I groan every morning when I am getting out of bed, Think I could do with an electric winch to make it easier, and then I think about the electric bill.
I shop at Aldi, I keep an exercise book and anything bought for the first time is entered into the book with the price, I make my shopping list out and for each article wanted write down the last price paid, to be on the safe side I add another $20, this gives me an idea of what my bill will be...
Here is another of my poems dedicated to all our members.
High and mighty we still stand
In this great Australian land
We are members of the grey brigade
Some with false teeth and hearing aid
Every day a gift...
Well, we have to have a change to afternoon jokes, my afternoon joke book as reached the xmas section so we will be breaking into the morning section to keep you happy.
What did the porcupine say to the cactus? Are you my mother?
Still use my land line, set up so the operator asks who is calling and asks me if I want to speak to them, it is amazing how many put the phone down when asked who is calling.