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  1. GreyWolf_Rod

    Discover which Centrelink payments are prone to frustrating delays—is yours on the list?

    Where do they het these 21 &32 minute phone wait times figures from, Id be happy with that, at this point, every time O call services Australia I have a 80 -90 minute wait tome recorded message...
  2. GreyWolf_Rod

    Social media crackdown looms in one Aussie state—here's what you need to know

    I wonder what are the thoughts of the Sputh Australian Premier regarding children under 14 deciding that they want gender re-assignment...
  3. GreyWolf_Rod

    Driving shift: Millions of state’s motorists gear up for major licence change

    Say Hello to the Australia Card... do we start a wager on Sportsbet (or the like) as to how long before this system is hacked and our full identitys and details are sold on the black web...
  4. GreyWolf_Rod

    Woolworths’ decision on iconic ANZAC Day tradition leaves veterans outraged: ‘It’s common courtesy’

    Woolworth and Coles are only interested in raping Aussies for blatant and pure profit... if they don't want to support Aussies and put back into the community... then leave Australia... Like in japan you can buy Autralian imported fruit and veges much cheaper than you can here where they are...
  5. GreyWolf_Rod

    The shocking truth behind Commonwealth Bank's new 'cashless branches'

    The major reason cash is used less is that banks make it almost impossible for the average person to access cash. closing bank branches, making branches into cashless service centres, removing ATM machines and restricting the amount of access customers have to their money as cash... limiting...
  6. GreyWolf_Rod

    Health Minister rejects naming and shaming of GPs who don’t bulk bill

    Shopping around for bulk billing GP"s is not necessarilly the answer... most Practices are not taking NEW patients, or only accepting pay up front and immediate claim electronically, leaving a gap payment, type patients. The government appears to be deliberately and methodically destroying their...
  7. GreyWolf_Rod

    Unprecedented delays: Centrelink callers grapple with record-breaking hold times

    These figures are fudged... anytime I call SA... the hold time is longer than 48min... the longest was 2h11min... most times it it will ask for you URN then advises you to go online or call back later... hangs up... when online doesn't/can't help ... when you try to call back (in the same 24hr...
  8. GreyWolf_Rod

    Medicare unveils a surprising update to its cards in 2024

    Because its all about to change.. the end of an era... most likely
  9. GreyWolf_Rod

    Medicare unveils a surprising update to its cards in 2024

    What a government item with NO indigenous Art design work... I dont believe my one working eye.
  10. GreyWolf_Rod

    This simple photo taken at a supermarket checkout ignited a massive debate—see why it's causing such an uproar!

    5500 Personal Shoppers, are they fulltime or part time / casual positions ? Are they additional team members or replacing employees retrenched and or positions no longer deemed necessary ?
  11. GreyWolf_Rod

    Millions of Aussies to get more cost-of-living relief

    The longer the application is drawn out, the less their ANNOUNCEMENT costs
  12. GreyWolf_Rod

    Skyrocketing call wait times and pension approvals at Centrelink infuriate Australians

    I question the validity of the wait/delay timrs quoted... anyone I speak to and indeed myself my aged pension claim was over 90days in the making, ANY call wait time IF you didnt get the fob off pre recording, was alway way longer than 80 minutes regularly over 90, the average they state is...
  13. GreyWolf_Rod

    Finance expert weighs in on ‘cashless’ Australia

    How can you take money out at ATM's when it is increasingly harder to find one and fees for non bank brand transactions are so high, how can you go to a branch to get cash when 1. Branches are being closed regularly 2. Branches no longer carry cash 3. Banks restrict or blatantly refuse to allow...
  14. GreyWolf_Rod

    Outrage ensues as Coles quietly cancels popular service in some local stores!

    Coles wouldnt be bareing the cost of the free fruit I bet they force the franchisee / store to ... any ways it becomes a tax deduction
  15. GreyWolf_Rod

    Australians brace for all-in-one digital ID system

    Like the first stage of an Australia Card without an ACTUAL Card you mean?
  16. GreyWolf_Rod

    Pharmacies to charge patients for once-free medical services amidst Labor’s prescription dispensing changes

    All I am reading is pharmacies will be losing PROFITS, not losing turnover they are two different things, profit is the $ value left AFTER all expenses.
  17. GreyWolf_Rod

    Are your Centrelink calls taking forever? Here's why and what you can do!

    Wait times on hold are vastly understated, I applied for a seniors health card, online I had to upload Documents, it allowed me to upload some, then wouldnt accept the rest, This happened 4 times, I got several we are busy try again later message many times, when I did get in the que on the...
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