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  1. P

    Revealed: The Shocking Amount of Money Spent by Australia's First Nations Ambassador on Luxury Travel and Limos!

    Whoever gave this clown a job should be sacked on the spot for stupidity.
  2. P

    Discover the Controversial Acts of an Aboriginal Elder Who Defies the Law—and Why Police Can't Stop Him!

    There can only be one law and must be followed by everyone be they white black brown or brindle.This rubbish only continues to widen the gap.
  3. P

    Big pay rise for over 5 million Aussies: What you need to know

    You assume I am rich, far from it. I inherited a 120 acre block which precludes me from a pension until I eat the said block of ground, can't sell it as
  4. P

    Big pay rise for over 5 million Aussies: What you need to know

    Try being a self funded retiree, we get f all, that's right absolutely nothing, yet are we always whinging like a lot of others who think the world owes them a living. If they didn't waste money on smoking or drinking and put something away for retirement perhaps they wouldn't have to rely on...
  5. P

    Shopper disappointed over gruesome discovery on Woolworths roast chicken: ‘I’m so put off chicken’

    And just what was wrong with the rest of the shopping, nothing, just born whingers. The contamination would have happened after the chicken left the shop.
  6. P

    Are you living in a danger zone? Data exposes most reckless driving hotspots in this city

    The easiest way to correct bad driving is simply to keep doubling the fines, say $500 1st offence, $1000 second $2000 third $4000 and so on, I'm sure after being caught and realising what future fines will be they will change driving habits.
  7. P

    Slash your doctor's bills with this huge $189 million Medicare change!

    All I can see is the government wasting another 189 million, won't solve a thing.
  8. P

    Breaking news: Laybuy's crisis—important updates for your wallet

    It's not an essential service, live within your means, if you can't afford to pay for it now, wait until you can.
  9. P

    A breakfast staple is declining in the market—should you be worried?

    The Tafe teacher would have to explain it very very slowly for some people.
  10. P

    A breakfast staple is declining in the market—should you be worried?

    Climate change has been happening on and off for millions of years and will continue for millions more. On the subject of orange shortage just got back from a trip through South Aust/Northern Victoria and observed millions of tonnes of fruit just lying on the ground beneath the trees. What shortage.
  11. P

    Proposed bill aims to fine businesses and individuals up to $25,000 for refusing cash payments

    Whilst I am against a cashless society for a number of reasons, I feel the Government is going too far with this rubbish. When will they stop trying to run our lives. Next they will be telling you when you can take a crap.
  12. P

    Scam at Coles.

    People are saying they are getting scam messages from Coles. News flash people, Coles DO NOT send scam messages, it's scammers that do that. You can't blame Coles.
  13. P

    Government decision hits Chemist Warehouse's prescription policy

    Whatever fool thinks putting prices of perceptions up is going to save us money is living in la la land. They should go back to school and actually learn about money. Someone please explain how charging us more will help us save money.
  14. P

    Social media scam victim on a mission for a nationwide call to action against fraud syndicates

    It's good that Deb is trying to warn others not to fall for the scam she fell for. Most people aren't that dumb. Remember all these so called celebrity people doing these ads are all fake and you just need to ignore them.
  15. P

    Passengers bug out over airline's unexpected in-flight pest control spray!

    Firstly you said it was a disinfectant, if it is to kill bug's mosquitoes etc. it is a pesticide not a disinfectant.
  16. P

    Grandmother ‘humiliated’ after being swindled out of thousands from a high-tech scam

    This doesn't really need a response, if it sounds to good to be true it usually always is. Why would you wait to contact your friend until after you sent the money. Invest 10 thousand and get 200 thousand back be great wouldn't it. People need to engage their brains more.
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