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What's this image saying?
G'day, members!
The game is simple (but not as simple as it looks!) Essentially, all you have to do is try to figure out what the image is trying to 'spell out' i.e. What 'word' does the image presented represent? Good luck.

The answer we were looking for is…
Greeting card
Congratulations to these members who got it correct!

Mark K, Suzanne rose, Ivory, Aussie Rick, Mikev, PLK, GeeLee56, StarTrekker, Maureen S, Gilly/P, marrels, Stewart, thomas, Jennylolo, Southmelbswans, Glennbee, tdav56, julie612765, Pete .C, HeatherS, Suemalloo, Judio, Kahlan28, gillianmg, Coyney, KenBruce, doglover, pbattershill, LEEANNE Emmett, Cairn, Helen171, darrellh, Keith Roberts, Karensfred, KennyB, Jo Piper3, Bazza boy, Janelles, Heywoodjablome, Leggles, Tuppence37, Paradise_Laura2023, Virgoros, Vickers, Marilynne, SandyM, Jan A, Jelp26, Bullwinkle, cberk, Iggydi, BillyB, Gards, JulesPalm, Rowiee, BrendaO, Wendy, Robyn M for Mary, Bfw, Gus, Dazzasboats, Rick62, Laurie53, simongirl, Nanajane, Charlotte59, gamiry, cblayney, Sharon Newbury, margaretritchie48, metungspark, Iris, robbos#1, PepeLePew, elaj711, ElizabethL, Judy ABowser, PeakA, Heather W, Rotidama, Swizzle, Fisherman2320, chezna, TrishH, Snug, Doug one, Hazel John Gibson, Jennymg, Barry Hutton, Sheriella, Sandra Jim, Viellarde, Roh, Dorothy Kay, Liag, MCF, Jethrotull, Ginny Burke, Old@last, dianearnold, Sue Thomas, JudyPR, SonsofPlatinum, TrixieLovesTigers, Anne69, echrisdave, Annewithane, WendyW1954, Helen Jeffery, KatGee, wjs1957, jmarshall72, The Moth, Mustang GT, linmur57, leslie_may, celnikierd, 02bJax, janj, Quietkate, Abby22, DLHM, Margaret 9, katdragon2010, Ray Black, jaydee6033, Rose-Marie, sylfield, Jron, athyg, Snowtiger, Grandma10, lAURY, Sandygwalk
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