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  1. M

    Attention Centrelink recipients: Claim your energy bill rebate!

    The government's praised for being magnanimous with our taxes, which they're using to pay us, payments go to big electricity retailers, the GDP looks great, the RBA decides inflation is still going up and either keeps interest rates on hold or raises interest rates, which they're deciding to do...
  2. M

    Medicare unveils a surprising update to its cards in 2024

    Just another waste of our money, by an incompetent government. Do we really need to be reminded and do we really care Medicare's turned 40? This is our money they're squandering. Money which should be put to better use, like increasing rebates.
  3. M

    Medicare unveils a surprising update to its cards in 2024

    Just another waste of taxpayers' money by an incompetent government.
  4. M

    Millions of Aussies rejoice due to upcoming interest rate cuts in 2024

    Don't even think of interest rate decreases. Albo and Chalmers have just thrown people a pittance, so Chalmers can say, spending causes high inflation. True, w but it gives the RBA cause to raise interest rates on loans. Would be different if interest rates were raised on bank savings; but...
  5. M

    Are you ready for McDonald’s Australia’s unexpected new collaboration?

    Not a good time to bring out this overpriced, ugly footwear, especially at Christmas. So many families are doing it tough, while some are starving. Surely Maccas is well aware of "peer pressure" or is it their way of putting more pressure on those who can't afford? Just asking for a friend.
  6. M

    How Aussies are sharing their homes to earn extra cash amid the cost-of-living crisis

    Catherines: Make up your mind. You've just being extolling the virtues of those coming from overseas and running Australians down; yet you claim "... There are many reasons why I don’t have the confidence to let out a room in my home and the main one is my huge phobia about having ANYONE other...
  7. M

    How Aussies are sharing their homes to earn extra cash amid the cost-of-living crisis

    Don't get greedy and think for a moment, that everyone's so wonderful and polite, butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. People, have been taken advantage of, especially if they're older, vulnerable and have no immediate families to come to their aid. Lowe and our government, wouldn't care less...
  8. M

    Shoppers Sound Off on Woolworths' ‘Serious Problem’ - Sustainable Solution or Flimsy Disaster?

    Definitely on the side of plastic bags. The paper ones are made overseas, not that the plastic ones weren't. The only winners are the supermarkets.
  9. M

    Forget the conspiracies, 15-minute cities will free us to improve our mental health and wellbeing

    A great way for the government to keep tabs on everyone, based on the Chinese idea of "transparency". Can't go out of your nominated zone and if you do, you're penalised. Only a 15 minute walk or bike ride away? What about those who can't walk for 15 minutes or can't ride a bike? Live within...
  10. M

    You won't believe the outrageous rules this Airbnb host imposed

    Never been tempted to stay in one of these. If they stipulate out of this world rules, regulations and stipulate unheard of demands, from paying occupants, might as well stay home and clean my own home, instead of paying to clean someone else's.
  11. M

    Bacteria-contaminated moisturiser recalled nationwide – Do you own this product?

    Congratulate them for their quick response. However; how did this happen in the first place? And pity they're still turning a blind eye and disregarding another dangerous, life threatening item.
  12. M

    Why are grandparents now called 'grandfriends' at school events? Here's the controversial reason behind the new name

    Don't schools have anything better to do with their time and how dare they appoint themselves as keepers of our children? This could only have been thought up by someone with nothing to do and a lot of time tin which o do it. "Grandfriends" is extremely insulting and demeaning and lessens the...
  13. M

    Get relief from high energy prices! National cabinet agrees on $1.5b energy price relief plan

    No mention of Victoria and only "temporary"? What happens after that? If our government stopped the interest rates, food and utilities rising, called a halt to the Green madness and climate change, stopped blaming the war in Russia, while throwing money at Zelensky, who's a tyrant demanding even...
  14. M

    Woolies is expanding Scan&Go checkouts to more stores nationwide

    Getting rid of staff, to make maximum profit. People are losing their livelihoods; but big businesses don't care. The stores will soon start complaining, they're losing money; because people are putting items through incorrectly. I never use automatic checkouts. I'd rather wait for a real person.
  15. M

    This Aussie traveller was 'wedged between two obese people' on her flight and she's not happy about it

    She should get a full monetary refund. However; its definitely unacceptable to fat shame people, when she doesn't know their medical history. Furthermore, it wasn't their fault. Blame the greedy airlines, for trying to get the maximum amount of bums on seats, for maximum profits.
  16. M

    Keen To Sign Up For Space Tourism? Here Are 6 Things To Consider (Besides The Price Tag)

    What will they be using to fuel the craft? Hot air? These are the same people, who are part of the WEF and scream about the carbon footprint.
  17. M

    This ‘Dennis the Menace’ tested his parents' nerves with his skill tester feat!

    Why wasn't the nanny looking after the child, if the parents wanted "alone time". If the nanny wasn't available and they had to take him to the pub, they should have made sure, they never took their eyes off him, by making him sit at the table and have a meal with them. Never too early to learn...
  18. M

    People are split on this shopper’s ‘easy-to-miss’ discovery on a tray of butcher steaks

    Have a conscience and Do the right thing and let the Have a conscience, do the right thing and let them know they undercharged you. If you were overcharged, you wouldn't have complained bitterly. For goodness sake, have a conscience and For goodness sake, have a conscience and own up, that...
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