I think this is a great idea These would be a godsend if built near hospitals Hospital staff can’t afford to live near their workplace and spend hours travelling to and from work. Sometimes emergencies come in and staff are travelling on public transport very late at night
I’ve been accused of stealing a couple of times No apology when it became obvious they were wrong. I also was accused of being racially prejudiced when I asked for the manager. The manager when he eventually turned up ,was about 18 and gave me a form to fill in and had me leave without my...
The council reminds us from time to time that parking in driveways can hamper acceptability to emergency vehicles Ive seen neighbours have to rush out to move vehicles for the arrival of ambulances I’ve also seen neighbours argue about moving cars for ambulances when there was on street...
We have had food deliveries left outside our gate Once we had food left in next doors driveway We have no problems with Australia post but some other carriers leave a lot to be desired at times
I so agree. I don’t beliege she wasn’t aware at some level that she was doing wrong I think the Doctor should have thought something was off. A lot of Drs these days don’t know their patients They don’t recognise family connections
I hate it when that happens to me too. When there’s plenty of empty seats on the bus I have to wonder why people do it. They can sit anywhere in the bus after all. I think here they both need to think about that bus trip