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  1. W

    Woman dies on the spot before Qantas flight take-off

    I bet my bottom dollar that the TB story is a load of BS to cover up something they would like to hide! We all know what that is.
  2. W

    Woman dies on the spot before Qantas flight take-off

    I wonder if the 'carrot' had anything to do with this tragic event.
  3. W

    Prepare your wallets: Here are several changes in the new financial year

    Smells like Albosleezy and his band of gypsies trying to appease people and garner votes. TOO LATE Albo! You screwed up and you're OUT next elections!
  4. W

    Woolworths urges shoppers to stay calm amid eggs-asperating store policy

    Keep wearing those blindfolds!
  5. W

    Woolworths urges shoppers to stay calm amid eggs-asperating store policy

    Did you open the link? WTF would he make that up??? He is a large organic farmer who is paying attention to what is going on while the rest of the sheep carry on in ignorant bliss. Voltaire once said, 'Coming events cast their shadows long beforehand'. The old proverb 'Where there is smoke there...
  6. W

    Woolworths urges shoppers to stay calm amid eggs-asperating store policy

    Here is the info I received. In it there is a link Hi Everyone, Been a while which was starting to feel positive = no news is good news. Sadly there is a new press release which if you want to read the whole thing you can do so here -...
  7. W

    Woolworths urges shoppers to stay calm amid eggs-asperating store policy

    That information was supplied to me by an NSW farmer. I don't make these things up. I'll find the email, screenshot it and send it to you. Apparently it is being done to 'protect the foetuses' which sounds like BS to me.
  8. W

    Woolworths urges shoppers to stay calm amid eggs-asperating store policy

    This debacle is deliberately engineered by the low life that want to destroy the food supply. Just like the covid virus, the 'bird flu' is lab created and deliberately released so that one million UNAFFECTED chickens could be slaughtered! Wake up people! It's called creeping communism! Those...
  9. W

    Bird flu outbreak strikes commercial poultry farm

    These diseases are being deliberately created and released for the same reason Fauci used 'gain of function' on the common cold virus to create covid. Wake up and see through the lies and deceit. You are the target!
  10. W

    Bird flu outbreak strikes commercial poultry farm

    It's people like YOU who spread the lies and create the fear porn. FFS put a sock in it or are you being paid off by the low life in high places to publish this garbage??? We have had 3 years of these lies and it's all created and perpetrated by those that want to destroy the food supply with...
  11. W

    Travel trouble: Measles scare in Aussie state after overseas trip highlights vaccination gaps

    That's because they have got smart and wise to the corruption of the vax manufacturers and the fact there is a direct correlation between the increase in childhood vaccines and autism!
  12. W

    Travel trouble: Measles scare in Aussie state after overseas trip highlights vaccination gaps

    Speak for yourself! At least I'm not brainwashed by the media and the drug companies! You remind of those idiots (Kerry Chant and Brad Hazzard (who got charged for corruption)) that got on TV every night puking up all these fake numbers about how many covid cases (that were really just flu)...
  13. W

    Travel trouble: Measles scare in Aussie state after overseas trip highlights vaccination gaps

    ONE child gets sick and you have to publish all the fear porn! SHAME ON YOU! How much are you getting paid to puke up this trash???
  14. W

    Travel trouble: Measles scare in Aussie state after overseas trip highlights vaccination gaps

    Sounds like youre paid big pharma shill or someone who has not being paying attention to the stats that PROVE this rubbish is not only ineffective, is NOT a true vaccine and is responsible for many more deaths worldwide that it ever saved which was ZERO! Antivaxxers KNOW the truth about this...
  15. W

    Dream holiday in Australia turns to nightmare: 74-year-old tourist contracts ‘deadly’ disease

    We have had to listen to this covid disease propaganda for 3 years! Give it a break. PLEASE!!!! Everyone gets sick at times. That's life but the world doesn't care or need to know about it. If people are careless and travel without insurance and get sick, that is THEIR problem. Don't stick it to...
  16. W

    Hospitals warn Aussies about surge of triple-virus cases. Are you protected?

    Dead right! God help us all if the WHO take control of Australia's sovereignty.
  17. W

    Hospitals warn Aussies about surge of triple-virus cases. Are you protected?

    Just so fed up with this constant barrage of fear propaganda but what's really sad is how most people (sheeple) just believe it without questioning the publisher's motives! It's totally unnecessary and promotes fearful compliance with medical BS just like the mendacious media spews out non-stop...
  18. W

    Hospitals warn Aussies about surge of triple-virus cases. Are you protected?

    It would be really appreciated if you would STOP publishing this 'Brad Hazzard / Kerry Chant' fear porn! Don't you think we have all had enough of being bombarded with this negative, Big Pharm profiting garbage?? Give us a break!!!
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