Spot on,you should not be retirement age and still paying tent!!!If you have 800k between you in super you wages couldn't have been bad at all.Again people never think of retirement or getting old till they are.Drink yes,gamble,yes,smoke yes, trips yes Harley hell why not.....then oh we still...
Yes Luckyus, were where all these SDC members when super was introduced?? It was meant for nothing other than retirement,not a savings fund to buy anything.
No one is hoarding anything
When the government I introduced super,it was for NO OTHER REASON THAN SAVING IT FOR RETIREMENT SO LESS BURDEN WITH LESS PENSIONERS.Since when has super "now let's see what we can do with it now idea".It was just that FOR RETIREMENT not to build the mcmansion,boat,2...
Absolutely Marnie.As a self funded retiree,we all scraped and saved and salary sacrificed so we could have a decent super and not burden the system.Seems to me we are the ones getting screwed again
Absolutely ,but I also think everyone is forgetting that superannuation was introduced so that you don't go on a pension and can support yourself in retirement,not as a savings account you draw on when you want THE HOUSE and then what,more pensioners to support later.Fouble edged sword
I agree with what you say Khate,but it can get even more unfair when after doing all you have said,paid off your said home,put your kids through uni so no hex when they come out,don't smoke drink.or gamble to plan for your retirement,you are the classified a self funded retiree(great that's...
Yor place of birth or name is of no interest to me and so glad you found
found the humour in your name said wrong all these years.But it's a long time since then and we are supposedly all older and wiser So yes let's leave it, especially when you have nowhere to hide or support you.Noticd not...
It's what I expected from you little boy,again have a go again,this time with my sdc name.Just as expected.I do try and have a life I am 63 with a ,68 year young husband with a terminal illness andy only grandson is so autistic he can't even go to an autism school,but have a go,tell me to...
It's what I expected from you little boy,again have a go again,this time with my sdc name.Just as expected.I do try and have a life I am 63 with a ,68 year young husband with a terminal illness andy only grandson is so autistic he can't even go to an autism school,but have a go,tell me to...
I really am.trying to really,just erks me when people make fun of other people's names just because they are not spelt the norm.No wonder our society is in the mess it is,if people have to make fun of the woman taking over from Sam,because of her surname,what chance do we have of accepting each...
You are very very funny (not)just an ignoramus, racist that can't make an effort to spell someone's name so it's easier to make fun of it, and when called out blame spell check.At least have the guts to own up to the fact your were making fun of her.
I don't know the woman or watched any of the shows my injection was with someone making fun of somebody's surname just because they are too ignorant to look above,read it and repeat it by spelling it correctly before writing it down.Do you have any opinion on that Zorro56
Absolutely,she IS with you.I won't bite the crowd with all my experiences of messages sent to me straight after a loved ones death,even my precious puppy that died after 17 years,had just got back from the vet too.