about ever getting suitable housing:

After 20 months on the priority list, Lily was blunt about the impact on her sense of self:

Josie also talked about being made to feel like a second-class citizen:

Clearly, the long wait for social housing is devastating for many people. Day after day of not knowing makes everyday life extremely challenging. The shocking aspect is that the huge shortage of social housing means a substantial proportion of people on the general waiting list could be waiting forever.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Alan Morris, Professor, Institute for Public Policy and Governance, University of Technology Sydney

Better off dead. You are going to die waiting for housing..... 175,000 give me a break.
It saddens me that in a wonderful country like Australia there are homeless people. There are no solutions offered by our government, just trying to change our constitution to divide people. They are elected to represent each one of us and would be far better to use taxpayers money to help those less fortunate than push through their ideologies.
Dealing with anyone in the government run department of housing is much like dealing with Centrelink, very few of the staff give a brass razoo. My sister has been living in a run down shed for almost 2 years, all the while applying for private rentals and being on the department of housing list. She has been applying for houses everywhere, even in areas far away from the rest of her family. The woman at her local real estate won’t even consider her for any rentals they get, she is just a nasty piece of work who took a dislike to my sister from a previous rental that she was in for over 8 years and had to vacate when the owner sold it, the owner was more than happy with her and gave her a good reference. Now she is on only job seeker as due to a major workplace injury she hasn’t been able to work for over two years, she has to try to live on just over $700 a fortnight. Despite many forms filled out by her Dr as to the extreme physical and now mental issues she has as a result of the injury Centrelink won’t give her a disability pension. She no longer needs to look for work, but a rude Centrelink staff member told her a couple of days ago she needs to start doing 15 hours a week volunteer work or she will lose her payment. Really, she lives almost an hour from anywhere she can volunteer so how they expect her to pay for petrol to do this on the pittance they give her, combined with the fact she has days she can’t mobilise without a wheelie walker. This person is obviously a pompous twit who needs to be seriously retrained or sacked. Her 18 year old son lives in the shed with her and has been trying to get on youth allowance since they cut her payment for him in February, every time he gives Centrelink the paperwork they want they tell him it is not good enough or they want more, so she is trying to support him as well on her pittance. Now the property owner where they live has ordered them to get off the property ( her ex husband and father of her son), so she has been in constant contact with emergency housing groups and real estate agents but to no avail. At this stage their options are going to be living under a bridge or in the car. Her son could stay with his father but they have had a relationship breakdown so he won’t.
Dealing with anyone in the government run department of housing is much like dealing with Centrelink, very few of the staff give a brass razoo. My sister has been living in a run down shed for almost 2 years, all the while applying for private rentals and being on the department of housing list. She has been applying for houses everywhere, even in areas far away from the rest of her family. The woman at her local real estate won’t even consider her for any rentals they get, she is just a nasty piece of work who took a dislike to my sister from a previous rental that she was in for over 8 years and had to vacate when the owner sold it, the owner was more than happy with her and gave her a good reference. Now she is on only job seeker as due to a major workplace injury she hasn’t been able to work for over two years, she has to try to live on just over $700 a fortnight. Despite many forms filled out by her Dr as to the extreme physical and now mental issues she has as a result of the injury Centrelink won’t give her a disability pension. She no longer needs to look for work, but a rude Centrelink staff member told her a couple of days ago she needs to start doing 15 hours a week volunteer work or she will lose her payment. Really, she lives almost an hour from anywhere she can volunteer so how they expect her to pay for petrol to do this on the pittance they give her, combined with the fact she has days she can’t mobilise without a wheelie walker. This person is obviously a pompous twit who needs to be seriously retrained or sacked. Her 18 year old son lives in the shed with her and has been trying to get on youth allowance since they cut her payment for him in February, every time he gives Centrelink the paperwork they want they tell him it is not good enough or they want more, so she is trying to support him as well on her pittance. Now the property owner where they live has ordered them to get off the property ( her ex husband and father of her son), so she has been in constant contact with emergency housing groups and real estate agents but to no avail. At this stage their options are going to be living under a bridge or in the car. Her son could stay with his father but they have had a relationship breakdown so he won’t.
How come the 18 year old is not looking for work or actually working?
How come the 18 year old is not looking for work or actually working?
He is looking for work but has almost no vision in one eye and not full vision in his other eye so his driving is pretty much limited to daylight hours, plus there is no work for young people where they live and at the moment he can’t afford to move to an area where he can find work even if he could find somewhere to live. Life can be pretty tough for young country kids, jobs are hard to find unless you move to a town or city and unless you have friends or relatives to stay with it is almost impossible to find affordable accommodation.

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