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  1. Bagshaw

    Popular Australian cleaning brand and craft beer company enters voluntary administration

    Instead of wasting money, sending overseas, why aren`t Australian Governments making sure that business who are doing it tough get help. More business`s closing down, more people out of work, yet we send Taxpayers money overseas where it never goes to the people on the ground, but...
  2. Bagshaw

    Uncover Your Food Waste Habits: Discover Which of These Three Household Categories You Belong To!

    I very seldom have food that goes to waste. As I am on my own, I cook enough veges or Stews (made with Lentils, Tofu or beans) which I freeze in containers for about 3 meals. Also I use veges and salad items to make a salad for lunch, add an egg, cheese, dressing and lunch is sorted...
  3. Bagshaw

    Find out which Hungry Jack's items a nutritionist warns you should never eat!

    She forgot to mention McDonalds. There was one of their Waygu Burgers 1 of the GrandDaughters Partner had left on the outside table. It had been there for about 4 days, under a hat. I thought it was just a hat left behind but when I removed it, there was the burger. About...
  4. Bagshaw

    Government cracks down on NDIS fraud and overcharging: 'There is no room for rorts'

    Thank goodness Providers who do the wrong thing are being brought to justice. Age Care Providers also need to be looked at. Unfortunately ripping the Disabled and Aged off has been out there since it all started.
  5. Bagshaw

    NDIS cost scrutiny is intensifying again – the past shows this can harm health and wellbeing for people with disability

    Really, People with Disabilities have it hard enough as it is, also their Carer`s. They don`t want to be Disabled, but unfortunately either through Birth, Accident, or illness they need help. Why pick on the Disabled. How about the unemployable who get payments, and then...
  6. Bagshaw

    Coles shopper allegedly gets scolded by employee for scanning groceries ‘in the wrong order’!

    I do not like having to use self serve. Thank goodness in Mackay, there is still a couple of supermarkets who have check outs and also fast checkout. We pay enough for our Groceries, yet have to do all the scanning, packing ourselves???? We should get a discount if going...
  7. Bagshaw

    More farmers speak out against Coles and Woolworths: ‘They're manipulating the market’

    And the Government have allowed ownership of Dairy Factories to the 2 main Supermarkets. Where is the competition. More Farmers are going to be looking at selling overseas, or going bankrupt.
  8. Bagshaw

    The Malanda Lions Club is transforming pensioner living and easing rental stress

    Good on you Lions Club. An amazing job you are doing. Yet Councils, State and Federal Governments just go on their happy way ignoring that the Seniors who have worked hard all their life, paid taxes and through different circumstances are left out in the cold.
  9. Bagshaw

    You won't believe the dirtiest places you're touching each day!

    Money is not called Dirty Money for nothing. Though we don`t want to go cashless, just wash/sterilise hands after touching money. But the worst is Supermarkets. I have seen So Many Women, walk out of the Toilets, not washing hands, and yes going to the Supermarket.. Not...
  10. Bagshaw

    Outrage forces Aussie shopping centre to take down Christmas decoration

    People from other Cultures must respect our culture, as we respect theirs. I am getting so frustrated with how we have to give up our traditions and be PC, when on the whole Cultures from other countries, just get with their lives, and don`t worry about all our Christmas traditions...
  11. Bagshaw

    The latest move by Coles, Woolworths and Kmart sparked outrage from shoppers

    I prefer to be served by a Person, not have to do the work myself. I have stopped going to the local KMart and Target due to them being completely self serve. Probably have to stop going to major Supermarkets if they do the same. There is a couple of Fruit and Vegetable shops here...
  12. Bagshaw

    Tragic twist: Clare Nowland's death exposes non-compliant facility post-alleged taser incident

    A lot of Nursing Homes do not meet the required Health and Safety issues. Also the cleaning, food, and staff are not up to standard. When Audits a carried out, the Facilities are notified before hand, so there is a rush to get things ready, Staff are rostered on who are known not to...
  13. Bagshaw

    Why is this hardworking grandmother's story sparking outrage among Australians?

    Good on you Vesa. A lot of people could take a leaf out of your book. I`ve just retired at 74, and do a lot of Volunteer Work now.
  14. Bagshaw

    Peach n Blueberry Cobbler

    Its the oldest desert in the book. Mum made it often, and we often had it at Grandad`s. I`m 74. I made it often for the family,. It is in most cookery books and certainly most Kiwi`s will have it in the Edmonds Cook Book.
  15. Bagshaw

    Taste Test: SDC Tries… Woolworths ‘Gourmet’ Bakery Cookies

    To me they are full of sugar and additives. As someone who bakes at home, I know what goes into Cookies/Biscuits, cake and muffins. Certainly not margarine, full of additives, but plain butter. Either bake your own or buy cookies, biscuits, cake etc at local markets, where they...
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